The Real Tsumani: Applications To The Club

An old article that is still relevant:
The Problem with the Political Right
There's an interesting phenomenon occurring right now in the Political Right all around the world. The conservative movement that traditionally was based on the Thatcher-Reagan optimistic embrace of free markets, hawkish foreign policy, robust defense spending, and tax cuts for "job creators" is splintering under the weight of nationalist populism. But at the same time, conservatism is getting louder, bolder, and even expanding, bringing under its fold many new voters who are disenfranchised by the leftward lurch of many liberal political parties and groups. While it's an interesting and sometimes entertaining spectacle to watch, it's also troubling for a number of reasons.

Any healthy democracy will have at least two parties with opposing ideologies and different visions for the future. Leadership should change every few years based on the demands of the public. But now the Republican Party in the United States is, in some ways, turning into a joke. It's party officials made numerous mistakes that almost any smart person would've avoided. In the 2000s, the GOP continued to embrace the failed model of "Reaganomics". Instead of growing the economy, as Republicans believed, by cutting taxes for rich "job creators", it increased the national debt and caused the Great Recession. Cutting taxes on the rich placed a huge burden on middle class or poor citizens who aren't able to foot the bill themselves. Our military and infrastructure suffered as a result: the GOP that claims to be patriotic and "support our troops" seems to be fine with cutting benefits for those who serve.

Another big mistake the GOP made was contradicting itself: on one hand, Republicans opposed big government, or its intervention into the private lives of its citizens. But on the other, government under Republicans was to try to dictate women's reproductive rights, and stop gays from marrying. Even today, when polls show the vast majority of Americans are in favor of marriage equality, the GOP continues to advocate for discriminatory laws against the LGBT community, from preventing transgender people from using the bathrooms of the gender they identify as, to "religious liberty" laws that allow people to discriminate against gays. Continuing to defend or even nurture ideas that are deeply unpopular with the American people at large will only turn off Millennials--something that the GOP can't afford. After Mitt Romney's 2012 defeat at the hands of President Obama, the Republican establishment realized that it needed to be more welcoming to women, minorities, and younger people. So it seems hypocritical and disingenuous when establishment elites like Romney condemn Donald Trump for being a bigot, while they themselves holding bigoted views and believing that economic policies that have been proven to fail will strengthen America.

I understand your attempt to change the subject. My post above eviscerated you, didn't it.
I understand your attempt to change the subject. My post above eviscerated you, didn't it.
Eviscerated? You posted someone else's graphic containing baseless accusations with, shocker, NO evidence and you expect anyone to be impressed or to bother to refute it? :auiqs.jpg:
Eviscerated? You posted someone else's graphic containing baseless accusations with, shocker, NO evidence and you expect anyone to be impressed or to bother to refute it? :auiqs.jpg:

Lying scum......let's do it again:

I too think the country is headed in the wrong direction and I place the blame squarely on Trump and his cult.

A perfect example of what a lying imbecile this one is.....and a perfect Democrat voter.

Not a single one of these problems were caused by the Right.


Which of these offenses against America was the Right responsible for????
Lying scum......let's do it again:

A perfect example of what a lying imbecile this one is.....and a perfect Democrat voter.

Not a single one of these problems were caused by the Right.


Which of these offenses against America was the Right responsible for????
I'll take censorship and gender confusion in schools for $100:

Book bans in classrooms and school libraries have impacted 1,145 unique titles in the past nine months, a new report found, as controversial literature about race, gender and sexuality has become a focal point of America's culture wars.​
The report from PEN America, a literary and free expression organization, described a dramatic escalation in school book bans — defined actions that lead to removing, restricting, or diminishing access to books, based on objections to their content — after previously seeing only a handful of such cases each year.​
The top three banned titles focus on LGBTQ+ individuals or touch on same-sex relationships.​
3. Whether government schooling, mass psychosis, or cerebral damage, the American electorate has voted in favor of crime, inflation, worldwide war and chaos, infanticide, socialism, hordes of illegal aliens, racism, and men becoming pregnant. And a President on the payroll of America's enemies.

4. The fact that Democrat voters are unable to explain nor defend what they voted for, ......they do so an waddle away with a shrug.
(Real)Americans didn't want a bunch of never ending Debbie Downers, and snowflakes.

After all, we are Americans! Not crybabies!
(Real)Americans didn't want a bunch of never ending Debbie Downers, and snowflakes.

