The REAL Reason Folks are Fleeing Honduras....

I thought you’d never ask. Start with this...Mike Pence: Migrant caravan is Venezuelan plot
I expected as much. An opinion based on a conspiracy theory not backed by any facts or proof. I tried.
Mexico’s government provided the information. You’re claiming Mexico’s government is providing conspiracy theories to help conservatives in the U.S.?

You asked for “links”. I provided them. Now you’re just whining like a lunatic. just can’t make this stuff up. Here is Windparadox claiming that no one is going to get “murdered, raped, or take things from you in post #146:
No one is going to get murdered, raped or take things from you.
And here she is just a few posts later in post #169 doing a complete 180° after I owned her ass with facts:
It is logical to assume there is a small percentage of criminals in the caravan mix. is “logical to assume” that you’re a typical left-wing asshole who refuses to accept reality. We get it. You want to mooch off of society and you know you need more of your fellow moochers to steal elections because you can’t win them cleanly.

But you sound like a complete idiot and a lunatic denying facts. You pretended to not accept anything until you go your previous links. Once you got them, you came up with a ridiculous reason to ignore them. Game over.
Could you provide that same documentation directly from Homeland Security? A DHS offical maybe? How about a memo with DHS logo? All I've seen is opinions of an anonymous statement. Sorry, if that's your threshold for proof, you need to go back to school. now her latest ploy is that if you don’t have National Security clearance and you’re not willing to break the law by sharing classified information, then it doesn’t count.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: just can’t make this stuff up. Here is Windparadox claiming that no one is going to get “murdered, raped, or take things from you in post #146:
No one is going to get murdered, raped or take things from you.
And here she is just a few posts later in post #169 doing a complete 180° after I owned her ass with facts:
It is logical to assume there is a small percentage of criminals in the caravan mix. is “logical to assume” that you’re a typical left-wing asshole who refuses to accept reality. We get it. You want to mooch off of society and you know you need more of your fellow moochers to steal elections because you can’t win them cleanly.

But you sound like a complete idiot and a lunatic denying facts. You pretended to not accept anything until you go your previous links. Once you got them, you came up with a ridiculous reason to ignore them. Game over.
You say people are stealing elections and SHE`S a lunatic and a complete idiot? :)
Could you provide that same documentation directly from Homeland Security? A DHS offical maybe? How about a memo with DHS logo?
Uh....why? When Mike Pence made a statement on video, you refused to believe it. You called it a “conspiracy”. If I post a DHS document, you’ll just call it “fake”.

That’s what you left-wing lunatics do. Deny reality at all costs. :dunno:
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective. We could be saving money so we don't have to finance it.
August West said:
You say people are stealing elections and SHE`S a lunatic and a complete idiot? :)
Leftists Have The Schools
Almost All The Media
And Most Of The Courts For 60yrs

And Yet
They Still Have To Mass Import
Third-World Uneducated And Unskilled Votes
To Supplement 1st World Uneducated And Unskilled Votes
That Is Their Base
And They Still Just Can't Sweep The Elections
It's one of those S-Hole countries that the left thought were some kind of racist hallucination... The FIX aint accepting their refugees. The FIX is international pressure to clean their political swamp..

News you didn't get on major media..

Honduran president's brother arrested in Miami on drug charges | Reuters

TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - The brother of Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez was arrested on Friday in the United States on drug trafficking charges, the Honduran government said on Friday.

Juan Antonio “Tony” Hernandez, a 40-year-old lawyer and former ruling party lawmaker, was arrested by U.S. authorities in Miami, the president’s office said in a statement.

The president’s brother is the latest in a string of prominent Hondurans, including three congressmen, who have been charged in the United States for involvement with drug trafficking.

“This is a heavy blow for the whole family,” the president told reporters in his hometown of Gracias, in western Honduras. “I hope the justice system gives him the room to defend himself, and as a family, we will do what we can to support him.”

Looks like the ruling "family business" is going to take a BIG HIT on their American market share..

For cripes sakes, dont dick around with refugee streams.. Work to FIX THE BASIC PROBLEM...
What they`re fleeing from is crony Capitalism, not drug gangs. Nobody is fleeing quasi-socialistic Costa Rica.
Why are they fleeing the socialist paradise of Venezuela for the quasi-capitalist Colombia?

Besides, Costa Rica is a predominately white country and certainly not socialist.
Venezuela is a sad mindless dictatorship, not socialist. I said Costa Rica is quasi socialist with pensions and healthcare for all. There are NO purely socialist countries. Costa Rica is the only Central American country that people are trying to get into, not out of and they`ve had universal healthcare since 1961. Unlike Americans, most Costa Ricans are happy civil people. I visit there every chance I get. Unlike the MAGA people skin color doesn`t matter to them and they`re not afraid to leave their homes without a gun tucked in their bras.
Unlike Americans, most Costa Ricans are happy civil people.
they also have only around 5 million people to look after in a small area.....

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