The Real President Trump Will Now Emerge

What idiots you partisans are. After 8 years of attacking and vilifying the Obama Administration, without one single person in that administration every being charged with a crime, your response to the end of the Mueller investigation is to now try to start false investigations against Democratic leaders, NONE OF WHOM HAVE BEEN ACCUSED OF A CRIME.

Really? If "collusion with Russia" was good enough to harass Trump for 2 years, it's good enough to look at Hillary actually working with Russians, not only selling them our uranium for a fat check, but to coming up with the "dossier" the FBI used to try to frame the president. McCabe will be indicted, Comey perjured himself countless times and admitted to leaking classified information. Brennan, Clapper, Rosenstein, and others lied repeatedly in congressional testimony. Lindsey Graham is ready to lower the boom on these assholes in Senate hearings....stay tuned.

You should really pay attention. The Urianium One deal has been investigated at least 3 times already, and there is NOTHING THERE.

Similarly, Hillary wasn't working with Russia, had no direct or indirect connections either through her research or her campaign, and obtained the Steele Dossier in a third party arms' length transaction.

McCabe has not been indicted, nor will he be, but he is suing the government for wrongful dismissal. I expect the government will settle the case quietly and quickly because McCable will win.

Lindsay Graham isn't going to do jack shit because your allegations of perjury have no foundation in fact or in evidence.
Uranium One?? Even Fox News debunked that nonsense. :lmao:
No matter how you feel about Trump personally you have to acknowledge his strength and tenacity. He's taken everything the left in this country (which includes the media, the entire Dem party and half of the Rep party) has thrown at him and he is STILL kicking ass.

He's defeated ISIS, lowered unemployment to historic levels, reduced our trade deficit, and accomplished more than just about any other president in their first two years in office, ALL while under a constant threat of criminal prosecution and impeachment. Who else could have done that? If any President ever deserved to be reelected it's Donald J. Trump.

He has taken everything from the left and whined like a bitch baby over every little thing. He has the strength and tenacity of a toddler with a full diaper. He screamed "fake news" at every turn while demanding arrests of those who were leaking information. If the leaks were "fake news", how can you arrest someone for leaking stuff that isn't true?

He didn't defeat ISIS at all. ISIS was defeated BEFORE he took office. All that was left was a mop up operation.

Who else could have run the country for 2 years under the constant threat of criminal prosecution: BILL CLINTON ran the country for 6 1/2 years while under investigation by Ken Starr.

Trump has done a half-asses job of running the country. He passed two pieces of significant legislation in 2 1/2 years, the least of any president in history. The Trade Deficit has been increased, the deficit is at historically high levels and the economy is slowing down precipitiously.

The opiod epidemic is increasing and the country has suffered repeated attacks by right wing terrorists, which the President continues to ignore.
Since he took the oath of office he's been under the most vile and vicious attacks the commiecrats and their enabling fake news merchants could muster. They've insulted and threatened his children, mocked his wife, belittled his successes and accomplishments both in business and the White House. He's been accused of molesting his daughter much lower does it get than that? And through it all he's had to deal with Putin, with China, with Iran, N.Korea, winning the war against ISIS and telling NATO to pay their bills, cleaning up NAFTA and pushing our oil and gas industry production to become world-leader. He's opened the factories closed by the cancerous "new world order" and given us our confidence back in America. All under the cloud of suspicion that he could be brought down by the coup coming from the FBI and DOJ. Now that coup has failed...the "resistance" will continue but they can't bring him down now. And now he'll be able to operate without having to watch every word he says, both eyes and his mind solely on doing his job as President. I believe we're seeing a new day in America with this President finally able, once again, to fulfill our destiny as the greatest country in the history of the world.


You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.

