The Reagan lie continues today...

Okay. let's talk numbers...

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?

Reagan increased the national debt 186% from the level that Carter left him
GW Bush increased the national debt 101% from the level that Clinton left him
Obama has increased the national debt 55.4%

So the Republicans talk a good game, but they increase the national debt even more than a Democratic administration. And many of us are still struggling to recover from the mess that GW left us.

You're tarnishing the reverent image conservatives have of the brain addled buffoon......who took guidance from his wife who took guidance from a fortune teller.....need anyone say more?
A swingandamiss. No, you guys can't tarnish reality. It doesn't work that way. Many of us were alive then, I started a company serving other businesses and know full well the economy improved greatly, even with the added debt and lowered taxes. More activity = more income.

Nor will excusing/ignoring Democrat spending work. Nor will excusing 19+ trillion in debt we have now thanks to obama's social spending. The only tarnish here is between your ears.
please inform us what social program caused 19 trillion dollars of debt we would love to hear your ramblings ... I've read these accusations you idiots make but your numbers just don't seem to add up
View attachment 68339

If that chart was accurate you would be running a surplus...
that's the reason they dig up and dump on Reagan. they need to take the heat off the LOSERS they stuck on us as Presidents.
I mean really:
One term Carter
blowjob Billy
and some street thug community agitator who changed his name to all things. Obambam Husain. really?:eusa_naughty::eusa_naughty:
OK really here are the facts stephoney
View attachment 68341
see where it says Reagan??? see where it says 8.7 % increase of spending and you're fine with that ...
to take the heat off means someone has done something wrong Stephoney ...
see where it says Obama ????
see where it says 1.4 % spending styephoney???
can ya see it???
I'm not aware he changed his name were do you get this non-sense from ...

Stephoney is a prime example of the Trump supporters.............

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds
The BIG DEBT happened under the Clinton Recession of 2001 and Obama thereafter. Bush was doing a damn good job bringing the deficits down until the idiots Reid and Pelosi in 2006!!!

LMAO. What a fucking idiot you are.

Bush's wars were "free" eh? Bush's tax cuts were "free" also. And the prescription drug program was "free" as well.

Damn that Bush gave away the country with all those freebies.

But you still a fucking idiot.
The BIG DEBT happened under the Clinton Recession of 2001 and Obama thereafter. Bush was doing a damn good job bringing the deficits down until the idiots Reid and Pelosi in 2006!!!

LMAO. What a fucking idiot you are.

Bush's wars were "free" eh? Bush's tax cuts were "free" also. And the prescription drug program was "free" as well.

Damn that Bush gave away the country with all those freebies.

But you still a fucking idiot.

Oh wait a minute. I think we have a truther here folks? Bush's WARs? Why is that plural? Which wars did Boooosh start?

You fucking loser.

I will be waiting for the Iraq bullshit cliche again. Which, is all you fucking losers have. I will then happily remind you about WHO proagated the existence of WMDs before Boooosh took office.

Which wars did Boooosh start? Why is that plural? You fucking loser.
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The BIG DEBT happened under the Clinton Recession of 2001 and Obama thereafter. Bush was doing a damn good job bringing the deficits down until the idiots Reid and Pelosi in 2006!!!

LMAO. What a fucking idiot you are.

Bush's wars were "free" eh? Bush's tax cuts were "free" also. And the prescription drug program was "free" as well.

Damn that Bush gave away the country with all those freebies.

But you still a fucking idiot.
Wilbur Wrong sounds like he is losing it. Then again, maybe he never had it....
I guess it must be a slow day for the liberals. Mrs. Tulza Clinton must not be barking out orders today.

The difference between Reagan creating debt and Obama creating debt is that at least we got something for out debt with Reagan. Reagan pulled us out of the Carter malaise and made most of us feel good about being Americans. Reagan wasn't perfect, as no man is perfect, but there was NEVER any doubt what country Reagan loved. Not so much for Obama. As Clinton famously said, a few years ago Obama would be serving him coffee. Not so for Reagan, Obama isn't worthy to serve him coffee.

Are you ignorant or a liar? One or both must be true as you depiction of history is rotten to the core.

Carter used the word "malaise" to describe that which he inherited from the Nixon/Ford economy. For those who are curious look up Ford's effort to overcome "STAGFLATION" (a word made-up to describe the pre-Carter Economy of high unemployment and high inflation) by implementing the WIN Program.

The crazy right wing is both out of touch with reality and mendacious, they are the people who can be fooled all of the time.

You and your ilk use the word lie so freely. Certainly must be projection. I lived through the era, it was a Carter Malaise. Are Democrats ever responsible for anything? But I don't call you folks stupid or liars, you are just damn ignorant. I think you really believe the crap you spew, but you believing it doesn't make it so.

