The Real President Trump Will Now Emerge

Our beloved Pres.Trump will go down in the history books as America's best and greatest ruler since George Washington. ... :thup:
Will he increase our debt even further??We are going to be in deep shit by the time this morn leaves, but of course a Dem will have to come in and clean up his manure as they always have had to do
You don't care about the debt. Never cared one bit when Obungo was inflating it.
Obama HAD TO spend money We were coming out of a great recession BUT NOW ??We have a moron in our WH and that's no BS
U.S. Government Deficit Grew 17% in Fiscal 2018 - WSJ

U.S. Government Deficit Grew 17% in Fiscal 2018

Oct 15, 2018 - Higher interest costs on the debt and increased funding for the military helped enlarge the U.S. deficit in fiscal 2018. Photo: brian snyder/ ...
U.S. on a Course to Spend More on Debt Than Defense - WSJ › Economy › The Outlook

Nov 11, 2018 - In the past decade, U.S. debt held by the public has risen to $15.9 trillion from $5.1 trillion, but financing all of that debt hasn't been a problem. not yet
Bullshit. What happened with all those "shovel ready" infrastructure jobs? Democrats are still talking about doing infrastructure. Where did the money go?
To trumps wall??
Nope. Union coffers.
He didn't defeat ISIS at all. ISIS was defeated BEFORE he took office. All that was left was a mop up operation.
Bullshit, when Trump said he would defeat ISIS all we heard from you leftist shitheads was "He can't defeat ISIS, they're all over the world". Now you want to give Obama credit for it. Just like when Trump announced his economic policies. Obama got on his soapbox and said Trump's economic plan would destroy the economy and cause unemployment to go up. Now he's out there crying and whining about it, trying to take credit for it. You're full of shit.
BILL CLINTON ran the country for 6 1/2 years while under investigation by Ken Starr.
Did he have the FBI illegally wiretapping him before the election? Did he have the media attacking him and running fake stories about criminal activity? Clinton committed perjury and was caught. Starr did not go on a fishing expedition like Mueller, he stuck to what he was hired to do. You didn't like it because your guy was GUILTY.
Trump has done a half-asses job of running the country. He passed two pieces of significant legislation in 2 1/2 years, the least of any president in history. The Trade Deficit has been increased, the deficit is at historically high levels and the economy is slowing down precipitiously.
Yeah, I've heard that crap before. Too bad for you leftists it's nowhere near reality.
Last edited:

You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.


The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.
No worries, they will certainly not lose sight of their target.

Lose sight of their target? their target? and that would be the Russians who interfered in our election? Do you even have to wonder why the FBI never even took a look at the DNC servers which were hacked?
The Democrats could care less or give a shit about Russian interference as long as they win. Their target is Trump, not the ensuring the security or sanctity of the United States and it's people.

You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.


The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.
No worries, they will certainly not lose sight of their target.

Lose sight of their target? their target? and that would be the Russians who interfered in our election? Do you even have to wonder why the FBI never even took a look at the DNC servers which were hacked?
The Democrats could care less or give a shit about Russian interference as long as they win. Their target is Trump, not the ensuring the security or sanctity of the United States and it's people.
Nonsense. The FBI was provided exact duplicates of the DNC's servers. And their goal is the same as the Republicans who went after Bill Clinton. Karma sucks at times.

You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.


The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.
No worries, they will certainly not lose sight of their target.

Lose sight of their target? their target? and that would be the Russians who interfered in our election? Do you even have to wonder why the FBI never even took a look at the DNC servers which were hacked?
The Democrats could care less or give a shit about Russian interference as long as they win. Their target is Trump, not the ensuring the security or sanctity of the United States and it's people.
Nonsense. The FBI was provided exact duplicates of the DNC's servers. And their goal is the same as the Republicans who went after Bill Clinton. Karma sucks at times.

Ya got a link, slick? Similar to this one? Dumbass.
Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.


The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.
No worries, they will certainly not lose sight of their target.

Lose sight of their target? their target? and that would be the Russians who interfered in our election? Do you even have to wonder why the FBI never even took a look at the DNC servers which were hacked?
The Democrats could care less or give a shit about Russian interference as long as they win. Their target is Trump, not the ensuring the security or sanctity of the United States and it's people.
Nonsense. The FBI was provided exact duplicates of the DNC's servers. And their goal is the same as the Republicans who went after Bill Clinton. Karma sucks at times.

