The Real Tsumani: Applications To The Club


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. That is the Pessimist's Club, of which I have long been permanent president thereof.

2. This has always been my mantra: Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.
We haven't and the late great nation is lost.

3. Whether government schooling, mass psychosis, or cerebral damage, the American electorate has voted in favor of crime, inflation, worldwide war and chaos, infanticide, socialism, hordes of illegal aliens, racism, and men becoming pregnant. And a President on the payroll of America's enemies.

4. The fact that Democrat voters are unable to explain nor defend what they voted for, ......they do so an waddle away with a shrug.

5. We no longer live in an America that deserves being saved.
1. That is the Pessimist's Club, of which I have long been permanent president thereof.

2. This has always been my mantra: Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.
We haven't and the late great nation is lost.

3. Whether government schooling, mass psychosis, or cerebral damage, the American electorate has voted in favor of crime, inflation, worldwide war and chaos, infanticide, socialism, hordes of illegal aliens, racism, and men becoming pregnant. And a President on the payroll of America's enemies.

4. The fact that Democrat voters are unable to explain nor defend what they voted for, ......they do so an waddle away with a shrug.

5. We no longer live in an America that deserves being saved.
I think that many Republicans, and probably all of those who are Independent, made it very clear that they wanted NOTHING with those who were working too hard to take away their health care, their right to vote, their right to their privacy and many other rights the Republican Party has not given a darn about for the past 40 years.

Democrats, Republicans and Independents DID very clearly DEFEND what they voted for.

As always, you are totally deaf, not just hard of hearing.

None of your worries are real, are what the voters of all parties cared about, since most of those worries are just fear mongering and hardly based on facts.
I think that many Republicans, and probably all of those who are Independent, made it very clear that they wanted NOTHING with those who were working too hard to take away their health care, their right to vote, their right to their privacy and many other rights the Republican Party has not given a darn about for the past 40 years.

Democrats, Republicans and Independents DID very clearly DEFEND what they voted for.

As always, you are totally deaf, not just hard of hearing.

None of your worries are real, are what the voters of all parties cared about, since most of those worries are just fear mongering and hardly based on facts.

Please refrain from using the first two words in your post: fact not in evidence.
4. If history was taught in the Marxist-occupied government school system, American students would know more about the Democrat's predecessors.
Government school students haven’t been taught about communism because they are taught by communists, and they omit a lot.
Communists….the most prodigious murders of the 20th century….and the Democrat Party has taken on their persona.
"5. Across the globe, people are asking the same question: What has happened to the United States of America?

In just a few short years, the wealthiest, most powerful, most influential single nation in human history has become dangerously radicalized, divided and weak. It has rapidly fallen into political dysfunction, social division, economic woe, judicial and legislative compromise, and catastrophic moral failure. The nation Abraham Lincoln called “the last best hope of Earth” is, as he warned, about to “die by suicide.”
Gerald Flurry
6. Stated and proven over and over, Democrat voters simple obey the orders of their party, and neither thought nor reason enter into their voting procedures.

The'll even vote for Dead Democrats......

"Democrat re-elected by a landslide in Pennsylvania – even though he’s dead

Win by longtime state representative Tony DeLuca, who died last month, triggers special election that will be held on a later date in a landslide – even though he died last month.

Democrat Anthony “Tony” DeLuca, Pennsylvania’s longest-serving state representative, was the choice in more than 85% of votes cast.

DeLuca, 85, died on 9 October from lymphoma, a disease he had twice previously fended off."
Instead of lamenting the idea that America is lost, the GQP could look in the mirror (for a change) and decide it no longer wants to be the party of Qanon, conspiracy theories, lunatic politicians and arrogant, paranoid, hyperbolic, manipulated ignorance.

These election results were an entirely self-inflicted wound. This country needs (at least) two strong, serious, intelligent parties, and we've been going in the opposite direction for several years now.

Hey wingers: Get over yourselves. Stop looking at every win as a "mandate". Stop trying to cram your agenda down America's throat. America doesn't like that. How many times do we have to tell you that?

This really ain't that complicated.
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1. That is the Pessimist's Club, of which I have long been permanent president thereof.

2. This has always been my mantra: Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.
We haven't and the late great nation is lost.

3. Whether government schooling, mass psychosis, or cerebral damage, the American electorate has voted in favor of crime, inflation, worldwide war and chaos, infanticide, socialism, hordes of illegal aliens, racism, and men becoming pregnant. And a President on the payroll of America's enemies.

4. The fact that Democrat voters are unable to explain nor defend what they voted for, ......they do so an waddle away with a shrug.

5. We no longer live in an America that deserves being saved.
What schools are you talking about? Where I live the schools are controlled by locally-elected boards, it is called democracy, look it up. America is not lost, though it may be lost to your extreme ideology. You can't change the schools because you lost the people.
What schools are you talking about? Where I live the schools are controlled by locally-elected boards, it is called democracy, look it up. America is not lost, though it may be lost to your extreme ideology. You can't change the schools because you lost the people.
The curricula is mandated from the feds, if you want any fed money.

You have to know this and are just lying.
What schools are you talking about? Where I live the schools are controlled by locally-elected boards, it is called democracy, look it up. America is not lost, though it may be lost to your extreme ideology. You can't change the schools because you lost the people.
Yes, and Fed money just fell from the sky.
None of your worries are real,

Gee, that's a winning strategy. Delegitimize the fear. Works every time.

/ sarcasm

since most of those worries are just fear mongering and hardly based on facts.

