The Ravens claim "Racism is embedded in the fabric of our society".

... The great experiment here has been to get multi-culturalism to somehow work, but of course it all hinges on that grand old concept of assimilation. Now forces exist that attempt to cast fear of cultural disentigration into anyone that might even think about assimilating into another culture, and sadly some fall for it.

The great American Melting Pot is still working just fine.
what planet do you live on?
... The great experiment here has been to get multi-culturalism to somehow work, but of course it all hinges on that grand old concept of assimilation. Now forces exist that attempt to cast fear of cultural disentigration into anyone that might even think about assimilating into another culture, and sadly some fall for it.

The great American Melting Pot is still working just fine.
... The great experiment here has been to get multi-culturalism to somehow work, but of course it all hinges on that grand old concept of assimilation. Now forces exist that attempt to cast fear of cultural disentigration into anyone that might even think about assimilating into another culture, and sadly some fall for it.

The great American Melting Pot is still working just fine.
Working ? Working for who exactly ? Not talking about making ends meet, I'm talking about mentally working.
If someone has a flag in their yard, you can guess which party they are in.
If a simple American flag defines one party from the other (in America), then that pretty much SPELLS OUT what this election is really about.

Greatest question ever is why elect people who don't even like the country.
Apparently you vote Democrat now if you simply don't like America or if you're just a total idiot.
We were founded as a racist country
We engaged in openly sanctioned racism for almost 200 years

Is that embedded in the fabric of our society?
... The great experiment here has been to get multi-culturalism to somehow work, but of course it all hinges on that grand old concept of assimilation. Now forces exist that attempt to cast fear of cultural disentigration into anyone that might even think about assimilating into another culture, and sadly some fall for it.

The great American Melting Pot is still working just fine.
... The great experiment here has been to get multi-culturalism to somehow work, but of course it all hinges on that grand old concept of assimilation. Now forces exist that attempt to cast fear of cultural disentigration into anyone that might even think about assimilating into another culture, and sadly some fall for it.

The great American Melting Pot is still working just fine.
Working ? Working for who exactly ? Not talking about making ends meet, I'm talking about mentally working.
Functioning as always.
... The great experiment here has been to get multi-culturalism to somehow work, but of course it all hinges on that grand old concept of assimilation. Now forces exist that attempt to cast fear of cultural disentigration into anyone that might even think about assimilating into another culture, and sadly some fall for it.

The great American Melting Pot is still working just fine.
what planet do you live on?
The words "racist" and "racism" have lost all meaning, and are most often used to slander those that the speaker does not like.

I have a sister who regularly pollutes Facebook with anti-racism memes and asks that right-thinking viewers pass them on or re-post them or whatever it is that one does with this garbage. Since I am both uninterested and technologically incapable I always disappoint.

But here is my point of dissention: We are old white people, living in our suburban enclaves - especially now, when "we" are afraid to go out of the house. If we WANTED TO DISCRIMINATE against people of Black African parentage, there is almost no forum in which we could do it. We can't turn one of them down for a job, refuse them service, overcharge them for something, insult them either wittingly or what is the value of proclaiming to the world that I am not racist? I lack the opportunity, and who gives a shit anyway?

And getting back to the definition of "racist," it is now a GIVEN that even mentioning a difference between the races is proof of racism - even when that difference is quantitative and verifiable. Can the truth be "racist"? If so, then as I stated above, it is meaningless.

Black people today don't want JUSTICE. Indeed, that is the LAST thing that they want. Justice is the state of affairs that exists when virtue is appropriately rewarded and evil is appropriately sanctioned (punished, if you will). The Black people in prison are there because they have been discovered to have committed felonies, and the People, speaking through their legislatures have defined the penalties for those felonies. But if you look at the actual numbers (victimization surveys vs. NRC), many, many more Black people would be in prison if all of the perpetrators were found and convicted. THAT would be "justice." Nobody wants it, despite what "they" say.
Sorry to hear about your sister. She reminds me of an aunt of mine who used to pollute my e-mail in box with endless religious passalong stuff. In essence, the extreme religious fundies and the woke are the same as this extreme political correctness is a form of fundamentalism. It amounts to a rigid set of beliefs that cannot be questioned, a predetermined outlook on all human interaction despite the actual facts of the matter, the utter inability to think rationally and a groupthink so fierce that everybody is viewed as either with them or against them.

