The Reason Elizabeth Warren Was Censured & Others Weren't

Dems are so shell shocked, they are grasping at straws.

Reading a literary work that describes Sessions as racist seems like a useless gesture of nothing, but that's snowflakes. Snowflakes are all about optics and nothing about results.

To what end is she reading the passage on the Senate floor?

Would Warren mind if another Senator read into the official Senate record an accounting of her LYING about being of Native American Ancestry?

Lying about being Native American makes ELIZABETH WARREN a racist.
What Warren and her conspirators are up to is nothing less than sedition. Fanning the flames of malignant disrespect in large crowds (Twitter, youtube, Facebook) for the legitimate results of an election is sedition. She's lucky this is the 21st Century Senate and not the 18th or 19th Century Senate.

The conspirators are up to their old "rule by force" tricks that they used the entire time they had power under Obama. They don't believe in our democratic laws. They believe that if a majority of states believe stuff they don't like, that they can force stuff on them without any repercussions to their party. Well, they tried that and then 2016 spoke loud and clear to them. So their solution to a legitmate election is to incite malignant disrespect for that election in large agitated crowds of their base. Which is precisely the same as saying that they are using their position of influence to incite riots of protesting a legitimate election. Boiled to its essence, it's the same as saying they are inciting civil unrest to reinstate their tyrannical rule over the States....which....used to get you swinging by your necktie back in the day.
Then charge her.....unless you are all smoke.
I think public hangings should come back for a little while to remind people of the seriousness of tearing the Union apart...especially as foreign enemies sit drooling at the prospect.

I know you're a lunatic and all, but you do you really believe Warren should be publicly hanged?
Dems are so shell shocked, they are grasping at straws.

Reading a literary work that describes Sessions as racist seems like a useless gesture of nothing, but that's snowflakes. Snowflakes are all about optics and nothing about results.

To what end is she reading the passage on the Senate floor?

Would Warren mind if another Senator read into the official Senate record an accounting of her LYING about being of Native American Ancestry?

Lying about being Native American makes ELIZABETH WARREN a racist.
What Warren and her conspirators are up to is nothing less than sedition. Fanning the flames of malignant disrespect in large crowds (Twitter, youtube, Facebook) for the legitimate results of an election is sedition. She's lucky this is the 21st Century Senate and not the 18th or 19th Century Senate.

The conspirators are up to their old "rule by force" tricks that they used the entire time they had power under Obama. They don't believe in our democratic laws. They believe that if a majority of states believe stuff they don't like, that they can force stuff on them without any repercussions to their party. Well, they tried that and then 2016 spoke loud and clear to them. So their solution to a legitmate election is to incite malignant disrespect for that election in large agitated crowds of their base. Which is precisely the same as saying that they are using their position of influence to incite riots of protesting a legitimate election. Boiled to its essence, it's the same as saying they are inciting civil unrest to reinstate their tyrannical rule over the States....which....used to get you swinging by your necktie back in the day.
Then charge her.....unless you are all smoke.

I'll charge her.

What do I do? Can I just do it?

ELIZABETH are hereby charged!

See, it's not tough.
I think public hangings should come back for a little while to remind people of the seriousness of tearing the Union apart...especially as foreign enemies sit drooling at the prospect.

I know you're a lunatic and all, but you do you really believe Warren should be publicly hanged?
If we do it to all elected officials in both Congress and the WH, it would be fair.
I think public hangings should come back for a little while to remind people of the seriousness of tearing the Union apart...especially as foreign enemies sit drooling at the prospect.

I know you're a lunatic and all, but you do you really believe Warren should be publicly hanged?

