The real motive of the Democratic Party....Exposed.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
This isnt really groundbreaking’s quite elementary for most of you, I get that, but it never really occurred to me that many people haven’t been able to connect the dots to something so simple for me, most of you and even my 14 year old daughter.

So why do Democrats whore themselves out to minorities, illegals and essentially the welfare class? Why do they exhaust all effort pandering to and championing the lowest grade Americans?
They vow to protect and grow that taxpayer funded welfare cash that big business and Hollywood counts on. It’s the not so clever way that big biz and Hollywood leverages / forces government and taxpayers into being their best customers.
Hopefully this share will shed some light on why Hollywood, big biz CEO’s, educational institutions and many others side with the Left and Democrats....they gotta have that giant welfare stream, the larger the welfare class the better...TA-DA!
This isnt really groundbreaking’s quite elementary for most of you, I get that, but it never really occurred to me that many people haven’t been able to connect the dots to something so simple for me, most of you and even my 14 year old daughter.

So why do Democrats whore themselves out to minorities, illegals and essentially the welfare class? Why do they exhaust all effort pandering to and championing the lowest grade Americans?

Just read your history book, if you can find one. At the turn of the (19th>20th) century the Duopoly was in flux --- while the RP was gravitating toward the interests of the wealthy and corporations (represented by McKinley/Taft), the DP was absorbing the Populist movement, after overt flirtations with the "Fusion" parties (represented by W.J. Bryan). This moved the then-fastly-growing constituencies of labor, immigrants and minorities in general into their camp, and when FDR addressed the Depression, the black vote as well. Before that point neither party took minority interests seriously save for the Republican contingent that started out championing Abolition. But once that contingent felt abandoned they too shifted to the DP.

As for the characterization "lowest grade Americans", that kind of elitism is exactly why they stay there. It's also why the black vote abandoned the RP for the DP and have yet to look back.
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Is that what you’ve been programmed to believe?
Because the GOP wants to control our borders and stop illegal immigration?
It's the default position for liberals, when the game is slipping away they bring it in off the bench, but Americans are starting to recognize that communism is the real threat in their country, not name calling and we will be treated to much more name calling "ism's" as the levers of power are surely passed on to the citizens themselves.
I feel OP, but he will not get constructive discourse through this medium.

OP is a racist misogynist homophobic transphobic Islamaphobic White Supremacist.
This isnt really groundbreaking’s quite elementary for most of you, I get that, but it never really occurred to me that many people haven’t been able to connect the dots to something so simple for me, most of you and even my 14 year old daughter.

So why do Democrats whore themselves out to minorities, illegals and essentially the welfare class? Why do they exhaust all effort pandering to and championing the lowest grade Americans?

Just read your history book, if you can find one. At the turn of the (19th>20th) century the Duopoly was in flux --- while the RP was gravitating toward the interests of the wealthy and corporations (represented by McKinley/Taft), the DP was absorbing the Populist movement, after overt flirtations with the "Fusion" parties (represented by W.J. Bryan). This moved the then-fastly-growing constituencies of labor, immigrants and minorities in general into their camp, and when FDR addressed the Depression, the black vote as well. Before that point neither party took minority interests seriously save for the Republican contingent that started out championing Abolition. But once that contingent felt abandoned they too shifted to the DP.

As for the characterization "lowest grade Americans", that kind of elitism is exactly why they stay there. It's also why the black vote abandoned the RP for the DP and have yet to look back.

Thanks for the lesson’re so smart.
What the fuck does any of that have to do with today?
Are you implying the DNC owns the rights to minorities for what they did for them a century ago?
How has the quality of life improved for the Blacks that have been voting Democrat?

As for the characterization "lowest grade Americans", that kind of elitism is exactly why they stay there. It's also why the black vote abandoned the RP for the DP and have yet to look back.”
Oh, I see, you still believe the fairytale....”All are equal”
That’s some real funny shit.
This isnt really groundbreaking’s quite elementary for most of you, I get that, but it never really occurred to me that many people haven’t been able to connect the dots to something so simple for me, most of you and even my 14 year old daughter.

