The REAL Effect Of Having Eastwood Speak Unscripted..

Great take...

Going into the Republican Convention, Mitt Romney had one major political mission: to convince swing voters that he isn't just the guy who fired their brother in law -- that he understands their lives and is on their side.

Given his record as Governor of Massachusetts -- 47th among the 50 states in job creation -- and his history at Bain Capital, Romney can't really make the case he has any experience creating jobs.

But the thing that really stands between Romney and swing voters is the perception that he has zero empathy -- no comprehension of what life is like for everyday Americans.

So the Republicans tried very hard to tell stories that humanized the otherwise robot-like Romney. But here is the bottom line: when multiple speakers have to testify how authentic you are -- you're not.
Great take...

Going into the Republican Convention, Mitt Romney had one major political mission: to convince swing voters that he isn't just the guy who fired their brother in law -- that he understands their lives and is on their side.

Given his record as Governor of Massachusetts -- 47th among the 50 states in job creation -- and his history at Bain Capital, Romney can't really make the case he has any experience creating jobs.

But the thing that really stands between Romney and swing voters is the perception that he has zero empathy -- no comprehension of what life is like for everyday Americans.

So the Republicans tried very hard to tell stories that humanized the otherwise robot-like Romney. But here is the bottom line: when multiple speakers have to testify how authentic you are -- you're not.
To make matters worse, one of the humanizing story was a truly heartwarming story about a family that got support, prayers and good will from Mitt and family when their son was dying. Very nice story, I'm sure it's 100% true.

Except the part where they were listed as being from NH (A swing state) instead of Vermont.
Distraction from Romney on his big night.

Four threads on Eastwood. Around 4,000 views

Three on Romney's speach. Around 2,000 views

Mitten's has a lot to learn about stage management.

This seems to be a real problem for Mitt all over. I think he has a message he wants to get out, but you have Eastwood's Improv, Akin's stupidity, etc, and he just can't seem to catch a minute in the spotlight that is all his.

Some of the distraction was just bad luck... Aikin... the storm... The fat gubner from Jersey imitating Biff from "back To The Future"..didn't mention Romney's name for 17 minutes ... That stuff just happens.. But that made it even more important for Mittens to hit one out of the park in his big moment. Having Eastwood UNSCRIPTED was a wild card that played badly in Willards last hand for the whole pot. What were they thinking? I don't blame Romney.. His handlers are idiots. It was like they were doing something for a high school play with a multimillion dollar budget... Great lighting...but in the end it was amature night.
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Distraction from Romney on his big night.

Four threads on Eastwood. Around 4,000 views

Three on Romney's speach. Around 2,000 views

Mitten's has a lot to learn about stage management.

This seems to be a real problem for Mitt all over. I think he has a message he wants to get out, but you have Eastwood's Improv, Akin's stupidity, etc, and he just can't seem to catch a minute in the spotlight that is all his.

Some of the distraction was just bad luck... Aikin... the storm... That stuff just happens.. But that made it even more important for Mittens to hit one out of the park in his big moment. Having Eastwood UNSCRIPTED was a wild card that played badly in Willards hand. What were they thinking? I don't blame Romney.. His handlers are idiots. It was like they were doing something for a high school play with a multimillion dollar budget... Great lighting...but in the end it was amature night.

But at some point bad luck is just an excuse for a weak leader. If he's president and he's facing a stupid candidate who makes a stupid comment, a storm in the gulf, etc, is he going to lose his whole agenda?

In some aspect, how a candidate handles his campaign gives you an idea how they'll handle the administration. And Romney looks like he's just always being led by events. That's a bad precedent. Last President that was always reacting rather than leading was Carter, and that was a disaster.
This seems to be a real problem for Mitt all over. I think he has a message he wants to get out, but you have Eastwood's Improv, Akin's stupidity, etc, and he just can't seem to catch a minute in the spotlight that is all his.

Some of the distraction was just bad luck... Aikin... the storm... That stuff just happens.. But that made it even more important for Mittens to hit one out of the park in his big moment. Having Eastwood UNSCRIPTED was a wild card that played badly in Willards hand. What were they thinking? I don't blame Romney.. His handlers are idiots. It was like they were doing something for a high school play with a multimillion dollar budget... Great lighting...but in the end it was amature night.