Hanging is a bit extreme, but a public flogging would be a nice media event for PPV.
You folks are delusional if you think Senator Warren is losing support amongst her constituency by respectfully and diligently attempting to make a record of dissenting the Cheeto's nominees. We love our Senator, and I suspect she will be re-elected by a very strong margin. We are, after all, the birthplace of American resistance to tyrannical rule.
Her next election won't be The Little Bighorn that you envision.
I never articulated any such vision. Reading comprehension issues much?
I suspect that Warren was rebuked for a different reason beyond rule 19. I suspect that they know she is one of the main instigators of inciting riots from her base she's preaching to on youtube, etc., and her outburst was more than a typical spat on the floor. Her outburst was tailored to incite her followers to harbor blatant disrespect for duly elected officials and the People who disagree with her army that they represent. That she and her media counterpart (MSNBC) are inspiring people to riot in the streets over the results of an election is not a secret in even the slightest sense. And I'm sure this point is not lost on the Senate leadership.

If the GOP framed it up this way, and warned Warren further about the larger meaning of her outburst, they could at once save face and also send a message to other would-be public figures that "inciting disrespect for the results of a democratic vote in our country is the same as sedition". It was more than mere disrespect, it was to foster a malignant disrespect in a throng of people for another duly elected representative or appointee of a duly elected President. You may disagree with that president (the vote of the states who elected him....I personally think he is insane) but you don't incite riots to unseat him and topple peace in our country. You bring a motion in the Senate for impeachment. Which if Warren did, I would heartily support her in doing.

You LOST the power for us Liz. Inciting riots and flaunting malignant (not just random benign) disrespect for elected officials is NOT how we do things in America to get the power back.. I'm beginning to think that democrat leaders as a group simply failed American Government in high school. They need to understand that you don't rule our country by tyranny of the few or tyranny of a frustrated minority. If you don't like the electoral college, then put another Bill on the floor to abolish it officially. Don't shriek precalculated slander at your colleagues to inspire your already agitated homies to swarm behind you yelling "fight! fight! FIGHT!!!" (about the results of an election).

Warren is lucky, quite lucky this isn't the late 1700s or early 1800s. Because she got off light with Rule 19. They used to have "Rule of the tight necktie" for such acts of sedition back in the old days.
Inciting disrespect for duly elected officials and people who disagree is exactly how Trump won the Presidency

That tactic worked for the GOP since 2008.

But what is BS is the claim that Warren or MSNBC are inciting riots.

The funny part is the OP claims that the Dems failed High School government class but would support a motion in the Senate for impeachment?
You folks are delusional if you think Senator Warren is losing support amongst her constituency by respectfully and diligently attempting to make a record of dissenting the Cheeto's nominees. We love our Senator, and I suspect she will be re-elected by a very strong margin. We are, after all, the birthplace of American resistance to tyrannical rule.
Her next election won't be The Little Bighorn that you envision.
I never articulated any such vision. Reading comprehension issues much?

Comprehension doesn't appear to be your forte. Read Pupps' post again with your sarcastic metaphor glasses on.
I think public hangings should come back for a little while to remind people of the seriousness of tearing the Union apart...especially as foreign enemies sit drooling at the prospect.

I know you're a lunatic and all, but you do you really believe Warren should be publicly hanged?

Hanging is a bit extreme, but a public flogging would be a nice media event for PPV.

The money generated from the event could be used to pay down the debt. lol
I think public hangings should come back for a little while to remind people of the seriousness of tearing the Union apart...especially as foreign enemies sit drooling at the prospect.

I know you're a lunatic and all, but you do you really believe Warren should be publicly hanged?

Hanging is a bit extreme, but a public flogging would be a nice media event for PPV.
Agreed, but, again, to be fair, we should do it to all in both Congress and the WH.
Warren was "SILENCED!!!" Now no one will be able to read the letter by King.


Oh, wait, it is...

Read Coretta Scott King's Letter That Got Sen. Elizabeth Warren Silenced
Oh, lookie, they're embracing the name "snowflake" as the brand of their riotous movement against a legitimate election... "like Hitler silenced the Jews!!". Poor victims of a completely legitimate democratic election!! :itsok:

I could write a letter about oppression and point fingers at an appointee. At some point we have to acknowledge Session's award from the NAACP.

