The Reason for GOP Rift..And.. Team Rove & The Sith Lord? Blunder or Purposeful?


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
You have the Tea Party who wants a return to conservative values. You have the establishment Republicans who are all part of Team Rove. And then you have the Trumpster republicans, a new breed who are fed up with both of the other two.

Year after year, the RNC puts the Rove machine essentially in charge of the last two elections and what happened then? They grossly misjudged the motivations of the electorate to such a degree that it cost them. And there is no sign that they are changing that losing team over for a new one. People in power love power, even when they should realize it's time to step down if they are so calcified in their thinking that they are in danger of losing.

Dear Team Rove, here's what happened: The internet. People can and do check up on issues that matter to them in a nanosecond wherever they are, whenever they like. In fact, it's an addiction of sorts. Gone are the days of a duped public that only consumes the spoon-fed and cherry-picked "news" around the dinner table at 6:00 from the TV from owned talking heads.

Today the electorate is educated...far more than it use to be. And that's because of a giant Montessori project which is the internet. People select and learn in real time any topic that interests them. They have, essentially, a world library at their fingertips anywhere they are. A voter could be on a remote mountaintop and at the same time be researching issues and candidates.

Worse for the outdated Rove-machine, people are in constant, almost annoying contact with their peers. This is the "viral" syndrome you hear about. Even if the person themselves have not learned some new tidbit about an issue, if one of their friends has, they will learn about it almost as quickly as their friend did. This is social media's keen and sharp edge. And it is trouble brewing.

The Trumpsters are the personification of this new electorate. Gritty, educated enough to sniff out bullshit especially. And unwavering because they no longer rely on being spoon fed to research issues. They look them up themselves. So, pulling the wool over people's eyes is a thing of the past. And woe to the team who has their head in the sand about that key point.

And since Team Rove must have a modicum of intellect and young blood in its ranks, one has to wonder if they are instead purposefully derailing the GOP chances? I mean, the same blunder of miscalculating the base and the middle blocs of voters over and over and over and over? 2008, 2012, 2016...At some point you have to wonder if it's a blunder or by design....The real snakes head behind Team Rove of course is the Sith Lord himself: Dick Cheney. But Cheney's family members have some VERY hard left ideals. So.....? Do the math RNC...beware of who you take advice from..

Bottom line, you cannot take advice on strategy of how to rope in pragmatic people with a fundamental moral core from a wildly radical leftist masquerading as a conservative, who is bereft of morality to his foundation. That's the essence of the problem with the RNC. I read a bio on Dick Cheney once.
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Snippets from Cheney's bio:

Politician and Vice President of the United States Richard Bruce "Dick" Cheney was born on January 30, 1941, in Lincoln, Nebraska, to parents Richard Herbert Cheney, a soil-conservation agent, and Marjorie Lauraine Dickey Cheney, a former softball player. Both of his parents were Democrats..

..During his time as a student, Cheney applied for and received five draft deferments and thus avoided being drafted in the Vietnam War, stating that he "had other priorities in the 60's than military service." Cheney and Lynne married in 1964, and would have two daughters, Elizabeth and Mary....

..Cheney and his wife, both of whom had been raised in Democratic households, began professionally associating as Republicans....

...Cheney wrote an administrative memo discussing how then-Congressman Donald Rumsfeld should handle his confirmation hearings to become the director of the Office of Economic Opportunity. Steiger showed the memo to Rumsfeld, who promptly hired Cheney. This was the beginning of a powerful Washington relationship that informed every subsequent Republican administration...

...Another major area of disagreement between Cheney and Bush was same-sex marriage: Bush is opposed, whereas Cheney's younger daughter, Mary, is a lesbian...

...Since 2009, Cheney has regularly appeared in the news as a critic of President Barack Obama's administration, though he praised President Obama for his handling of Osama bin Laden's assassination....

...Cheney is generally regarded to be a man who used his power to do what he believed was necessary, and was not deterred by the consequences....


There's your conservative and pragmatic strategic advisor's bio RNC. Have you read it? Understand that Cheney does what he believes regardless of the consequences.....2008, 2012, ....2016?....

If Dick Cheney was running for president, he would be called "a draft dodger", "a RINO", "an LGBT supporter", "An Obama Lover" (worse than the hug Christie gave Obama), and "reckless".. You know... a true conservative. No wonder the GOP is in chaos. Their definition was very cleverly retooled from the bone marrow outward until it reached the brain...which is now in deep internal conflict over that creeping illness...
I'll admit I was shocked to learn that Cheney dodged the draft 5 times, has a lesbian daughter avidly in support of gay marriage, he and his wife both came from a democratic formative upbringing, and that Cheney praised Obama, and that Cheney is the main drive behind the Rove republican election strategy machine!

