The Ravens claim "Racism is embedded in the fabric of our society".

Systemic Racism has NOT been part of the American fabric for at least 30 years. There will always be personal Racism to some extent. We were dealing with that just fine until Obama took office. That's when the Divider-In-Chief did his thing. Now we're headed back to 1960.
"Systemic racism" is a classic strawman....."The system" can't even be quantified, let alone defend itself from the charge of racism.
With the Left, everything, like this election, always comes back to their wanting to BLAME AMERICA. America bad. America wong. America flawed. That is what is at the heart of the word "systemic racism." AMERICA is the system. It is their way of justifying victimization and passing responsibility onto others. It'll be the central reason why they lose this election.
If someone has a flag in their yard, you can guess which party they are in. The US flag and Anthem are like garlic to vampires with democrats. One whole political party thinks the country is evil and needs to be brought down. Greatest question ever is why elect people who don't even like the country. They don't even pretend to like it and want to fix problems in it.
Yep, Obama told us about his plan to "transform America" and now we are seeing what he had in mind.
I knew Obama was a slickster when I first listened to the first campaign rehtoric he uttered out of his mouth.
Obama was the finest president of the modern era.
"If someone has a flag in their yard, you can guess which party they are in. The US flag and Anthem are like garlic to vampires with democrats. One whole political party thinks the country is evil and needs to be brought down. Greatest question ever is why elect people who don't even like the country. They don't even pretend to like it and want to fix problems in it."

I've seen plenty of democrats with flags in their yards and inside their homes. The democrats are about America living up to the ideals the flag and anthem represent. Republicans are not. One whole party believes America belongs to a certain type of person and the other believes in E PLURIBUS UNUM. E Pluribus Unum does not mean white male hetero christian only.
"If someone has a flag in their yard, you can guess which party they are in. The US flag and Anthem are like garlic to vampires with democrats. One whole political party thinks the country is evil and needs to be brought down. Greatest question ever is why elect people who don't even like the country. They don't even pretend to like it and want to fix problems in it."

I've seen plenty of democrats with flags in their yards and inside their homes. The democrats are about America living up to the ideals the flag and anthem represent. Republicans are not. One whole party believes America belongs to a certain type of person and the other believes in E PLURIBUS UNUM. E Pluribus Unum does not mean white male hetero christian only.
That is not true.
"If someone has a flag in their yard, you can guess which party they are in. The US flag and Anthem are like garlic to vampires with democrats. One whole political party thinks the country is evil and needs to be brought down. Greatest question ever is why elect people who don't even like the country. They don't even pretend to like it and want to fix problems in it."

I've seen plenty of democrats with flags in their yards and inside their homes. The democrats are about America living up to the ideals the flag and anthem represent. Republicans are not. One whole party believes America belongs to a certain type of person and the other believes in E PLURIBUS UNUM. E Pluribus Unum does not mean white male hetero christian only.
That is not true.
It is 100 percent true. You guys prove this daily.
No. Actually that is wrong. There are individuals who are Racists and they are of every race. Fortunately the vast majority of Americans are not racist. But unfortunately the Marxist divisive Black Lives Matter movement is creating new racists every day. Now we have pro sports teams bowing to their new masters. Yeah, I'm definitely done with the NFL.

The Ravens are a lousy football team. They need to focus on SPORTS. I don't give a flying crap about their "position" on politics.

The day politics and political statements take center stage in the NFL over the actual game, whether I agree with the position or not, I'M DONE with football totally.

I come to the NFL to be ENTERTAINED, not lectured to.
Well get ready to be done with football then, because the platform has been highjacked for political purposes....So every dollar you spend supports political agendas of the left by holding up these platforms for them to use in these ways.
We shall see. The only sport I have any interest left in is football, and the only team I'm interested in to see this year is to see if the comeback of Ben Roethlisberger amounts to much of anything. If they crap out again or start that shit too, I'm pretty much finished. The NFL isn't getting a dime off of me.

