The racist, community agitator, Al Sharpton at the highest level of the Obama administration

When blacks speak up, according to most Republicans, they are always being racist. They aren't supposed to be "uppity".

Read through he thread and get back to me talking points boy

What am I supposed to read? You seem to have left out the parts where Martin's family and this family asked Sharpton so speak at the funerals of their unarmed kids who were shot and left on the ground for hours after they were killed.
JROTC...don't argue with this fool. He is out on the lunatic fringe. Look at his avatar. He really believes that poor Whites are either stupid or live in a 1971 Dodge Charger.
When blacks speak up, according to most Republicans, they are always being racist. They aren't supposed to be "uppity".

Read through he thread and get back to me talking points boy

What am I supposed to read? You seem to have left out the parts where Martin's family and this family asked Sharpton so speak at the funerals of their unarmed kids who were shot and left on the ground for hours after they were killed.
This thread is a brief outline of the history of the racist, agitator Al Sharpton ..Is he a hero to you? Do you embrace him as a model black leader?.
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On Sept. 17, 1991, almost a month after the tragic car accident that set off the Crown Heights Riots, Rev. Al Sharpton went to Israel to serve the driver of the car, Yosef Lifsh, with a wrongful death lawsuit. When Sharpton arrived in Israel, he was recognized by an individual who, incensed by Sharpton’s deliberate Jew-baiting the previous month, told Sharpton to “go to Hell.” Sharpton, responded, “I’m already in Hell.”

The Lifsh car spun out of control, heading towards a crowd of people outside the buildings on Utica Avenue. Lifsh was unable to regain control of the car. Ultimately, two children, Gavin Cato and his cousin Angela Cato, who were playing in front of the building, were struck and pinned under the car.

Lifsh immediately got out of the car and attempted to lift the car and pull the children from underneath.

Within minutes, a crowd formed and turned violent, beating Lifsh and the passengers of the car.

This could and should have been the end of the tragedy. Instead, however, Crown Heights became the host of a modern day blood-libel. .

The pogrom lasted for three days, fueled by rumors and outright lies: Lifsh had been drunk (A test immediately following accident determined he was sober), or he had purposely run over the children, and that Hatzolah had refused to treat the children (A New York State report, a year later, established this was not true).

Later that evening, at approximately 11:15 pm, a group of teens shouting “Kill the Jew” surrounded Yankel Rosenbaum, a 29 year old student from Australia. Sixteen year old, Limerick Nelson, a member of the crowd, stabbed him. Yankel died at the hospital about three hours later.

Throughout Monday night, several more people were beaten and small groups roamed the streets throwing stones at properties associated with the Jewish community. The conflict might have ended the next morning, with a tragic accident and a cold-blooded murder.

But Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Al Sharpton and Sonny Carson joined the fray. They bussed in people from outside neighborhoods and incited riot with radical speeches.

Sharpton and Carson, along with Rev Daughtry, met with the police, calling for the immediate arrest of Yosef Lifsh. The police refused saying there would be a grand jury investigation.

Right after the meeting, these leaders held a demonstration outside the 71st precinct. Sonny Carson called on the crowd to take matters into their own hands saying “Somebody is going to pay for this. We ain’t talking no more”, and the crowd responded, “Action, Action.

Sharpton and the riots 20 years later Opinion Jewish Journal
We need to stop giving a shit what the race pimps.ho's say or do.. whether they call us racist or not.. If they kill themselves off or not. I said it last week.. I'm done caring about the entire race issue.. This Administration and a good majority of black people in this country are nothing more than haters.. Racist haters.. Let them sink..
JROTC...don't argue with this fool. He is out on the lunatic fringe. Look at his avatar. He really believes that poor Whites are either stupid or live in a 1971 Dodge Charger.

Some have homes.

It seems to be making you upset. You must be really upset by all the laws that are being passed by this guy.

And even more upset that he's telling the truth.

We needs to stop them uppity darkies from standing up for their RIGHTS.

you need to seek help
evidently it doesn't bother you that Obama has his own damn Pravda, race hustler with Sharpton and PMSnbc.

