The race pimping trump did at the SOTU

trump democrat.jpg
Look at him POINT at her. Body language says it all. That's not how you console someone. That's how you display something.
Perhaps you are right. OTH, if Obama was photo'ed doing the EXACT SAME THING, your emotions would have you interpret it quite differently.

I had a class in the interpretation of art and photography. What the viewer brings to a piece is often more important that the piece itself.
You're utterly wrong on this one. First off, don't tell me how I feel; I can handle that on my own, thanks. Second, I am right about his body language. Obama would never have made that gesture while he consoled a grieving mother. If you aren't sure what "console" looks like, Google it.

Fine, I apologize about telling you how you feel.

OTH, NO, you are not right about body language. I agree with you, it was a two-fold agenda. He WAS using them as political props., and doing poorly at it, OTOH, I do think he does hold in high regard the families of public servants. I read the whole article and watched the video. That old lady was there, in his presence, you and I weren't. I do believe she was the better judge on who was consoling her. If she felt the POTUS redirecting the support of the nation for her loss? Who the hell am I, or YOU, to tell her that her feelings are invalid? :dunno:

WATCH THE VIDEO. READ THE ARTICLE. And the question yourself and your hate toward the president, WHY, why would she even act that way, as the president himself said, he hadn't even planned to bring them up on stage?

Remember, the propaganda of the corporate media is doing everything it can to frame him as a cold, unfeeling, calculating psychopath. DON'T FALL FOR IT.

And maybe I will agree with you. You can never say what Obama would have, or would not have done, b/c we don't know why Trump is making that gesture. Mostly likely, so that he can get the nation to acknowledge the tragedy. To focus our attention on HER, and how wonderful SHE is. He said he wasn't even going to bring them up there. He did it, because he claims he cares. Why do you insist on making him into something sub-human? Why are you so easily duped by the spin?

He is TRYING to do a good thing, to get the nation to grieve with this family, why do you need to make it about hatred for HIM? I don't get it?

This is about THEM.

It is really damn easy to try to "judge" body language from faction of a second stills, but that is bullshit.

(It should tell you something when even the BBC makes that still their video image. derp derp derp. :71:)


Who the hell am I, or YOU, to tell her that her feelings are invalid?
Where did I do that?

Thanks for the vids. It tells another story, doesn't it? Trump does like first responders and others in uniform, you're right. The still was misleading, but the pointing still shows where his head is at. Just the performer in him, maybe, so why would anyone be surprised.
So again, we see another example of the race pimping by the modern republican party. No one in the modern republican party owned slaves, you are the first to say that. Yours is the party that asks why should you be blamed for something you did not do. So the modern republican party did not free the slaves. The modern republican party gets no credit for things they say they were not around to do. And even worse for them is that life went on after slavery and republicans have stood for racial inequality and overt racism. Racists here at USMB admit to being republicans. Todays republican party supports the maintenance of the confederate ideal and some want a return to the confederacy. Abraham Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation, but the supreme court led by republican justices, made certain to mute federal government authority in the civil rights cases of 1883 when they established the doctrine of states rights. The majority of votes supporting separate but equal in Plessy were republican. In 1964 and 1965 a democrat signed what amounted to our second emancipation proclamations when he signed the Voting Rights and Civil Rights Acts.

So it's just time republicans end the race pimping when you tell us how democrats owned slaves in 1860 so we need to be republicans in 2020.
So would you rather that Trump did not award the little black girl with a scholarship and would you prefer that he had not recognized the black Tuskegee airman and his service to America? Trump is white and they are black so in your pure stupidity you label it race primping! Yep! You are a racist and a fucking race baiter.

trumps race pimping was only d9one for show. He did these things in an election year. That Tuskegee airman was alive last year and the year before. They girl was already in one of the best schools in Philly. You guys call race pimping when blacks actually point out racism, but using blacks as props in an election year just can't be race pimping.

Pointing out race pimping is not racist.
Answer the question. Would you rather he had not offered a scholarship? Would you rather he had not honored the Tuskegee Airman? It’s a simple question.

I'd rather the fat assed piece of shit did not lie about the girl. Is that asking too much???
Look at him POINT at her. Body language says it all. That's not how you console someone. That's how you display something.
Perhaps you are right. OTH, if Obama was photo'ed doing the EXACT SAME THING, your emotions would have you interpret it quite differently.

I had a class in the interpretation of art and photography. What the viewer brings to a piece is often more important that the piece itself.
You're utterly wrong on this one. First off, don't tell me how I feel; I can handle that on my own, thanks. Second, I am right about his body language. Obama would never have made that gesture while he consoled a grieving mother. If you aren't sure what "console" looks like, Google it.

