The Ravens claim "Racism is embedded in the fabric of our society".


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
No. Actually that is wrong. There are individuals who are Racists and they are of every race. Fortunately the vast majority of Americans are not racist. But unfortunately the Marxist divisive Black Lives Matter movement is creating new racists every day. Now we have pro sports teams bowing to their new masters. Yeah, I'm definitely done with the NFL.

Racism is part and parcel to a diverse society that is organized under the auspices of an antiquated governing system that was unable to include the diversity at its establishment-start-up phase.

It will require the superior "white minds" to correct the errors, because the non-whites only know to contest grievances - they do not know how to organize just government.
No. Actually that is wrong. There are individuals who are Racists and they are of every race. Fortunately the vast majority of Americans are not racist. But unfortunately the Marxist divisive Black Lives Matter movement is creating new racists every day. Now we have pro sports teams bowing to their new masters. Yeah, I'm definitely done with the NFL.

Racism is embedded into the fabric of every society in the world. However the term racism is a misnomer, because the main thing that exist is culture clash that has absolutely nothing to do with a person's skin color. If anyone thinks that a person's character and personality hinges on their skin color, then I got some ocean front property in AZ to sell.

European's and African's in the early periods have always culturally clashed, and alot of it still goes on to this very day. The great experiment here has been to get multi-culturalism to somehow work, but of course it all hinges on that grand old concept of assimilation. Now forces exist that attempt to cast fear of cultural disentigration into anyone that might even think about assimilating into another culture, and sadly some fall for it.

What's the ole saying - "why can't we all just get along" ??

We can, and for the most part we have gotten along, but there are forces who hate us getting along, and they will do anything to keep us from getting along.

The Democrats for the purpose of power are tearing this nation apart. They can blame Trump all they want, but everyone or most know the score now, and it's definitely in Trump's favor for creating opportunity for all.
No. Actually that is wrong. There are individuals who are Racists and they are of every race. Fortunately the vast majority of Americans are not racist. But unfortunately the Marxist divisive Black Lives Matter movement is creating new racists every day. Now we have pro sports teams bowing to their new masters. Yeah, I'm definitely done with the NFL.

Doesn't matter....Millions upon millions won't be watching the NFL this year.
The words "racist" and "racism" have lost all meaning, and are most often used to slander those that the speaker does not like.

I have a sister who regularly pollutes Facebook with anti-racism memes and asks that right-thinking viewers pass them on or re-post them or whatever it is that one does with this garbage. Since I am both uninterested and technologically incapable I always disappoint.

But here is my point of dissention: We are old white people, living in our suburban enclaves - especially now, when "we" are afraid to go out of the house. If we WANTED TO DISCRIMINATE against people of Black African parentage, there is almost no forum in which we could do it. We can't turn one of them down for a job, refuse them service, overcharge them for something, insult them either wittingly or what is the value of proclaiming to the world that I am not racist? I lack the opportunity, and who gives a shit anyway?

And getting back to the definition of "racist," it is now a GIVEN that even mentioning a difference between the races is proof of racism - even when that difference is quantitative and verifiable. Can the truth be "racist"? If so, then as I stated above, it is meaningless.

Black people today don't want JUSTICE. Indeed, that is the LAST thing that they want. Justice is the state of affairs that exists when virtue is appropriately rewarded and evil is appropriately sanctioned (punished, if you will). The Black people in prison are there because they have been discovered to have committed felonies, and the People, speaking through their legislatures have defined the penalties for those felonies. But if you look at the actual numbers (victimization surveys vs. NRC), many, many more Black people would be in prison if all of the perpetrators were found and convicted. THAT would be "justice." Nobody wants it, despite what "they" say.
No. Actually that is wrong. There are individuals who are Racists and they are of every race. Fortunately the vast majority of Americans are not racist. But unfortunately the Marxist divisive Black Lives Matter movement is creating new racists every day. Now we have pro sports teams bowing to their new masters. Yeah, I'm definitely done with the NFL.

