The REAL Descendants of the Declaration Signers

View attachment 137035


LOL! I bet you righties thought they were all going to be lily white. This is brilliant...because this is the REAL America you righties want to deny. gathered up the direct descendants of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence and made a short video.

Happy 4th of July!

1. Prove it
2. The founders would be rolling in their graves since this country was formed for their PROGENY not every piece of turd world trash that could make it here. This country needs a SERIOUS we could get our population down to about 100 million or less.

I have been waiting for this question. was founded by the whitest people in the country: the Mormons. Look it up. They started a database years ago, when it had to be done manually, of every freaking person in the United States. Crazy, huh? But true. From there they evolved it into an online website and from that database, was able to connect all the dots.

Mormons Have World's Largest Database on Human Race: Why? , page 1
Databases of the Dead
kinda blows the leftards theory of white privilege

Hilarious. You actually thought that wasn't a retarded thing to say. You actually said to yourself "damn, that's good!" and proudly hit return. The mind boggles.

More hilarious is that a whole pack of effin' tards also thought it wasn't retarded.

No, I won't try to understand the thought processes behind such retardation. That risks insanity. When you gaze into the stupid, the stupid gazes back into you.

And no, it's not a surprise that the thread then devolved into conservative race-baiting and race-card playing. The race cards are all conservatives have. They alternate between being white victims and the haters of the racist liberals.
kinda blows the leftards theory of white privilege


That was fucking hillarious. Every time one of these self righteous libtardos think they have the moral high ground they end up making asses of themselves.

The libtardo masters created vertical plantations to corral their voting blocks for power and now their shitholes are nothing but crime ridden slums. Then they blame Conservatives for industry moving away, drugs (which they want legalized), and a welfare state which in their infinite wisdom tells the mothers if they're married they can't get welfare.

If they threw out the votes of the vertical plantations, Trump would've won by 10 Million votes.

What has that got to do with the fact that this proves white nationalism in the U.S. is a failure?
View attachment 137035


LOL! I bet you righties thought they were all going to be lily white. This is brilliant...because this is the REAL America you righties want to deny. gathered up the direct descendants of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence and made a short video.

Happy 4th of July!

That you just found out about Jefferson and his slave, Sally, is a bit concerning. We "righties" and "whities" already knew. There have been documentaries and such, but your title is kind of funny. The REAL ones as oppose to all the fake ones?
Anyway, welcome to the 21 Century... to you and your racist opinion. :)
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kinda blows the leftards theory of white privilege


That was fucking hillarious. Every time one of these self righteous libtardos think they have the moral high ground they end up making asses of themselves.

The libtardo masters created vertical plantations to corral their voting blocks for power and now their shitholes are nothing but crime ridden slums. Then they blame Conservatives for industry moving away, drugs (which they want legalized), and a welfare state which in their infinite wisdom tells the mothers if they're married they can't get welfare.

If they threw out the votes of the vertical plantations, Trump would've won by 10 Million votes.

What has that got to do with the fact that this proves white nationalism in the U.S. is a failure?

Enough of your fake outrage. If you do actually live in New Orleans march your ass down to the 9th Ward and you will see exactly what I describe as a vertical plantation. Brought to you by DEMOCRATS! The most racist pieces of shit to ever live. Now go get another race card from Sharpton, yours is worn completely out.
I bet you thought more people were going to give a dam about this than have so far.

Attack the messenger when you can't attack the message = loser, loser.
I didn't attack you I just said I bet you thought more people would care about this than do. The fact your so fucking stupid you thought that was an attack proves what moron you are FYI this is attacking you please remember it for future reference I'm not going to point out the obvious to you all the time and I'm not going to bump your idiot thread for you again.
View attachment 137035


LOL! I bet you righties thought they were all going to be lily white. This is brilliant...because this is the REAL America you righties want to deny. gathered up the direct descendants of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence and made a short video.

Happy 4th of July!

