The real architect of the GOP government shut down plan

Mark Meadows, who represents the western part of North Carolina and has wielded his influence behind the bright lights of the television cameras and the hot microphones.

Actually, the unintended ‘architect’ of the republican government shutdown plan is Speaker John Boehner, who failed to keep these extremists in check. By indulging the TPM’s partisan ignorance and stupidity, Boehner has made it clear that the radical right can simply ignore the Speaker and put in jeopardy the economic wellbeing of our country.
Mark Meadows, who represents the western part of North Carolina and has wielded his influence behind the bright lights of the television cameras and the hot microphones.

Actually, the unintended ‘architect’ of the republican government shutdown plan is Speaker John Boehner, who failed to keep these extremists in check. By indulging the TPM’s partisan ignorance and stupidity, Boehner has made it clear that the radical right can simply ignore the Speaker and put in jeopardy the economic wellbeing of our country.

Boehner has lost control of the House GOP. As a result, he has endangered the future of his party and the economic health of his nation. Perhaps it is time for him to go?
now how did I figure it was CRUZ just from the title...

Good ole CNN doing the DNC work for them...and spreading THE HATE

haters will be haters, useful tools will be useful tools to spread the DNC hate and fear mongering
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We all know what happened to the GOP after they did shut down the govt. during Clinton.
Mark Meadows, who represents the western part of North Carolina and has wielded his influence behind the bright lights of the television cameras and the hot microphones.

Actually, the unintended ‘architect’ of the republican government shutdown plan is Speaker John Boehner, who failed to keep these extremists in check. By indulging the TPM’s partisan ignorance and stupidity, Boehner has made it clear that the radical right can simply ignore the Speaker and put in jeopardy the economic wellbeing of our country.

Boehner has lost control of the House GOP. As a result, he has endangered the future of his party and the economic health of his nation. Perhaps it is time for him to go?

Go live under the control of your own party and worry over it..

the Gop doesn't CONTROL PEOPLE...that's something you Democrats- libs do

scratch a liberal find a FASCIST

you lefties/progressive puke are endangering THIS COUNTRY and OUR RITHTS FOR FREEDOM from the Federal government..Obama take's our rights away and you all ROLL over and hope he'll pat you all on the head....

now shut up with your stupid predictions
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The GOP is out of control. The establishment has lost control of the Baggers.
Actually, the unintended ‘architect’ of the republican government shutdown plan is Speaker John Boehner, who failed to keep these extremists in check. By indulging the TPM’s partisan ignorance and stupidity, Boehner has made it clear that the radical right can simply ignore the Speaker and put in jeopardy the economic wellbeing of our country.

Boehner has lost control of the House GOP. As a result, he has endangered the future of his party and the economic health of his nation. Perhaps it is time for him to go?

Go live under the control of your own party and worry over it..

the Gop doesn't CONTROL PEOPLE...that's something you Democrats- libs do

scratch a liberal find a FASCIST

you lefties/progressive piece of puke are endangering THIS COUNTRY and OUR RITHTS FOR FREEDOM from the Federal government..

now shut up with your stupid predictions

Then why is Bone-her the leader of the House and was elected from his own GOP members??
We all know what happened to the GOP after they did shut down the govt. during Clinton.

yes, we know.

they gain two Senatorial seats and retained the majority of the House during the next election.
And as a result the balanced budget was passed - first in the last 65 years.
the welfare reform was passed and other economic measures which helped the country to grow. The main consequence was - Clinton became a centrist and worked with Republicans for the rest of his presidency.
For which he is being hated by the extreme leftards until this day.
Mark Meadows, who represents the western part of North Carolina and has wielded his influence behind the bright lights of the television cameras and the hot microphones.

Actually, the unintended ‘architect’ of the republican government shutdown plan is Speaker John Boehner, who failed to keep these extremists in check. By indulging the TPM’s partisan ignorance and stupidity, Boehner has made it clear that the radical right can simply ignore the Speaker and put in jeopardy the economic wellbeing of our country.

The extremists are all ready in power with Senator Harry Reid and President Obama.
Tea Party are not the extremists.
Tea party wants economic freedom.
Smaller Government, less taxes and less regulations. This is mainstream and will help America.
The Frazier Institute has released it's report on Countries that have more Economic Freedom and they are doing very well.
Honkong and Singapore are number 1 and 2 in the world.
America is 17th and Venezuela is dead last.
Venezuela has the very same ideology as the left in this country has. Big Government, social programs, big regulations and high corporate tax. INTL.pdf
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There has been no government shutdown as of yet and even if there is we all know that no essential services will be affected yet everyone is hyping this hysteria over a possible government just as they did the sequester cuts yet when they went came there was no major impact on the country but here we are getting the same.

CNN has become an frikking joke

there was NOTHING unbiased about that article

they should be shunned if you are looking for UNBIASED news
Mark Meadows, who represents the western part of North Carolina and has wielded his influence behind the bright lights of the television cameras and the hot microphones.

Actually, the unintended ‘architect’ of the republican government shutdown plan is Speaker John Boehner, who failed to keep these extremists in check. By indulging the TPM’s partisan ignorance and stupidity, Boehner has made it clear that the radical right can simply ignore the Speaker and put in jeopardy the economic wellbeing of our country.

Boehner has lost control of the House GOP. As a result, he has endangered the future of his party and the economic health of his nation. Perhaps it is time for him to go?

Only someone as stupid as a liberal would look at a government that is unable to pay its bills and then talk about 'endangering the economic health of the nation.' And yes, I am aware that using 'stupid' and 'liberal' in the same sentence is redundant.
Actually, the unintended ‘architect’ of the republican government shutdown plan is Speaker John Boehner, who failed to keep these extremists in check. By indulging the TPM’s partisan ignorance and stupidity, Boehner has made it clear that the radical right can simply ignore the Speaker and put in jeopardy the economic wellbeing of our country.

Boehner has lost control of the House GOP. As a result, he has endangered the future of his party and the economic health of his nation. Perhaps it is time for him to go?

Only someone as stupid as a liberal would look at a government that is unable to pay its bills and then talk about 'endangering the economic health of the nation.' And yes, I am aware that using 'stupid' and 'liberal' in the same sentence is redundant.

You can't accuse them of the brightest sheep in the Democrat flock
If the Government does shut down due to the Bagger loons in the House, let's see who loses? It will be interesting to see.
We all know what happened to the GOP after they did shut down the govt. during Clinton.

Yes, we do. They forced Clinton to do what was needed, they got a balanced budget, they cut spending, they reformed welfare. It worked.
If the Government does shut down due to the Bagger loons in the House, let's see who loses? It will be interesting to see.

If there is a shutdown it will be because Obama refuses to negotiate with the house. A shutdown will be on obama.

the american people are not as stupid as barry thinks they are. They can see who is holding this up and saying "my way or the highway" and its not the GOP.

they see obama negotiating with the iranian terrorists but refusing to talk to the other party in the US government.

A shutdown will doom obamacare and obama---------bring it on :cool:

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