The Real American soldier

Originally posted by OCA
Ok einai=it is, it be/ Kai=and/ afton is now aftos=him/ legete=its called or leei= it or he says/ aftoi=them or those/ christon is now christos=christ.

That stuff was in ancient Greek, nobody but the church uses that anymore which is part of the problem as we were discussing.

DK was talking about interpretation. I was bringing up the original language to show the statement and the fact that you cannot just look at a statement, and discard it as an infinitely interpretable statemnt, and continue on your merry way.

The problem of doing that is it nullifies the very idea of context and foundational fact of all rulebooks and their way of being used. -I like to use the football rulebook as an anlaogy. When it says a facemask penalty is x yards, that doesn't mean "if you feel like it", or "x-3 yards if you feel gracious", or 5 SCHOOL YARDS, or anything else. It means what it literally says in context.

If my verse claiming Christ as the diety Himself was in question, because of an "interpretation issue", the true original wording resolves that.

As far as which church uses which language, we both know that when it comes down to knowing what the Bible says, we have the power and ability to tap the source of all knowledge through salvation and get what we need. If we want to go further, we have historically accurate translation mechanisms such as I have brought up which CAN BE taken and placed against God's word in its entirety for an in context proof of accuracy. :)
Originally posted by dilloduck
I see russ is having a problem with your funamentalism too-----are you avoiding the chat room that I made for us?

You really have to be more specific. I dug around in all of your last 50 posts and cannot figure out where the heck this room is supposed to be located.
Originally posted by NewGuy
DK was talking about interpretation. I was bringing up the original language to show the statement and the fact that you cannot just look at a statement, and discard it as an infinitely interpretable statemnt, and continue on your merry way.

The problem of doing that is it nullifies the very idea of context and foundational fact of all rulebooks and their way of being used. -I like to use the football rulebook as an anlaogy. When it says a facemask penalty is x yards, that doesn't mean "if you feel like it", or "x-3 yards if you feel gracious", or 5 SCHOOL YARDS, or anything else. It means what it literally says in context.

If my verse claiming Christ as the diety Himself was in question, because of an "interpretation issue", the true original wording resolves that.

As far as which church uses which language, we both know that when it comes down to knowing what the Bible says, we have the power and ability to tap the source of all knowledge through salvation and get what we need. If we want to go further, we have historically accurate translation mechanisms such as I have brought up which CAN BE taken and placed against God's word in its entirety for an in context proof of accuracy. :)

Oh no don't get me wrong, the original wording is the original wording. Each translation whether it be into English or whatever something is lost. But you have to admit that translations into todays language make it a little bit easier to understand as long as you get the jist of the bible which is what you have to do in order to recieve eternal life.
Originally posted by OCA
Oh no don't get me wrong, the original wording is the original wording. Each translation whether it be into English or whatever something is lost. But you have to admit that translations into todays language make it a little bit easier to understand as long as you get the jist of the bible which is what you have to do in order to recieve eternal life.



I let the consequences of corruption lie with the translators. :dev1:
Didn't an Iraqi prisoner get murdered as well?
So one american gets murdered, one iraqi gets murdered (and all of the abuse etc) and what you think that America has been wronged?

fukin hell you guys have a wierd way of putting things into perspective.

Please let Bush get a second term, I want us europeans to be able to laugh at the ashes of america in another four years.
Originally posted by UhihaJax
Didn't an Iraqi prisoner get murdered as well?
So one american gets murdered, one iraqi gets murdered (and all of the abuse etc) and what you think that America has been wronged?

fukin hell you guys have a wierd way of putting things into perspective.

Please let Bush get a second term, I want us europeans to be able to laugh at the ashes of america in another four years.

So, now you liberal Euros DO believe in an eye for an eye?

If you dipshit Euros keep your head buried in the sand you are going go be ashes within the next few years.

Why is it you guys continue to ignore the rampant spread of FUNDAMENTALIST Islamists?

Didn't Winston Churchill's characterization of appeasement warn against continually feeding the alligator in the hope that he will eat you last? That is exactly what the Euros and the left are doing in America. Feeding the alligator...
Originally posted by UhihaJax
Didn't an Iraqi prisoner get murdered as well?
So one american gets murdered, one iraqi gets murdered (and all of the abuse etc) and what you think that America has been wronged?

fukin hell you guys have a wierd way of putting things into perspective.