So why do Democrats whore themselves out to minorities, illegals and essentially the welfare class? Why do they exhaust all effort pandering to and championing the lowest grade Americans?

Just read your history book, if you can find one. At the turn of the (19th>20th) century the Duopoly was in flux --- while the RP was gravitating toward the interests of the wealthy and corporations (represented by McKinley/Taft), the DP was absorbing the Populist movement, after overt flirtations with the "Fusion" parties (represented by W.J. Bryan). This moved the then-fastly-growing constituencies of labor, immigrants and minorities in general into their camp, and when FDR addressed the Depression, the black vote as well. Before that point neither party took minority interests seriously save for the Republican contingent that started out championing Abolition. But once that contingent felt abandoned they too shifted to the DP.

As for the characterization "lowest grade Americans", that kind of elitism is exactly why they stay there. It's also why the black vote abandoned the RP for the DP and have yet to look back.

Thanks for the lesson’re so smart.
What the fuck does any of that have to do with today?
Are you implying the DNC owns the rights to minorities for what they did for them a century ago?
How has the quality of life improved for the Blacks that have been voting Democrat?

As for the characterization "lowest grade Americans", that kind of elitism is exactly why they stay there. It's also why the black vote abandoned the RP for the DP and have yet to look back.”
Oh, I see, you still believe the fairytale....”All are equal”
That’s some real funny shit.

Hey broke . Why is your avatar of a “democrat” along wh the “democrat” confederate flag? Since you hate dems so much.

sit back and witness the GOP self destruct.

fighting among themselves is the newest rage on the Hill.
Gop is all racists . That’s why minorities favor Dems .

Is that what you’ve been programmed to believe?
Because the GOP wants to control our borders and stop illegal immigration?

When you only care about targeting brown people , thats racists .

Wasting money on a dopey Wall is not controlling immigration.

Come on Timmy...extract head from ass....only “brown people” live in Mexico...only “brown people” are invading us by the millions.
Don’t make a fool of yourself....AGAIN.
This isnt really groundbreaking’s quite elementary for most of you, I get that, but it never really occurred to me that many people haven’t been able to connect the dots to something so simple for me, most of you and even my 14 year old daughter.

So why do Democrats whore themselves out to minorities, illegals and essentially the welfare class? Why do they exhaust all effort pandering to and championing the lowest grade Americans?

Just read your history book, if you can find one. At the turn of the (19th>20th) century the Duopoly was in flux --- while the RP was gravitating toward the interests of the wealthy and corporations (represented by McKinley/Taft), the DP was absorbing the Populist movement, after overt flirtations with the "Fusion" parties (represented by W.J. Bryan). This moved the then-fastly-growing constituencies of labor, immigrants and minorities in general into their camp, and when FDR addressed the Depression, the black vote as well. Before that point neither party took minority interests seriously save for the Republican contingent that started out championing Abolition. But once that contingent felt abandoned they too shifted to the DP.

As for the characterization "lowest grade Americans", that kind of elitism is exactly why they stay there. It's also why the black vote abandoned the RP for the DP and have yet to look back.

Thanks for the lesson’re so smart.
What the fuck does any of that have to do with today?
Are you implying the DNC owns the rights to minorities for what they did for them a century ago?
How has the quality of life improved for the Blacks that have been voting Democrat?

As for the characterization "lowest grade Americans", that kind of elitism is exactly why they stay there. It's also why the black vote abandoned the RP for the DP and have yet to look back.”
Oh, I see, you still believe the fairytale....”All are equal”
That’s some real funny shit.

Hey broke . Why is your avatar of a “democrat” along wh the “democrat” confederate flag? Since you hate dems so much.

I hate today’s Democrat Timmy.
Let me know if you require further explanation.

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