The Real Issue Facing America: Political Correctness


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Regardless of all the talk about terrorism, the economy, etc. the underlying issue is Political Correctness (PC), which obfuscates nearly every problem we face, thereby preventing any rational solutions to them.

For example, we can't address terrorism without making sure we don't "offend" anyone. We can't address the economy without berating the "one-percenters." We can't discuss race without "black lives matter." We can't discuss law enforcement without "hands up, don't shoot."

As a result, we have been hog-tied into a downward spiral of ineffectiveness and incompetence, presided over by a political class whose only interest is maintaining their power through manipulation of public discourse.

The 2016 election may be one of our last chances to reverse this trend, but which candidates offer that possibility? The Democrats offer little hope, since they seem to specialize in PC rhetoric. The Republicans haven't been much better, simply preaching lower taxes and a bigger military. Who, then, might offer an alternative to these unpalatable choices?

Surprisingly, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump may be the best candidates to lead us out of this political morass. Bernie offers a fairly clear vision of European-style social democracy, which promises a slow, but egalitarian, decline in our economic productivity. Trump, in his flamboyant style, raises discussion of serious issues above the PC fog. (Rand Paul, like Obama, seems to prefer theoretical solutions to practical problems.)

Most of the other candidates offer little hope for changing our existing PC paradigms. Marco Rubio repeats prepared mini-speeches, Ted Cruz delivers closing jury arguments, and Chris Christie promises more government committees.

I am coming to the improbable conclusion that Donald Trump may be the best choice. He seems to have a Reaganesque ability to talk above the media filters and courage to confront issues head-on. Let us remember that would still have to sell any of his ideas to Congress and the public. As a master negotiator, he would be much more likely to end up with real solutions to our problems..
Political correctness is the tool used by the left to intimidate and the media have brainwashed the public into accepting it. Things are changing though, as the public sees PC is now interfering with our ability to maintain national security and is enabling terrorism to flourish in our own country.
I do not believe in Political Correctness and never will!

If someone want to speak their mind then speak it and if I disagree then I will call them the ass that they are, and they will call me the ass that I am, and at the end of it we have said what we believe and fuck the rest...

It stupid to demand that someone should nicely say what is on their mind in a hostile moment or heated one. It is beyond stupid to expect a old man like myself to be Politically Correct when the society I grew up in made Archie Bunker look Politically Correct.

It pisses me off when society has gotten to the damn point we blame the police for killing a armed man with a gun ( L.A. shooting ) and demand that we should try alternative ways. In my day if a cop told you to drop that damn weapon and you did not, well you got shot, and no protesting was going to change the fact you were the idiot that did not follow the order given to you.

Also if you do not support a certain candidate you are either sexist or racist, and maybe the real reason why I do not support President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, or Marco Rubio is because I do not agree with their policies and prefer a pasty old white man instead!

( Of course I would have supported Colin Powell had he ran, and supported Bill Richardson when he ran for President, so I do not judge someone by their skin color or the junk that hang between their legs or the lack of junk )

The reality is none of us are Politically Correct even when we think we are, and to demand society to think like you and try not to offend anyone will never work because the reality is the Human Race is living proof we are a bunch of assholes that believe our opinion is more important than the next asshole, and when they do not agree then we start wars over our thoughts and how we want the world to think like us.

So fuck being politically correct and write what you think at that moment, and if not then it is your loss not mine, and I will never be politically correct for anyone.

( I swear you would think I would be a big flaming Trump supporter with the way I think, but I really hate the douche bag piece of filth that cheated on his wife and used the Bankruptcy Court to live off of! )
PC/Identity Politics has divided the races further, lowered standards across the board, intimidated Americans from coast to coast from saying what they believe, shut down the free and open flow of ideas, enabled poor behavior of PC-protected groups, and retarded the growth of American Blacks, who have now been victimized en masse for a second time in this country's history.

Yep, pretty important. Fortunately, the pushback has begun. Here's hoping.
Regardless of all the talk about terrorism, the economy, etc. the underlying issue is Political Correctness (PC), which obfuscates nearly every problem we face, thereby preventing any rational solutions to them.

