The real Keystone XL issue


VIP Member
Jul 23, 2014
Keystone XL pipeline is issue of property rights for some ranchers

Keystone XL pipeline is issue of property rights for some ranchers - The Washington Post

Until Obama's speech, I did not understand that this wasn't going to impact American oil prices. I didn't understand the minimal and mostly temporary impact it would have on employment. I didn't realize that Canadian oil companies were the main beneficiaries. I thought it was just environmentalists vs energy companies.

Is there any legitimate benefit to the American people?
Keystone XL pipeline is issue of property rights for some ranchers

Keystone XL pipeline is issue of property rights for some ranchers - The Washington Post

Until Obama's speech, I did not understand that this wasn't going to impact American oil prices. I didn't understand the minimal and mostly temporary impact it would have on employment. I didn't realize that Canadian oil companies were the main beneficiaries. I thought it was just environmentalists vs energy companies.

Is there any legitimate benefit to the American people?
The State Department has spoken otherwise, brotch. :slap:

THIS with regards to the Alberta Clipper Pipeline... an identical project that was approved years ago:

The Department found that the addition of crude oil pipeline capacity between Canada and the United States will advance a number of strategic interests of the United States. These included increasing the diversity of available supplies among the United States’ worldwide crude oil sources in a time of considerable political tension in other major oil producing countries and regions; shortening the transportation pathway for crude oil supplies; and increasing crude oil supplies from a major non-Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries producer. Canada is a stable and reliable ally and trading partner of the United States, with which we have free trade agreements which augment the security of this energy supply.

Permit for Alberta Clipper Pipeline Issued

This place seems to have an endless supply of stupid.
I bet the pipeline will be on hold for at least two years.

But the rout in crude prices is bad news for Canada’s oil sands.

Why Canada’s oil sands will be the hardest hit

Typically these operations have some of the highest crude production costs per barrel globally with the estimated average break-even cost somewhere between US$75 and US$85 per barrel. The current rout is putting a dent in the development of oil sands projects and is set to significantly impact the earnings of some of Canada’s largest oil companies.
Keystone XL pipeline is issue of property rights for some ranchers

Keystone XL pipeline is issue of property rights for some ranchers - The Washington Post

Until Obama's speech, I did not understand that this wasn't going to impact American oil prices. I didn't understand the minimal and mostly temporary impact it would have on employment. I didn't realize that Canadian oil companies were the main beneficiaries. I thought it was just environmentalists vs energy companies.

Is there any legitimate benefit to the American people?

According to some here, taking that privately owned property is okay but forcing Cliven Bundy to pay for the use of public property is not. This, in spite of the fact that land owners are living within their contracts and Bundy is not.

Then there's the fact that Keystone won't benefit the US.
Keystone XL pipeline is issue of property rights for some ranchers

Keystone XL pipeline is issue of property rights for some ranchers - The Washington Post

Until Obama's speech, I did not understand that this wasn't going to impact American oil prices. I didn't understand the minimal and mostly temporary impact it would have on employment. I didn't realize that Canadian oil companies were the main beneficiaries. I thought it was just environmentalists vs energy companies.

Is there any legitimate benefit to the American people?

According to some here, taking that privately owned property is okay but forcing Cliven Bundy to pay for the use of public property is not. This, in spite of the fact that land owners are living within their contracts and Bundy is not.

Then there's the fact that Keystone won't benefit the US.

It benefits the oil bidness. More or less depending on what the costs are but the utility is entirely on that end.

Lot of us forget, "we" don't drill for oil, "we" don't refine or produce or ship it, all "we" do is consume it. Oil companies do the drilling, refining and shipping, and they work for their stockholders and their profit margins, not for "us".
The oil is coming to Houston either by pollution-ridden train cars or pollution-free pipeline......the resistance by the left shows once again what fucking idiots they are.

Phase 3 of the pipeline is mostly done. Nederland and Port Arthur refiners are using it. But that is US crude. The Houston segment will be finished soon.
Keystone XL pipeline is issue of property rights for some ranchers

Keystone XL pipeline is issue of property rights for some ranchers - The Washington Post

Until Obama's speech, I did not understand that this wasn't going to impact American oil prices. I didn't understand the minimal and mostly temporary impact it would have on employment. I didn't realize that Canadian oil companies were the main beneficiaries. I thought it was just environmentalists vs energy companies.

Is there any legitimate benefit to the American people?

According to some here, taking that privately owned property is okay but forcing Cliven Bundy to pay for the use of public property is not. This, in spite of the fact that land owners are living within their contracts and Bundy is not.

The few landowners who won't cooperate are selfish to block progress.

Keystone XL pipeline is issue of property rights for some ranchers - The Washington Post

The vast majority of landowners have signed agreements with TransCanada, the pipeline owner.
What's the big deal anyway?

Keystone XL pipeline is issue of property rights for some ranchers - The Washington Post

“There will always be a few vocal opponents,” said Russ Girling, TransCanada’s chief executive. “As a last resort we have the right of eminent domain, but we hardly ever use it. In 60,000 [landowners], you’re going to find a few who don’t like us.”

“The claim that we have a right to expropriate property is not correct,” Girling said. “The landowners own their property. We pay them for inconvenience. . . . Eighteen months after we’re gone on farmland, you won’t know the pipeline is there.”
Nobody has cared much about all the family farms being lost, but we are supposed to feel bad because a pipeline gets buried on their property. Gimme a break.

The Disappearing Family Farm

“According to the Census of Agriculture,” a United States Department of Agriculture report revealed, “the number of U.S. farms fell sharply until the early 1970s after peaking at 6.8 million in 1935…By 2002, about 2.1 million farms remained.”

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