ROTFLMAO! Lil faun = lil liar. The FBI nor any of the other three letter alphabet agencies got access to the DNC server and derived their conclusion that DNC friendly/connected "CrowdStrike" told them. The "proof"??? (ROTFLMAO!!) these empty suits at the Eff-a-B-Eye were given "images" and "forensic copies"!!!! TOTAL bullshit and of course you bought into it. William Binney, former high ranking NSA official PROVED that the amount of data removed and the speeds required was done BEHIND the firewall which is why the server was never turned over to any of the 3 lettered incorporated intel agencies. Seth Rich was the insider that downloaded them and passed them off to a U.K ambassador that in turn gave them to Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

What galls you the most most isn't the contents of the damning data drop...oh FUCK no! You are simply pissed that the e-mails were revealed that showed what a corrupt, conniving and criminal enterprise the demcrat commie party most assuredly is. Suck on it, lil and your commie pals lose yet again.


You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.


The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.
No worries, they will certainly not lose sight of their target.

Lose sight of their target? their target? and that would be the Russians who interfered in our election? Do you even have to wonder why the FBI never even took a look at the DNC servers which were hacked?
The Democrats could care less or give a shit about Russian interference as long as they win. Their target is Trump, not the ensuring the security or sanctity of the United States and it's people.
Nonsense. The FBI was provided exact duplicates of the DNC's servers. And their goal is the same as the Republicans who went after Bill Clinton. Karma sucks at times.

Ya got a link, slick? Similar to this one? Dumbass.
Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

HURD: Director Rogers, did the NSA ever get access to the DNC hardware?

ROGERS: The NSA didn't ask for access. That's not in our job...

HURD: Good copy. So director FBI notified the DNC early, before any information was put on Wikileaks and when -- you have still been -- never been given access to any of the technical or the physical machines that were -- that were hacked by the Russians.

COMEY: That's correct although we got the forensics from the pros that they hired which -- again, best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves, but this -- my folks tell me was an appropriate substitute.

You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.


The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.
No worries, they will certainly not lose sight of their target.

Lose sight of their target? their target? and that would be the Russians who interfered in our election? Do you even have to wonder why the FBI never even took a look at the DNC servers which were hacked?
The Democrats could care less or give a shit about Russian interference as long as they win. Their target is Trump, not the ensuring the security or sanctity of the United States and it's people.
Nonsense. The FBI was provided exact duplicates of the DNC's servers. And their goal is the same as the Republicans who went after Bill Clinton. Karma sucks at times.

ROTFLMAO! Lil faun = lil liar. The FBI nor any of the other three letter alphabet agencies got access to the DNC server and derived their conclusion that DNC friendly/connected "CrowdStrike" told them. The "proof"??? (ROTFLMAO!!) these empty suits at the Eff-a-B-Eye were given "images" and "forensic copies"!!!! TOTAL bullshit and of course you bought into it. William Binney, former high ranking NSA official PROVED that the amount of data removed and the speeds required was done BEHIND the firewall which is why the server was never turned over to any of the 3 lettered incorporated intel agencies. Seth Rich was the insider that downloaded them and passed them off to a U.K ambassador that in turn gave them to Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

What galls you the most most isn't the contents of the damning data drop...oh FUCK no! You are simply pissed that the e-mails were revealed that showed what a corrupt, conniving and criminal enterprise the demcrat commie party most assuredly is. Suck on it, lil and your commie pals lose yet again.

Aww, poor delusional dale is back to gumming at my ankles. Good, boy, have another Snausages® <pats delusional dale on the head>
The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.
No worries, they will certainly not lose sight of their target.

Lose sight of their target? their target? and that would be the Russians who interfered in our election? Do you even have to wonder why the FBI never even took a look at the DNC servers which were hacked?
The Democrats could care less or give a shit about Russian interference as long as they win. Their target is Trump, not the ensuring the security or sanctity of the United States and it's people.
Nonsense. The FBI was provided exact duplicates of the DNC's servers. And their goal is the same as the Republicans who went after Bill Clinton. Karma sucks at times.

Ya got a link, slick? Similar to this one? Dumbass.
Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

HURD: Director Rogers, did the NSA ever get access to the DNC hardware?

