The Real President Trump Will Now Emerge

Did Barr release the report yet?

I must have missed it.
Did I misunderstand you yesterday when you said the report can't contain anything about Trump because he wasn't indicted?

Nope. That’s basically it. If an indictment isn’t proffered, then it is DOJ policy to refrain from publicly discussing embarrassing info about people.

There’s room for interpretation, however. We will see soon enough.
Since he took the oath of office he's been under the most vile and vicious attacks the commiecrats and their enabling fake news merchants could muster. They've insulted and threatened his children, mocked his wife, belittled his successes and accomplishments both in business and the White House. He's been accused of molesting his daughter much lower does it get than that? And through it all he's had to deal with Putin, with China, with Iran, N.Korea, winning the war against ISIS and telling NATO to pay their bills, cleaning up NAFTA and pushing our oil and gas industry production to become world-leader. He's opened the factories closed by the cancerous "new world order" and given us our confidence back in America. All under the cloud of suspicion that he could be brought down by the coup coming from the FBI and DOJ. Now that coup has failed...the "resistance" will continue but they can't bring him down now. And now he'll be able to operate without having to watch every word he says, both eyes and his mind solely on doing his job as President. I believe we're seeing a new day in America with this President finally able, once again, to fulfill our destiny as the greatest country in the history of the world.


You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.


They'll scurry around with nothing for a year and get clobbered next year.
There’s room for interpretation, however. We will see soon enough.

No room....the DOJ would risk defamation suits if they talked trash about somebody they can't indict...that's the beauty of our system or was until Obama wandered into the WH and hired a pack of fellow-travelers who spit on the Constitution and tried to overthrow a president.
Did Barr release the report yet?

I must have missed it.
Did I misunderstand you yesterday when you said the report can't contain anything about Trump because he wasn't indicted?

Nope. That’s basically it. If an indictment isn’t proffered, then it is DOJ policy to refrain from publicly discussing embarrassing info about people.

There’s room for interpretation, however. We will see soon enough.
They sure didn't mind embarrassing Hillary re: her server, did they?
Hey will Remember Your moron asking to see Obamas birth certificate and the retards screamed with joy?? Meanwhile the pos won't show his taxes and they are silent

Tax returns don't show wealth or criminality....I'm sure he's got two or three sets of books same as all the big shots do. The return Rachael Mancow produced showed he paid a higher tax rate than she did.....boy was her face red. :talktothehand:
They sure didn't mind embarrassing Hillary re: her server, did they?

Comey sure didn't and wouldn't have if Lynch hadn't gotten the word from Willy on the tarmac out at Sky Harbor here in Phoenix....If a reporter from a local TV station hadn't seen him walk over to her plane, history would be written quite differently today.
There’s room for interpretation, however. We will see soon enough.

No room....the DOJ would risk defamation suits if they talked trash about somebody they can't indict...that's the beauty of our system or was until Obama wandered into the WH and hired a pack of fellow-travelers who spit on the Constitution and tried to overthrow a president.
Tell us will what Dump jr was doing with all those top Russians at Trump Towers? Talking about adoption or how they could get info on Hillary ? The SDNY will take that punk down
They sure didn't mind embarrassing Hillary re: her server, did they?

Comey sure didn't and wouldn't have if Lynch hadn't gotten the word from Willy on the tarmac out at Sky Harbor here in Phoenix....If a reporter from a local TV station hadn't seen him walk over to her plane, history would be written quite differently today.
Come on All they talked about was adoption
They sure didn't mind embarrassing Hillary re: her server, did they?

Comey sure didn't and wouldn't have if Lynch hadn't gotten the word from Willy on the tarmac out at Sky Harbor here in Phoenix....If a reporter from a local TV station hadn't seen him walk over to her plane, history would be written quite differently today.
Comey?? The guy Trump fired because he was investigating Trump Naaaaaaa no obstruction there
Tell us will what Dump jr was doing with all those top Russians at Trump Towers? Talking about adoption or how they could get info on Hillary ? The SDNY will take that punk down

"Top Russians"????? A Kemlin-related woman who wanted to talk about Americans adopting Russian babies under the guise of dirt on Hillary and her booking agent...Junior stuck around less than five minutes and left. Nothing illegal about oppo-research....look what Hillary produced to hurt Trump..the infamous "dossier" which hopefully lands her in a (padded) cell.
Did Barr release the report yet?

I must have missed it.
Did I misunderstand you yesterday when you said the report can't contain anything about Trump because he wasn't indicted?

Nope. That’s basically it. If an indictment isn’t proffered, then it is DOJ policy to refrain from publicly discussing embarrassing info about people.