The Ravens are a lousy football team. They need to focus on SPORTS. I don't give a flying crap about their "position" on politics.

The day politics and political statements take center stage in the NFL over the actual game, whether I agree with the position or not, I'M DONE with football totally.

I come to the NFL to be ENTERTAINED, not lectured to.
The great experiment here has been to get multi-culturalism to somehow work, but of course it all hinges on that grand old concept of assimilation.
No, it hinges on proper segregation.

Now forces exist that attempt to cast fear of cultural disentigration into anyone that might even think about assimilating into another culture, and sadly some fall for it.
It is absurd to expect other cultures to preserve other cultures.

What's the ole saying - "why can't we all just get along" ??
That is not an old saying. It was quoted by Rodney King April 29, 1992 when police officers were exonerated for excessive violence in his arrest, and riots ensued; and he felt some remorse and responsibility for the violence.

We can, and for the most part we have gotten along, but there are forces who hate us getting along, and they will do anything to keep us from getting along.
No. The problem is that we have not figured-out how to do government free of inadequacies that "allow" the opportunities for corruption and the poor administration of justice.

The Democrats for the purpose of power are tearing this nation apart. They can blame Trump all they want, but everyone or most know the score now, and it's definitely in Trump's favor.
It is not that clear. The organization of government is flawed, and the checks and balances do not work as described. So, no matter how hard you try, eventually it is corrupted when you are not "looking."
Systemic Racism has NOT been part of the American fabric for at least 30 years. There will always be personal Racism to some extent. We were dealing with that just fine until Obama took office. That's when the Divider-In-Chief did his thing. Now we're headed back to 1960.
Who in their right fucking mind cares one whit what these fucktards think about anything??? If you think professional athletes are special, and you insist upon showering them with both your undying devotion and cash, then you are a fucking intellectual abortion, literally one of the genuine walking dead, and you deserve every evil thing that falls upon your heads... :wink:
Systemic Racism has NOT been part of the American fabric for at least 30 years. There will always be personal Racism to some extent. We were dealing with that just fine until Obama took office. That's when the Divider-In-Chief did his thing. Now we're headed back to 1960.
"Systemic racism" is a classic strawman....."The system" can't even be quantified, let alone defend itself from the charge of racism.
Systemic Racism has NOT been part of the American fabric for at least 30 years. There will always be personal Racism to some extent. We were dealing with that just fine until Obama took office. That's when the Divider-In-Chief did his thing. Now we're headed back to 1960.
"Systemic racism" is a classic strawman....."The system" can't even be quantified, let alone defend itself from the charge of racism.
With the Left, everything, like this election, always comes back to their wanting to BLAME AMERICA. America bad. America wong. America flawed. That is what is at the heart of the word "systemic racism." AMERICA is the system. It is their way of justifying victimization and passing responsibility onto others. It'll be the central reason why they lose this election.
No. Actually that is wrong. There are individuals who are Racists and they are of every race. Fortunately the vast majority of Americans are not racist. But unfortunately the Marxist divisive Black Lives Matter movement is creating new racists every day. Now we have pro sports teams bowing to their new masters. Yeah, I'm definitely done with the NFL.

The Ravens are a lousy football team. They need to focus on SPORTS. I don't give a flying crap about their "position" on politics.

The day politics and political statements take center stage in the NFL over the actual game, whether I agree with the position or not, I'M DONE with football totally.

