The Real Problem in U.S. Politics


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The real problem in U.S. politics is that people have become so personally invested in their own versions of reality that they cannot even consider a dissenting viewpoint, no matter how factually accurate or logical it may be. For example, people who self-isolated for two years during the Covid panic have a psychological need to justify that sacrifice by clinging to a belief that it was necessary and good for society. To even consider, in retrospect, that it might not have been necessary or good for society would cause them feelings of insecurity and self-loathing that would be harmful to their identities and self-worth. As a result they must not only shut out such questions from their own cognitive awareness, but prevent them from even entering the realm of public debate.

This stifling of ideas harken back to dismal times when the sword was indeed mightier than the pen. Are we returning to another Dark Age of Unenlightenment?
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I dunno.....

I think "THE Real Problem" is people like AOC making $175,000+ a year for sitting in the legislature and crushing Americans while she is totally insulated form the harsh reality they create for common people. They vote privileges for themselves that regular Ameri8cans cannot dream of.

Government service was NEVER supposed to be a way of life or path to wealth.

We The People need to take the "Way of Life" and "Money for Nothing" factor back out of government.
A local, state or Federal job SHOULD NEVER be able to offer more pay and benefits than the fair market offers for everyone else.
Politicians are NOT CEOs. They are not producers adding to the GDP and improving lives through creative ideas and true wealth creation.
Compensation based on Taxation MUST be limited and carefully regulated or you get massively expanding and ever more powerful government at all levels, which is exactly the situation today.

We have passively allowed government positions to be grossly higher paid and more benefitted that ANY fair market position would reasonably be.
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The real problem in U.S. politics is that people have become so personally invested in their own versions of reality that they cannot even consider a dissenting viewpoint, no matter how factually accurate or logical it may be. For example, people who self-isolated for two years during the Covid panic have a psychological need to justify that sacrifice by clinging to a belief that it was necessary and good for society. To even consider, in retrospect, that it might not have been necessary or good for society would cause them feelings of insecurity and self-loathing that would be harmful to their identities and self-worth. As a result they must not only shut out such questions from their own cognitive awareness, but prevent them from even entering the realm of public debate.

This stifling of ideas harken back to dismal times when the sword was indeed mightier than the pen. Are we returning to another Dark Age of Unenlightenment?

'Too personally invested in their own version of reality'

That is because our leaders have allowed and encouraged the belief that there can be / are diffetent versions of reality.

We have the Constitution and laws for a reason; however, politicians have - for their own and / or partisan intetests - refused to enforce them and / or refused to enforce them equally.

For example, when Hillary Clinton was caught with TOP SECRET SPECIAL COMPARTMENTALIZED INFORMATION (TS/SCI) it was / is a crime, hands down - there is no exception according to US law, regs,etc.... When the FBI & DOJ refused to prosecute her it allowed some in this country the opportunity to create their own seperate reality in which they could / did argue she had committed no crime.

When Clapper committed Perjury by testifying Americans were not being spied on only to have evidence come out less than 7 days later proving he was lying, the DOJ's refusal to prosecute gave Democrats the opportunity to call him back to the stand to 'amend' his testimony to avoid charges. It also gave Democrats / snowflakes the opportunity to claim Clapper had not lied, had not committed perjury, and no Americans were being spied on.

The FBI has violated the Constitution, US laws, the Patriot Act, and defrauded the FISA Court at least 12 times in the last decade or so, and every time they were not held accountable it gave them, Democrats, and snowflakes the opportunity to create their own alternate realities in which they claim none of this ever happened.

How many times have you heard some snowflake defend Democrat crimes by saying, 'There was never any conviction'?! I have lost count.

Hell, just recently Hillary's own campaign manager testified that Hillary gave Sussmann the green light to take the bogus Russian Collusion scandal fake evidence to the FBI IOT begin the largest criminal political scandal in US history, but because a partisan DC jury found him 'innocent' snowflakes completly ignore the testimony and claim it never happened.

Again, this is because our leaders and officials have refused to uphold the Constitution, enforce US law, and do so equally.

Democrats have created alternate realities where they (claim they are) above the law while hding everyone else accountable.

The only way to fix this is to enforce existing laws equally, period, no matter who violates them...

...but we all know that will never happen anymore because this country is too far gone.