Fine, I apologize about telling you how you feel.

OTH, NO, you are not right about body language. I agree with you, it was a two-fold agenda. He WAS using them as political props., and doing poorly at it, OTOH, I do think he does hold in high regard the families of public servants. I read the whole article and watched the video. That old lady was there, in his presence, you and I weren't. I do believe she was the better judge on who was consoling her. If she felt the POTUS redirecting the support of the nation for her loss? Who the hell am I, or YOU, to tell her that her feelings are invalid? :dunno:

WATCH THE VIDEO. READ THE ARTICLE. And the question yourself and your hate toward the president, WHY, why would she even act that way, as the president himself said, he hadn't even planned to bring them up on stage?

Remember, the propaganda of the corporate media is doing everything it can to frame him as a cold, unfeeling, calculating psychopath. DON'T FALL FOR IT.

And maybe I will agree with you. You can never say what Obama would have, or would not have done, b/c we don't know why Trump is making that gesture. Mostly likely, so that he can get the nation to acknowledge the tragedy. To focus our attention on HER, and how wonderful SHE is. He said he wasn't even going to bring them up there. He did it, because he claims he cares. Why do you insist on making him into something sub-human? Why are you so easily duped by the spin?

He is TRYING to do a good thing, to get the nation to grieve with this family, why do you need to make it about hatred for HIM? I don't get it?

This is about THEM.

It is really damn easy to try to "judge" body language from faction of a second stills, but that is bullshit.

(It should tell you something when even the BBC makes that still their video image. derp derp derp. :71:)


Stop calling criticism of trump hate. He's lied over 16,000 times, he's shown himself to be an absolute asshole, so criticizing him is not about hate. He's done this to himself.

I'm not.

Of course all politicians should be held to account and criticized when they are in the wrong.

OTH, if media boldly creates spun stories that are untrue, or take good things they are doing and turn them into bad? We should look into that, and fact check it.
So again, we see another example of the race pimping by the modern republican party. No one in the modern republican party owned slaves, you are the first to say that. Yours is the party that asks why should you be blamed for something you did not do. So the modern republican party did not free the slaves. The modern republican party gets no credit for things they say they were not around to do. And even worse for them is that life went on after slavery and republicans have stood for racial inequality and overt racism. Racists here at USMB admit to being republicans. Todays republican party supports the maintenance of the confederate ideal and some want a return to the confederacy. Abraham Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation, but the supreme court led by republican justices, made certain to mute federal government authority in the civil rights cases of 1883 when they established the doctrine of states rights. The majority of votes supporting separate but equal in Plessy were republican. In 1964 and 1965 a democrat signed what amounted to our second emancipation proclamations when he signed the Voting Rights and Civil Rights Acts.

So it's just time republicans end the race pimping when you tell us how democrats owned slaves in 1860 so we need to be republicans in 2020.
So would you rather that Trump did not award the little black girl with a scholarship and would you prefer that he had not recognized the black Tuskegee airman and his service to America? Trump is white and they are black so in your pure stupidity you label it race primping! Yep! You are a racist and a fucking race baiter.

trumps race pimping was only d9one for show. He did these things in an election year. That Tuskegee airman was alive last year and the year before. They girl was already in one of the best schools in Philly. You guys call race pimping when blacks actually point out racism, but using blacks as props in an election year just can't be race pimping.

Pointing out race pimping is not racist.
Answer the question. Would you rather he had not offered a scholarship? Would you rather he had not honored the Tuskegee Airman? It’s a simple question.

I'd rather the fat assed piece of shit did not lie about the girl. Is that asking too much???
One thing I know for sure, asking your Fat Ass to quit lying about ANYTHING is asking too much of YOU.
I live in Philly.
The schools are horrible. The Mayor appoints the school board. The City sold most of the school buildings and make sweet heart deals with Private charter schools. The schools are bankrupting the City.
There are a few good charter schools for the few smart kids. The rest are basically uneducated.

Trump probably did exaggerate the whole thing because that's what he always does but so what.
Try to watch some old Obama SOTUs if you want to hear what real lies sound like.
Typical Republicasn bulldsghit.

OMG the schools are failing so lets help a few kids escape. Instead of saying "Let's fix those schools".

Republicans are such dicks.

The government has been trying to 'save' schools forever. My dad was a teacher in the eighties, and I got to see first hand all the hair brained things government did to fix things. I say let the government keep on 'fixing' education and give people the chance to escape the madness. Maybe letting people escape is the only thing that can spur a change to the messed up department of education.
Department of Education on the federal level has little to do with how these schools function. Currently federal funding accounts for 8%.

