The Real Tyrant?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Nancy Pelosi. She has called Trump a 'criminal' with absolutely no proof. She is making sure that the word 'impeachment' is distributed to the MSM but the actual mechanism of Constitutional Impeachment is not followed. Who is the real Tyrant there? A duly elected U.S. President or a Speaker of the House who has under her jurisdiction, the liar Adam Schiff? Make no mistake, the Democrats are trying their tried and true method which is to somehow 'disqualify' their opponents. This is the Democrat 'tried and true' strategy that Pelosi is using right now. She is a Tyrant attempting a coup.
She's simply honoring, her oath of office, and to uphold the constitution... :rolleyes:
Nancy Pelosi. She has called Trump a 'criminal' with absolutely no proof. She is making sure that the word 'impeachment' is distributed to the MSM but the actual mechanism of Constitutional Impeachment is not followed. Who is the real Tyrant there? A duly elected U.S. President or a Speaker of the House who has under her jurisdiction, the liar Adam Schiff? Make no mistake, the Democrats are trying their tried and true method which is to somehow 'disqualify' their opponents. This is the Democrat 'tried and true' strategy that Pelosi is using right now. She is a Tyrant attempting a coup.

impeaching his fat ass isnt proof enough ?

his derelict pal Rudi should be so lucky.

F'em both.
Nancy Pelosi. She has called Trump a 'criminal' with absolutely no proof. She is making sure that the word 'impeachment' is distributed to the MSM but the actual mechanism of Constitutional Impeachment is not followed. Who is the real Tyrant there? A duly elected U.S. President or a Speaker of the House who has under her jurisdiction, the liar Adam Schiff? Make no mistake, the Democrats are trying their tried and true method which is to somehow 'disqualify' their opponents. This is the Democrat 'tried and true' strategy that Pelosi is using right now. She is a Tyrant attempting a coup.

Don't complain, this is good. Since taking office, the idiot Left have accused Trump of:
  1. Obstruction of Justice
  2. Russian conspiracy
  3. Incompetence
  4. Being Dangerous
  5. Being mentally unstable
  6. Attacking Vets
  7. Starting nuclear war
  8. Being a White Supremacist
  9. Being a Racist
  10. A bad Golfer
  11. A bad eater
  12. Being fat
  13. Being orange
  14. Being illegitimate
  15. Being a criminal
  16. Wrecking the economy
  17. Abandoning the Kurds
  18. Abandoning the NRA
  19. And now committing an impeachable offense by trying to investigate a crime.
In every case they never produced the goods to back up their accusations because they think a lie is good enough. Now they've bet their entire party's future in the hope that one more massive media propaganda effort can get Trump out of their hair. The bad news is that the Tards who only listen to the Leftist media will never hear the full story. The good news is that the rest of the nation WILL now get the full story.

In the end, next year, the Dems will be left with only smelling like cheap whores.
I crack up laughing everytime Pelosi, Schiff, Shumer and others do the syncronized orchestrated
"Nobody is above the law routine"
How many of us have caught ourselves responding to the TV with the Reply;
"Yeah, that means you are not above the law either"
Oh except for The Clintons, they own all the Body Bags that assure they are indeed above the law.
Nancy Pelosi. She has called Trump a 'criminal' with absolutely no proof. She is making sure that the word 'impeachment' is distributed to the MSM but the actual mechanism of Constitutional Impeachment is not followed. Who is the real Tyrant there? A duly elected U.S. President or a Speaker of the House who has under her jurisdiction, the liar Adam Schiff? Make no mistake, the Democrats are trying their tried and true method which is to somehow 'disqualify' their opponents. This is the Democrat 'tried and true' strategy that Pelosi is using right now. She is a Tyrant attempting a coup.

impeaching his fat ass isnt proof enough ?

his derelict pal Rudi should be so lucky.

F'em both.