For example, we can't address terrorism without making sure we don't "offend" anyone. We can't address the economy without berating the "one-percenters." We can't discuss race without "black lives matter." We can't discuss law enforcement without "hands up, don't shoot."

As a result, we have been hog-tied into a downward spiral of ineffectiveness and incompetence, presided over by a political class whose only interest is maintaining their power through manipulation of public discourse.

The 2016 election may be one of our last chances to reverse this trend, but which candidates offer that possibility? The Democrats offer little hope, since they seem to specialize in PC rhetoric. The Republicans haven't been much better, simply preaching lower taxes and a bigger military. Who, then, might offer an alternative to these unpalatable choices?

Surprisingly, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump may be the best candidates to lead us out of this political morass. Bernie offers a fairly clear vision of European-style social democracy, which promises a slow, but egalitarian, decline in our economic productivity. Trump, in his flamboyant style, raises discussion of serious issues above the PC fog. (Rand Paul, like Obama, seems to prefer theoretical solutions to practical problems.)

Most of the other candidates offer little hope for changing our existing PC paradigms. Marco Rubio repeats prepared mini-speeches, Ted Cruz delivers closing jury arguments, and Chris Christie promises more government committees.

I am coming to the improbable conclusion that Donald Trump may be the best choice. He seems to have a Reaganesque ability to talk above the media filters and courage to confront issues head-on. Let us remember that would still have to sell any of his ideas to Congress and the public. As a master negotiator, he would be much more likely to end up with real solutions to our problems..
It's not PC to point out Trump is maliciously evil. For example, Trump says he'll torture people, going way beyond waterboarding, even if it doesn't bring information. He'll do it because he likes it. The man is a moral monster. Anyone who backs him is deliberately backing evil. And it's only a shield of PC that stops everyone from stating something so obvious.

It's also not PC now to point out that racists are racists. Or that dumbasses are dumbasses. Or that half the Republican party is completely detached from reality.

Overpowering PC is now used to bully people and stop them from telling the truth about Republicans. If someone in the media dares speak the simple truth about Republicans, the PC police go on jihad against them. Like some posters said, America is getting sick of such PC.

Fortunately, I'm not PC, so I'll speak the plain truth. Trump is one evil ratfuk, and the slavish devotion of Trump followers to their authoritarian leader demonstrates how Hitler was able to come to power.
Here is the thing about people critical of political correctness. They also are PC. They just engage in a more subtle form of it, and the words which are "off limits" are less likely to be violated by liberals. Such topics include the founding fathers, the constitution, and especially Israel.

With that said, I do not like political correctness. I have gotten myself in trouble for violating PC standards for both liberals and conservatives.
"The Real Issue Facing America: Political Correctness"

Actually it's a fake issue, a non-issue, and just more nonsense from the right.
No, it is not a fake issue.

I can testify from personal experience that I have been on the receiving end of PC hate dozens of times, simply due to public speaking. It is majority based intimidation. There is nothing civil or intellectual about it. The goal is to "protect" minorities from "harmful" speech. Sounds degrading to me.
Trump agrees with the OP, and so do I!

"The Real Issue Facing America: Political Correctness"

Actually it's a fake issue, a non-issue, and just more nonsense from the right.
No, it is not a fake issue.

I can testify from personal experience that I have been on the receiving end of PC hate dozens of times, simply due to public speaking. It is majority based intimidation. There is nothing civil or intellectual about it. The goal is to "protect" minorities from "harmful" speech. Sounds degrading to me.

It is. It's like affirmative action. Gotta protect the minorities cuz they can't protect themselves. The blowback has begun
Here is the thing about people critical of political correctness. They also are PC. They just engage in a more subtle form of it, and the words which are "off limits" are less likely to be violated by liberals. Such topics include the founding fathers, the constitution, and especially Israel.

With that said, I do not like political correctness. I have gotten myself in trouble for violating PC standards for both liberals and conservatives.

If you ever discover I am PC then shoot me in the damn head and call me Sally afterwards because I am not PC and fuck the PC notion in life!

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