Are you talking about increasing this, then great.

The Dept of Ed has everything to do with how the schools function. The teachers are forced to enact every awful plan that comes down the pike every two years. I agree funding is mostly state, and completely messed up, but overall kids are already getting an absurd amount of dollars per student with decreasing results. It would help of course if they paid teachers instead of building brand new gyms and stadiums, but I'll leave that to the education forum. Bottom line is that the government is perpetually trying to 'fix' the mess we have, and maybe people should be given the option to escape.
Total bullshit. The feds demand little of schools. They do set standards, etc for schools to follow if they accept federal funding. Education is important for our country to succeed.

Allowing a few kids to escape & leaving the rest in a failiing school with now less funding solves nothing.

Public schools must accept everyone.

A private school wants to skim off the chosen & says look how great we are. This is bullshit.

Most important school decisions are made at the local level. They hire the teachers & work with the family & community. That is what is needed. Not a bunch of Republicans trying to privatize education.

Here we have cyber schools. They advertise free education at home yet the school districts pay for this. Millions of dollars being sucked out of our public schools thanks to Republicans.
So again, we see another example of the race pimping by the modern republican party. No one in the modern republican party owned slaves, you are the first to say that. Yours is the party that asks why should you be blamed for something you did not do. So the modern republican party did not free the slaves. The modern republican party gets no credit for things they say they were not around to do. And even worse for them is that life went on after slavery and republicans have stood for racial inequality and overt racism. Racists here at USMB admit to being republicans. Todays republican party supports the maintenance of the confederate ideal and some want a return to the confederacy. Abraham Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation, but the supreme court led by republican justices, made certain to mute federal government authority in the civil rights cases of 1883 when they established the doctrine of states rights. The majority of votes supporting separate but equal in Plessy were republican. In 1964 and 1965 a democrat signed what amounted to our second emancipation proclamations when he signed the Voting Rights and Civil Rights Acts.

So it's just time republicans end the race pimping when you tell us how democrats owned slaves in 1860 so we need to be republicans in 2020.
So would you rather that Trump did not award the little black girl with a scholarship and would you prefer that he had not recognized the black Tuskegee airman and his service to America? Trump is white and they are black so in your pure stupidity you label it race primping! Yep! You are a racist and a fucking race baiter.

trumps race pimping was only d9one for show. He did these things in an election year. That Tuskegee airman was alive last year and the year before. They girl was already in one of the best schools in Philly. You guys call race pimping when blacks actually point out racism, but using blacks as props in an election year just can't be race pimping.

Pointing out race pimping is not racist.
Answer the question. Would you rather he had not offered a scholarship? Would you rather he had not honored the Tuskegee Airman? It’s a simple question.

I'd rather the fat assed piece of shit did not lie about the girl. Is that asking too much???
One thing I know for sure, asking your Fat Ass to quit lying about ANYTHING is asking too much of YOU.
Trump lied to you, Woody. And you are so far up his ass that you don't care.
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Look at him POINT at her. Body language says it all. That's not how you console someone. That's how you display something.
Perhaps you are right. OTH, if Obama was photo'ed doing the EXACT SAME THING, your emotions would have you interpret it quite differently.

I had a class in the interpretation of art and photography. What the viewer brings to a piece is often more important that the piece itself.
You're utterly wrong on this one. First off, don't tell me how I feel; I can handle that on my own, thanks. Second, I am right about his body language. Obama would never have made that gesture while he consoled a grieving mother. If you aren't sure what "console" looks like, Google it.

Fine, I apologize about telling you how you feel.

OTH, NO, you are not right about body language. I agree with you, it was a two-fold agenda. He WAS using them as political props., and doing poorly at it, OTOH, I do think he does hold in high regard the families of public servants. I read the whole article and watched the video. That old lady was there, in his presence, you and I weren't. I do believe she was the better judge on who was consoling her. If she felt the POTUS redirecting the support of the nation for her loss? Who the hell am I, or YOU, to tell her that her feelings are invalid? :dunno:

WATCH THE VIDEO. READ THE ARTICLE. And the question yourself and your hate toward the president, WHY, why would she even act that way, as the president himself said, he hadn't even planned to bring them up on stage?

Remember, the propaganda of the corporate media is doing everything it can to frame him as a cold, unfeeling, calculating psychopath. DON'T FALL FOR IT.