“The NAACP is composed of more than 2,000 local and state units around the country. Upon learning of the allegation that one of those units bestowed an award on Senator Jefferson Sessions in 2009, the National Office of the NAACP immediately undertook an investigation. While we already have strong reasons to doubt that any such award was given to Senator Sessions, we will continue our investigation until we are confident that we know all of the facts. NAACP | NAACP Statement on Alleged 2009 Sessions Award

I wonder what that strong reason to doubt is given they've not concluded an investigation? Shows you the nature of their neo-convenient "impartiality".. Did they investigate if this was photoshopped or not? For instance?...

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Warren was "SILENCED!!!" Now no one will be able to read the letter by King.


Oh, wait, it is...

Read Coretta Scott King's Letter That Got Sen. Elizabeth Warren Silenced
Oh, lookie, they're embracing the name "snowflake" as the brand of their riotous movement against a legitimate election... "like Hitler silenced the Jews!!". Poor victims of a completely legitimate democratic election!! :itsok:

I could write a letter about oppression and point fingers at an appointee. At some point we have to acknowledge Session's award from the NAACP.

“The NAACP is composed of more than 2,000 local and state units around the country. Upon learning of the allegation that one of those units bestowed an award on Senator Jefferson Sessions in 2009, the National Office of the NAACP immediately undertook an investigation. While we already have strong reasons to doubt that any such award was given to Senator Sessions, we will continue our investigation until we are confident that we know all of the facts. NAACP | NAACP Statement on Alleged 2009 Sessions Award

I wonder what that strong reason to doubt is given they've not concluded an investigation? Shows you the nature of their neo-convenient "impartiality".. Did they investigate if this was photoshopped or not? For instance?...


Yea, but THAT was just politics...
do you really believe Warren should be publicly hanged?
Not specifically Elizabeth Warren, but ANYONE, including her who incites civil unrest in large agitated crowds about the results of a legitimate election. Otherwise, what's the disincentive to ripping apart the Union...? Nothing? China & Russia would hope that was the case..

There are larger concerns at stake here than the feigned victimhood of Elizabeth Warren.
Then charge her.....unless you are all smoke.
If I was in a position to charge her, I would. But Senators do have that position. I repeat, she should thank her lucky stars that all they did was ask her to stop inciting calculated malignant disrespect for other Senators
do you really believe Warren should be publicly hanged?
Not specifically Elizabeth Warren, but ANYONE, including her who incites civil unrest in large agitated crowds about the results of a legitimate election. Otherwise, what's the disincentive to ripping apart the Union...? Nothing? China & Russia would hope that was the case..

There are larger concerns at stake here than the feigned victimhood of Elizabeth Warren.

Of course you mean Warren specifically. You've already stated that she is a 'main instigators of inciting riots' and those people should be publicly hanged.
Of course you mean Warren specifically. You've already stated that she is a 'main instigators of inciting riots' and those people should be publicly hanged.
No, I mean anyone specifically. It fits with your/her precalculated-victimhood to state otherwise though. If her name was Elmer Fudd I'd be saying the same thing. Anyone, particularly in a climate of world unrest as blocs of enemies scheme to topple the US from abroad, who seeks to rip the Union apart over the results of a legitimate election, using their position of being a public official or media persona, is guilty of a most serious sedition. ANYONE.

To use one's position of influence to attempt to rip apart the Union in times of extreme peril for the purposes of overturning legitimate election results they didn't like, is a most dangerous enemy of the US. Maybe even more effectively dangerous than the bloc of China, Russia, N. Korea and Iran combined...

Warren has only one legal solution to her rageful & evidently vindictive frustration: to urge her colleagues to impeach Trump. And why haven't they started this? Time's a -wastin'.. I'll bet you dollars to donuts that enough GOP Senators would be more than willing to jump on board just to breathe a sigh of relief about the Dementor-In-Chief that they never wanted to run on their label in the first place.
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Warren has only one legal solution to her rageful & evidently vindictive frustration: to urge her colleagues to impeach Trump. And why haven't they started this? Time's a -wastin'.. I'll bet you dollars to donuts that enough GOP Senators would be more than willing to jump on board just to breathe a sigh of relief about the Dementor-In-Chief that they never wanted to run on their label in the first place.

You think Senate Republicans are going to jump on board if Warren pushed to move for impeachment?! :lol:

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