Why do you support the Deep State?
Nancy Pelosi. She has called Trump a 'criminal' with absolutely no proof. She is making sure that the word 'impeachment' is distributed to the MSM but the actual mechanism of Constitutional Impeachment is not followed. Who is the real Tyrant there? A duly elected U.S. President or a Speaker of the House who has under her jurisdiction, the liar Adam Schiff? Make no mistake, the Democrats are trying their tried and true method which is to somehow 'disqualify' their opponents. This is the Democrat 'tried and true' strategy that Pelosi is using right now. She is a Tyrant attempting a coup.

Elections have consequences. And she is not doing a coup, ha ha. She is in charge of the impeachment of the tramp, and abiding to the Constitution.
She's simply honoring, her oath of office, and to uphold the constitution... :rolleyes:
I'm not sure what is more hysterical, the fact you wrote that, and pressed "Post" or the fact that you can keep your frontal cortex shut down long enough to believe it.

Nancy Pelosi. She has called Trump a 'criminal' with absolutely no proof. She is making sure that the word 'impeachment' is distributed to the MSM but the actual mechanism of Constitutional Impeachment is not followed. Who is the real Tyrant there? A duly elected U.S. President or a Speaker of the House who has under her jurisdiction, the liar Adam Schiff? Make no mistake, the Democrats are trying their tried and true method which is to somehow 'disqualify' their opponents. This is the Democrat 'tried and true' strategy that Pelosi is using right now. She is a Tyrant attempting a coup.

Elections have consequences. And she is not doing a coup, ha ha. She is in charge of the impeachment of the tramp, and abiding to the Constitution.
I suspect Nancy is fooling you. I wonder if she will ever allow a vote on impeachment. Do it now! Get it over with. This likely is all about politics and the next election.
Nancy Pelosi. She has called Trump a 'criminal' with absolutely no proof. She is making sure that the word 'impeachment' is distributed to the MSM but the actual mechanism of Constitutional Impeachment is not followed. Who is the real Tyrant there? A duly elected U.S. President or a Speaker of the House who has under her jurisdiction, the liar Adam Schiff? Make no mistake, the Democrats are trying their tried and true method which is to somehow 'disqualify' their opponents. This is the Democrat 'tried and true' strategy that Pelosi is using right now. She is a Tyrant attempting a coup.

Elections have consequences. And she is not doing a coup, ha ha. She is in charge of the impeachment of the tramp, and abiding to the Constitution.
I suspect Nancy is fooling you. I wonder if she will ever allow a vote on impeachment. Do it now! Get it over with. This likely is all about politics and the next election.

Impeachment is a political process, remember when Clinton admitted he as an affair with an aide. The republicans started the impeachment, and the Democrats started the impeachment into Nixon. See the difference??

You do not think a affair with an aide would not be an impeachable offense, but the republicans did.
Nancy Pelosi. She has called Trump a 'criminal' with absolutely no proof. She is making sure that the word 'impeachment' is distributed to the MSM but the actual mechanism of Constitutional Impeachment is not followed. Who is the real Tyrant there? A duly elected U.S. President or a Speaker of the House who has under her jurisdiction, the liar Adam Schiff? Make no mistake, the Democrats are trying their tried and true method which is to somehow 'disqualify' their opponents. This is the Democrat 'tried and true' strategy that Pelosi is using right now. She is a Tyrant attempting a coup.

Elections have consequences. And she is not doing a coup, ha ha. She is in charge of the impeachment of the tramp, and abiding to the Constitution.
I suspect Nancy is fooling you. I wonder if she will ever allow a vote on impeachment. Do it now! Get it over with. This likely is all about politics and the next election.

Impeachment is a political process, remember when Clinton admitted he as an affair with an aide. The republicans started the impeachment, and the Democrats started the impeachment into Nixon. See the difference??

You do not think a affair with an aide would not be an impeachable offense, but the republicans did.
Regarding BJ Bubba, had he NOT lied under oath, he doesn’t get impeached.