And maybe I will agree with you. You can never say what Obama would have, or would not have done, b/c we don't know why Trump is making that gesture. Mostly likely, so that he can get the nation to acknowledge the tragedy. To focus our attention on HER, and how wonderful SHE is. He said he wasn't even going to bring them up there. He did it, because he claims he cares. Why do you insist on making him into something sub-human? Why are you so easily duped by the spin?

He is TRYING to do a good thing, to get the nation to grieve with this family, why do you need to make it about hatred for HIM? I don't get it?

This is about THEM.

It is really damn easy to try to "judge" body language from faction of a second stills, but that is bullshit.

(It should tell you something when even the BBC makes that still their video image. derp derp derp. :71:)


Stop calling criticism of trump hate. He's lied over 16,000 times, he's shown himself to be an absolute asshole, so criticizing him is not about hate. He's done this to himself.

I'm not.

Of course all politicians should be held to account and criticized when they are in the wrong.

OTH, if media boldly creates spun stories that are untrue, or take good things they are doing and turn them into bad? We should look into that, and fact check it.

Let's do it.

Pick an example of the press twisting something Trump did.
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So again, we see another example of the race pimping by the modern republican party. No one in the modern republican party owned slaves, you are the first to say that. Yours is the party that asks why should you be blamed for something you did not do. So the modern republican party did not free the slaves. The modern republican party gets no credit for things they say they were not around to do. And even worse for them is that life went on after slavery and republicans have stood for racial inequality and overt racism. Racists here at USMB admit to being republicans. Todays republican party supports the maintenance of the confederate ideal and some want a return to the confederacy. Abraham Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation, but the supreme court led by republican justices, made certain to mute federal government authority in the civil rights cases of 1883 when they established the doctrine of states rights. The majority of votes supporting separate but equal in Plessy were republican. In 1964 and 1965 a democrat signed what amounted to our second emancipation proclamations when he signed the Voting Rights and Civil Rights Acts.

So it's just time republicans end the race pimping when you tell us how democrats owned slaves in 1860 so we need to be republicans in 2020.
So would you rather that Trump did not award the little black girl with a scholarship and would you prefer that he had not recognized the black Tuskegee airman and his service to America? Trump is white and they are black so in your pure stupidity you label it race primping! Yep! You are a racist and a fucking race baiter.

trumps race pimping was only d9one for show. He did these things in an election year. That Tuskegee airman was alive last year and the year before. They girl was already in one of the best schools in Philly. You guys call race pimping when blacks actually point out racism, but using blacks as props in an election year just can't be race pimping.

Pointing out race pimping is not racist.
Answer the question. Would you rather he had not offered a scholarship? Would you rather he had not honored the Tuskegee Airman? It’s a simple question.

I'd rather the fat assed piece of shit did not lie about the girl. Is that asking too much???
So that’s a no? She should not have gotten a scholarship?
Perhaps you are right. OTH, if Obama was photo'ed doing the EXACT SAME THING, your emotions would have you interpret it quite differently.

I had a class in the interpretation of art and photography. What the viewer brings to a piece is often more important that the piece itself.
You're utterly wrong on this one. First off, don't tell me how I feel; I can handle that on my own, thanks. Second, I am right about his body language. Obama would never have made that gesture while he consoled a grieving mother. If you aren't sure what "console" looks like, Google it.

Fine, I apologize about telling you how you feel.

OTH, NO, you are not right about body language. I agree with you, it was a two-fold agenda. He WAS using them as political props., and doing poorly at it, OTOH, I do think he does hold in high regard the families of public servants. I read the whole article and watched the video. That old lady was there, in his presence, you and I weren't. I do believe she was the better judge on who was consoling her. If she felt the POTUS redirecting the support of the nation for her loss? Who the hell am I, or YOU, to tell her that her feelings are invalid? :dunno:

WATCH THE VIDEO. READ THE ARTICLE. And the question yourself and your hate toward the president, WHY, why would she even act that way, as the president himself said, he hadn't even planned to bring them up on stage?

Remember, the propaganda of the corporate media is doing everything it can to frame him as a cold, unfeeling, calculating psychopath. DON'T FALL FOR IT.

And maybe I will agree with you. You can never say what Obama would have, or would not have done, b/c we don't know why Trump is making that gesture. Mostly likely, so that he can get the nation to acknowledge the tragedy. To focus our attention on HER, and how wonderful SHE is. He said he wasn't even going to bring them up there. He did it, because he claims he cares. Why do you insist on making him into something sub-human? Why are you so easily duped by the spin?

He is TRYING to do a good thing, to get the nation to grieve with this family, why do you need to make it about hatred for HIM? I don't get it?

This is about THEM.

It is really damn easy to try to "judge" body language from faction of a second stills, but that is bullshit.