If Brady has a good comeback in New Orleans I may watch him when I can just to see him prove he was the talent in New England and not Bellichick.
No. Actually that is wrong. There are individuals who are Racists and they are of every race. Fortunately the vast majority of Americans are not racist. But unfortunately the Marxist divisive Black Lives Matter movement is creating new racists every day. Now we have pro sports teams bowing to their new masters. Yeah, I'm definitely done with the NFL.

The Ravens are a lousy football team. They need to focus on SPORTS. I don't give a flying crap about their "position" on politics.

The day politics and political statements take center stage in the NFL over the actual game, whether I agree with the position or not, I'M DONE with football totally.

I come to the NFL to be ENTERTAINED, not lectured to.
Well get ready to be done with football then, because the platform has been highjacked for political purposes....So every dollar you spend supports political agendas of the left by holding up these platforms for them to use in these ways.
We shall see. The only sport I have any interest left in is football, and the only team I'm interested in to see this year is to see if the comeback of Ben Roethlisberger amounts to much of anything. If they crap out again or start that shit too, I'm pretty much finished. The NFL isn't getting a dime off of me.

If Brady has a good comeback in New Orleans I may watch him when I can just to see him prove he was the talent in New England and not Bellichick.
Agreed, it might be interesting to see how Brady and Cam do but I could pass on that too. The NFL will never see another dime from me and many of my friends feel the same way.
"If someone has a flag in their yard, you can guess which party they are in. The US flag and Anthem are like garlic to vampires with democrats. One whole political party thinks the country is evil and needs to be brought down. Greatest question ever is why elect people who don't even like the country. They don't even pretend to like it and want to fix problems in it."

I've seen plenty of democrats with flags in their yards and inside their homes. The democrats are about America living up to the ideals the flag and anthem represent. Republicans are not. One whole party believes America belongs to a certain type of person and the other believes in E PLURIBUS UNUM. E Pluribus Unum does not mean white male hetero christian only.
That is not true.
It is 100 percent true. You guys prove this daily.
You are dealing with forums. People get on each others nerves. Reality is what you see of others and on a consistent basis. It is what it is. We then move to work from there to improve things even if it affects any side(since we say that) negatively.
No. Actually that is wrong. There are individuals who are Racists and they are of every race. Fortunately the vast majority of Americans are not racist. But unfortunately the Marxist divisive Black Lives Matter movement is creating new racists every day. Now we have pro sports teams bowing to their new masters. Yeah, I'm definitely done with the NFL.

The Ravens are a lousy football team. They need to focus on SPORTS. I don't give a flying crap about their "position" on politics.

The day politics and political statements take center stage in the NFL over the actual game, whether I agree with the position or not, I'M DONE with football totally.

I come to the NFL to be ENTERTAINED, not lectured to.
Well get ready to be done with football then, because the platform has been highjacked for political purposes....So every dollar you spend supports political agendas of the left by holding up these platforms for them to use in these ways.
We shall see. The only sport I have any interest left in is football, and the only team I'm interested in to see this year is to see if the comeback of Ben Roethlisberger amounts to much of anything. If they crap out again or start that shit too, I'm pretty much finished. The NFL isn't getting a dime off of me.

If Brady has a good comeback in New Orleans I may watch him when I can just to see him prove he was the talent in New England and not Bellichick.
Agreed, it might be interesting to see how Brady and Cam do but I could pass on that too. The NFL will never see another dime from me and many of my friends feel the same way.
Wouldn't it be funny now if NO does great under Brady and NE hits the shitter? I'm just glad I saw the Brady/NE Dynasty and I think his last Superbowl win when he threw that unexpected cross pass into the end zone to win, which might have been the greatest comeback and win in Superbowl history.

Like Rome, the NFL reached its pinnacle, then collapsed under its own greed and corruption. Boy, Antonio Brown sure picked a BAD TIME to walk out on TWO teams, the sport, and be a total dick! :lmao:
No. Actually that is wrong. There are individuals who are Racists and they are of every race. Fortunately the vast majority of Americans are not racist. But unfortunately the Marxist divisive Black Lives Matter movement is creating new racists every day. Now we have pro sports teams bowing to their new masters. Yeah, I'm definitely done with the NFL.

