The REAL Descendants of the Declaration Signers

kinda blows the leftards theory of white privilege

Hilarious. You actually thought that wasn't a retarded thing to say. You actually said to yourself "damn, that's good!" and proudly hit return. The mind boggles.

More hilarious is that a whole pack of effin' tards also thought it wasn't retarded.

No, I won't try to understand the thought processes behind such retardation. That risks insanity. When you gaze into the stupid, the stupid gazes back into you.

And no, it's not a surprise that the thread then devolved into conservative race-baiting and race-card playing. The race cards are all conservatives have. They alternate between being white victims and the haters of the racist liberals.

you folks blew it out of gate on this one


reminds of the scene on the big bang theory

when Sheldon stupidly names the bowling team

the "Wesley Crushers"


kinda blows the leftards theory of white privilege


You're a little confused.

no actually you fucked up


Yeah, you sure proved that.

The white nationalists in this country are loathe to look at this photo and see how their hero founding fathers were far more liberal and unprejudiced than....YOU are, for instance.
You can see political affiliation just by looking at photos of people? You are indeed "special".

And oh, Mensa child. Nationalist is the new insult for patriot.
kinda blows the leftards theory of white privilege


You're a little confused.

no actually you fucked up


Yeah, you sure proved that.

The white nationalists in this country are loathe to look at this photo and see how their hero founding fathers were far more liberal and unprejudiced than....YOU are, for instance.

too late you blew it

View attachment 137035


LOL! I bet you righties thought they were all going to be lily white. This is brilliant...because this is the REAL America you righties want to deny. gathered up the direct descendants of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence and made a short video.

Happy 4th of July!

That you just found out about Jefferson and his slave, Sally, is a bit concerning. We "righties" and "whities" already knew. There have been documentaries and such, but your title is kind of funny. The REAL ones as oppose to all the fake ones?
Anyway, welcome to the 21 Century...

leftards are always late to history

most of the time they pretend it doesnt exist

kinda blows the leftards theory of white privilege


You're a little confused.

no actually you fucked up


Yeah, you sure proved that.

The white nationalists in this country are loathe to look at this photo and see how their hero founding fathers were far more liberal and unprejudiced than....YOU are, for instance.
You can see political affiliation just by looking at photos of people? You are indeed "special".

And oh, Mensa child. Nationalist is the new insult for patriot.

im sure as a leftist he is quite skilled at labeling folks

and putting them into special groups
kinda blows the leftards theory of white privilege


You're a little confused.

no actually you fucked up


Yeah, you sure proved that.

The white nationalists in this country are loathe to look at this photo and see how their hero founding fathers were far more liberal and unprejudiced than....YOU are, for instance.
You can see political affiliation just by looking at photos of people? You are indeed "special".

And oh, Mensa child. Nationalist is the new insult for patriot.

im sure as a leftist he is quite skilled at labeling folks

and putting them into special groups
I think he's a she, not sure though. Yep, the lefties need to cubbyhole ya so they can insult the cubbyhole.
You're a little confused.

no actually you fucked up


Yeah, you sure proved that.

The white nationalists in this country are loathe to look at this photo and see how their hero founding fathers were far more liberal and unprejudiced than....YOU are, for instance.
You can see political affiliation just by looking at photos of people? You are indeed "special".

And oh, Mensa child. Nationalist is the new insult for patriot.

im sure as a leftist he is quite skilled at labeling folks

and putting them into special groups
I think he's a she, not sure though. Yep, the lefties need to cubbyhole ya so they can insult the cubbyhole.

isnt that subject to change at will these days

View attachment 137035


LOL! I bet you righties thought they were all going to be lily white. This is brilliant...because this is the REAL America you righties want to deny. gathered up the direct descendants of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence and made a short video.

Happy 4th of July!

you really need to get out of your mommies basement.

we all know that many of the signers had slaves and people have been cross breeding for generations.
View attachment 137035


LOL! I bet you righties thought they were all going to be lily white. This is brilliant...because this is the REAL America you righties want to deny. gathered up the direct descendants of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence and made a short video.

Happy 4th of July!

you really need to get out of your mommies basement.

we all know that many of the signers had slaves and people have been cross breeding for generations.

The thing is, that he is operating under the leftie article of faith that the RIght is all evul racist BUT, the reaction he is getting is all the exact opposite of what he would get if that is true.

SO, I wonder, how much of this is he even hearing and how much delusional nonsense is his brain generation to protect him from unpleasant truths?
I can't believe he/she/it just found out slave owners had sex with their slaves.....

Seriously, what bridge do you have to live under to not know that? It's basic fucking history.

How embarrassing
View attachment 137035


LOL! I bet you righties thought they were all going to be lily white. This is brilliant...because this is the REAL America you righties want to deny. gathered up the direct descendants of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence and made a short video.

Happy 4th of July!

you really need to get out of your mommies basement.

we all know that many of the signers had slaves and people have been cross breeding for generations.

The thing is, that he is operating under the leftie article of faith that the RIght is all evul racist BUT, the reaction he is getting is all the exact opposite of what he would get if that is true.

SO, I wonder, how much of this is he even hearing and how much delusional nonsense is his brain generation to protect him from unpleasant truths?

he feels we are all lying.

if he took the time to think, he'd see where the real racism is.

all white Oscars
Hollywood women make way less than men
black school under funded while white schools have classes on robotics

etc, etc...
I can't believe he/she/it just found out slave owners had sex with their slaves.....

Seriously, what bridge do you have to live under to not know that? It's basic fucking history.

How embarrassing
not basic history, basic is grade school.

you had to take American History in high school to learn these facts, and since it's a leftist, it probably opted out.
kinda blows the leftards theory of white privilege


That was fucking hillarious. Every time one of these self righteous libtardos think they have the moral high ground they end up making asses of themselves.

The libtardo masters created vertical plantations to corral their voting blocks for power and now their shitholes are nothing but crime ridden slums. Then they blame Conservatives for industry moving away, drugs (which they want legalized), and a welfare state which in their infinite wisdom tells the mothers if they're married they can't get welfare.

If they threw out the votes of the vertical plantations, Trump would've won by 10 Million votes.

What has that got to do with the fact that this proves white nationalism in the U.S. is a failure?
No it proves race mixing like homosexuality and liberalism etc etc is a mental illness that is SEVERELY lacking in funds to combat it. The founders said CLEARLY who this country was for and it was NOT for every turd world trash that could make it here.
American Slavery was the best to ever happen to the negro race. That said, some of the douchebags in the fake Ancestry dot com pic look Pakistani. :p

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