But at some point bad luck is just an excuse for a weak leader. If he's president and he's facing a stupid candidate who makes a stupid comment, a storm in the gulf, etc, is he going to lose his whole agenda?

In some aspect, how a candidate handles his campaign gives you an idea how they'll handle the administration. And Romney looks like he's just always being led by events. That's a bad precedent. Last President that was always reacting rather than leading was Carter, and that was a disaster.

Interesting comparrison. They were both arrogant. Carter looked down at people because he thought he was smarter and a better Christian than anybody. Mittens looks down on people because he is wealthy and feels entitled. In their own ways they are snobs. You can't hide that from ordinary folks. They resent people that believe they are superior.

Mittens needs to run an ad showing him putting his pants on one leg at a time. :lol:

One problem is that Clint Eastwood is no Bob Hope.
Bob Hope was skillful at poking fun at Presidents and Presidential candidates.
Great take...

Going into the Republican Convention, Mitt Romney had one major political mission: to convince swing voters that he isn't just the guy who fired their brother in law -- that he understands their lives and is on their side.

Given his record as Governor of Massachusetts -- 47th among the 50 states in job creation -- and his history at Bain Capital, Romney can't really make the case he has any experience creating jobs.

But the thing that really stands between Romney and swing voters is the perception that he has zero empathy -- no comprehension of what life is like for everyday Americans.

So the Republicans tried very hard to tell stories that humanized the otherwise robot-like Romney. But here is the bottom line: when multiple speakers have to testify how authentic you are -- you're not.

Keep trying..... did you watch even a minute of the convention?
Distraction from Romney on his big night.

Four threads on Eastwood. Around 4,000 views

Three on Romney's speach. Around 2,000 views

Mitten's has a lot to learn about stage management.

This seems to be a real problem for Mitt all over. I think he has a message he wants to get out, but you have Eastwood's Improv, Akin's stupidity, etc, and he just can't seem to catch a minute in the spotlight that is all his.

Some of the distraction was just bad luck... Aikin... the storm... The fat gubner from Jersey imitating Biff from "back To The Future"..didn't mention Romney's name for 17 minutes ... That stuff just happens.. But that made it even more important for Mittens to hit one out of the park in his big moment. Having Eastwood UNSCRIPTED was a wild card that played badly in Willards last hand for the whole pot. What were they thinking? I don't blame Romney.. His handlers are idiots. It was like they were doing something for a high school play with a multimillion dollar budget... Great lighting...but in the end it was amature night.

You know Puggy, if it was just your atrocious spelling, that could almost be excused but fuck, what an idiot you are! Every post...... even Truth makes you look stupid. How do you figure out how to get out of bed in the morning?
You're just another dim commenting on something you didn't see or hear, pathetic. Sucks dick to be you!
This seems to be a real problem for Mitt all over. I think he has a message he wants to get out, but you have Eastwood's Improv, Akin's stupidity, etc, and he just can't seem to catch a minute in the spotlight that is all his.

Some of the distraction was just bad luck... Aikin... the storm... The fat gubner from Jersey imitating Biff from "back To The Future"..didn't mention Romney's name for 17 minutes ... That stuff just happens.. But that made it even more important for Mittens to hit one out of the park in his big moment. Having Eastwood UNSCRIPTED was a wild card that played badly in Willards last hand for the whole pot. What were they thinking? I don't blame Romney.. His handlers are idiots. It was like they were doing something for a high school play with a multimillion dollar budget... Great lighting...but in the end it was amature night.

You know Puggy, if it was just your atrocious spelling, that could almost be excused but fuck, what an idiot you are! Every post...... even Truth makes you look stupid. How do you figure out how to get out of bed in the morning?
You're just another dim commenting on something you didn't see or hear, pathetic. Sucks dick to be you!

Good question. I usually wait for somebody to make a noise in the parking lot and when the dogs jump up to investigate I normally get tossed on the floor.

Have you met Whorier? He shares your interests.
Distraction from Romney on his big night.

