The Reason Why FOXNEWS "Stars" Fail Any And Everywhere Else Is Simple


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
They have a unique and ready made audience over at FOXNEWS.

The FOXNEWS audience has been trained like Pavlovian dogs to accept everything that the network spits out.

That's why one day, you can be totally anti-Russia and talking about how Obama is so weak to the Russians and the next day be totally pro-Russia, because the Republican President sent the message that that is what they must do.

The entity known as FOXNEWS is a direct arm of the Republican Party. That's what Roger Ailes envisioned decades ago, even before creating or being a part of the network. He knew what he set out to got it done.

Rightwing talk radio is the audio version of FOXNEWS. That's why you can have Rush Limbaugh playing on two or three different radio stations in the same tiny geographic area. It's not competition, it's the rightwing money organizations, who have bought all the few remaining radio conglomerates and are paying to push out their corporate and rightwing agenda.

FOXNEWS is just the TV version of rightwing talk radio.

All Republicans, all the time.

They pepper in a few token "libruls" to beat on and make fun of, so they can PRETEND to be "Fair & Balanced". Speaking of which, the new leadership has shunned that motto, in an attempt to take the network in a slightly different direction, but it's too late, the damage has been done.

FOXNEWS is the propoganda arm of the Republican Party.

That's also why any two-bit rightwinger with a fledgling show can move to that network and raise to the top, but never, ever, ever the other way around. See Glenn Beck, Tucker Carlson, and now Gret Van Susteran for examples.

That's not talent, that's loyalty. FOXNEWS has trained their audience that every other entity is basically "fake news." Hence even the fledgling rightwing media network can only go so far and no further, because the powers that be set it up that way.
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Remind us tard what happened to air America?

Oh yea the only left wing that makes it on to the radio is...

Remind us tard what happened to air America?

Oh yea the only left wing that makes it on to the radio is...


Why don't you create a thread about Air America and tell us what happened snowflake.
They have a unique and ready made audience over at FOXNEWS.

The FOXNEWS audience has been trained like Pavlovian dogs to accept everything that the network spits out.

That's why one day, you can be totally anti-Russia and talking about how Obama is so weak to the Russians and the next day be totally pro-Russia, because the Republican President sent the message that that is what they must do.

The entity known as FOXNEWS is a direct arm of the Republican Party. That's what Roger Ailes envisioned decades ago, even before creating or being a part of the network. He knew what he set out to got it done.

Rightwing talk radio is the audio version of FOXNEWS. That's why you can have Rush Limbaugh playing on two or three different radio stations in the same tiny geographic area. It's not competition, it's the rightwing money organizations, who have bought all the few remaining radio conglomerates and are paying to push out their corporate and rightwing agenda.

FOXNEWS is just the TV version of rightwing talk radio.

All Republicans, all the time.

They pepper in a few token "libruls" to beat on and make fun of, so they can PRETEND to be "Fair & Balanced". Speaking of which, the new leadership has shunned that motto, in an attempt to take the network in a slightly different direction, but it's too late, the damage has been done.

FOXNEWS is the propoganda arm of the Republican Party.

That's also why any two-bit rightwinger with a fledgling show can move to that network and raise to the top, but never, ever, ever the other way around. See Glenn Beck, Tucker Carlson, and now Gret Van Susteran for examples.

That's not talent, that's loyalty. FOXNEWS has trained their audience that every other entity is basically "fake news." Hence even the fledgling rightwing media network can only go so far and no further, because the powers that be set it up that way.

Oh, I dunno. Shep's been blathering essentially the Democrat line for several months now. Wallace too has removed the mask.
They have a unique and ready made audience over at FOXNEWS.

The FOXNEWS audience has been trained like Pavlovian dogs to accept everything that the network spits out.

That's why one day, you can be totally anti-Russia and talking about how Obama is so weak to the Russians and the next day be totally pro-Russia, because the Republican President sent the message that that is what they must do.