There’s room for interpretation, however. We will see soon enough.
Rosenberg criticized Comey for discussing the findings on Hillary at a press conference, but went on to say we do not hold press conferences to release derogatory information about the subject of a declined criminal investigation. Derogatory information sometimes is disclosed in the course of criminal investigations and prosecutions, but we never release it gratuitously. ...We sometimes release information about closed investigations in appropriate ways, but the FBI does not do it sua sponte.
The letter that got Comey sacked

It just seems to me that, dirt or not, he ought to tell us WHAT he investigated and if there wasn't evidence to indict, to tell us that, too, and why.
Comey?? The guy Trump fired because he was investigating Trump Naaaaaaa no obstruction there

Executive branch discretion....he can fire anybody who works for him, including Sessions (gone), Comey (gone) and Mueller if he'd taken another week or two....Trump had seen about enough of that asshole. Incidentally, Mueller still owes Trump money for greens fees he never paid at National golf course.
Our beloved Pres.Trump will go down in the history books as America's best and greatest ruler since George Washington. ... :thup:
Will he increase our debt even further??We are going to be in deep shit by the time this morn leaves, but of course a Dem will have to come in and clean up his manure as they always have had to do
You don't care about the debt. Never cared one bit when Obungo was inflating it.
Obama HAD TO spend money We were coming out of a great recession BUT NOW ??We have a moron in our WH and that's no BS
U.S. Government Deficit Grew 17% in Fiscal 2018 - WSJ

U.S. Government Deficit Grew 17% in Fiscal 2018
Oct 15, 2018 - Higher interest costs on the debt and increased funding for the military helped enlarge the U.S. deficit in fiscal 2018. Photo: brian snyder/ ...
U.S. on a Course to Spend More on Debt Than Defense - WSJ › Economy › The Outlook

Nov 11, 2018 - In the past decade, U.S. debt held by the public has risen to $15.9 trillion from $5.1 trillion, but financing all of that debt hasn't been a problem. not yet
Bullshit. What happened with all those "shovel ready" infrastructure jobs? Democrats are still talking about doing infrastructure. Where did the money go?
Our beloved Pres.Trump will go down in the history books as America's best and greatest ruler since George Washington. ... :thup:
Will he increase our debt even further??We are going to be in deep shit by the time this morn leaves, but of course a Dem will have to come in and clean up his manure as they always have had to do
You don't care about the debt. Never cared one bit when Obungo was inflating it.
Obama HAD TO spend money We were coming out of a great recession BUT NOW ??We have a moron in our WH and that's no BS
U.S. Government Deficit Grew 17% in Fiscal 2018 - WSJ

U.S. Government Deficit Grew 17% in Fiscal 2018

Oct 15, 2018 - Higher interest costs on the debt and increased funding for the military helped enlarge the U.S. deficit in fiscal 2018. Photo: brian snyder/ ...
U.S. on a Course to Spend More on Debt Than Defense - WSJ › Economy › The Outlook

Nov 11, 2018 - In the past decade, U.S. debt held by the public has risen to $15.9 trillion from $5.1 trillion, but financing all of that debt hasn't been a problem. not yet
Bullshit. What happened with all those "shovel ready" infrastructure jobs? Democrats are still talking about doing infrastructure. Where did the money go?
To trumps wall??
Our beloved Pres.Trump will go down in the history books as America's best and greatest ruler since George Washington. ... :thup:
Will he increase our debt even further??We are going to be in deep shit by the time this morn leaves, but of course a Dem will have to come in and clean up his manure as they always have had to do
You don't care about the debt. Never cared one bit when Obungo was inflating it.
Obama HAD TO spend money We were coming out of a great recession BUT NOW ??We have a moron in our WH and that's no BS
U.S. Government Deficit Grew 17% in Fiscal 2018 - WSJ

U.S. Government Deficit Grew 17% in Fiscal 2018

Oct 15, 2018 - Higher interest costs on the debt and increased funding for the military helped enlarge the U.S. deficit in fiscal 2018. Photo: brian snyder/ ...
U.S. on a Course to Spend More on Debt Than Defense - WSJ › Economy › The Outlook

Nov 11, 2018 - In the past decade, U.S. debt held by the public has risen to $15.9 trillion from $5.1 trillion, but financing all of that debt hasn't been a problem. not yet
Bullshit. What happened with all those "shovel ready" infrastructure jobs? Democrats are still talking about doing infrastructure. Where did the money go?
To trumps wall??
To trumps tax cut for the 1%
Our beloved Pres.Trump will go down in the history books as America's best and greatest ruler since George Washington. ... :thup:
Will he increase our debt even further??We are going to be in deep shit by the time this morn leaves, but of course a Dem will have to come in and clean up his manure as they always have had to do
You don't care about the debt. Never cared one bit when Obungo was inflating it.
Obama HAD TO spend money We were coming out of a great recession BUT NOW ??We have a moron in our WH and that's no BS
U.S. Government Deficit Grew 17% in Fiscal 2018 - WSJ

U.S. Government Deficit Grew 17% in Fiscal 2018

Oct 15, 2018 - Higher interest costs on the debt and increased funding for the military helped enlarge the U.S. deficit in fiscal 2018. Photo: brian snyder/ ...
U.S. on a Course to Spend More on Debt Than Defense - WSJ › Economy › The Outlook

Nov 11, 2018 - In the past decade, U.S. debt held by the public has risen to $15.9 trillion from $5.1 trillion, but financing all of that debt hasn't been a problem. not yet
Bullshit. What happened with all those "shovel ready" infrastructure jobs? Democrats are still talking about doing infrastructure. Where did the money go?
Who was in charge of ALL of gov't Trumps 1st 2 years ?? Ask that pos where infrastructure money went?

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