The real problem with liberals

Trump is total Bullshit ..
Shady Accounting Boosts Trump’s Wealth

“Donald Trump claims a net worth of more than $10 billion and income of $557 million. But he appears to get there only by over-valuing properties and ignoring his expenses.”

Politico spoke with more than a dozen financial experts and Trump’s fellow multi-millionaires about the presumptive Republican nominee’s financial statement. Their conclusion: the real estate magnate’s bottom line – what he actually puts in his own pocket – could be much lower than he suggests. Some financial analysts said this, and a very low tax rate, is why Trump won’t release his tax returns.”

What has this topic to do with Trump, shill?
I love when Trump attacks the press and makes them look like the fools they are.

How dare those nasty reporters ask questions of tough guy "Don The Con"

Look good news an Important Foreign Leader has given a "full throated endorsement" of Trump Congratulations dude ..I must have it going on now ..:badgrin:

North Korean state media has praised US presidential hopeful Donald Trump, describing him as a “wise politician” and “far-sighted candidatewho could help unify the Korean peninsula.

North Korea praises Trump and urges US voters to reject 'dull Hillary'
Why would Iran be concerned about American anger toward Saudi Arabia? Your cartoon doesn’t even make sense.
Maybe you are unaware my sweet candycornhole....Iran and Saudi don't much like each other. Ever heard of Sh'ia v Sunni?

Yes, well aware….

Wondering why they would care if the the Saudis are in the US Doghouse…. The cartoon doesn’t make sense.
Geeze need to get off the sugar.

The Saudis are long time allies of the USA...and Iran is not. A deteriorating relationship between US and Saudi likely enhances Iran's position in the ME and weakens Saudis. Get it?

Oh, since you put it that way….the cartoon is particularly dense.
Maybe you cons are just disappointed Trump lost his best VP choice?

"The family of a boy who entered a Cincinnati Zoo gorilla's enclosure last weekend -- spurring zoo officials to shoot and kill the animal -- will be the focus of an investigation into the incident, Cincinnati police said Tuesday.

"The 3-year-old boy was dragged across a moat by the 450-pound gorilla on Saturday. After a 10-minute encounter, Cincinnati Zoo officials shot and killed the beloved and endangered gorilla, named Harambe. The boy was not seriously injured."

Cincinnati gorilla incident: Police investigating boy's family -
Couldn't be any worse than the stooge VP we have now. At least the ape could keep his mouth shut, and if obama tried to take his banana.....
Couldn't be any worse than the stooge VP we have now. At least the ape could keep his mouth shut, and if obama tried to take his banana.....
I'm thinking the gorilla would be more useful in DC than Biden, Obama, or Trump?(at least before they shot him)

Yes, Obama could send the gorilla to all the criminals funerals.
The media are sleaze. I wouldn't pee on one if they were on fire.
The real problem is the liberal media.

I love when Trump attacks the press and makes them look like the fools they are.
You're right...especially as they've given him so much free airtime, and continue to do so.
I don't disagree.

It is clear Cankles is a liar, corrupt, warmonger, criminal, and tool of 1%. Trump is bad, but he aint that least not yet.

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