The REAL Issue That's Disputed in Wisconsin


Feb 3, 2011
There's a lot ignorance and misinformation going on about Governor Walker's proposal in Wisconsin. I'm going to explain the most contentious issues of the proposal.

-Public workers would no longer be forced to be members of the public union and could choose for themselves whether they want to join or not.

-(Expensive) union fees would no longer be deducted directly from a person's paycheck and paid to the union.

-Their union would be able to bargain regarding salaries, but not regarding the specific type of health plan they get.

-The Union would have to have a vote once a year to stay organized.

Now, one could argue that the last two are a little unfair and unnecessary. But the first two seem totally reasonable and common sense. Walker isn't infringing on people's right to organize, he's ensuring their right to work. Remember, in this case the government is the employer, and it would be foolish for them to force their members to be in a union, which would put the government at a very disadvantaged position for bargaining.

The problem is, it's these first two provisions that the Wisconsin Democrats are so opposed to. The Democrats want people to be forced to be in these unions and pay them high union dues because then the unions turn around and donate lots of money to the Democrats' campaigns. It's a case where politics is getting in the way of common sense and what's best for the people of Wisconsin.
There's a lot ignorance and misinformation going on about Governor Walker's proposal in Wisconsin. I'm going to explain the most contentious issues of the proposal.
It's all quite willful....Both the propagandizing and the willingness to sop it up.
There's a lot ignorance and misinformation going on about Governor Walker's proposal in Wisconsin. I'm going to explain the most contentious issues of the proposal.

-Public workers would no longer be forced to be members of the public union and could choose for themselves whether they want to join or not.

-(Expensive) union fees would no longer be deducted directly from a person's paycheck and paid to the union.

-Their union would be able to bargain regarding salaries, but not regarding the specific type of health plan they get.

-The Union would have to have a vote once a year to stay organized.

Now, one could argue that the last two are a little unfair and unnecessary. But the first two seem totally reasonable and common sense. Walker isn't infringing on people's right to organize, he's ensuring their right to work. Remember, in this case the government is the employer, and it would be foolish for them to force their members to be in a union, which would put the government at a very disadvantaged position for bargaining.

The problem is, it's these first two provisions that the Wisconsin Democrats are so opposed to. The Democrats want people to be forced to be in these unions and pay them high union dues because then the unions turn around and donate lots of money to the Democrats' campaigns. It's a case where politics is getting in the way of common sense and what's best for the people of Wisconsin.

#2 would put them out of business. A payroll deduction is painless. A bill for $1000 is not.

Imagine if the govt. wasn't able to deduct our income taxes and sent us a bill instead. Ha ha ha ha!

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