I mean...hello?
There had to be a gay connection in there somewhere...and sure enough.........
There had to be a gay connection in there somewhere...and sure enough.........
One quality among a litany of them that disqualifies Cheney/the Rove machine from advising RNC strategic election moves...Not only is Cheney pitching for gay marriage, he dodged the draft 5 times, claiming he had better things to do, and was raised by democrats and praised Obama!

Next thing you know, we'll hear that the main RNC advisor, ultimately, donates to planned parenthood and supports sanctuary cities..
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Meanwhile in the dimocrat party it's deja vu all over again as the presumptive one, simply awaiting her coronation, finds herself in a dogfight with a relative unknown again, this one an avowed socialist.

While Trump sits licking his chops...
Why is Rove still around? Does anyone listen to him and why? I guess he is the Washington Establishment 'whisperer'.
Trump is going to defeat Hillary then make her his VP....

Yeah, I woke up from a cold sweat last night from that nightmare... :p
Did you seriously bring up McCain? As if he had any if he had any when HE ran.... :p
You have the Tea Party who wants a return to conservative values. You have the establishment Republicans who are all part of Team Rove. And then you have the Trumpster republicans, a new breed who are fed up with both of the other two.

Year after year, the RNC puts the Rove machine essentially in charge of the last two elections and what happened then? They grossly misjudged the motivations of the electorate to such a degree that it cost them. And there is no sign that they are changing that losing team over for a new one. People in power love power, even when they should realize it's time to step down if they are so calcified in their thinking that they are in danger of losing.

Dear Team Rove, here's what happened: The internet. People can and do check up on issues that matter to them in a nanosecond wherever they are, whenever they like. In fact, it's an addiction of sorts. Gone are the days of a duped public that only consumes the spoon-fed and cherry-picked "news" around the dinner table at 6:00 from the TV from owned talking heads.

Today the electorate is educated...far more than it use to be. And that's because of a giant Montessori project which is the internet. People select and learn in real time any topic that interests them. They have, essentially, a world library at their fingertips anywhere they are. A voter could be on a remote mountaintop and at the same time be researching issues and candidates.

Worse for the outdated Rove-machine, people are in constant, almost annoying contact with their peers. This is the "viral" syndrome you hear about. Even if the person themselves have not learned some new tidbit about an issue, if one of their friends has, they will learn about it almost as quickly as their friend did. This is social media's keen and sharp edge. And it is trouble brewing.

The Trumpsters are the personification of this new electorate. Gritty, educated enough to sniff out bullshit especially. And unwavering because they no longer rely on being spoon fed to research issues. They look them up themselves. So, pulling the wool over people's eyes is a thing of the past. And woe to the team who has their head in the sand about that key point.

And since Team Rove must have a modicum of intellect and young blood in its ranks, one has to wonder if they are instead purposefully derailing the GOP chances? I mean, the same blunder of miscalculating the base and the middle blocs of voters over and over and over and over? 2008, 2012, 2016...At some point you have to wonder if it's a blunder or by design....The real snakes head behind Team Rove of course is the Sith Lord himself: Dick Cheney. But Cheney's family members have some VERY hard left ideals. So.....? Do the math RNC...beware of who you take advice from..

Bottom line, you cannot take advice on strategy of how to rope in pragmatic people with a fundamental moral core from a wildly radical leftist masquerading as a conservative, who is bereft of morality to his foundation. That's the essence of the problem with the RNC. I read a bio on Dick Cheney once.

A new breed?
They are the same who voted for Perot 20 years ago.
This is not new.
They have been angry at the corrupt political system for a long time.
What is new and what you do have correct is the tools of the internet to counter act the Dems lies and agenda and to get out the correct way our Constitutional Government should be run.
A new breed?
They are the same who voted for Perot 20 years ago.
This is not new.
They have been angry at the corrupt political system for a long time.
What is new and what you do have correct is the tools of the internet to counter act the Dems lies and agenda and to get out the correct way our Constitutional Government should be run.

A growing breed. A more tenacious breed are the Trumpsters. A more effective breed... There does that clarify it for you?
A new breed?
They are the same who voted for Perot 20 years ago.
This is not new.
They have been angry at the corrupt political system for a long time.
What is new and what you do have correct is the tools of the internet to counter act the Dems lies and agenda and to get out the correct way our Constitutional Government should be run.

A growing breed. A more tenacious breed are the Trumpsters. A more effective breed... There does that clarify it for you?

Yes and Thank you.
This Cheney thing advising the RNC via its mouthpiece, the Rove-machine is odd. It would be like Lindsay Graham being a strategic adviser to the DNC. There'd be red flags for sure. But for some reason the GOP isn't alarmed by a pro-LGBT, 5-time draft dodger raised by democrats who praised Obama about Bin Laden being their strategic adviser in 2008 and 2012... They seem to be right on board with the same people for 2016...?


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