We resemble a 3rd world banana republimirore now than we resemble what this country was just 20 years ago.
The real problem in U.S. politics is that people have become so personally invested in their own versions of reality that they cannot even consider a dissenting viewpoint, no matter how factually accurate or logical it may be. For example, people who self-isolated for two years during the Covid panic have a psychological need to justify that sacrifice by clinging to a belief that it was necessary and good for society. To even consider, in retrospect, that it might not have been necessary or good for society would cause them feelings of insecurity and self-loathing that would be harmful to their identities and self-worth. As a result they must not only shut out such questions from their own cognitive awareness, but prevent them from even entering the realm of public debate.

This stifling of ideas harken back to dismal times when the sword was indeed mightier than the pen. Are we returning to another Dark Age of Unenlightenment?

If the dissenting viewpoint involves wacky conspiracy theories and Qanon garbage and not science how can it be factually accurate or logical in any sense of those two words? It is only accurate and logical to the ppl with mental disorders. You fall under the same category as moon landing deniers and flat earthers. They also believe their logic is sound and accurate. There's no point in having a debate with crazy people.
If the dissenting viewpoint involves wacky conspiracy theories and Qanon garbage and not science how can it be factually accurate or logical in any sense of those two words?
How can that be determined without discussion and analysis? You are a perfect example of these people.
I see the problem with U.S. politics is that for candidates we get the extreme from both parties. I'd prefer non-partisan primaries to bring some level-headedness into the process.
How can that be determined without discussion and analysis? You are a perfect example of these people.

Over 1 million americans have died from covid because they couldn't get vaccinated or refused. Those are the facts. The only discussion worth having at this point is, what is it about far right politics which makes you so afraid? You snowflakes are afraid of masks, you're afraid of needles, you're afraid of being quarantined at home for a week when there were huge outbreaks of the virus early on. Ultimately, you were so afraid, you refused to believe that a virus was actually killing people. Instead, you all withdrew into yourselves and created your own fictional world where there was either no virus, where the virus could be cured by horse medicine, where taking vitamin d would prevent the virus from infecting you, where if you got the shot, you would be magnetized or get cancer within 6 months to a year or 40 years later. Some even believe that getting vaccinated would turn you into actual undead zombies. It got to the point you were too afraid to even believe in science anymore. No one is unwilling to have a debate, they just won't have it with ppl with such hysterical fear that they can't even think straight.
I dunno.....

I think "THE Real Problem" is people like AOC making $175,000+ a year for sitting in the legislature and crushing Americans while she is totally insulated form the harsh reality they create for common people. They vote privileges for themselves that regular Ameri8cans cannot dream of.

Government service was NEVER supposed to be a way of life or path to wealth.

We The People need to take the "Way of Life" and "Money for Nothing" factor back out of government.
A local, state or Federal job SHOULD NEVER be able to offer more pay and benefits than the fair market offers for everyone else.
Politicians are NOT CEOs. They are not producers adding to the GDP and improving lives through creative ideas and true wealth creation.
Compensation based on Taxation MUST be limited and carefully regulated or you get massively expanding and ever more powerful government at all levels, which is exactly the situation today.

We have passively allowed government positions to be grossly higher paid and more benefitted that ANY fair market position would reasonably be.
You can tell she has the self-important entitlement person of power now. The world is littered with these types. Most of the people coming here have had the same as leaders.
If the dissenting viewpoint involves wacky conspiracy theories and Qanon garbage and not science how can it be factually accurate or logical in any sense of those two words? It is only accurate and logical to the ppl with mental disorders. You fall under the same category as moon landing deniers and flat earthers. They also believe their logic is sound and accurate. There's no point in having a debate with crazy people.
Thank you for proving the main point of the OP.
Way to go, champ. :eusa_whistle:
The real problem in U.S. politics is that people have become so personally invested in their own versions of reality that they cannot even consider a dissenting viewpoint, no matter how factually accurate or logical it may be. For example, people who self-isolated for two years during the Covid panic have a psychological need to justify that sacrifice by clinging to a belief that it was necessary and good for society. To even consider, in retrospect, that it might not have been necessary or good for society would cause them feelings of insecurity and self-loathing that would be harmful to their identities and self-worth. As a result they must not only shut out such questions from their own cognitive awareness, but prevent them from even entering the realm of public debate.

This stifling of ideas harken back to dismal times when the sword was indeed mightier than the pen. Are we returning to another Dark Age of Unenlightenment?
Things started going downhill fast the more and more social media took root. What is information and what is misinformation and what is the deliberate withholding of information and who decides which is which? Both sides are good at presenting cherry picked facts, purposely leaving out context in order to prove their points.
Covid is a hoax.

