The Rally To Restore Sanity Causes a Mainstream Media Meltdown


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2009
That's hystercal.

Just by reading some repsonses on here from people, you can see it too.

A lot of people just didn't "get it" :lol:
I'll say this again, John Stewart is funny as hell, and while I don't agree with him politically most of the time, who care's the man is funny. Heck I don't agree with a lot of entertainers politics, doesn't mean I don't watch them or wouldn't mind going to see them practice their craft.
I'll say this again, John Stewart is funny as hell, and while I don't agree with him politically most of the time, who care's the man is funny. Heck I don't agree with a lot of entertainers politics, doesn't mean I don't watch them or wouldn't mind going to see them practice their craft.

He is funny. And he often mocks the left as much as the right.... which is bipartisan comedy.

I thought his closing remarks at the rally were great. Seriously. I started a thread about them.... and, even when I provided a transcript of some of what he said... some posters still did not get what he said. Funny. :lol:
i'll say this again, john stewart is funny as hell, and while i don't agree with him politically most of the time, who care's the man is funny. Heck i don't agree with a lot of entertainers politics, doesn't mean i don't watch them or wouldn't mind going to see them practice their craft.

he is funny. And he often mocks the left as much as the right.... Which is bipartisan comedy.

I thought his closing remarks at the rally were great. Seriously. I started a thread about them.... And, even when i provided a transcript of some of what he said... Some posters still did not get what he said. Funny. :lol:

Oh, c'mon...The MSM only has half an idea what's going on, half of the time to begin with.

They were just as confused with the Beck confab.
Oh, c'mon...The MSM only has half an idea what's going on, half of the time to begin with.

They were just as confused with the Beck confab.

That was his whole point............ BOTH SIDES of the media and their "fear mongering" lol.
So wait, heres a thought, can they be considered Mainstream Media, if they are the only ones who think they are Mainstream? , we used to call that a legend in your own mind.
So wait, heres a thought, can they be considered Mainstream Media, if they are the only ones who think they are Mainstream? , we used to call that a legend in your own mind.

Now you had to make me go and post a Neil Young Vid! (thanks btw) ;)

I'll say this again, John Stewart is funny as hell, and while I don't agree with him politically most of the time, who care's the man is funny. Heck I don't agree with a lot of entertainers politics, doesn't mean I don't watch them or wouldn't mind going to see them practice their craft.

He is funny. And he often mocks the left as much as the right.... which is bipartisan comedy.

I thought his closing remarks at the rally were great. Seriously. I started a thread about them.... and, even when I provided a transcript of some of what he said... some posters still did not get what he said. Funny. :lol:

What do you think the point of the rally was, CG? I'm not just talking about his final speech, I know you didn't get that but what about the gathering generally?
So wait, heres a thought, can they be considered Mainstream Media, if they are the only ones who think they are Mainstream? , we used to call that a legend in your own mind.

LameSteam is a more accurate description of today's media. Both sides.

Now is it just me, or does anyone else find themselves looking for someone on the news these days that actually represents a journalist. Frankly I could care less what the person(s) reporting the news politics are as long as they don't express it, but thats the real issue these days many have problems with the difference between journalist and commentator and seem to confuse the two. It would be nice to see a fresh face that did not think they were bigger than the story or not want to inject themselves into it. I remain hopeful but lamestream, mainstream , whatever you want to call it, it is a one large mass of agenda based reporting that has little if anything to do with actual new reporting which is sort of sad in a way and on the other hand can be very funny when it comes to comedy ( see John Stewart )
I'll say this again, John Stewart is funny as hell, and while I don't agree with him politically most of the time, who care's the man is funny. Heck I don't agree with a lot of entertainers politics, doesn't mean I don't watch them or wouldn't mind going to see them practice their craft.

He is funny. And he often mocks the left as much as the right.... which is bipartisan comedy.

I thought his closing remarks at the rally were great. Seriously. I started a thread about them.... and, even when I provided a transcript of some of what he said... some posters still did not get what he said. Funny. :lol:

What do you think the point of the rally was, CG? I'm not just talking about his final speech, I know you didn't get that but what about the gathering generally?

What did I not get?
So wait, heres a thought, can they be considered Mainstream Media, if they are the only ones who think they are Mainstream? , we used to call that a legend in your own mind.

LameSteam is a more accurate description of today's media. Both sides.

Now is it just me, or does anyone else find themselves looking for someone on the news these days that actually represents a journalist. Frankly I could care less what the person(s) reporting the news politics are as long as they don't express it, but thats the real issue these days many have problems with the difference between journalist and commentator and seem to confuse the two. It would be nice to see a fresh face that did not think they were bigger than the story or not want to inject themselves into it. I remain hopeful but lamestream, mainstream , whatever you want to call it, it is a one large mass of agenda based reporting that has little if anything to do with actual new reporting which is sort of sad in a way and on the other hand can be very funny when it comes to comedy ( see John Stewart )

I remember when the news shows simply reported the news, with little to no editorializing. Back then, the editorializing was left for the end of the show, and they made it clear that it wasw an editorial. I think we were better off that way
I think there is a need for a 'BBC' like organization in America. The BBC is not perfect, but it is far better than anything we have. It's funded though a tv license that everyone pays. A 24/7 straight news coverage organization with no political bias. It could include an even split between some liberal and some conservative discussion and it would enable Americans to get a much better idea of what goes on outside America.... cuz there really is a big, wide world out there.

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