When I state it’s all political, I mean they are playing a big game to affect the election. It’s not about doing the right thing or the constitutional thing.
Nancy Pelosi. She has called Trump a 'criminal' with absolutely no proof. She is making sure that the word 'impeachment' is distributed to the MSM but the actual mechanism of Constitutional Impeachment is not followed. Who is the real Tyrant there? A duly elected U.S. President or a Speaker of the House who has under her jurisdiction, the liar Adam Schiff? Make no mistake, the Democrats are trying their tried and true method which is to somehow 'disqualify' their opponents. This is the Democrat 'tried and true' strategy that Pelosi is using right now. She is a Tyrant attempting a coup.

impeaching his fat ass isnt proof enough ?

his derelict pal Rudi should be so lucky.

F'em both.

Why do you support the Deep State?

There is no deep state. Claiming there is,,,Its the same thing as saying a missile hit the Pentagon on 9/11 or planted explosives brought down buildings on the same day.
Nancy Pelosi. She has called Trump a 'criminal' with absolutely no proof. She is making sure that the word 'impeachment' is distributed to the MSM but the actual mechanism of Constitutional Impeachment is not followed. Who is the real Tyrant there? A duly elected U.S. President or a Speaker of the House who has under her jurisdiction, the liar Adam Schiff? Make no mistake, the Democrats are trying their tried and true method which is to somehow 'disqualify' their opponents. This is the Democrat 'tried and true' strategy that Pelosi is using right now. She is a Tyrant attempting a coup.

impeaching his fat ass isnt proof enough ?

his derelict pal Rudi should be so lucky.

F'em both.

Why do you support the Deep State?

There is no deep state. Claiming there is,,,Its the same thing as saying a missile hit the Pentagon on 9/11 or planted explosives brought down buildings on the same day.
LOL. You just admitted being a fool and a dupe of the MSM and DNC.

User Clip: John McLaughlin - Thank God for the Deep State |
Nancy Pelosi. She has called Trump a 'criminal' with absolutely no proof. She is making sure that the word 'impeachment' is distributed to the MSM but the actual mechanism of Constitutional Impeachment is not followed. Who is the real Tyrant there? A duly elected U.S. President or a Speaker of the House who has under her jurisdiction, the liar Adam Schiff? Make no mistake, the Democrats are trying their tried and true method which is to somehow 'disqualify' their opponents. This is the Democrat 'tried and true' strategy that Pelosi is using right now. She is a Tyrant attempting a coup.

impeaching his fat ass isnt proof enough ?

his derelict pal Rudi should be so lucky.

F'em both.

Why do you support the Deep State?

There is no deep state. Claiming there is,,,Its the same thing as saying a missile hit the Pentagon on 9/11 or planted explosives brought down buildings on the same day.
LOL. You just admitted being a fool and a dupe of the MSM and DNC.

User Clip: John McLaughlin - Thank God for the Deep State |
This rises some good questions.

Why is the D Party aligned with the CIA and other intell agencies? Why have they allied with the Deep State? It used to be they were very much opposed and suspicious of these hidden forces.

Now before you call me a partisan dupe, please understand that I also believe the R Party is much aligned with these hidden forces too.

One would think after the enormous failures of the intel community, like WMD and Soviet power just before their collapse, all Americans would disregard them.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" CIA Director William Casey
Nancy Pelosi. She has called Trump a 'criminal' with absolutely no proof. She is making sure that the word 'impeachment' is distributed to the MSM but the actual mechanism of Constitutional Impeachment is not followed. Who is the real Tyrant there? A duly elected U.S. President or a Speaker of the House who has under her jurisdiction, the liar Adam Schiff? Make no mistake, the Democrats are trying their tried and true method which is to somehow 'disqualify' their opponents. This is the Democrat 'tried and true' strategy that Pelosi is using right now. She is a Tyrant attempting a coup.

