The reason for all the violence we see today in the inner cities, is that the liberals are trying to intimidate voters.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Can you imagine if the rioting and looting was happening by Conservative Republicans? The FAUX outrage by the left, thinking that violence is the solution to getting their way(republicans) in this Republic.

Here is one said member of the Demoncrat party saying what will happen if change doesnt come soon enough. Will this be the actions of the left when President Trump gets four more years?

And with the cops defunded...they will place antifa infront of every polling place!

Nobody we can 911.

I'm wrapping barbed-wire around a baseball bat right now! I thunk I'll name it Lucile.
Rank Hypocrisy by Democrats supported by the New York Media is a Given. It's equivalent to the old (now collapsed) Soviet Union and their propaganda outlet--Pravda.

The question is what to do about it.

The answer is a set of balls for Republicans in Congress and in Government, and, except for Don Trump, Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes and a few others---balls are sorely lacking. A lack of balls by Republicans, and Vote Harvesting and related Fraud are why that hideous brain-dead old harridan Pelosi is running the House. Running it into the ground.

Here's the deal, if Trump loses then its war! I speak for tens of millions of real Americans when I say, no democrat anything, nothing, can ever be legitimate, and I will back that up via force of arms! They started the war with their flat refusal to a peaceful transfer in 2016, and they greatly amplified that into outright treason, on multiple levels!

I foresee an America absolutely free of the taint of democratic party fascism, and any of the weak humans who cringe and cower before democrats! :wink:
Can you imagine if the rioting and looting was happening by Conservative Republicans? The FAUX outrage by the left, thinking that violence is the solution to getting their way(republicans) in this Republic.

Here is one said member of the Demoncrat party saying what will happen if change doesnt come soon enough. Will this be the actions of the left when President Trump gets four more years?

Here are the FACTS!!!
They closed your business.
They closed your church.
They closed your parks.
They closed your beaches.
They banned funerals.
They banned graduations.
They made you wear masks.
They banned dads in delivery rooms.
They forced your loved ones to die alone, among strangers!
But they allow riots, vandalism, arson, looting and the destruction of the American Flag and American History.
We were all played.
Scare people with a virus.
Place them in quarantine.
Count the number of dead every second of every day in every news headline.
Close all businesses.
40,000,000 out of jobs.
Peak unemployment.
Remove entertainment: parks, gyms, bars, restaurants, sports.
No dating. No touching.
Mask people.
Dehumanize them.
Close temples and churches.
Create a vacuum.
Let depression and anxiety and desperation set in.
Then... ignite hatred and civil war, and civil unrest.
Empty the prisons because of the virus and fill the streets with criminals.
Send in Antifa to vandalize property as if they are freedom fighters.
Undermine the law.

--Author unknown

Pretty damn accurate.
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A awful lot of posing here. Violence is everywhere. The news covers the worst of it which is usually in inner city hellholes. The republican/conservative words are the real culprits of violence and they come from king rump. What has been posted so far in this thread is pure hate and vengeance. I hope you all suffer in the near future .
A awful lot of posing here. Violence is everywhere. The news covers the worst of it which is usually in inner city hellholes. The republican/conservative words are the real culprits of violence and they come from king rump. What has been posted so far in this thread is pure hate and vengeance. I hope you all suffer in the near future .
I dont think the black man in the video is a republican/conservative. Want to try again?

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