Please let Bush get a second term, I want us europeans to be able to laugh at the ashes of america in another four years.

Both Americans and Iraqis have been wronged by some members of the other. Just because injustices have been committed on both sides doesn't make those wrongs any less wrong.

As for the laughing at the ashes of america comment, you are a vindictive and evil bastard whose comments have demonstrated a lack of humanity.
well i guess its official now. one currency--one country Can we erase all those other little lines on the map? Let us know when we have to save your ass again and we'll think about it
in other news, in an extremely ironic turn of events China and North Korea banded together with South Korea, Japan, and the USA to defeat the aggresive Union of European Socialist Republics in what has now been termed the 'lukewarm' war for its volatility. :p:
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
in other news, in an extremely ironic turn of events China and North Korea banded together with South Korea, Japan, and the USA to defeat the aggresive Union of European Socialist Republics in what has now been termed the 'lukewarm' war for its volatility. :p:

You know that the area of China is referred to as the million man army in the Bible too right?

I am not kidding either.
Originally posted by NewGuy
You know that the area of China is referred to as the million man army in the Bible too right?

I am not kidding either.

not familiar enough with the bible to know about that.
Originally posted by NewGuy
You know that the area of China is referred to as the million man army in the Bible too right?

I am not kidding either.

The Bible says that there will be a 200,000,000 man army from "the East." It doesn't name China specifically, but no other country could field such a large army.
Originally posted by OCA
Show me one prisoner being beheaded or being burned alive and swinging from a bridge then i'll say we fucked up. Until then I say it was a viable option to treat these shitbags to a little humiliation.

Works for me as well. We haven't beheaded or hung anyone so those bleeding heart liberals need to shut the hell up and let the military do it's job.
With the prison 'crisis' and the Berg story, I though a positive story was called for:

