The REAL Effect Of Having Eastwood Speak Unscripted..


You worry about your convention and the trainwreck that will be. Don't worry about Clint - he was hilarious, and an Obama supporter told me today that they thoroughly enjoyed it.

So carry your critique somewhere. :thup:

Of course they did! He rambled and offended half of the independent voters out there. He did a huge favor for the Dems. Until his talk with the chair, the convention was doing really well. Thanks Clint!:clap2:

man you are getting desperate if you think he did the Democrats a favor...but we understand the desperation

Oh yes, I could tell the Queen Mother Romney was happy. You could almost see her jaw straining to keep her mouth from dropping open. Then his doddering pushed everything into the late night. It was an epic Fail...
Of course they did! He rambled and offended half of the independent voters out there. He did a huge favor for the Dems. Until his talk with the chair, the convention was doing really well. Thanks Clint!:clap2:

man you are getting desperate if you think he did the Democrats a favor...but we understand the desperation

Oh yes, I could tell the Queen Mother Romney was happy. You could almost see her jaw straining to keep her mouth from dropping open. Then his doddering pushed everything into the late night. It was an epic Fail...

whateva YOU saw dude
grow up
Eastwood appealed to senor citizens and they are a huge voting bloc..

so you all poo poo him at your own risk..

If Democrats think they are going to get all those college kiddies to come and vote for the Hopey Changey again, you have to wonder eh

vote Obama out folks:eusa_clap:

Stefunny... I get trapped in that mindset myself from time to time..I look at young people and think FUCK!!! They look SOOOOO YOUNG! But for the most part college kids today as they have been for the last 50 years are getting SMARTER. Maybe you and I have lost more hope than we should have. That's what a rough road and the time to think of the things we wished we would have or could have done creeps into the cracks and time keeps stealing.

I snap out of it instantly and give myself a mental slap across the face.

I take another look at youth and just settle for envy.

The "kiddies" are so way better informed than we were at that age.

They see what has happened to our country... the wars... the economy ...and may not have all of the answers but they also see the goodness of what we have and what some are trying to steal away for their own personal use.

Don't underestimate the power of hope. It springs eternal.
Clint is gearing up to direct a new movie about Zombies and plans on giving Mitten the starring zombie role. He realizes Mitt doesn't need to know how to act to play a zombie.
The left has a base of young people who are allowed to vote by the way who's attention span is about
a few characters short of the limit that one has on their twitter page.

They are used to style over substance.
If they see a slick production with Obama with some music and some catchy phrases like "Yes WE Can".
They will take that to the voting booth.

Have any of these voters done any research on candidates positions....

So the left will march to the polls chanting Obama's name and will do so happily not caring a whit where this country is right now.

So I will take what people have to say more to heart then some slick Obama campaign ad.
But hey that's just me.
Hopefully there will be some people out there that feel the same come election day.

At some point during the presidebtcy, yes we can became it's not my fault.
The left has a base of young people who are allowed to vote by the way who's attention span is about
a few characters short of the limit that one has on their twitter page.

They are used to style over substance.
If they see a slick production with Obama with some music and some catchy phrases like "Yes WE Can".
They will take that to the voting booth.

Have any of these voters done any research on candidates positions....

So the left will march to the polls chanting Obama's name and will do so happily not caring a whit where this country is right now.

So I will take what people have to say more to heart then some slick Obama campaign ad.
But hey that's just me.
Hopefully there will be some people out there that feel the same come election day.

At some point during the presidebtcy, yes we can became it's not my fault.

Actually it was some point BEFORE the presidency, in November of 07, when many Americans voted for Obama because they saw what the pubes did and voted for the dem.
I don't think the convention went particularly well for Romney.

No, I don't think it did. Is it just me or does there seem to be a lack of energy around him that is almost like vapor lock; you know what it is but you can't always identify it?

Eastwood was comic relief, Ann Romney's "men may not understand....." yet another great skit. The RNC blew the last few years of SNL out of the water. :lol:

I liked the segment with Eastwood. So did the audience. He brought some levity to the evening which balanced more serious speeches, all deemed more than worthy in my mind. I especially liked his more serious line, "telling America it’s time to give a “stellar” businessman a chance to become president and say goodbye to the "attorney."

When Clint used the word "stellar" some might not have known he was referencing Bill Clinton's remark about Mitt Romney, in a previous interview. As follows:

"Add President Bill Clinton to the list of all the president's men who aren't as eager to criticize Mitt Romney's business record as President Barack Obama has been. Harvey Weinstein, who was filling in for Piers Morgan, sat down with Clinton on Thursday night, discussing his thoughts on the campaign. Veering off message, Clinton deemed Romney's business record "sterling."