After all, we are Americans! Not crybabies!

Instead, you Fascists voted for this:


How mentally deranged you must be.
I think that many Republicans, and probably all of those who are Independent, made it very clear that they wanted NOTHING with those who were working too hard to take away their health care, their right to vote, their right to their privacy and many other rights the Republican Party has not given a darn about for the past 40 years.

Democrats, Republicans and Independents DID very clearly DEFEND what they voted for.

As always, you are totally deaf, not just hard of hearing.

None of your worries are real, are what the voters of all parties cared about, since most of those worries are just fear mongering and hardly based on facts.

No they didn't. Dems have been in power the last two years with high inflation, gas prices, food, crime and yet you voted for it to continue. It's an amazing thing to watch. It will continue to get worse. What's even more sinister and disturbing is your party's insatiable bloodlust for killing the unborn.
No they didn't. Dems have been in power the last two years with high inflation, gas prices, food, crime and yet you voted for it to continue. It's an amazing thing to watch. It will continue to get worse. What's even more sinister and disturbing is your party's insatiable bloodlust for killing the unborn.

" high inflation, gas prices, food"

INFLATION. IS.....IS......IS. GLOBAL since the pandemic and especially since Mr Putin Went To Ukraine. That one is going to make a great movie.

Start thinking about the next fear mongering idea to scare people into voting Republican for 2024.
" high inflation, gas prices, food"

INFLATION. IS.....IS......IS. GLOBAL since the pandemic and especially since Mr Putin Went To Ukraine. That one is going to make a great movie.

Start thinking about the next fear mongering idea to scare people into voting Republican for 2024.

These arent fear tactics. These are real.
" high inflation, gas prices, food"

INFLATION. IS.....IS......IS. GLOBAL since the pandemic and especially since Mr Putin Went To Ukraine. That one is going to make a great movie.

Start thinking about the next fear mongering idea to scare people into voting Republican for 2024.
Oh, I see. It's a global phenomenon with forces beyond our control, eh?

Then why pass the ridiculous "Inflation Reduction (sic) Act" and why is the Fed hiking interest rates like mad?

The US is an economic superpower, and we have tremendous leverage on inflation. Biden's war on energy and spending sprees are 1st-order direct contributors to the inflation we are witnessing, and it was predictable.
I believe the electorate got what it voted for. Years of indoctrination for free trinkets out of the treasury, no accountability or responsibility for your own actions, etc, the people have been conditioned to vote for the candidate that provides that hit of opium. The ruling elites, congress, senate have pillaged trillions out of the treasury and left us with the bag....... but not before they throw a few crumbs as they roll the carpet up.

Sums it up:

"The picture we got from Tuesday is that of a decadent, vegetative electorate easily swayed by platitudes and sentimental appeals, fervently attached to its entitlements."

I believe the electorate got what it voted for. Years of indoctrination for free trinkets out of the treasury, no accountability or responsibility for your own actions, etc, the people have been conditioned to vote for the candidate that provides that hit of opium. The ruling elites, congress, senate have pillaged trillions out of the treasury and left us with the bag....... but not before they throw a few crumbs as they roll the carpet up.

Sums it up:

"The picture we got from Tuesday is that of a decadent, vegetative electorate easily swayed by platitudes and sentimental appeals, fervently attached to its entitlements."

Exactly so. The control of the schools and the media has trained the brainless to vote "D" no matter the damage they do. And the the toothpaste will never be put back in the tube.
Exactly so. The control of the schools and the media has trained the brainless to vote "D" no matter the damage they do. And the the toothpaste will never be put back in the tube.

And of course dems have mastered ballot harvesting, holding back ballot dumps until they find out how many votes they need, and then run up the score. Rs will not win again if they don't figure this out.
I wish I could come up with a good argument against same
There isn’t one. We need to begin by throwing out every voter registration in the country and forcing IN-PERSON, photo ID and address verification registration.

Then we need to get rid of mail-in/absentee voting except in cases where the individual proves they will not be available to vote in-person on Election Day. All other voting would be in-person with photo ID and address verification at the polls.
There isn’t one. We need to begin by throwing out every voter registration in the country and forcing IN-PERSON, photo ID and address verification registration.

Then we need to get rid of mail-in/absentee voting except in cases where the individual proves they will not be available to vote in-person on Election Day. All other voting would be in-person with photo ID and address verification at the polls.
Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.

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