Trump won the election.

Surgical masks don't protect you from viruses...because farts.

Obama was born in Kenya.

Democrats laundered money to Ukraine, through FTX, and back to themselves.

MAGA tards cling to these, and many other fantastic delusions, even more fiercely than their guns.
'Too personally invested in their own version of reality'

That is because our leaders have allowed and encouraged the belief that there can be / are diffetent versions of reality.

We have the Constitution and laws for a reason; however, politicians have - for their own and / or partisan intetests - refused to enforce them and / or refused to enforce them equally.

For example, when Hillary Clinton was caught with TOP SECRET SPECIAL COMPARTMENTALIZED INFORMATION (TS/SCI) it was / is a crime, hands down - there is no exception according to US law, regs,etc.... When the FBI & DOJ refused to prosecute her it allowed some in this country the opportunity to create their own seperate reality in which they could / did argue she had committed no crime.

I think the material on Hillary's servers wasn't classified. Obama had declassified it with a thought so your point is moot.

When Clapper committed Perjury by testifying Americans were not being spied on only to have evidence come out less than 7 days later proving he was lying, the DOJ's refusal to prosecute gave Democrats the opportunity to call him back to the stand to 'amend' his testimony to avoid charges. It also gave Democrats / snowflakes the opportunity to claim Clapper had not lied, had not committed perjury, and no Americans were being spied on.

The FBI has violated the Constitution, US laws, the Patriot Act, and defrauded the FISA Court at least 12 times in the last decade or so, and every time they were not held accountable it gave them, Democrats, and snowflakes the opportunity to create their own alternate realities in which they claim none of this ever happened.

How many times have you heard some snowflake defend Democrat crimes by saying, 'There was never any conviction'?! I have lost count.

Hell, just recently Hillary's own campaign manager testified that Hillary gave Sussmann the green light to take the bogus Russian Collusion scandal fake evidence to the FBI IOT begin the largest criminal political scandal in US history, but because a partisan DC jury found him 'innocent' snowflakes completly ignore the testimony and claim it never happened.

Again, this is because our leaders and officials have refused to uphold the Constitution, enforce US law, and do so equally.

Democrats have created alternate realities where they (claim they are) above the law while hding everyone else accountable.

The only way to fix this is to enforce existing laws equally, period, no matter who violates them...

...but we all know that will never happen anymore because this country is too far gone.

We resemble a 3rd world banana republimirore now than we resemble what this country was just 20 years ago.
This is a lot grevences sheiking provided by the right wing media.

Do you feel sufficiently a victim?
Hell, just recently Hillary's own campaign manager testified that Hillary gave Sussmann the green light to take the bogus Russian Collusion scandal fake evidence to the FBI IOT begin the largest criminal political scandal in US history, but because a partisan DC jury found him 'innocent' snowflakes completly ignore the testimony and claim it never happened.
This didn’t happen. You have been lied to by your media to live in an alternate universe.

An alternate universe where Michael Flynn didn’t lie to the FBI.

An alternate universe where Clinesmith wasn’t prosecuted for lying on the FISA warrant.

An alternate universe where Russia didn’t hack the DNC and never wanted Trump to win the presidency.

An alternate universe where Manafort is being persecuted by the DoJ instead of having committed numerous acts of fraud.
Who was sitting on all those text messages from the Neo-GOP Conspirators in Congress. If those hadn't been withheld before the Nov. elections the Dems would never have lost the House and very well may have gained a super majority in the Senate!

The real problem.
Over 1 million americans have died from covid because they couldn't get vaccinated or refused. Those are the facts. The only discussion worth having at this point is, what is it about far right politics which makes you so afraid? You snowflakes are afraid of masks, you're afraid of needles, you're afraid of being quarantined at home for a week when there were huge outbreaks of the virus early on. Ultimately, you were so afraid, you refused to believe that a virus was actually killing people. Instead, you all withdrew into yourselves and created your own fictional world where there was either no virus, where the virus could be cured by horse medicine, where taking vitamin d would prevent the virus from infecting you, where if you got the shot, you would be magnetized or get cancer within 6 months to a year or 40 years later. Some even believe that getting vaccinated would turn you into actual undead zombies. It got to the point you were too afraid to even believe in science anymore. No one is unwilling to have a debate, they just won't have it with ppl with such hysterical fear that they can't even think straight.

Absolute delusion
Politicians focus on just two things, lining their own pockets and getting re-elected so they can continue lining their own pockets.

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