(It should tell you something when even the BBC makes that still their video image. derp derp derp. :71:)


Stop calling criticism of trump hate. He's lied over 16,000 times, he's shown himself to be an absolute asshole, so criticizing him is not about hate. He's done this to himself.

I'm not.

Of course all politicians should be held to account and criticized when they are in the wrong.

OTH, if media boldly creates spun stories that are untrue, or take good things they are doing and turn them into bad? We should look into that, and fact check it.

Let's do it.

Pick an example of the press twisting something Trump did.

Where did the dossier come from?
So would you rather that Trump did not award the little black girl with a scholarship and would you prefer that he had not recognized the black Tuskegee airman and his service to America? Trump is white and they are black so in your pure stupidity you label it race primping! Yep! You are a racist and a fucking race baiter.

trumps race pimping was only d9one for show. He did these things in an election year. That Tuskegee airman was alive last year and the year before. They girl was already in one of the best schools in Philly. You guys call race pimping when blacks actually point out racism, but using blacks as props in an election year just can't be race pimping.

Pointing out race pimping is not racist.
Answer the question. Would you rather he had not offered a scholarship? Would you rather he had not honored the Tuskegee Airman? It’s a simple question.

I'd rather the fat assed piece of shit did not lie about the girl. Is that asking too much???
One thing I know for sure, asking your Fat Ass to quit lying about ANYTHING is asking too much of YOU.
Trump lied to you, Woody. And you are so far up his ass that you don't care.
Seems to me, you and your party lied to The Entire Population of America, you Demon Possessed Denizen of Hell.

You lied about Russian Collusion, and even paid for the scam yourself.
You lied about corruption in The Obama Administration and half of Mueller's Corrupt team is now under Criminal Indictment.
You lied about The Ukraine phone call, and the WhistleBlower was Outted as a Fake when The President released The Transcript.
Then you gathered all your best liars, and you were beaten like The Bastard Child you are.

While Trump kept his campaign promises, you got nothing done, and did nothing but waste our time, our money, and LIE LIE LIE.

Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments

Nancy, What Happened to your Chance of Being House Speaker in 2021?

Perhaps you are right. OTH, if Obama was photo'ed doing the EXACT SAME THING, your emotions would have you interpret it quite differently.

I had a class in the interpretation of art and photography. What the viewer brings to a piece is often more important that the piece itself.
You're utterly wrong on this one. First off, don't tell me how I feel; I can handle that on my own, thanks. Second, I am right about his body language. Obama would never have made that gesture while he consoled a grieving mother. If you aren't sure what "console" looks like, Google it.

Fine, I apologize about telling you how you feel.

OTH, NO, you are not right about body language. I agree with you, it was a two-fold agenda. He WAS using them as political props., and doing poorly at it, OTOH, I do think he does hold in high regard the families of public servants. I read the whole article and watched the video. That old lady was there, in his presence, you and I weren't. I do believe she was the better judge on who was consoling her. If she felt the POTUS redirecting the support of the nation for her loss? Who the hell am I, or YOU, to tell her that her feelings are invalid? :dunno:

WATCH THE VIDEO. READ THE ARTICLE. And the question yourself and your hate toward the president, WHY, why would she even act that way, as the president himself said, he hadn't even planned to bring them up on stage?

Remember, the propaganda of the corporate media is doing everything it can to frame him as a cold, unfeeling, calculating psychopath. DON'T FALL FOR IT.

And maybe I will agree with you. You can never say what Obama would have, or would not have done, b/c we don't know why Trump is making that gesture. Mostly likely, so that he can get the nation to acknowledge the tragedy. To focus our attention on HER, and how wonderful SHE is. He said he wasn't even going to bring them up there. He did it, because he claims he cares. Why do you insist on making him into something sub-human? Why are you so easily duped by the spin?

He is TRYING to do a good thing, to get the nation to grieve with this family, why do you need to make it about hatred for HIM? I don't get it?

This is about THEM.

It is really damn easy to try to "judge" body language from faction of a second stills, but that is bullshit.

(It should tell you something when even the BBC makes that still their video image. derp derp derp. :71:)


Stop calling criticism of trump hate. He's lied over 16,000 times, he's shown himself to be an absolute asshole, so criticizing him is not about hate. He's done this to himself.

I'm not.

Of course all politicians should be held to account and criticized when they are in the wrong.

OTH, if media boldly creates spun stories that are untrue, or take good things they are doing and turn them into bad? We should look into that, and fact check it.

Let's do it.

Pick an example of the press twisting something Trump did.