Let's see, do you have a college degree?

If so, you must have been required to take Psychology 101.

There in that class we learn that anyone who cares about you isn't going to try to delegitimize and marginalize your concerns.

And then in the 201 course where they cover abnormal psychology, we learn there are people out there who use delegitimization and marginalization as "tactics". We learn that in extreme cases this may be part of a Machiavellian mindset, but more frequently we find the person is simply insecure, needs to keep other people on the defensive and therefore treats them like the enemy.
What schools are you talking about? Where I live the schools are controlled by locally-elected boards, it is called democracy, look it up. America is not lost, though it may be lost to your extreme ideology. You can't change the schools because you lost the people.

This Democrat boot licker again????

Here’s hoping you buy your sushi from a street vendor in Tijuana.
The curricula is mandated from the feds, if you want any fed money.

You have to know this and are just lying.

Yes, and Fed money just fell from the sky.
Doesn't sound like there is much of a hammer here:
The Federal contribution to elementary and secondary education is about 8 percent, which includes funds not only from the Department of Education (ED) but also from other Federal agencies, such as the Department of Health and Human Services' Head Start program and the Department of Agriculture's School Lunch program.​
7. Proof of mass psychosis.......the country headed in the wrong direction.......but voted for the party taking it in the wrong direction.
Eighty-five percent of US adults feel country headed in wrong› news › eighty-five-percent-of-us-adults-feel-country-headed-in-wrong-direction-poll
June 29, 2022 - President Joe Biden faces tough numbers, as nearly 85% of U.S. adults feel the country is headed in the wrong direction, according to a new poll.

Eight in 10 Americans say the country is heading in the wrong › home › economy & politics


July 28, 2020 - The AP-NORC poll makes clear the challenge ahead for Trump on that front: 8 in 10 Americans say the country is heading in the wrong direction. That’s more than at any point since Trump took office. The poll also finds just 38% of Americans say the national economy is good, down from 67% in ...
7. Proof of mass psychosis.......the country headed in the wrong direction.......but voted for the party taking it in the wrong direction.
Eighty-five percent of US adults feel country headed in wrong direction: Poll
Eighty-five percent of US adults feel country headed in wrong direction: Poll
Eighty-five percent of US adults feel country headed in wrong› news › eighty-five-percent-of-us-adults-feel-country-headed-in-wrong-direction-poll
June 29, 2022 - President Joe Biden faces tough numbers, as nearly 85% of U.S. adults feel the country is headed in the wrong direction, according to a new poll.
Eight in 10 Americans say the country is heading in the wrong › home › economy & politics

July 28, 2020 - The AP-NORC poll makes clear the challenge ahead for Trump on that front: 8 in 10 Americans say the country is heading in the wrong direction. That’s more than at any point since Trump took office. The poll also finds just 38% of Americans say the national economy is good, down from 67% in ...
I too think the country is headed in the wrong direction and I place the blame squarely on Trump and his cult.
I too think the country is headed in the wrong direction and I place the blame squarely on Trump and his cult.

A perfect example of what a lying imbecile this one is.....and a perfect Democrat voter.

Not a single one of these problems were caused by the Right.

A perfect example of what a lying imbecile this one is.....and a perfect Democrat voter.

Not a single one of these problems were caused by the Right.

View attachment 724762
An old article that is still relevant:
The Problem with the Political Right
There's an interesting phenomenon occurring right now in the Political Right all around the world. The conservative movement that traditionally was based on the Thatcher-Reagan optimistic embrace of free markets, hawkish foreign policy, robust defense spending, and tax cuts for "job creators" is splintering under the weight of nationalist populism. But at the same time, conservatism is getting louder, bolder, and even expanding, bringing under its fold many new voters who are disenfranchised by the leftward lurch of many liberal political parties and groups. While it's an interesting and sometimes entertaining spectacle to watch, it's also troubling for a number of reasons.

Any healthy democracy will have at least two parties with opposing ideologies and different visions for the future. Leadership should change every few years based on the demands of the public. But now the Republican Party in the United States is, in some ways, turning into a joke. It's party officials made numerous mistakes that almost any smart person would've avoided. In the 2000s, the GOP continued to embrace the failed model of "Reaganomics". Instead of growing the economy, as Republicans believed, by cutting taxes for rich "job creators", it increased the national debt and caused the Great Recession. Cutting taxes on the rich placed a huge burden on middle class or poor citizens who aren't able to foot the bill themselves. Our military and infrastructure suffered as a result: the GOP that claims to be patriotic and "support our troops" seems to be fine with cutting benefits for those who serve.

Another big mistake the GOP made was contradicting itself: on one hand, Republicans opposed big government, or its intervention into the private lives of its citizens. But on the other, government under Republicans was to try to dictate women's reproductive rights, and stop gays from marrying. Even today, when polls show the vast majority of Americans are in favor of marriage equality, the GOP continues to advocate for discriminatory laws against the LGBT community, from preventing transgender people from using the bathrooms of the gender they identify as, to "religious liberty" laws that allow people to discriminate against gays. Continuing to defend or even nurture ideas that are deeply unpopular with the American people at large will only turn off Millennials--something that the GOP can't afford. After Mitt Romney's 2012 defeat at the hands of President Obama, the Republican establishment realized that it needed to be more welcoming to women, minorities, and younger people. So it seems hypocritical and disingenuous when establishment elites like Romney condemn Donald Trump for being a bigot, while they themselves holding bigoted views and believing that economic policies that have been proven to fail will strengthen America.

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