Interestingly, when you weaponize those attitudes, they turn into fascism. The left, for the most part, has embraced fascism. Their demand for groupthink has now taken to the street with all the terrorism they are committing terrorism against innocent people in order to achieve their goal
Systemic Racism has NOT been part of the American fabric for at least 30 years. There will always be personal Racism to some extent. We were dealing with that just fine until Obama took office. That's when the Divider-In-Chief did his thing. Now we're headed back to 1960.
"Systemic racism" is a classic strawman....."The system" can't even be quantified, let alone defend itself from the charge of racism.
With the Left, everything, like this election, always comes back to their wanting to BLAME AMERICA. America bad. America wong. America flawed. That is what is at the heart of the word "systemic racism." AMERICA is the system. It is their way of justifying victimization and passing responsibility onto others. It'll be the central reason why they lose this election.
If someone has a flag in their yard, you can guess which party they are in. The US flag and Anthem are like garlic to vampires with democrats. One whole political party thinks the country is evil and needs to be brought down. Greatest question ever is why elect people who don't even like the country. They don't even pretend to like it and want to fix problems in it.
Yep, Obama told us about his plan to "transform America" and now we are seeing what he had in mind.
No. Actually that is wrong. There are individuals who are Racists and they are of every race. Fortunately the vast majority of Americans are not racist. But unfortunately the Marxist divisive Black Lives Matter movement is creating new racists every day. Now we have pro sports teams bowing to their new masters. Yeah, I'm definitely done with the NFL.

The Ravens are right. Only a retarded white boy would deny that racism is embedded in the fabric of the US.
The real danger is that the resources/money will decline in real terms to those who feel wronged. And that can happen. This time around there is a growing resentment with this. Right or wrong.
No. Actually that is wrong. There are individuals who are Racists and they are of every race. Fortunately the vast majority of Americans are not racist. But unfortunately the Marxist divisive Black Lives Matter movement is creating new racists every day. Now we have pro sports teams bowing to their new masters. Yeah, I'm definitely done with the NFL.

The Ravens are right. Only a retarded white boy would deny that racism is embedded in the fabric of the US.
The real danger is that the resources/money will decline in real terms to those who feel wronged. And that can happen. This time around there is a growing resentment with this. Right or wrong.
Every action has its consequences but I find that when you go with whats right other money making ventures open up for you. Besides its not like they couldnt start their own league and drive the NFL out of business if necessary. The players already know there will be resentment. So what? Who gives a fuck if some yahoos are resentful?
Systemic Racism has NOT been part of the American fabric for at least 30 years. There will always be personal Racism to some extent. We were dealing with that just fine until Obama took office. That's when the Divider-In-Chief did his thing. Now we're headed back to 1960.
"Systemic racism" is a classic strawman....."The system" can't even be quantified, let alone defend itself from the charge of racism.
With the Left, everything, like this election, always comes back to their wanting to BLAME AMERICA. America bad. America wong. America flawed. That is what is at the heart of the word "systemic racism." AMERICA is the system. It is their way of justifying victimization and passing responsibility onto others. It'll be the central reason why they lose this election.
If someone has a flag in their yard, you can guess which party they are in. The US flag and Anthem are like garlic to vampires with democrats. One whole political party thinks the country is evil and needs to be brought down. Greatest question ever is why elect people who don't even like the country. They don't even pretend to like it and want to fix problems in it.
Yep, Obama told us about his plan to "transform America" and now we are seeing what he had in mind.
His plan was you would stop being a racist when you saw that a Black man could achieve the highest office in the land despite your racism. Little did he know there was going to be a Blacklash and the country would elect an incompetent fuckup and narcissistic pro white power dumpster fire as POTUS. My bad. I mean the electoral college would elect him but you know what I meant.
Systemic Racism has NOT been part of the American fabric for at least 30 years. There will always be personal Racism to some extent. We were dealing with that just fine until Obama took office. That's when the Divider-In-Chief did his thing. Now we're headed back to 1960.
"Systemic racism" is a classic strawman....."The system" can't even be quantified, let alone defend itself from the charge of racism.
With the Left, everything, like this election, always comes back to their wanting to BLAME AMERICA. America bad. America wong. America flawed. That is what is at the heart of the word "systemic racism." AMERICA is the system. It is their way of justifying victimization and passing responsibility onto others. It'll be the central reason why they lose this election.
If someone has a flag in their yard, you can guess which party they are in. The US flag and Anthem are like garlic to vampires with democrats. One whole political party thinks the country is evil and needs to be brought down. Greatest question ever is why elect people who don't even like the country. They don't even pretend to like it and want to fix problems in it.
I don't vote at all and there is still a Murican flag on our pole.....Well, most of the time, anyway. :D
We were founded as a racist country
We engaged in openly sanctioned racism for almost 200 years