After all the millions that was spent on the Mueller investigation, WHY?
Since he took the oath of office he's been under the most vile and vicious attacks the commiecrats and their enabling fake news merchants could muster. They've insulted and threatened his children, mocked his wife, belittled his successes and accomplishments both in business and the White House. He's been accused of molesting his daughter much lower does it get than that? And through it all he's had to deal with Putin, with China, with Iran, N.Korea, winning the war against ISIS and telling NATO to pay their bills, cleaning up NAFTA and pushing our oil and gas industry production to become world-leader. He's opened the factories closed by the cancerous "new world order" and given us our confidence back in America. All under the cloud of suspicion that he could be brought down by the coup coming from the FBI and DOJ. Now that coup has failed...the "resistance" will continue but they can't bring him down now. And now he'll be able to operate without having to watch every word he says, both eyes and his mind solely on doing his job as President. I believe we're seeing a new day in America with this President finally able, once again, to fulfill our destiny as the greatest country in the history of the world.


You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.

After all the millions that was spent on the Mueller investigation, WHY?

The Mueller investigation showed a HUGE profit. Paul Manafort paid $48 million in fines and restitution to the government. That's almost double what the Mueller investigation cost.

Republicans spent $70 million on the Starr Investigation, and got Zero in return. Similar, millions and millions were spent on the 7 Benghazi Investigations, and there was no monetary return there are all.
Since he took the oath of office he's been under the most vile and vicious attacks the commiecrats and their enabling fake news merchants could muster. They've insulted and threatened his children, mocked his wife, belittled his successes and accomplishments both in business and the White House. He's been accused of molesting his daughter much lower does it get than that? And through it all he's had to deal with Putin, with China, with Iran, N.Korea, winning the war against ISIS and telling NATO to pay their bills, cleaning up NAFTA and pushing our oil and gas industry production to become world-leader. He's opened the factories closed by the cancerous "new world order" and given us our confidence back in America. All under the cloud of suspicion that he could be brought down by the coup coming from the FBI and DOJ. Now that coup has failed...the "resistance" will continue but they can't bring him down now. And now he'll be able to operate without having to watch every word he says, both eyes and his mind solely on doing his job as President. I believe we're seeing a new day in America with this President finally able, once again, to fulfill our destiny as the greatest country in the history of the world.

So you approve of his 3 marriages?
Cheating on a pregnant one?
Peeking in teens dressing rooms?
Dragging his wife by the hair before raping her?
You do know he created fewer jobs in his first 2 years than Obama did in his last 2?
5 deferments paid for by his dad?
5 bankruptcies?
What a guy.
I guess you saw where his dad paid for a prostiture to film herself with a rival and then blackmailed him?
Didn't tell you that in knees news?
Please tell us how he's making USA great again?
Another groper on the Supreme Court ?
Where ARE you coming from?
Zero college I presume?
Since he took the oath of office he's been under the most vile and vicious attacks the commiecrats and their enabling fake news merchants could muster. They've insulted and threatened his children, mocked his wife, belittled his successes and accomplishments both in business and the White House. He's been accused of molesting his daughter much lower does it get than that? And through it all he's had to deal with Putin, with China, with Iran, N.Korea, winning the war against ISIS and telling NATO to pay their bills, cleaning up NAFTA and pushing our oil and gas industry production to become world-leader. He's opened the factories closed by the cancerous "new world order" and given us our confidence back in America. All under the cloud of suspicion that he could be brought down by the coup coming from the FBI and DOJ. Now that coup has failed...the "resistance" will continue but they can't bring him down now. And now he'll be able to operate without having to watch every word he says, both eyes and his mind solely on doing his job as President. I believe we're seeing a new day in America with this President finally able, once again, to fulfill our destiny as the greatest country in the history of the world.

Say no more.
Zero college white rube with his mind made up.
Loves his hero groper
Since he took the oath of office he's been under the most vile and vicious attacks the commiecrats and their enabling fake news merchants could muster. They've insulted and threatened his children, mocked his wife, belittled his successes and accomplishments both in business and the White House. He's been accused of molesting his daughter much lower does it get than that? And through it all he's had to deal with Putin, with China, with Iran, N.Korea, winning the war against ISIS and telling NATO to pay their bills, cleaning up NAFTA and pushing our oil and gas industry production to become world-leader. He's opened the factories closed by the cancerous "new world order" and given us our confidence back in America. All under the cloud of suspicion that he could be brought down by the coup coming from the FBI and DOJ. Now that coup has failed...the "resistance" will continue but they can't bring him down now. And now he'll be able to operate without having to watch every word he says, both eyes and his mind solely on doing his job as President. I believe we're seeing a new day in America with this President finally able, once again, to fulfill our destiny as the greatest country in the history of the world.