Media analyst and host of Fox News’ MediaBuzz Howard Kurtz was a guest on Monday’s The O’Reilly Factor when he ripped MSNBC for continuing to give race-baiter Al Sharpton a platform as a host while also being a conduit to the White House.
“This is a travesty. You have Sharpton delivering pretty a political speech at the funeral today. You have him meeting with Michael Brown’s family. You have him talking about it on MSNBC, interviewing the family on MSNBC. And now, you have the acknowledgment by Sharpton that he is a conduit, he is the ‘go-to guy’ for the Obama White House on Ferguson. It is amazing to me; this just reeks that MSNBC thinks this is acceptable.”
Bill O’Reilly posed the question that perhaps it is a compliment that Sharpton can deliver to MSNBC exclusive stories from the White House and from the family of Michael Brown. Kurtz responded:

Read more at Kurtz Sharpton-MSNBC Alliance Is A Travesty With An Ethical Blind Spot
Kurtz Sharpton-MSNBC Alliance Is A Travesty With An Ethical Blind Spot
I love how the right reacts to Sharpton. The man is invited to speak and the right freaks out saying he's inserting himself, etc.

But they don't blink and eye when Sean Hannity parks himself at Clive Bundy's (until Bundy turned out to be a horribly racist crazy person :lol: )
I love how the right reacts to Sharpton. The man is invited to speak and the right freaks out saying he's inserting himself, etc.

But they don't blink and eye when Sean Hannity parks himself at Clive Bundy's (until Bundy turned out to be a horribly racist crazy person :lol: )

you're another one who care's nothing about Obama having this man as his go to race Hustler. Then has a slot on television station to spew on it.

with Obama some of you have lost any honor
@Statistikhengst @jillian ,@Ropey

@The Rabbi

"Burn the Jew Store Down"

On Friday, December 8, at 10:12 a.m., Roland James Smith, Jr., 51, a Harlem resident with a criminal record going back 30 years, walked into Freddy's Fashion Mart, a Jewish-owned clothing store at 272 West 125th Street, pulled out a gun, ordered all the black customers to leave, spilled paint thinner on several bins of clothing and set them on fire -- a f
ire that resulted in killing 8 people including Smith.

Smith had been part of a group of picketers, led by Al Sharpton , head of the National Action Network and Morris Powell , leader of the 125th Street Vendor's Association, who had been protesting the eviction of Sikhulu Shange, owner of the Record Shack who was subletting from Fred Harari, the Jewish owner of Freddy's.

The picketing, which had gone on for months, had led Harari to seek relief with the State Supreme Court. In papers filed just one day before the fire, he said, "Recently, the protesters have made motions of striking a match and throwing it on outside clothing displays or in the doorway of the store." An affidavit by Kareem Brunner, a black security guard killed in the blaze, said that he had been called a "cracker lover" and "would get mine as a traitor [to the black race]." Brunner, was the only black that Smith did not order out of the store before setting it afire.

Besides Smith and Brunner, all the other victims of the fire were Hispanic and Guyanese. Store manager, Steve Brodsky, described how a particularly vicious demonstrator called Shabazz would force his way into the store, pushing Brodsky aside and shout "I will be back to burn the Jew store down -- burn, burn, burn." It has been reported that there is evidence that Shabazz worked for Mr. Shange. - MASSACRE AT FREDDY S IN HARLEM FIRE FUELED BY ANTI-SEMITISM KILLS 8

Oh well then you know this was done with the blessing of Sharpton :rolleyes:

I give you credit for being one of the few liberals to at least attempt to stand up for the scum.The rest are cowards

If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house!”

Is this like when that tea party couple shot that cop and went on the rampage? Republicans said that they dont represent the Tea Party tho?
I love how the right reacts to Sharpton. The man is invited to speak and the right freaks out saying he's inserting himself, etc.

But they don't blink and eye when Sean Hannity parks himself at Clive Bundy's (until Bundy turned out to be a horribly racist crazy person :lol: )

You compare Sean Hannity to Al Sharpton?..Is this thread about Sean Hannity and Bundy? Are you defending Al Sharpton? did you read through this thread?
We need to stop giving a shit what the race pimps.ho's say or do.. whether they call us racist or not.. If they kill themselves off or not. I said it last week.. I'm done caring about the entire race issue.. This Administration and a good majority of black people in this country are nothing more than haters.. Racist haters.. Let them sink..

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
I love how the right reacts to Sharpton. The man is invited to speak and the right freaks out saying he's inserting himself, etc.

But they don't blink and eye when Sean Hannity parks himself at Clive Bundy's (until Bundy turned out to be a horribly racist crazy person :lol: )
I know right?

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Even if Al Sharpton never existed these problems would still exist. Its the problem not the messenger
The scum Al Sharpton perpetuates this stuff. He makes money off the misery. People have died as a result of fanning the flames of hate. You people are pathetic. Are there any honest liberals anymore? anywhere?

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