The entity known as FOXNEWS is a direct arm of the Republican Party. That's what Roger Ailes envisioned decades ago, even before creating or being a part of the network. He knew what he set out to got it done.

Rightwing talk radio is the audio version of FOXNEWS. That's why you can have Rush Limbaugh playing on two or three different radio stations in the same tiny geographic area. It's not competition, it's the rightwing money organizations, who have bought all the few remaining radio conglomerates and are paying to push out their corporate and rightwing agenda.

FOXNEWS is just the TV version of rightwing talk radio.

All Republicans, all the time.

They pepper in a few token "libruls" to beat on and make fun of, so they can PRETEND to be "Fair & Balanced". Speaking of which, the new leadership has shunned that motto, in an attempt to take the network in a slightly different direction, but it's too late, the damage has been done.

FOXNEWS is the propoganda arm of the Republican Party.

That's also why any two-bit rightwinger with a fledgling show can move to that network and raise to the top, but never, ever, ever the other way around. See Glenn Beck, Tucker Carlson, and now Gret Van Susteran for examples.

That's not talent, that's loyalty. FOXNEWS has trained their audience that every other entity is basically "fake news." Hence even the fledgling rightwing media network can only go so far and no further, because the powers that be set it up that way.
Fox has a ready made audience because they speak to what many citizens of this nation want to know about. We want to hear real news, not ones that the CEO's decided they would present each day.

How's Zucker doing these days?
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They have a unique and ready made audience over at FOXNEWS.

The FOXNEWS audience has been trained like Pavlovian dogs to accept everything that the network spits out.

That's why one day, you can be totally anti-Russia and talking about how Obama is so weak to the Russians and the next day be totally pro-Russia, because the Republican President sent the message that that is what they must do.

The entity known as FOXNEWS is a direct arm of the Republican Party. That's what Roger Ailes envisioned decades ago, even before creating or being a part of the network. He knew what he set out to got it done.

Rightwing talk radio is the audio version of FOXNEWS. That's why you can have Rush Limbaugh playing on two or three different radio stations in the same tiny geographic area. It's not competition, it's the rightwing money organizations, who have bought all the few remaining radio conglomerates and are paying to push out their corporate and rightwing agenda.

FOXNEWS is just the TV version of rightwing talk radio.

All Republicans, all the time.

They pepper in a few token "libruls" to beat on and make fun of, so they can PRETEND to be "Fair & Balanced". Speaking of which, the new leadership has shunned that motto, in an attempt to take the network in a slightly different direction, but it's too late, the damage has been done.

FOXNEWS is the propoganda arm of the Republican Party.

That's also why any two-bit rightwinger with a fledgling show can move to that network and raise to the top, but never, ever, ever the other way around. See Glenn Beck, Tucker Carlson, and now Gret Van Susteran for examples.

That's not talent, that's loyalty. FOXNEWS has trained their audience that every other entity is basically "fake news." Hence even the fledgling rightwing media network can only go so far and no further, because the powers that be set it up that way.

SUCK IT UP, Snowflake. Lessee, what is your basic gripe here: that 99% of the news is Left Wing Propaganda, then there is Fox News and a handful of conservative talk radio programs for the normal people that you imagine is sucking all of the oxygen out of the airwaves? I guess your psychotherapist is on vacation and the meds are getting low, eh? Well, you can always go give your mom a call, maybe she can make you feel better for having a little dinky. Perhaps she is right upstairs on the floor above?
They have a unique and ready made audience over at FOXNEWS.

The FOXNEWS audience has been trained like Pavlovian dogs to accept everything that the network spits out.

That's why one day, you can be totally anti-Russia and talking about how Obama is so weak to the Russians and the next day be totally pro-Russia, because the Republican President sent the message that that is what they must do.

The entity known as FOXNEWS is a direct arm of the Republican Party. That's what Roger Ailes envisioned decades ago, even before creating or being a part of the network. He knew what he set out to got it done.

