The REAL Descendants of the Declaration Signers


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2016
New Orleans
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LOL! I bet you righties thought they were all going to be lily white. This is brilliant...because this is the REAL America you righties want to deny. gathered up the direct descendants of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence and made a short video.

Happy 4th of July!



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kinda blows the leftards theory of white privilege


That was fucking hillarious. Every time one of these self righteous libtardos think they have the moral high ground they end up making asses of themselves.

The libtardo masters created vertical plantations to corral their voting blocks for power and now their shitholes are nothing but crime ridden slums. Then they blame Conservatives for industry moving away, drugs (which they want legalized), and a welfare state which in their infinite wisdom tells the mothers if they're married they can't get welfare.

If they threw out the votes of the vertical plantations, Trump would've won by 10 Million votes.
View attachment 137035


LOL! I bet you righties thought they were all going to be lily white. This is brilliant...because this is the REAL America you righties want to deny. gathered up the direct descendants of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence and made a short video.

Happy 4th of July!

1. Prove it
2. The founders would be rolling in their graves since this country was formed for their PROGENY not every piece of turd world trash that could make it here. This country needs a SERIOUS we could get our population down to about 100 million or less.
Despite the RW that the country was founded as a Christian nation,

only ONE of the signers of the Declaration of Independence ever served in the clergy.

John Witherspoon of New Jersey.
Saying you aren't a Christian unless being clergy is kind of like saying only people that served in congress are Americans.
kinda blows the leftards theory of white privilege


That was fucking hillarious. Every time one of these self righteous libtardos think they have the moral high ground they end up making asses of themselves.

The libtardo masters created vertical plantations to corral their voting blocks for power and now their shitholes are nothing but crime ridden slums. Then they blame Conservatives for industry moving away, drugs (which they want legalized), and a welfare state which in their infinite wisdom tells the mothers if they're married they can't get welfare.

If they threw out the votes of the vertical plantations, Trump would've won by 10 Million votes.

It reminds me of this - think about what this says about how Elite Libs view hispanic immigrants:

kinda blows the leftards theory of white privilege


That was fucking hillarious. Every time one of these self righteous libtardos think they have the moral high ground they end up making asses of themselves.

The libtardo masters created vertical plantations to corral their voting blocks for power and now their shitholes are nothing but crime ridden slums. Then they blame Conservatives for industry moving away, drugs (which they want legalized), and a welfare state which in their infinite wisdom tells the mothers if they're married they can't get welfare.

If they threw out the votes of the vertical plantations, Trump would've won by 10 Million votes.

It reminds me of this - think about what this says about how Elite Libs view hispanic immigrants:

View attachment 137044
She used the term we're as if she's one of them. Tells you what the elite hispanics think of their own doesn't it?
Every one of the signers from "southern" states owned slaves and having children by them was a socially acceptable situation. Some of those from the north had indentured servants, another form of servitude. They were not lily white in the 1700s so why should their descendants be that today?
kinda blows the leftards theory of white privilege

Hilarious. You actually thought that wasn't a retarded thing to say. You actually said to yourself "damn, that's good!" and proudly hit return. The mind boggles.

More hilarious is that a whole pack of effin' tards also thought it wasn't retarded.

No, I won't try to understand the thought processes behind such retardation. That risks insanity. When you gaze into the stupid, the stupid gazes back into you.

And no, it's not a surprise that the thread then devolved into conservative race-baiting and race-card playing. The race cards are all conservatives have. They alternate between being white victims and the haters of the racist liberals.
kinda blows the leftards theory of white privilege

Hilarious. You actually thought that wasn't a retarded thing to say. You actually said to yourself "damn, that's good!" and proudly hit return. The mind boggles.

More hilarious is that a whole pack of effin' tards also thought it wasn't retarded.

No, I won't try to understand the thought processes behind such retardation. That risks insanity. When you gaze into the stupid, the stupid gazes back into you.

And no, it's not a surprise that the thread then devolved into conservative race-baiting and race-card playing. The race cards are all conservatives have. They alternate between being white victims and the haters of the racist liberals.

Spot on. This really threatens their whole fucking concept about what America really is. Not that they ever knew in the first place.

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