FACT CHECK: Did President Trump Impatiently Dump Fish Food in a Japanese Koi Pond?
So again, we see another example of the race pimping by the modern republican party. No one in the modern republican party owned slaves, you are the first to say that. Yours is the party that asks why should you be blamed for something you did not do. So the modern republican party did not free the slaves. The modern republican party gets no credit for things they say they were not around to do. And even worse for them is that life went on after slavery and republicans have stood for racial inequality and overt racism. Racists here at USMB admit to being republicans. Todays republican party supports the maintenance of the confederate ideal and some want a return to the confederacy. Abraham Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation, but the supreme court led by republican justices, made certain to mute federal government authority in the civil rights cases of 1883 when they established the doctrine of states rights. The majority of votes supporting separate but equal in Plessy were republican. In 1964 and 1965 a democrat signed what amounted to our second emancipation proclamations when he signed the Voting Rights and Civil Rights Acts.

So it's just time republicans end the race pimping when you tell us how democrats owned slaves in 1860 so we need to be republicans in 2020.
So would you rather that Trump did not award the little black girl with a scholarship and would you prefer that he had not recognized the black Tuskegee airman and his service to America? Trump is white and they are black so in your pure stupidity you label it race primping! Yep! You are a racist and a fucking race baiter.

trumps race pimping was only d9one for show. He did these things in an election year. That Tuskegee airman was alive last year and the year before. They girl was already in one of the best schools in Philly. You guys call race pimping when blacks actually point out racism, but using blacks as props in an election year just can't be race pimping.

Pointing out race pimping is not racist.
Answer the question. Would you rather he had not offered a scholarship? Would you rather he had not honored the Tuskegee Airman? It’s a simple question.

I'd rather the fat assed piece of shit did not lie about the girl. Is that asking too much???
He didn't.
You're utterly wrong on this one. First off, don't tell me how I feel; I can handle that on my own, thanks. Second, I am right about his body language. Obama would never have made that gesture while he consoled a grieving mother. If you aren't sure what "console" looks like, Google it.

Fine, I apologize about telling you how you feel.

OTH, NO, you are not right about body language. I agree with you, it was a two-fold agenda. He WAS using them as political props., and doing poorly at it, OTOH, I do think he does hold in high regard the families of public servants. I read the whole article and watched the video. That old lady was there, in his presence, you and I weren't. I do believe she was the better judge on who was consoling her. If she felt the POTUS redirecting the support of the nation for her loss? Who the hell am I, or YOU, to tell her that her feelings are invalid? :dunno:

WATCH THE VIDEO. READ THE ARTICLE. And the question yourself and your hate toward the president, WHY, why would she even act that way, as the president himself said, he hadn't even planned to bring them up on stage?

Remember, the propaganda of the corporate media is doing everything it can to frame him as a cold, unfeeling, calculating psychopath. DON'T FALL FOR IT.

And maybe I will agree with you. You can never say what Obama would have, or would not have done, b/c we don't know why Trump is making that gesture. Mostly likely, so that he can get the nation to acknowledge the tragedy. To focus our attention on HER, and how wonderful SHE is. He said he wasn't even going to bring them up there. He did it, because he claims he cares. Why do you insist on making him into something sub-human? Why are you so easily duped by the spin?

He is TRYING to do a good thing, to get the nation to grieve with this family, why do you need to make it about hatred for HIM? I don't get it?

This is about THEM.

It is really damn easy to try to "judge" body language from faction of a second stills, but that is bullshit.

(It should tell you something when even the BBC makes that still their video image. derp derp derp. :71:)


Stop calling criticism of trump hate. He's lied over 16,000 times, he's shown himself to be an absolute asshole, so criticizing him is not about hate. He's done this to himself.

I'm not.

Of course all politicians should be held to account and criticized when they are in the wrong.

OTH, if media boldly creates spun stories that are untrue, or take good things they are doing and turn them into bad? We should look into that, and fact check it.

Let's do it.

Pick an example of the press twisting something Trump did.

Where did the dossier come from?

A republican firm.
Fine, I apologize about telling you how you feel.

OTH, NO, you are not right about body language. I agree with you, it was a two-fold agenda. He WAS using them as political props., and doing poorly at it, OTOH, I do think he does hold in high regard the families of public servants. I read the whole article and watched the video. That old lady was there, in his presence, you and I weren't. I do believe she was the better judge on who was consoling her. If she felt the POTUS redirecting the support of the nation for her loss? Who the hell am I, or YOU, to tell her that her feelings are invalid? :dunno:

WATCH THE VIDEO. READ THE ARTICLE. And the question yourself and your hate toward the president, WHY, why would she even act that way, as the president himself said, he hadn't even planned to bring them up on stage?

