The Real President Trump Will Now Emerge

The House is just getting started
Oh we are soooooooooo scared.....Buuuuuaaahahahahahaha


View attachment 251837

Your memes are not chasing them away.

The loser says what?....

You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.


The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.


You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.


The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.
No worries, they will certainly not lose sight of their target.

I want to watch as the screws turn on the Leftists. Will they stand up like Trump did? Or will those indicted turn into massive, melting, snowflakes! This is gonna be fun. And we don't need no stinking investigation, cause it is already done; it was done behind the scenes, just waiting for Mueller to end his witch hunt. Why do you think the Left is screaming so hard about more investigations? They are trying the same routine to get Trump to back down.

Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on me! Leftists, you are about to get the shellacking of your lives, and some of you are so blind, you can't even see it coming-)

You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.


The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.
No worries, they will certainly not lose sight of their target.
Your idiots now have targets on their own foreheads.... They need to look in their own mirrors..
Who’s investigating them?
The DOJ and FBI... Let the games continue... Schumer, Peloise, Schiff, Brennen, Comey, and Nadler (among many others) all have their dirty hands in the Dossier that is now front and center in the failed coup attempt... Its going to be fun seeing them perp walked...

You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.


The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.


You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.


The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.
No worries, they will certainly not lose sight of their target.

I want to watch as the screws turn on the Leftists. Will they stand up like Trump did? Or will those indicted turn into massive, melting, snowflakes! This is gonna be fun. And we don't need no stinking investigation, cause it is already done; it was done behind the scenes, just waiting for Mueller to end his witch hunt. Why do you think the Left is screaming so hard about more investigations? They are trying the same routine to get Trump to back down.

Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on me! Leftists, you are about to get the shellacking of your lives, and some of you are so blind, you can't even see it coming-)
Which “leftists” have been indicted? Which “leftists” are even under investigation?

You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.


The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.
No worries, they will certainly not lose sight of their target.
Your idiots now have targets on their own foreheads.... They need to look in their own mirrors..
Who’s investigating them?
The DOJ and FBI... Let the games continue... Schumer, Peloise, Schiff, Brennen, Comey, and Nadler (among many others) all have their dirty hands in the Dossier that is now front and center in the failed coup attempt... Its going to be fun seeing them perp walked...
Who’s being investigated? Schumer’s not, Pelosi’s not, Schiff’s not, Brennen’s not, Comey’s not, and Nadler’s not.

Can you argue reality? Or are you so crazy, you can only argue with your hallucinations?
No matter how you feel about Trump personally you have to acknowledge his strength and tenacity. He's taken everything the left in this country (which includes the media, the entire Dem party and half of the Rep party) has thrown at him and he is STILL kicking ass. He's defeated ISIS, lowered unemployment to historic levels, reduced our trade deficit, and accomplished more than just about any other president in their first two years in office, ALL while under a constant threat of criminal prosecution and impeachment. Who else could have done that? If any President ever deserved to be reelected it's Donald J. Trump.
Get a copy of "Generations" from a quarter century ago and see how predictable the current situation really is and has been.
The House is just getting started
Oh we are soooooooooo scared.....Buuuuuaaahahahahahaha


View attachment 251837

Your memes are not chasing them away.

The loser says what?....
You said, “we are soooooooooo scared”

What was that?....loser....
You asked what the loser said — so I told you. Can’t you read?

You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.


The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.


You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.


The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.
No worries, they will certainly not lose sight of their target.

I want to watch as the screws turn on the Leftists. Will they stand up like Trump did? Or will those indicted turn into massive, melting, snowflakes! This is gonna be fun. And we don't need no stinking investigation, cause it is already done; it was done behind the scenes, just waiting for Mueller to end his witch hunt. Why do you think the Left is screaming so hard about more investigations? They are trying the same routine to get Trump to back down.

Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on me! Leftists, you are about to get the shellacking of your lives, and some of you are so blind, you can't even see it coming-)
Which “leftists” have been indicted? Which “leftists” are even under investigation?

Well Faun, I have heard Barr delivered 3 indictments yesterday, but I don't want to call it fact until it is corroborated. You see, he KNEW EXACTLY when the Mueller probe was ending, because he wasn't recused.

And which Leftists are under investigation?

I have no idea, but some most certainly are. See, we are not like you guys prosecuting people in the press. How far in advance did YOU know AOCs campaign was under investigation, before BAM...… discovered it was.

Also, the INVESTIGATION into your people are most certainly over. Do you actually believe the administration was sitting on its hands all of these 20 some odd months? The whole hold up was your side being able to scream OBSTRUCTION once the special counsel was put in place. That excuse is now gone.