I lived through the nightmare of Carter. I waited in the gas lines. I listened to his Malaise speech. (Crisis in Confidence) His aborted rescue attempt put the nail in Carter's failed reelection. Your ignorance isn't going to change the history I lived.

The only proof you need is the results of the Carter-Reagan election.
And look at that post 64.

Fucker to stupid to remember who was president when we were sold the necessity of war in Iraq.

Hey asshole was that war free? Did the tax cuts have a cost? Are prescription drugs free?

You are not only an asshole. You a stupid asshole. Bad combo for you.
we should really push for a law that says: some people shouldn't be allowed to vote. the reasons to hate someone is Pathetic.

For one thing, decades of rhetoric about waste in Washington—one of Reagan’s favorite talking points—have skewed voter perceptions. “People think that there are a lot of ways to end fraud that would help balance the budget,” Nyhan says. Forty-nine per cent of those surveyed in a 2013 Fox News poll agreed that cutting “waste and fraud” could eliminate the national debt. In addition, voters have a poor sense of how government money is spent. When Trump says that he wants to close the Department of Education and the E.P.A., it might sound like a big saving. Yet their combined budgets amount to a small fraction of his proposed tax cut. Likewise with foreign aid: polls show that Americans think as much as a quarter of the federal budget goes to other countries, when it’s actually less than one per cent of total spending.

The Republicans learned from Reagan that a HUGE LIE can be forgiven if your party keeps telling the work how wonderful a President that you were, as the GOP does Reagan. Now, all the GOP hopefuls, especially the fraud Phrump, have also taken to heart the Great Reagan Lie.

The other fact that the article points out in that FOX news viewers are very to fool. They believe most anything FOX swears is true.
Wow prior to Reagan no one talked about waste and fraud in government. Who knew?

Your child like view on the world has clearly left you blind to the obvious. Carter was all about waste & fraud in government. And was effective at cutting through the bullshit to help make necessary cuts

For one thing, decades of rhetoric about waste in Washington—one of Reagan’s favorite talking points—have skewed voter perceptions. “People think that there are a lot of ways to end fraud that would help balance the budget,” Nyhan says. Forty-nine per cent of those surveyed in a 2013 Fox News poll agreed that cutting “waste and fraud” could eliminate the national debt. In addition, voters have a poor sense of how government money is spent. When Trump says that he wants to close the Department of Education and the E.P.A., it might sound like a big saving. Yet their combined budgets amount to a small fraction of his proposed tax cut. Likewise with foreign aid: polls show that Americans think as much as a quarter of the federal budget goes to other countries, when it’s actually less than one per cent of total spending.

The Republicans learned from Reagan that a HUGE LIE can be forgiven if your party keeps telling the work how wonderful a President that you were, as the GOP does Reagan. Now, all the GOP hopefuls, especially the fraud Phrump, have also taken to heart the Great Reagan Lie.

The other fact that the article points out in that FOX news viewers are very to fool. They believe most anything FOX swears is true.
Wow prior to Reagan no one talked about waste and fraud in government. Who knew?

Is that the best response that you have? Yes, he talked about waste and fraud and then told America that eliminating it would remove the national debt. Then he turned and tripled it. THE REAGAN LIE!
Reagan's entire budgets were less than Obama's debt

For one thing, decades of rhetoric about waste in Washington—one of Reagan’s favorite talking points—have skewed voter perceptions. “People think that there are a lot of ways to end fraud that would help balance the budget,” Nyhan says. Forty-nine per cent of those surveyed in a 2013 Fox News poll agreed that cutting “waste and fraud” could eliminate the national debt. In addition, voters have a poor sense of how government money is spent. When Trump says that he wants to close the Department of Education and the E.P.A., it might sound like a big saving. Yet their combined budgets amount to a small fraction of his proposed tax cut. Likewise with foreign aid: polls show that Americans think as much as a quarter of the federal budget goes to other countries, when it’s actually less than one per cent of total spending.

The Republicans learned from Reagan that a HUGE LIE can be forgiven if your party keeps telling the work how wonderful a President that you were, as the GOP does Reagan. Now, all the GOP hopefuls, especially the fraud Phrump, have also taken to heart the Great Reagan Lie.

The other fact that the article points out in that FOX news viewers are very to fool. They believe most anything FOX swears is true.
Wow prior to Reagan no one talked about waste and fraud in government. Who knew?

Is that the best response that you have? Yes, he talked about waste and fraud and then told America that eliminating it would remove the national debt. Then he turned and tripled it. THE REAGAN LIE!
I've read and listened to a lot of Reagan, when did he ever say the budget could be balanced by eliminating waste and fraud?