Remember, the propaganda of the corporate media is doing everything it can to frame him as a cold, unfeeling, calculating psychopath. DON'T FALL FOR IT.

And maybe I will agree with you. You can never say what Obama would have, or would not have done, b/c we don't know why Trump is making that gesture. Mostly likely, so that he can get the nation to acknowledge the tragedy. To focus our attention on HER, and how wonderful SHE is. He said he wasn't even going to bring them up there. He did it, because he claims he cares. Why do you insist on making him into something sub-human? Why are you so easily duped by the spin?

He is TRYING to do a good thing, to get the nation to grieve with this family, why do you need to make it about hatred for HIM? I don't get it?

This is about THEM.

It is really damn easy to try to "judge" body language from faction of a second stills, but that is bullshit.

(It should tell you something when even the BBC makes that still their video image. derp derp derp. :71:)


Stop calling criticism of trump hate. He's lied over 16,000 times, he's shown himself to be an absolute asshole, so criticizing him is not about hate. He's done this to himself.

I'm not.

Of course all politicians should be held to account and criticized when they are in the wrong.

OTH, if media boldly creates spun stories that are untrue, or take good things they are doing and turn them into bad? We should look into that, and fact check it.

Let's do it.

Pick an example of the press twisting something Trump did.

Where did the dossier come from?

A republican firm.

Sure it did.
You're utterly wrong on this one. First off, don't tell me how I feel; I can handle that on my own, thanks. Second, I am right about his body language. Obama would never have made that gesture while he consoled a grieving mother. If you aren't sure what "console" looks like, Google it.

Fine, I apologize about telling you how you feel.

OTH, NO, you are not right about body language. I agree with you, it was a two-fold agenda. He WAS using them as political props., and doing poorly at it, OTOH, I do think he does hold in high regard the families of public servants. I read the whole article and watched the video. That old lady was there, in his presence, you and I weren't. I do believe she was the better judge on who was consoling her. If she felt the POTUS redirecting the support of the nation for her loss? Who the hell am I, or YOU, to tell her that her feelings are invalid? :dunno:

WATCH THE VIDEO. READ THE ARTICLE. And the question yourself and your hate toward the president, WHY, why would she even act that way, as the president himself said, he hadn't even planned to bring them up on stage?

Remember, the propaganda of the corporate media is doing everything it can to frame him as a cold, unfeeling, calculating psychopath. DON'T FALL FOR IT.

And maybe I will agree with you. You can never say what Obama would have, or would not have done, b/c we don't know why Trump is making that gesture. Mostly likely, so that he can get the nation to acknowledge the tragedy. To focus our attention on HER, and how wonderful SHE is. He said he wasn't even going to bring them up there. He did it, because he claims he cares. Why do you insist on making him into something sub-human? Why are you so easily duped by the spin?

He is TRYING to do a good thing, to get the nation to grieve with this family, why do you need to make it about hatred for HIM? I don't get it?

This is about THEM.

It is really damn easy to try to "judge" body language from faction of a second stills, but that is bullshit.

(It should tell you something when even the BBC makes that still their video image. derp derp derp. :71:)


Stop calling criticism of trump hate. He's lied over 16,000 times, he's shown himself to be an absolute asshole, so criticizing him is not about hate. He's done this to himself.

I'm not.

Of course all politicians should be held to account and criticized when they are in the wrong.

OTH, if media boldly creates spun stories that are untrue, or take good things they are doing and turn them into bad? We should look into that, and fact check it.

Let's do it.

Pick an example of the press twisting something Trump did.


FACT CHECK: Did President Trump Impatiently Dump Fish Food in a Japanese Koi Pond?

Can we try using major stories that mean something?
So again, we see another example of the race pimping by the modern republican party. No one in the modern republican party owned slaves, you are the first to say that. Yours is the party that asks why should you be blamed for something you did not do. So the modern republican party did not free the slaves. The modern republican party gets no credit for things they say they were not around to do. And even worse for them is that life went on after slavery and republicans have stood for racial inequality and overt racism. Racists here at USMB admit to being republicans. Todays republican party supports the maintenance of the confederate ideal and some want a return to the confederacy. Abraham Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation, but the supreme court led by republican justices, made certain to mute federal government authority in the civil rights cases of 1883 when they established the doctrine of states rights. The majority of votes supporting separate but equal in Plessy were republican. In 1964 and 1965 a democrat signed what amounted to our second emancipation proclamations when he signed the Voting Rights and Civil Rights Acts.