Is that embedded in the fabric of our society?
Your point is ignorant just like any other you have. By your bullcrap, we have never improved as a country.
No. Actually that is wrong. There are individuals who are Racists and they are of every race. Fortunately the vast majority of Americans are not racist. But unfortunately the Marxist divisive Black Lives Matter movement is creating new racists every day. Now we have pro sports teams bowing to their new masters. Yeah, I'm definitely done with the NFL.

Racism is embedded into the fabric of every society in the world. However the term racism is a misnomer, because the main thing that exist is culture clash that has absolutely nothing to do with a person's skin color. If anyone thinks that a person's character and personality hinges on their skin color, then I got some ocean front property in AZ to sell.

European's and African's in the early periods have always culturally clashed, and alot of it still goes on to this very day. The great experiment here has been to get multi-culturalism to somehow work, but of course it all hinges on that grand old concept of assimilation. Now forces exist that attempt to cast fear of cultural disentigration into anyone that might even think about assimilating into another culture, and sadly some fall for it.

What's the ole saying - "why can't we all just get along" ??

We can, and for the most part we have gotten along, but there are forces who hate us getting along, and they will do anything to keep us from getting along.

The Democrats for the purpose of power are tearing this nation apart. They can blame Trump all they want, but everyone or most know the score now, and it's definitely in Trump's favor for creating opportunity for all.

Didnt that come from Rodney King?
Or was it Reginald Denny?
No. Actually that is wrong. There are individuals who are Racists and they are of every race. Fortunately the vast majority of Americans are not racist. But unfortunately the Marxist divisive Black Lives Matter movement is creating new racists every day. Now we have pro sports teams bowing to their new masters. Yeah, I'm definitely done with the NFL.

The Ravens are right. Only a retarded white boy would deny that racism is embedded in the fabric of the US.
The real danger is that the resources/money will decline in real terms to those who feel wronged. And that can happen. This time around there is a growing resentment with this. Right or wrong.
Every action has its consequences but I find that when you go with whats right other money making ventures open up for you. Besides its not like they couldnt start their own league and drive the NFL out of business if necessary. The players already know there will be resentment. So what? Who gives a fuck if some yahoos are resentful?

How would starting their own league work?
America is the first and only nation founded upon Enlightenment ideas - The notion that every individual owns their own body and mind. Claiming that racism is "embedded into society" is simply not true.

Of course, these people do not really like America and they are very open with that. Their aim is not to beat racism, but rather to tear down the entire system that they regard as evil - Capitalism, private property and individualism all has to go.

What a bunch of clodpolls.

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