Your inability to understand people different than you is noted.
View attachment 137035


LOL! I bet you righties thought they were all going to be lily white. This is brilliant...because this is the REAL America you righties want to deny. gathered up the direct descendants of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence and made a short video.

Happy 4th of July!

1. Prove it
2. The founders would be rolling in their graves since this country was formed for their PROGENY not every piece of turd world trash that could make it here. This country needs a SERIOUS we could get our population down to about 100 million or less.

And a not surprising con-servative reply.
View attachment 137035


LOL! I bet you righties thought they were all going to be lily white. This is brilliant...because this is the REAL America you righties want to deny. gathered up the direct descendants of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence and made a short video.

Happy 4th of July!

I am shocked!

I'm not sure why I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you wouldn't be a typical leftard and make this a race baiting thread.

Thank God I don't see things though the fucked up lense you do. Id hate to walk around everyday hating on myself and fellow Americans because they aren't hung up on race like you...
kinda blows the leftards theory of white privilege


That was fucking hillarious. Every time one of these self righteous libtardos think they have the moral high ground they end up making asses of themselves.

The libtardo masters created vertical plantations to corral their voting blocks for power and now their shitholes are nothing but crime ridden slums. Then they blame Conservatives for industry moving away, drugs (which they want legalized), and a welfare state which in their infinite wisdom tells the mothers if they're married they can't get welfare.

If they threw out the votes of the vertical plantations, Trump would've won by 10 Million votes.

LOL! I bet you righties thought they were all going to be lily white. This is brilliant...because this is the REAL America you righties want to deny. gathered up the direct descendants of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence and made a short video. is notoriously inaccurate but who denied what? I don't live in your little hate bubble.
View attachment 137035


LOL! I bet you righties thought they were all going to be lily white. This is brilliant...because this is the REAL America you righties want to deny. gathered up the direct descendants of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence and made a short video.

Happy 4th of July!

1. Prove it
2. The founders would be rolling in their graves since this country was formed for their PROGENY not every piece of turd world trash that could make it here. This country needs a SERIOUS we could get our population down to about 100 million or less.

And a not surprising con-servative reply.

Everyone knows the founders fucked their slave women. The surprise is that this stupid libtard thought it was new info worth posting.

You're all idiots
View attachment 137035


LOL! I bet you righties thought they were all going to be lily white. This is brilliant...because this is the REAL America you righties want to deny. gathered up the direct descendants of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence and made a short video.

Happy 4th of July!

It doesn't matter the colour of ones skin, but the content of their character. It's great that the American descendants of this important document are so broad in background, because it's a reminder that some on the alt-left who are selling this racial divide and libertarian principles are being "cruel and inhumane" are nothing but socialist rats who want America to be just like the Jolly Old England that America fought so hard to separate from. The same country by the way (England), fighting for it's own spirit today.

Ditto for the Constitution and so many who believe it is a living document which should be altered to "keep with the times". What they mean is, "we will try and undermine these important historical ideals that made America the greatest nation in the world, to replace it with a drone like, socialist state based on entitlement and caste-like privilege bestowed upon you by the state. We will accomplish this by telling you that you deserve hand outs and freebies and your hard working neighbour is keeping you down based on race, sexual orientation, economic status and the like. It will destroy your will to succeed, to win, because you will have a simple crutch to lean on. Little do you know it will only ensure a concentration of power and the watering down of your own dignity and individuality."

This video should be the poster advertisement for the GOP. I would run this in ads over and over and let all minorities understand that they have contributed to the greatness and uniqueness of America, so do NOT let those alt-left, socialists and European sob's take that history from us and turn America into a Godless nation without individual liberty.

God Bless America. Happy 4th of July. USA! USA!
And no, it's not a surprise that the thread then devolved into conservative race-baiting and race-card playing. The race cards are all conservatives have. They alternate between being white victims and the haters of the racist liberals.
Huh? The purpose of the thread is race baiting. Whhhhhhoooooooooosh!

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