So it's just time republicans end the race pimping when you tell us how democrats owned slaves in 1860 so we need to be republicans in 2020.
So would you rather that Trump did not award the little black girl with a scholarship and would you prefer that he had not recognized the black Tuskegee airman and his service to America? Trump is white and they are black so in your pure stupidity you label it race primping! Yep! You are a racist and a fucking race baiter.

trumps race pimping was only d9one for show. He did these things in an election year. That Tuskegee airman was alive last year and the year before. They girl was already in one of the best schools in Philly. You guys call race pimping when blacks actually point out racism, but using blacks as props in an election year just can't be race pimping.

Pointing out race pimping is not racist.
Answer the question. Would you rather he had not offered a scholarship? Would you rather he had not honored the Tuskegee Airman? It’s a simple question.

I'd rather the fat assed piece of shit did not lie about the girl. Is that asking too much???
He didn't.

He did.
Fine, I apologize about telling you how you feel.

OTH, NO, you are not right about body language. I agree with you, it was a two-fold agenda. He WAS using them as political props., and doing poorly at it, OTOH, I do think he does hold in high regard the families of public servants. I read the whole article and watched the video. That old lady was there, in his presence, you and I weren't. I do believe she was the better judge on who was consoling her. If she felt the POTUS redirecting the support of the nation for her loss? Who the hell am I, or YOU, to tell her that her feelings are invalid? :dunno:

WATCH THE VIDEO. READ THE ARTICLE. And the question yourself and your hate toward the president, WHY, why would she even act that way, as the president himself said, he hadn't even planned to bring them up on stage?

Remember, the propaganda of the corporate media is doing everything it can to frame him as a cold, unfeeling, calculating psychopath. DON'T FALL FOR IT.

And maybe I will agree with you. You can never say what Obama would have, or would not have done, b/c we don't know why Trump is making that gesture. Mostly likely, so that he can get the nation to acknowledge the tragedy. To focus our attention on HER, and how wonderful SHE is. He said he wasn't even going to bring them up there. He did it, because he claims he cares. Why do you insist on making him into something sub-human? Why are you so easily duped by the spin?

He is TRYING to do a good thing, to get the nation to grieve with this family, why do you need to make it about hatred for HIM? I don't get it?

This is about THEM.

It is really damn easy to try to "judge" body language from faction of a second stills, but that is bullshit.

(It should tell you something when even the BBC makes that still their video image. derp derp derp. :71:)


Stop calling criticism of trump hate. He's lied over 16,000 times, he's shown himself to be an absolute asshole, so criticizing him is not about hate. He's done this to himself.

I'm not.

Of course all politicians should be held to account and criticized when they are in the wrong.

OTH, if media boldly creates spun stories that are untrue, or take good things they are doing and turn them into bad? We should look into that, and fact check it.

Let's do it.

Pick an example of the press twisting something Trump did.


FACT CHECK: Did President Trump Impatiently Dump Fish Food in a Japanese Koi Pond?

Can we try using major stories that mean something?

Why? So you can race pimp them?
People used this trump stunt to declare how trump is doing things for blacks. But he really wasn't. In fact, the scholarship he presented to that girl was for a school that was not as good as the one she was attending.

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack urban ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters

President Donald Trump turned a Philadelphia fourth grader into a poster child for the school-choice movement Tuesday when he told the nation thousands of students were “trapped in failing government schools” and announced that she was finally getting a scholarship to attend the school of her choice. But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends one of the city’s most sought-after charter schools, the Inquirer has learned. In September, months before she was an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union Address, she entered Math, Science and Technology Community Charter School…

But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends one of the city’s most sought-after charter schools, the Inquirer has learned. In September, months before she was an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union Address, she entered Math, Science and Technology Community Charter School III.

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack urban ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters

Booker T Washington warned US about people like you.
People used this trump stunt to declare how trump is doing things for blacks. But he really wasn't. In fact, the scholarship he presented to that girl was for a school that was not as good as the one she was attending.

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack urban ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters

President Donald Trump turned a Philadelphia fourth grader into a poster child for the school-choice movement Tuesday when he told the nation thousands of students were “trapped in failing government schools” and announced that she was finally getting a scholarship to attend the school of her choice. But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends one of the city’s most sought-after charter schools, the Inquirer has learned. In September, months before she was an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union Address, she entered Math, Science and Technology Community Charter School…

But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends one of the city’s most sought-after charter schools, the Inquirer has learned. In September, months before she was an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union Address, she entered Math, Science and Technology Community Charter School III.

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack urban ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters

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