ROGERS: The NSA didn't ask for access. That's not in our job...

HURD: Good copy. So director FBI notified the DNC early, before any information was put on Wikileaks and when -- you have still been -- never been given access to any of the technical or the physical machines that were -- that were hacked by the Russians.

COMEY: That's correct although we got the forensics from the pros that they hired which -- again, best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves, but this -- my folks tell me was an appropriate substitute.

The "pros" at CrowdStrike, a DNC connected, private contractor to "hip" the alphabet agencies to this alleged "hack"?? The "Washington Compost"??????????? Why not a link from the "DailyKos", lil faun????

The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.
No worries, they will certainly not lose sight of their target.

Lose sight of their target? their target? and that would be the Russians who interfered in our election? Do you even have to wonder why the FBI never even took a look at the DNC servers which were hacked?
The Democrats could care less or give a shit about Russian interference as long as they win. Their target is Trump, not the ensuring the security or sanctity of the United States and it's people.
Nonsense. The FBI was provided exact duplicates of the DNC's servers. And their goal is the same as the Republicans who went after Bill Clinton. Karma sucks at times.

Ya got a link, slick? Similar to this one? Dumbass.
Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

HURD: Director Rogers, did the NSA ever get access to the DNC hardware?

ROGERS: The NSA didn't ask for access. That's not in our job...

HURD: Good copy. So director FBI notified the DNC early, before any information was put on Wikileaks and when -- you have still been -- never been given access to any of the technical or the physical machines that were -- that were hacked by the Russians.

COMEY: That's correct although we got the forensics from the pros that they hired which -- again, best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves, but this -- my folks tell me was an appropriate substitute.

Sorry slick, 40 years in I.T. tells me appropriate substitute is not the same or even close to the same as "exact duplicate"....dumbass,
The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.
No worries, they will certainly not lose sight of their target.

Lose sight of their target? their target? and that would be the Russians who interfered in our election? Do you even have to wonder why the FBI never even took a look at the DNC servers which were hacked?
The Democrats could care less or give a shit about Russian interference as long as they win. Their target is Trump, not the ensuring the security or sanctity of the United States and it's people.
Nonsense. The FBI was provided exact duplicates of the DNC's servers. And their goal is the same as the Republicans who went after Bill Clinton. Karma sucks at times.

ROTFLMAO! Lil faun = lil liar. The FBI nor any of the other three letter alphabet agencies got access to the DNC server and derived their conclusion that DNC friendly/connected "CrowdStrike" told them. The "proof"??? (ROTFLMAO!!) these empty suits at the Eff-a-B-Eye were given "images" and "forensic copies"!!!! TOTAL bullshit and of course you bought into it. William Binney, former high ranking NSA official PROVED that the amount of data removed and the speeds required was done BEHIND the firewall which is why the server was never turned over to any of the 3 lettered incorporated intel agencies. Seth Rich was the insider that downloaded them and passed them off to a U.K ambassador that in turn gave them to Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

What galls you the most most isn't the contents of the damning data drop...oh FUCK no! You are simply pissed that the e-mails were revealed that showed what a corrupt, conniving and criminal enterprise the demcrat commie party most assuredly is. Suck on it, lil and your commie pals lose yet again.

Aww, poor delusional dale is back to gumming at my ankles. Good, boy, have another Snausages® <pats delusional dale on the head>

Awwwww, poor lil faun gets his ass handed to him yet again..........

No worries, they will certainly not lose sight of their target.

Lose sight of their target? their target? and that would be the Russians who interfered in our election? Do you even have to wonder why the FBI never even took a look at the DNC servers which were hacked?
The Democrats could care less or give a shit about Russian interference as long as they win. Their target is Trump, not the ensuring the security or sanctity of the United States and it's people.
Nonsense. The FBI was provided exact duplicates of the DNC's servers. And their goal is the same as the Republicans who went after Bill Clinton. Karma sucks at times.

Ya got a link, slick? Similar to this one? Dumbass.
Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

HURD: Director Rogers, did the NSA ever get access to the DNC hardware?

ROGERS: The NSA didn't ask for access. That's not in our job...

HURD: Good copy. So director FBI notified the DNC early, before any information was put on Wikileaks and when -- you have still been -- never been given access to any of the technical or the physical machines that were -- that were hacked by the Russians.