I come to the NFL to be ENTERTAINED, not lectured to.
Well you best join the BOYCOTT then, because these sports platforms have been highjacked, and converted into the mouth pieces for the democrazi party in which has every victim card imaginable in their grievance book of cards readily available.
Systemic Racism has NOT been part of the American fabric for at least 30 years. There will always be personal Racism to some extent. We were dealing with that just fine until Obama took office. That's when the Divider-In-Chief did his thing. Now we're headed back to 1960.
"Systemic racism" is a classic strawman....."The system" can't even be quantified, let alone defend itself from the charge of racism.
Nothing can defend itself from the broad definition of racism in which has been created for the purpose of Democrats deflecting their crazy onto something else besides their own systemic crazy. It's worked for them for years now, and alot of blacks love them some white demoncrats for it. They've sat back and laughed at white's attacking white's over the issue's for years now. They should be crying though, because they've been fooled by them white Demoncrat's for years now.
No. Actually that is wrong. There are individuals who are Racists and they are of every race. Fortunately the vast majority of Americans are not racist. But unfortunately the Marxist divisive Black Lives Matter movement is creating new racists every day. Now we have pro sports teams bowing to their new masters. Yeah, I'm definitely done with the NFL.

The Ravens are a lousy football team. They need to focus on SPORTS. I don't give a flying crap about their "position" on politics.

The day politics and political statements take center stage in the NFL over the actual game, whether I agree with the position or not, I'M DONE with football totally.

I come to the NFL to be ENTERTAINED, not lectured to.
Well you best join the BOYCOTT then, because these sports platforms have been highjacked, and converted into the mouth pieces for the democrazi party in which has every victim card imaginable in their grievance book of cards readily available.
We shall see. I'm already positioned that the NFL receives ZERO money from me and they can't even track my watching games. This season will start with no fans at games. No preseason. If the games devolve into bullshit, opaque rules, bad playing and PC BS, when they open up the doors to invite folks back, a let of people won't be returning.

I think it's time to WAKE THESE PEOPLE THE FUCK UP that the ONLY REASON why any of them are worth 20 million a year is because WE MAKE IT SO. Might be time to pull back the sport to where they are lucky to make $200,000 and Roger Goodell is driving a Yugo.
Screw the NFL. Screw the team's, screw the players and especially screw the owners who hold Cities hostage with threats to move teams if they don't receive taxpayer funds for their billion dollar stadiums. I gave up all pro sports over fifteen years ago. They all deserve to be destitute.
Who in their right fucking mind cares one whit what these fucktards think about anything??? If you think professional athletes are special, and you insist upon showering them with both your undying devotion and cash, then you are a fucking intellectual abortion, literally one of the genuine walking dead, and you deserve every evil thing that falls upon your heads... :wink:
I'm done with the NFL, for sure. They are entertainers and like any entertainer it takes talent to do what they do, but they are not essential. I think they are in for a rude awakening when they welcome fans back and the seats stay half empty. That will be the one finger salute to Black Lives Matter Marxists. :fu:
... The great experiment here has been to get multi-culturalism to somehow work, but of course it all hinges on that grand old concept of assimilation. Now forces exist that attempt to cast fear of cultural disentigration into anyone that might even think about assimilating into another culture, and sadly some fall for it.

The great American Melting Pot is still working just fine.
No. Actually that is wrong. There are individuals who are Racists and they are of every race. Fortunately the vast majority of Americans are not racist. But unfortunately the Marxist divisive Black Lives Matter movement is creating new racists every day. Now we have pro sports teams bowing to their new masters. Yeah, I'm definitely done with the NFL.

The Ravens are right. Only a retarded white boy would deny that racism is embedded in the fabric of the US.
Systemic Racism has NOT been part of the American fabric for at least 30 years. There will always be personal Racism to some extent. We were dealing with that just fine until Obama took office. That's when the Divider-In-Chief did his thing. Now we're headed back to 1960.
"Systemic racism" is a classic strawman....."The system" can't even be quantified, let alone defend itself from the charge of racism.
With the Left, everything, like this election, always comes back to their wanting to BLAME AMERICA. America bad. America wong. America flawed. That is what is at the heart of the word "systemic racism." AMERICA is the system. It is their way of justifying victimization and passing responsibility onto others. It'll be the central reason why they lose this election.
If someone has a flag in their yard, you can guess which party they are in. The US flag and Anthem are like garlic to vampires with democrats. One whole political party thinks the country is evil and needs to be brought down. Greatest question ever is why elect people who don't even like the country. They don't even pretend to like it and want to fix problems in it.

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