The Real Loser


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Sorry, but I find this story strangely funny.

A man in Barcelona Spain has died trying to recover his lost cellphone. Missing for two days, his absence was reported to authorities whom hours later found his body---- ---- upside down inside the body of a paper maché dinosaur on display left over from several figures that had been created to herald the opening of a movie theater nearby.

Screen Shot 2021-05-24 at 11.58.35 AM.png

Foul play has been ruled out.

Apparently somehow the man dropped his cellphone down inside the dinosaur and was trying to retrieve it. At this point, authorities are unclear:
  • How the man dropped his phone down inside the dinosaur.
  • How the man himself even got inside the dinosaur trying to retrieve it.
  • How the man ended up stuck in one of the legs of the animal upside down.
Spanish authorities are mystified.

He was found inside one of the legs of the dinosaur upside down apparently trapped. An autopsy is being performed to determine cause of death but suffocation is a likely cause. It remains unclear how this guy was both able to get into the sculpture yet unable to free himself as the display was simple paper maché (dried paper soaked in water and flour) or to not even be able to call out to others to hear his pleas as they passed by.


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