You think it’s over??

The House is just getting started.

After all the millions that was spent on the Mueller investigation, WHY?

The Mueller investigation showed a HUGE profit. Paul Manafort paid $48 million in fines and restitution to the government. That's almost double what the Mueller investigation cost.

Republicans spent $70 million on the Starr Investigation, and got Zero in return. Similar, millions and millions were spent on the 7 Benghazi Investigations, and there was no monetary return there are all.
I guess I shouldn't have posed my question that way. My concern isn't in making a profit.
The fascist democrats have no intention of letting up. Just because the Inquisition failed doesn't mean that the vile filth of the DNC will stop their witch hunt.

While that may be true, without a special counsel investigation, there is no longer any case for OBSTRUCTION when people on the Left involved are indicted. Lets see how fast we can ring them up!

What the Left has done is---------------> created open season on their own leaders. They couldn't close the deal; now they ARE the deal-)

What idiots you partisans are. After 8 years of attacking and vilifying the Obama Administration, without one single person in that administration every being charged with a crime, your response to the end of the Mueller investigation is to now try to start false investigations against Democratic leaders, NONE OF WHOM HAVE BEEN ACCUSED OF A CRIME.
You know as well as I do the reason why no one from that corrupt administration wasn't indicted. This is the part where you play dumb, huh.
Our beloved Pres.Trump will go down in the history books as America's best and greatest ruler since George Washington. ... :thup:
Will he increase our debt even further??We are going to be in deep shit by the time this morn leaves, but of course a Dem will have to come in and clean up his manure as they always have had to do
Our beloved Pres.Trump will go down in the history books as America's best and greatest ruler since George Washington. ... :thup:
Will he increase our debt even further??We are going to be in deep shit by the time this morn leaves, but of course a Dem will have to come in and clean up his manure as they always have had to do
You don't care about the debt. Never cared one bit when Obungo was inflating it.
So you approve of his 3 marriages?
Cheating on a pregnant one?
Peeking in teens dressing rooms?
Dragging his wife by the hair before raping her?
You do know he created fewer jobs in his first 2 years than Obama did in his last 2?
5 deferments paid for by his dad?
5 bankruptcies?
What a guy.
I guess you saw where his dad paid for a prostiture to film herself with a rival and then blackmailed him?
Didn't tell you that in knees news?
Please tell us how he's making USA great again?
Another groper on the Supreme Court ?
Where ARE you coming from?
Zero college I presume?

None of my business or yours either....doesn't matter...multi-billionaire, President of the United States....As to your attempt at elitism, I got a Bach Science and did Master's work in cinematography after I got home from Vietnam....owned several businesses and comfortably retired....and you?
Our beloved Pres.Trump will go down in the history books as America's best and greatest ruler since George Washington. ... :thup:
Will he increase our debt even further??We are going to be in deep shit by the time this morn leaves, but of course a Dem will have to come in and clean up his manure as they always have had to do
You don't care about the debt. Never cared one bit when Obungo was inflating it.
Obama HAD TO spend money We were coming out of a great recession BUT NOW ??We have a moron in our WH and that's no BS
U.S. Government Deficit Grew 17% in Fiscal 2018 - WSJ

Oct 15, 2018 - Higher interest costs on the debt and increased funding for the military helped enlarge the U.S. deficit in fiscal 2018. Photo: brian snyder/ ...
U.S. on a Course to Spend More on Debt Than Defense - WSJ › Economy › The Outlook

Nov 11, 2018 - In the past decade, U.S. debt held by the public has risen to $15.9 trillion from $5.1 trillion, but financing all of that debt hasn't been a problem. not yet

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