Marine Letter From Fallujah About Great Americans
Received this email from a Marine in Fallujah via Colonel M. It's long and it's a very important read. I'll have a message for you at the end of this one.
To all my family and friends,
We just returned from offensive operations in areas I am sure that all you have read about or seen on the news. This is my first day off since we've been in country, and I don't know what to do with myself. My Battalion is taking a slight 24-36 hour "pause" while we prepare to return to security and nation-building operations. We've been working continuously since we got here and I forgot how to relax, but a good cigar helps tremendously. I was recently selected for promotion to Captain, so today I smoked a fine celebratory Cohiba that the Battalion Commander gave me. I couldn't have asked for better on my day off.
My cigar supply has worn thin. Although cheap Cubans are in great supply here, they are like smoking tree bark.
Life is OK in Iraq. Don't believe everything that you read. Yes, Marines and soldiers are dying, but it is a relative few. We are absolutely slaughtering the enemy in every area that we operate.
There are a few civilian casualties, but the insurgents are dropping like flies. We won't transform this place into California any time soon, but the Iraqis are enjoying running water, electricity, and rebuilt or new schools. The Iraqis are good people, and they realize the necessity of our presence here. Many of them don't want us to leave.
I appreciate the emails that you all have sent. I spent a lot of time this morning trying to read them all. I have had little luck being able to send emails from here. I have tried a number of times to reply to some of you a few weeks ago, but they bounced back. I hope this one gets out. The deployed military servers are so unstable. I can still get my personal email address, and you can now get me on this Marine Corps email account. Many of you have asked for my mailing address.
Here it is: XXXXXXX
I have been thinking a lot about Pat Tillman for the last few days.
We all heard about his death shortly after it happened. There was a tremendous ripple effect throughout all ranks that was quite sobering. A great American was lost. Such is a dying breed: A man whose honor and loyalty exceeded well beyond the façade of patriotism represented by rain-drenched American flags we all saw hanging in front of houses for the few short months following September 11, 2001; a man who acknowledged that his good fortune in life existed only through the sacrifice of generations before him; a man who awoke every morning thankful to be an American and recognizing the distinction between the rights protected by the Constitution and the privileges many Americans think we deserve. We as a country have lost sight of this distinction.
As I read a Stars and Stripes article about Tillman, on the following page, there is an article about Gweneth Paltrow. She has voiced her frustration with the direction this country is heading. She is frustrated with the war and how the Bush administration has dealt with it, so she expresses her desire to raise her child overseas in Europe.
Protecting her right to raise her child in another country and speak freely about it is what men and women fight and die for daily. Under the former regime and the Ba'ath party, an Iraqi woman who expressed her frustration with the government in this way would have been arrested, tortured, and killed. Freedom of speech is something that most countries cannot comprehend, and it is something that we take for granted. Pat Tillman gave his life to protect Ms. Paltrow's 1st Amendment rights.
However, Gweneth Paltrow is not frustrated enough with this country to stop earning huge paychecks in Hollywood. She says that she will continue to make movies in the US. Her selfishness and hypocrisy is shameless. She spits in the face of the Bush administration and his aggressive national defense policy, but continues to reap the benefits and privileges of the same policies that have protected her. Who the hell is Gweneth Paltrow, the rest of the Hollywood elites, and their anti-Bush ramblings without the government that protects their views?
Pat Tillman gave his life to protect the privileges of wealthy, sanctimonious elitists whose only concept of sacrifice is having to miss their afternoon massage because the last scene took a little longer to shoot.
My former Company Commander always said that there are good Americans and there are great Americans. By his definition, I am a good American.
Becoming a Marine is something that I had always wanted to do. I traveled the long, winding road en route, but I made it. For that, I am proud. I merely recognized the privileges and opportunities that I have as an American and wanted to return the favor. (Experiencing life in a third world country is definitely validating that decision.) However, I did not sacrifice much to join the Marine Corps. I was mowing lawns the summer after I graduated from LSU, wondering what I would do if I was not accepted to become an officer in the United States Marine Corps.
I love being an American, and I love my job. I love fighting for my country. I left no wife or kids behind, no six-figure job. Being a good American does not necessarily mean joining the military. Being a good American is not a huge sacrifice. Good Americans just want to give something back.
Then there are the few great Americans. Pat Tillman had the "American dream." He made millions by playing football. In what other country in the world can someone become a millionaire by playing a sport, singing a song, or acting in a movie? Most young Americans idolize athletes, who give up college educations to enter the draft, earn millions of dollars, own a dozen expensive cars, and fondle strange women because they can. What ever happened to revering honor and integrity? Today's children would rather become rap stars or professional athletes than police officers or firefighters. Pat Tillman recognized that Americans risk their lives everyday protecting and defending the constitution of the United States of America and providing him the opportunity to earn millions of dollars. He recognized that only through strength could the peace and prosperity of this country survive. After American soil was soaked with the blood of thousands on September 11, he recognized that all the money in the world would not protect his family and friends from terrorism. Instead of throwing up a flag in front of his house, instead of wearing a yellow ribbon on his lapel, he has given the ultimate sacrifice of his life in defense of this nation. Pat Tillman is a great American.
Did you all think that because I was in Iraq, you were safe from my political diatribes?
Thanks to all of you that have emailed me. Great job on the MJM Foundation Gala- I heard it was another hit. Congrats to Mike and Loren. Congrats to Christine and Matt. Congrats to Dawn and Bobby.
I have thoroughly enjoyed all the photos of new-borns and toddlers from you- I am losing track. I hope I didn't miss anyone.I miss you all.
Take care,
First, I only removed his name and address to protect his identity. Second, if some of you want to send this Marine some cigars, I'll give you his address providing a few caveats:
1. You send your name and address.
2. We have cooresponded previously via email.
Thanks for sharing... can you re-post this in a new thread? I am working with an Army unit on some stuff and am corresponding regularly with a soldier in Mosul. It would be nice if we dedicated a thread these soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines....... (oops, can't forget the Coast Guard either....)
Wish I could help but I don't fit the criteria. Thanks so much for trying to get the truth out and thank this marine for me
Hey.. I bet the beheaded Berg guy would have chosen sitting for hours in in 50-degree sunlight or even panties on his head compared to what he got.

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