Let us see who is correct Faun, and I am betting it is me-)
You asked what the loser said — so I told you. Can’t you read?
I'm sorry loser I still don't get what you are trying to say....just say Rambunctious kicked my ass and for once you will be correct.....
BTW, none of this coup against Trump could have begun without explicit consent of the Obama if you leftists want to talk about conspiracy and treason, it's a short walk to Barry and Mike's front door...maybe we'll begin by looking for that birth certificate and discover the greatest hoax in American history.

You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.


The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.
No worries, they will certainly not lose sight of their target.

And there in lies their downfall. America is sick of our President being their "target". From now until the 2020 election, the biggest government scandal this country has ever seen is going to be peeled back layer by layer. And Obama is going to make Nixon look like a choir boy in comparison.

When Hitlery said they were all going to hang, she was referring to the result of all being exposed. It's all going to be laid out at the feet of the American voters, and we are going to be flabbergasted at the extent of corruption in the last administration.
They are going to rat each other off right up to the top dog, Dubai Barry...

You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.


The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.


You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.


The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.
No worries, they will certainly not lose sight of their target.

I want to watch as the screws turn on the Leftists. Will they stand up like Trump did? Or will those indicted turn into massive, melting, snowflakes! This is gonna be fun. And we don't need no stinking investigation, cause it is already done; it was done behind the scenes, just waiting for Mueller to end his witch hunt. Why do you think the Left is screaming so hard about more investigations? They are trying the same routine to get Trump to back down.

Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on me! Leftists, you are about to get the shellacking of your lives, and some of you are so blind, you can't even see it coming-)
Which “leftists” have been indicted? Which “leftists” are even under investigation?

Well Faun, I have heard Barr delivered 3 indictments yesterday, but I don't want to call it fact until it is corroborated. You see, he KNEW EXACTLY when the Mueller probe was ending, because he wasn't recused.

And which Leftists are under investigation?

I have no idea, but some most certainly are. See, we are not like you guys prosecuting people in the press. How far in advance did YOU know AOCs campaign was under investigation, before BAM...… discovered it was.

Also, the INVESTIGATION into your people are most certainly over. Do you actually believe the administration was sitting on its hands all of these 20 some odd months? The whole hold up was your side being able to scream OBSTRUCTION once the special counsel was put in place. That excuse is now gone.

Let us see who is correct Faun, and I am betting it is me-)
Great, post a link to Barr’s indictments....
You asked what the loser said — so I told you. Can’t you read?
I'm sorry loser I still don't get what you are trying to say....just say Rambunctious kicked my ass and for once you will be correct.....
Apparently you can’t read. Sucks to be you. G’head, tell me again how Flynn has walked even as he asks the court to delay his sentencing again. :badgrin:
What idiots you partisans are. After 8 years of attacking and vilifying the Obama Administration, without one single person in that administration every being charged with a crime, your response to the end of the Mueller investigation is to now try to start false investigations against Democratic leaders, NONE OF WHOM HAVE BEEN ACCUSED OF A CRIME.

Really? If "collusion with Russia" was good enough to harass Trump for 2 years, it's good enough to look at Hillary actually working with Russians, not only selling them our uranium for a fat check, but to coming up with the "dossier" the FBI used to try to frame the president. McCabe will be indicted, Comey perjured himself countless times and admitted to leaking classified information. Brennan, Clapper, Rosenstein, and others lied repeatedly in congressional testimony. Lindsey Graham is ready to lower the boom on these assholes in Senate hearings....stay tuned.

You should really pay attention. The Urianium One deal has been investigated at least 3 times already, and there is NOTHING THERE.

Similarly, Hillary wasn't working with Russia, had no direct or indirect connections either through her research or her campaign, and obtained the Steele Dossier in a third party arms' length transaction.

McCabe has not been indicted, nor will he be, but he is suing the government for wrongful dismissal. I expect the government will settle the case quietly and quickly because McCable will win.

Lindsay Graham isn't going to do jack shit because your allegations of perjury have no foundation in fact or in evidence.

You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.


The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.
No worries, they will certainly not lose sight of their target.

And there in lies their downfall. America is sick of our President being their "target". From now until the 2020 election, the biggest government scandal this country has ever seen is going to be peeled back layer by layer. And Obama is going to make Nixon look like a choir boy in comparison.

When Hitlery said they were all going to hang, she was referring to the result of all being exposed. It's all going to be laid out at the feet of the American voters, and we are going to be flabbergasted at the extent of corruption in the last administration.
They are going to rat each other off right up to the top dog, Dubai Barry...

Yeah, America is so sick of it, that they handed Democrats the House where they can investigate Trump until he’s out of office.


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