Top News Today | Bill Clinton Praises Romney
I noticed how the left have totally ignored his statements on how politicians are our employees and not our bosses.
How they ignored that President Obama is not doing his duties and needs to be fired.
How 23 million are still unemployed and it is a disgrace. We need someone new.
We own this country.Washington does not own us.
He was exercising freedom of speech and was not controlled.The left really did not like that at all.
That was a fresh breath of air.It's called freedom Lefties.
He did a great job of telling the difference between conservatives and Liberals ideology.
Everyone there got his jokes and they loved what he said.
The left are totally confused and did not get what he said at all.
It is horrible that they are calling him old and senile ,when he did a brilliant job.
He definitely upset the libs in Hollywood.
You rocked Mr. Eastwood.!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, I don't think it did. Is it just me or does there seem to be a lack of energy around him that is almost like vapor lock; you know what it is but you can't always identify it?

Eastwood was comic relief, Ann Romney's "men may not understand....." yet another great skit. The RNC blew the last few years of SNL out of the water. :lol:

I liked the segment with Eastwood. So did the audience. He brought some levity to the evening which balanced more serious speeches, all deemed more than worthy in my mind. I especially liked his more serious line, "telling America it’s time to give a “stellar” businessman a chance to become president and say goodbye to the "attorney."

When Clint used the word "stellar" some might not have known he was referencing Bill Clinton's remark about Mitt Romney, in a previous interview. As follows:

"Add President Bill Clinton to the list of all the president's men who aren't as eager to criticize Mitt Romney's business record as President Barack Obama has been. Harvey Weinstein, who was filling in for Piers Morgan, sat down with Clinton on Thursday night, discussing his thoughts on the campaign. Veering off message, Clinton deemed Romney's business record "sterling."

Top News Today | Bill Clinton Praises Romney

You are right Aqua, his speech was filled with allusions and obliquities; for instance his comment when he referred to the Greek facade in which Obama spoke about hope and change, and yes we can as that "THING."

It was a throwaway word to describe the big production that in the end amounted to little or nothing.

His crtiics want to say that was an accident, a verbal slip by a senile over the hill old man. It wasn't, it was on purpose and well aimed.
I noticed how the left have totally ignored his statements on how politicians are our employees and not our bosses.
How they ignored that President Obama is not doing his duties and needs to be fired.
How 23 million are still unemployed and it is a disgrace. We need someone new.
We own this country.Washington does not own us.
He was exercising freedom of speech and was not controlled.The left really did not like that at all.
That was a fresh breath of air.It's called freedom Lefties.
He did a great job of telling the difference between conservatives and Liberals ideology.
Everyone there got his jokes and they loved what he said.
The left are totally confused and did not get what he said at all.
It is horrible that they are calling him old and senile ,when he did a brilliant job.
He definitely upset the libs in Hollywood.
You rocked Mr. Eastwood.!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've seen extended clips from his speech. It was a horrific site for any of us who have seen a senior citizen address someone who wasn't there. If someone like Bruce Willis had done it without the optics of his being up in years; perhaps it wouldn't have been such a distraction to the message.

Also, lets face it, a caged parrot shitting on stage would have gotten an applause.
I'm reminded of what a very smart liberal said: "Prominent Hollywood Republican debates empty chair - and loses."

Very smart liberal.......that's the biggest joke I've ever seen on these pages.:lol::lol::lol:
Distraction from Romney on his big night.

Four threads on Eastwood. Around 4,000 views

Three on Romney's speach. Around 2,000 views

Mitten's has a lot to learn about stage management.

And both only succeeded in embarrassing himself.
Let's all get our panties in a wad over a hilarious act by Clint.. While we ignore this little twitter tirade from a Leftist actor, during the convention..

The actor whose claim to fame was sticking his reproductive organ into an apple pie proved Thursday night that he can be just as crude and offensive in real life.

Following up on a pair of repulsive tweets about sexually violating vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan’s wife, Janna, that he sent out on Wednesday, Jason Biggs decided to attack Christians, Paul Ryan, Ann Romney, Clint Eastwood, Janna Ryan (again) and offend nearly everyone else who read the string of new tweets the actor posted late Thursday as the Republican National Convention aired on national television.