Elections have consequences. And she is not doing a coup, ha ha. She is in charge of the impeachment of the tramp, and abiding to the Constitution.
I suspect Nancy is fooling you. I wonder if she will ever allow a vote on impeachment. Do it now! Get it over with. This likely is all about politics and the next election.

Impeachment is a political process, remember when Clinton admitted he as an affair with an aide. The republicans started the impeachment, and the Democrats started the impeachment into Nixon. See the difference??

You do not think a affair with an aide would not be an impeachable offense, but the republicans did.
Regarding BJ Bubba, had he NOT lied under oath, he doesn’t get impeached.

When I state it’s all political, I mean they are playing a big game to affect the election. It’s not about doing the right thing or the constitutional thing.

What would you expect him to do?? Look at tramp and Kavanagh, they denied all.

Also why did they put him (Clinton) under oath????????????? Seems like the republicans were on a fishing trip since 1994.
Nancy Pelosi. She has called Trump a 'criminal' with absolutely no proof. She is making sure that the word 'impeachment' is distributed to the MSM but the actual mechanism of Constitutional Impeachment is not followed. Who is the real Tyrant there? A duly elected U.S. President or a Speaker of the House who has under her jurisdiction, the liar Adam Schiff? Make no mistake, the Democrats are trying their tried and true method which is to somehow 'disqualify' their opponents. This is the Democrat 'tried and true' strategy that Pelosi is using right now. She is a Tyrant attempting a coup.

Elections have consequences. And she is not doing a coup, ha ha. She is in charge of the impeachment of the tramp, and abiding to the Constitution.
I suspect Nancy is fooling you. I wonder if she will ever allow a vote on impeachment. Do it now! Get it over with. This likely is all about politics and the next election.

Impeachment is a political process, remember when Clinton admitted he as an affair with an aide. The republicans started the impeachment, and the Democrats started the impeachment into Nixon. See the difference??

You do not think a affair with an aide would not be an impeachable offense, but the republicans did.
Regarding BJ Bubba, had he NOT lied under oath, he doesn’t get impeached.

When I state it’s all political, I mean they are playing a big game to affect the election. It’s not about doing the right thing or the constitutional thing.

What would you expect him to do?? Look at tramp and Kavanagh, they denied all.

Also why did they put him (Clinton) under oath????????????? Seems like the republicans were on a fishing trip since 1994.

But again, if he doesn’t lie under oath, he isn’t impeached. This logically means his lying under oath resulted in impeachment.

Of course, lying by politicians is as common as the MSM lying. BJ Bubba got caught and paid a small price. Most pols pay no price for their lies, the MSM doesn’t either.
Nancy Pelosi. She has called Trump a 'criminal' with absolutely no proof. She is making sure that the word 'impeachment' is distributed to the MSM but the actual mechanism of Constitutional Impeachment is not followed. Who is the real Tyrant there? A duly elected U.S. President or a Speaker of the House who has under her jurisdiction, the liar Adam Schiff? Make no mistake, the Democrats are trying their tried and true method which is to somehow 'disqualify' their opponents. This is the Democrat 'tried and true' strategy that Pelosi is using right now. She is a Tyrant attempting a coup.

Elections have consequences. And she is not doing a coup, ha ha. She is in charge of the impeachment of the tramp, and abiding to the Constitution.
I suspect Nancy is fooling you. I wonder if she will ever allow a vote on impeachment. Do it now! Get it over with. This likely is all about politics and the next election.

Impeachment is a political process, remember when Clinton admitted he as an affair with an aide. The republicans started the impeachment, and the Democrats started the impeachment into Nixon. See the difference??

You do not think a affair with an aide would not be an impeachable offense, but the republicans did.
Regarding BJ Bubba, had he NOT lied under oath, he doesn’t get impeached.

When I state it’s all political, I mean they are playing a big game to affect the election. It’s not about doing the right thing or the constitutional thing.

so lets put trump under oath and give him an opportunity to TELL THE F'N TRUTH -


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