COMEY: That's correct although we got the forensics from the pros that they hired which -- again, best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves, but this -- my folks tell me was an appropriate substitute.

The "pros" at CrowdStrike, a DNC connected, private contractor to "hip" the alphabet agencies to this alleged "hack"?? The "Washington Compost"??????????? Why not a link from the "DailyKos", lil faun????

View attachment 252281
Poor, delusional dale, how do my ankles taste?

The Washington Post link I provided is a transcript of Comey's testimony. You lose because you can't attack his testimony so you attack the source that printed his testimony.

No worries, they will certainly not lose sight of their target.

Lose sight of their target? their target? and that would be the Russians who interfered in our election? Do you even have to wonder why the FBI never even took a look at the DNC servers which were hacked?
The Democrats could care less or give a shit about Russian interference as long as they win. Their target is Trump, not the ensuring the security or sanctity of the United States and it's people.
Nonsense. The FBI was provided exact duplicates of the DNC's servers. And their goal is the same as the Republicans who went after Bill Clinton. Karma sucks at times.

Ya got a link, slick? Similar to this one? Dumbass.
Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

HURD: Director Rogers, did the NSA ever get access to the DNC hardware?

ROGERS: The NSA didn't ask for access. That's not in our job...

HURD: Good copy. So director FBI notified the DNC early, before any information was put on Wikileaks and when -- you have still been -- never been given access to any of the technical or the physical machines that were -- that were hacked by the Russians.

COMEY: That's correct although we got the forensics from the pros that they hired which -- again, best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves, but this -- my folks tell me was an appropriate substitute.

Sorry slick, 40 years in I.T. tells me appropriate substitute is not the same or even close to the same as "exact duplicate"....dumbass,
Working as a janitor for an IT firm hardly makes you an expert. What do you think "forensics" of a hard drive is? Fingerprints? :lmao:
The fascist democrats have no intention of letting up. Just because the Inquisition failed doesn't mean that the vile filth of the DNC will stop their witch hunt.

While that may be true, without a special counsel investigation, there is no longer any case for OBSTRUCTION when people on the Left involved are indicted. Lets see how fast we can ring them up!

What the Left has done is---------------> created open season on their own leaders. They couldn't close the deal; now they ARE the deal-)

What idiots you partisans are. After 8 years of attacking and vilifying the Obama Administration, without one single person in that administration every being charged with a crime, your response to the end of the Mueller investigation is to now try to start false investigations against Democratic leaders, NONE OF WHOM HAVE BEEN ACCUSED OF A CRIME.
What idiots you partisans are. After 8 years of attacking and vilifying the Obama Administration, without one single person in that administration every being charged with a crime, your response to the end of the Mueller investigation is to now try to start false investigations against Democratic leaders, NONE OF WHOM HAVE BEEN ACCUSED OF A CRIME.
No, your the idiot



Lose sight of their target? their target? and that would be the Russians who interfered in our election? Do you even have to wonder why the FBI never even took a look at the DNC servers which were hacked?
The Democrats could care less or give a shit about Russian interference as long as they win. Their target is Trump, not the ensuring the security or sanctity of the United States and it's people.
Nonsense. The FBI was provided exact duplicates of the DNC's servers. And their goal is the same as the Republicans who went after Bill Clinton. Karma sucks at times.

Ya got a link, slick? Similar to this one? Dumbass.
Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

HURD: Director Rogers, did the NSA ever get access to the DNC hardware?

ROGERS: The NSA didn't ask for access. That's not in our job...

HURD: Good copy. So director FBI notified the DNC early, before any information was put on Wikileaks and when -- you have still been -- never been given access to any of the technical or the physical machines that were -- that were hacked by the Russians.

COMEY: That's correct although we got the forensics from the pros that they hired which -- again, best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves, but this -- my folks tell me was an appropriate substitute.

Sorry slick, 40 years in I.T. tells me appropriate substitute is not the same or even close to the same as "exact duplicate"....dumbass,
Working as a janitor for an IT firm hardly makes you an expert. What do you think "forensics" of a hard drive is? Fingerprints? :lmao:

You are an idiot.
Lose sight of their target? their target? and that would be the Russians who interfered in our election? Do you even have to wonder why the FBI never even took a look at the DNC servers which were hacked?
The Democrats could care less or give a shit about Russian interference as long as they win. Their target is Trump, not the ensuring the security or sanctity of the United States and it's people.
Nonsense. The FBI was provided exact duplicates of the DNC's servers. And their goal is the same as the Republicans who went after Bill Clinton. Karma sucks at times.