But let’s start from the beginning. Biggs on Wednesday tweeted this, which was deleted literally as TheBlaze was writing this story:

Jason Biggs@JasonBiggs
I‘d totes dip a pinky or two in Paul Ryan’s wife’s bleached asshole (she obvs bleaches her asshole). #RNC
29 Aug 12

And followed up with a Paul Ryan masturbation joke:

I bet there's footage somewhere of Paul Ryan jerking off to a close-up photo of his widow's peak. #RNC
29 Aug 12

But Biggs wasn’t done, not even close. Late Thursday, as the RNC was reaching its climax with GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s nomination acceptance speech, the actor decided to also go after Ann Romney’s private parts:

“@GODisSanta420: @JasonBiggs How dare you ignore Ann Romney's asshole. Ur un-American.” Sorry ur right. I bet hers is un-bleached and hairy.
30 Aug 12

Surely someone so vile and disrespectful of women would have to be part of the Republican “war on women” right? Not quite. Not surprisingly, Biggs has a general disdain for Republicans and apparently Christians as well.

Clint Eastwood talking to a non-responsive stool sorta sums up Christianity in a nutshell, huh Republicans? #RNC
30 Aug 12

Finally, Biggs ended his offensive Twitter rant with a retweet about Janna Ryan’s breasts:

“@jennyandteets: People are cheering off screen because Janna Ryan is showing her tits! #RNC”

Wow. Just.. Wow.

American Pie Actor Jason Biggs Attacks Ann Romney, Janna Ryan in Sexually Charged Tweets |
Clint Eastwood was fantastic. Whether the left understands the meaning of the empty chair or not is an indication of their ignorance. It was a way of saying truth in jest. Yes, obama is telling us all to go fuck ourselves. After all he's the preezy of the united steezy.
They put so much money, bells, and whistles into trying to make Romney a norm kind of just wasn't believable.

Clint Eastwood sure is getting old.. wow

You are getting old too, doubt that you will make it to 82 blades have a much shorter life span......and I see diapers in your future.
Eastwood appealed to senor citizens and they are a huge voting bloc..

so you all poo poo him at your own risk..

If Democrats think they are going to get all those college kiddies to come and vote for the Hopey Changey again, you have to wonder eh

vote Obama out folks:eusa_clap:

All 'those college kiddies' know President Obama's Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act is the best thing that has happened to their generation.

And 'those college kiddies' know if Romney gets elected it will be the best thing for banks and the worst thing for students and taxpayers.

GOP’s newest attack on student loans
The platform calls for repealing student loan reform so private lenders can get a bigger piece of the pie

Some of the distraction was just bad luck... Aikin... the storm... The fat gubner from Jersey imitating Biff from "back To The Future"..didn't mention Romney's name for 17 minutes ... That stuff just happens.. But that made it even more important for Mittens to hit one out of the park in his big moment. Having Eastwood UNSCRIPTED was a wild card that played badly in Willards last hand for the whole pot. What were they thinking? I don't blame Romney.. His handlers are idiots. It was like they were doing something for a high school play with a multimillion dollar budget... Great lighting...but in the end it was amature night.

You know Puggy, if it was just your atrocious spelling, that could almost be excused but fuck, what an idiot you are! Every post...... even Truth makes you look stupid. How do you figure out how to get out of bed in the morning?
You're just another dim commenting on something you didn't see or hear, pathetic. Sucks dick to be you!

Good question. I usually wait for somebody to make a noise in the parking lot and when the dogs jump up to investigate I normally get tossed on the floor.

Have you met Whorier? He shares your interests.

All you had to say was that you have some dumb ass pits, say a lot about you. Easily in the top 5 ugliest dogs to be overbred by dimwits.
Here is a professional opinion about Clint's bit;

Bill Maher isn’t among those panning Clint Eastwood’s speech delivery at the Republican National Convention.

On his HBO show on Friday, Maher gave the actor “props” for pretending that President Obama was sitting in an empty chair next to him onstage.

(ALSO on POLITICO: Ann Romney: Eastwood 'unique')

“As a performer, as a stand-up comedian for 30 years who knows how hard it is to get laughs, excuse me, he went up there … without a net, on a tightrope. There was no teleprompter. He did a bit with just an empty chair and killed,” Maher said. “He committed to it, it was consistent and it worked.”

“People have been saying for years: these conventions are too scripted, they’re too slick, they’re too overproduced,” he added. “A guy who went up there who wasn’t slick … and killed with the crowd? I gotta give him props for that.”

Clint's unscripted bit at the RNC convention is appreciated by so many for several reasons. I sure am getting a kick out of how frenzied it has turned the Left, they are steppin' and fethcin' trying to figure out what hit them. Bad mouthing an American Icon and one of the most popular celebrities in the world is certainly doing them some harm. Eastwood knew exactly what he was doing and charmed so many in-house and viewers that his speech will be remembered for a very long time. Well done Sir, you hit it out of the park!

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