The Ravens are a lousy football team. They need to focus on SPORTS. I don't give a flying crap about their "position" on politics.

The day politics and political statements take center stage in the NFL over the actual game, whether I agree with the position or not, I'M DONE with football totally.

I come to the NFL to be ENTERTAINED, not lectured to.
Well get ready to be done with football then, because the platform has been highjacked for political purposes....So every dollar you spend supports political agendas of the left by holding up these platforms for them to use in these ways.
You weren't saying that when the NFL was being paid to promote the military.
You got something against the military ? It is an American institution full of patriot's of all colors and creed's. That was a weak response you had, but that's what happens when you can't refute the points being made.
"If someone has a flag in their yard, you can guess which party they are in. The US flag and Anthem are like garlic to vampires with democrats. One whole political party thinks the country is evil and needs to be brought down. Greatest question ever is why elect people who don't even like the country. They don't even pretend to like it and want to fix problems in it."

I've seen plenty of democrats with flags in their yards and inside their homes. The democrats are about America living up to the ideals the flag and anthem represent. Republicans are not. One whole party believes America belongs to a certain type of person and the other believes in E PLURIBUS UNUM. E Pluribus Unum does not mean white male hetero christian only.
The flag doesn't represent collectivism. The left's demand for it harms everybody, including non white, non Christians. Attacking white people and Christians doesn't lead to any enlightened justice.
Systemic Racism has NOT been part of the American fabric for at least 30 years. There will always be personal Racism to some extent. We were dealing with that just fine until Obama took office. That's when the Divider-In-Chief did his thing. Now we're headed back to 1960.
"Systemic racism" is a classic strawman....."The system" can't even be quantified, let alone defend itself from the charge of racism.
With the Left, everything, like this election, always comes back to their wanting to BLAME AMERICA. America bad. America wong. America flawed. That is what is at the heart of the word "systemic racism." AMERICA is the system. It is their way of justifying victimization and passing responsibility onto others. It'll be the central reason why they lose this election.
If someone has a flag in their yard, you can guess which party they are in. The US flag and Anthem are like garlic to vampires with democrats. One whole political party thinks the country is evil and needs to be brought down. Greatest question ever is why elect people who don't even like the country. They don't even pretend to like it and want to fix problems in it.
Yep, Obama told us about his plan to "transform America" and now we are seeing what he had in mind.
I knew Obama was a slickster when I first listened to the first campaign rehtoric he uttered out of his mouth.
Obama was the finest president of the modern era.
"If someone has a flag in their yard, you can guess which party they are in. The US flag and Anthem are like garlic to vampires with democrats. One whole political party thinks the country is evil and needs to be brought down. Greatest question ever is why elect people who don't even like the country. They don't even pretend to like it and want to fix problems in it."

I've seen plenty of democrats with flags in their yards and inside their homes. The democrats are about America living up to the ideals the flag and anthem represent. Republicans are not. One whole party believes America belongs to a certain type of person and the other believes in E PLURIBUS UNUM. E Pluribus Unum does not mean white male hetero christian only.
You are right, it doesn't mean "white male hetero Christian only", but what the Democrat's and their leftist mobs have proven, is that the "white male hetero Christian" must be destroyed now. Why is that ? It's because the left hates Christianity and everything it represents. And also the left wants to control every aspect of the American society in so that they can fundementally change it into a wild party house, otherwise where everything is free, the party never ends, work is an option, and everyone gets a trophy no matter what their lack of contribution is to society.

We have had a preview of the bullcrap long enough now, and it's been long enough that nobody is fooled by it all anymore.

If it all keeps on going, then the states will end up having to be separated by cultures, and not by color. Once state's are established as being a majority of those who want to migrate to one or another for cultural purposes, then the nation will either begin to heal or go to war with itself between the states after a possible migration or split happens.

People can heal, but the race baiting demon-cratzi's ain't having any of it, so if it continues then hopefully the people will stop listening to the race baiter's, and start thinking with their own mind's again someday. Wake up America.

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