Ya got a link, slick? Similar to this one? Dumbass.
Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

HURD: Director Rogers, did the NSA ever get access to the DNC hardware?

ROGERS: The NSA didn't ask for access. That's not in our job...

HURD: Good copy. So director FBI notified the DNC early, before any information was put on Wikileaks and when -- you have still been -- never been given access to any of the technical or the physical machines that were -- that were hacked by the Russians.

COMEY: That's correct although we got the forensics from the pros that they hired which -- again, best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves, but this -- my folks tell me was an appropriate substitute.

The "pros" at CrowdStrike, a DNC connected, private contractor to "hip" the alphabet agencies to this alleged "hack"?? The "Washington Compost"??????????? Why not a link from the "DailyKos", lil faun????

View attachment 252281
Poor, delusional dale, how do my ankles taste?

The Washington Post link I provided is a transcript of Comey's testimony. You lose because you can't attack his testimony so you attack the source that printed his testimony.


ROTFLMAO!!! Comey? Connected to the Hildebeast and the Clinton Foundation at the hips? That signed off on an exoneration letter (after Lynch told him to back off) before her "off the record" interview ever took place???? THAT James Comey????????

BTW, your piss poor attempt to stop me from the continuation of your ass kicking is lamer than watching a cat trying to bury it's shit on a frozen sidewalk.

Nonsense. The FBI was provided exact duplicates of the DNC's servers. And their goal is the same as the Republicans who went after Bill Clinton. Karma sucks at times.

Ya got a link, slick? Similar to this one? Dumbass.
Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

HURD: Director Rogers, did the NSA ever get access to the DNC hardware?

ROGERS: The NSA didn't ask for access. That's not in our job...

HURD: Good copy. So director FBI notified the DNC early, before any information was put on Wikileaks and when -- you have still been -- never been given access to any of the technical or the physical machines that were -- that were hacked by the Russians.

COMEY: That's correct although we got the forensics from the pros that they hired which -- again, best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves, but this -- my folks tell me was an appropriate substitute.

Sorry slick, 40 years in I.T. tells me appropriate substitute is not the same or even close to the same as "exact duplicate"....dumbass,
Working as a janitor for an IT firm hardly makes you an expert. What do you think "forensics" of a hard drive is? Fingerprints? :lmao:

You are an idiot.
No answer?? :badgrin: Do you scrub the waste paper baskets when you dump the garbage?
Nonsense. The FBI was provided exact duplicates of the DNC's servers. And their goal is the same as the Republicans who went after Bill Clinton. Karma sucks at times.

Ya got a link, slick? Similar to this one? Dumbass.
Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

HURD: Director Rogers, did the NSA ever get access to the DNC hardware?

ROGERS: The NSA didn't ask for access. That's not in our job...

HURD: Good copy. So director FBI notified the DNC early, before any information was put on Wikileaks and when -- you have still been -- never been given access to any of the technical or the physical machines that were -- that were hacked by the Russians.

COMEY: That's correct although we got the forensics from the pros that they hired which -- again, best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves, but this -- my folks tell me was an appropriate substitute.

The "pros" at CrowdStrike, a DNC connected, private contractor to "hip" the alphabet agencies to this alleged "hack"?? The "Washington Compost"??????????? Why not a link from the "DailyKos", lil faun????

View attachment 252281
Poor, delusional dale, how do my ankles taste?

The Washington Post link I provided is a transcript of Comey's testimony. You lose because you can't attack his testimony so you attack the source that printed his testimony.


ROTFLMAO!!! Comey? Connected to the Hildebeast and the Clinton Foundation at the hips? That signed off on an exoneration letter (after Lynch told him to back off) before her "off the record" interview ever took place???? THAT James Comey????????

BTW, your piss poor attempt to stop me from the continuation of your ass kicking is lamer than watching a cat trying to bury it's shit on a frozen sidewalk.

Poor, delusional dale. As batshit crazy as ever. :cuckoo:

Riiiiight .... Comey was so tied to Hillary, that must be why he broke FBI protocol and publicly reopened the investigation about her emails after early voting had begun.


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