Four threads on Eastwood. Around 4,000 views

Three on Romney's speach. Around 2,000 views

Mitten's has a lot to learn about stage management.

This seems to be a real problem for Mitt all over. I think he has a message he wants to get out, but you have Eastwood's Improv, Akin's stupidity, etc, and he just can't seem to catch a minute in the spotlight that is all his.

All the news programs are talking about is the Eastwood debacle and the lies that came from both Ryan and Romney.

Etch A sketch had no details, just his usual "Obama bad, me good". That's a good thing for him because he really doesn't have anything else to say.

I suspect both Romney and Ryan will continue to dodge the press and try to get through debates without huge gaffes. Hard to know how they deal with all their lies at the debates though.

But, rw's don't care that they're being lied to and the lying candidates don't care that they been repeatedly caught lying.
Joe Biden is actually Vice President. Just a reminder to people.
The left has a base of young people who are allowed to vote by the way who's attention span is about
a few characters short of the limit that one has on their twitter page.

They are used to style over substance.
If they see a slick production with Obama with some music and some catchy phrases like "Yes WE Can".
They will take that to the voting booth.

Have any of these voters done any research on candidates positions....

So the left will march to the polls chanting Obama's name and will do so happily not caring a whit where this country is right now.

So I will take what people have to say more to heart then some slick Obama campaign ad.
But hey that's just me.
Hopefully there will be some people out there that feel the same come election day.
This seems to be a real problem for Mitt all over. I think he has a message he wants to get out, but you have Eastwood's Improv, Akin's stupidity, etc, and he just can't seem to catch a minute in the spotlight that is all his.

Some of the distraction was just bad luck... Aikin... the storm... The fat gubner from Jersey imitating Biff from "back To The Future"..didn't mention Romney's name for 17 minutes ... That stuff just happens.. But that made it even more important for Mittens to hit one out of the park in his big moment. Having Eastwood UNSCRIPTED was a wild card that played badly in Willards last hand for the whole pot. What were they thinking? I don't blame Romney.. His handlers are idiots. It was like they were doing something for a high school play with a multimillion dollar budget... Great lighting...but in the end it was amature night.

You know Puggy, if it was just your atrocious spelling, that could almost be excused but fuck, what an idiot you are! Every post...... even Truth makes you look stupid. How do you figure out how to get out of bed in the morning?
You're just another dim commenting on something you didn't see or hear, pathetic. Sucks dick to be you!

This is how rw's get out of responding to or even believing the FACTS that are put in front of them.

EXACTLY what part of what Huggy said is incorrect?
Eastwood appealed to senor citizens and they are a huge voting bloc..

so you all poo poo him at your own risk..

If Democrats think they are going to get all those college kiddies to come and vote for the Hopey Changey again, you have to wonder eh

vote Obama out folks:eusa_clap:
Distraction from Romney on his big night.

Four threads on Eastwood. Around 4,000 views

Three on Romney's speach. Around 2,000 views

Mitten's has a lot to learn about stage management.


You worry about your convention and the trainwreck that will be. Don't worry about Clint - he was hilarious, and an Obama supporter told me today that they thoroughly enjoyed it.

So carry your critique somewhere. :thup:

Of course they did! He rambled and offended half of the independent voters out there. He did a huge favor for the Dems. Until his talk with the chair, the convention was doing really well. Thanks Clint!:clap2:
Distraction from Romney on his big night.

Four threads on Eastwood. Around 4,000 views

Three on Romney's speach. Around 2,000 views

Mitten's has a lot to learn about stage management.


You worry about your convention and the trainwreck that will be. Don't worry about Clint - he was hilarious, and an Obama supporter told me today that they thoroughly enjoyed it.

So carry your critique somewhere. :thup:

Of course they did! He rambled and offended half of the independent voters out there. He did a huge favor for the Dems. Until his talk with the chair, the convention was doing really well. Thanks Clint!:clap2:

man you are getting desperate if you think he did the Democrats a favor...but we understand the desperation
Hey... Why nobody addresses that is beyond me. Obviously running the government is different than a business.

I mean seriously... It's about jobs right? And... Mitt knows business right? Yet... He couldn't even get to the top half of the US?

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