For one thing, decades of rhetoric about waste in Washington—one of Reagan’s favorite talking points—have skewed voter perceptions. “People think that there are a lot of ways to end fraud that would help balance the budget,” Nyhan says. Forty-nine per cent of those surveyed in a 2013 Fox News poll agreed that cutting “waste and fraud” could eliminate the national debt. In addition, voters have a poor sense of how government money is spent. When Trump says that he wants to close the Department of Education and the E.P.A., it might sound like a big saving. Yet their combined budgets amount to a small fraction of his proposed tax cut. Likewise with foreign aid: polls show that Americans think as much as a quarter of the federal budget goes to other countries, when it’s actually less than one per cent of total spending.

The Republicans learned from Reagan that a HUGE LIE can be forgiven if your party keeps telling the work how wonderful a President that you were, as the GOP does Reagan. Now, all the GOP hopefuls, especially the fraud Phrump, have also taken to heart the Great Reagan Lie.

The other fact that the article points out in that FOX news viewers are very to fool. They believe most anything FOX swears is true.
Wow prior to Reagan no one talked about waste and fraud in government. Who knew?

Is that the best response that you have? Yes, he talked about waste and fraud and then told America that eliminating it would remove the national debt. Then he turned and tripled it. THE REAGAN LIE!
I've read and listened to a lot of Reagan, when did he ever say the budget could be balanced by eliminating waste and fraud?

He didn't, Trump does.
Okay. let's talk numbers...

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?

Reagan increased the national debt 186% from the level that Carter left him
GW Bush increased the national debt 101% from the level that Clinton left him
Obama has increased the national debt 55.4%

So the Republicans talk a good game, but they increase the national debt even more than a Democratic administration. And many of us are still struggling to recover from the mess that GW left us.
Which president increased the debt by $8 Trillion?
Carter was an idiot; even Obama would have looked good following him...............until about year two!!!

The Ronald was a GREAT pres; it's why the left are so set on rewriting History!!! And frankly the only decent thing Bill did was chase skirt and leave the running of the country to those with a few brains. Even then he managed to fuck up the Tech and Housing industries.


The reality is Reagan was a great president for you because you wanted him to be.

Obama had scandals, that's why he's a bad president, Reagan had scandals, that's why he was a good president. That kind of fucked up argument.

Oh please, were you around when he was President. If anything he had the American people more United than any other President since I've been voting starting with Carter. and if think ending the cold war was NOTHING, that shows how partisan you are and it's not on him. hate him or like him that's up to the PERSON

For one thing, decades of rhetoric about waste in Washington—one of Reagan’s favorite talking points—have skewed voter perceptions. “People think that there are a lot of ways to end fraud that would help balance the budget,” Nyhan says. Forty-nine per cent of those surveyed in a 2013 Fox News poll agreed that cutting “waste and fraud” could eliminate the national debt. In addition, voters have a poor sense of how government money is spent. When Trump says that he wants to close the Department of Education and the E.P.A., it might sound like a big saving. Yet their combined budgets amount to a small fraction of his proposed tax cut. Likewise with foreign aid: polls show that Americans think as much as a quarter of the federal budget goes to other countries, when it’s actually less than one per cent of total spending.

The Republicans learned from Reagan that a HUGE LIE can be forgiven if your party keeps telling the work how wonderful a President that you were, as the GOP does Reagan. Now, all the GOP hopefuls, especially the fraud Phrump, have also taken to heart the Great Reagan Lie.

The other fact that the article points out in that FOX news viewers are very to fool. They believe most anything FOX swears is true.
Wow prior to Reagan no one talked about waste and fraud in government. Who knew?

Is that the best response that you have? Yes, he talked about waste and fraud and then told America that eliminating it would remove the national debt. Then he turned and tripled it. THE REAGAN LIE!
I've read and listened to a lot of Reagan, when did he ever say the budget could be balanced by eliminating waste and fraud?

He didn't, Trump does.
So the OP is a lie, Reagan has nothing to do with it.
And look at that post 64.

Fucker to stupid to remember who was president when we were sold the necessity of war in Iraq.

Hey asshole was that war free? Did the tax cuts have a cost? Are prescription drugs free?

You are not only an asshole. You a stupid asshole. Bad combo for you.

Oh, so now you down to the singular? Got it. You gave up on the plural form of the word WAR.

Got it.

Yeah, we also know how the paradigm shifted on how to deal with terror sponsored nations post 911 after what we all saw what 19 men could do to this country with out a gun. Snicker, with out a gun. Talk about a violating the pathetic left wing narrative. Brown people committing mass murder with out a gun.

No longer could this country afford to be reactive only. You stupid ignorant pile of shit.
Which, the democrats that you are going to vote for agreed with.

UN security council voted 15-0 (unanimous) on saddam violating at least 17 resolutions. We also know for a fact WHO signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs.

You are a fucking hypocritical fucking pawn. Dispatched AGAIN with facts. Now, go run along little boy. You know nothing other than democrat socialist talking points. You have no thinking power.

You are a fucking loser, along with every waste of blood like you. Not worth a bag of shit.

How does it feel to lose all of the time? Loser?

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