Rightwing talk radio is the audio version of FOXNEWS. That's why you can have Rush Limbaugh playing on two or three different radio stations in the same tiny geographic area. It's not competition, it's the rightwing money organizations, who have bought all the few remaining radio conglomerates and are paying to push out their corporate and rightwing agenda.

FOXNEWS is just the TV version of rightwing talk radio.

All Republicans, all the time.

They pepper in a few token "libruls" to beat on and make fun of, so they can PRETEND to be "Fair & Balanced". Speaking of which, the new leadership has shunned that motto, in an attempt to take the network in a slightly different direction, but it's too late, the damage has been done.

FOXNEWS is the propoganda arm of the Republican Party.

That's also why any two-bit rightwinger with a fledgling show can move to that network and raise to the top, but never, ever, ever the other way around. See Glenn Beck, Tucker Carlson, and now Gret Van Susteran for examples.

That's not talent, that's loyalty. FOXNEWS has trained their audience that every other entity is basically "fake news." Hence even the fledgling rightwing media network can only go so far and no further, because the powers that be set it up that way.
Liberty's Voice | CRTV
Glenn Beck

Get with the modern times. People don't watch tv any more.
And we would have got away with it too ... if not for those ...

... Russians
... racists
... misogynists
... Obama haters
... FBI
... CIA
... Fox News stars

... meddling kids

Fox has a ready made audience because they speak to what many citizens of this nation want to know about. We want to hear real news, not ones that the CEO's decided they would present each day.

How's Zucjer doing these days?
You sure nailed it!

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Who has left FOXNEWS and maintain or improve upon their level of success.

What changed? Was it them, their audience, their message, or the fact that they no longer had access to millions that tune into a designated propaganda network to get their talking points from their chosen political party?

"We report. You decide!"

They have a unique and ready made audience over at FOXNEWS.

The FOXNEWS audience has been trained like Pavlovian dogs to accept everything that the network spits out.

That's why one day, you can be totally anti-Russia and talking about how Obama is so weak to the Russians and the next day be totally pro-Russia, because the Republican President sent the message that that is what they must do.

The entity known as FOXNEWS is a direct arm of the Republican Party. That's what Roger Ailes envisioned decades ago, even before creating or being a part of the network. He knew what he set out to got it done.

Rightwing talk radio is the audio version of FOXNEWS. That's why you can have Rush Limbaugh playing on two or three different radio stations in the same tiny geographic area. It's not competition, it's the rightwing money organizations, who have bought all the few remaining radio conglomerates and are paying to push out their corporate and rightwing agenda.

FOXNEWS is just the TV version of rightwing talk radio.

All Republicans, all the time.

They pepper in a few token "libruls" to beat on and make fun of, so they can PRETEND to be "Fair & Balanced". Speaking of which, the new leadership has shunned that motto, in an attempt to take the network in a slightly different direction, but it's too late, the damage has been done.

FOXNEWS is the propoganda arm of the Republican Party.

That's also why any two-bit rightwinger with a fledgling show can move to that network and raise to the top, but never, ever, ever the other way around. See Glenn Beck, Tucker Carlson, and now Gret Van Susteran for examples.

That's not talent, that's loyalty. FOXNEWS has trained their audience that every other entity is basically "fake news." Hence even the fledgling rightwing media network can only go so far and no further, because the powers that be set it up that way.
We know wellhe the
They have a unique and ready made audience over at FOXNEWS.

The FOXNEWS audience has been trained like Pavlovian dogs to accept everything that the network spits out.

That's why one day, you can be totally anti-Russia and talking about how Obama is so weak to the Russians and the next day be totally pro-Russia, because the Republican President sent the message that that is what they must do.

The entity known as FOXNEWS is a direct arm of the Republican Party. That's what Roger Ailes envisioned decades ago, even before creating or being a part of the network. He knew what he set out to got it done.

Rightwing talk radio is the audio version of FOXNEWS. That's why you can have Rush Limbaugh playing on two or three different radio stations in the same tiny geographic area. It's not competition, it's the rightwing money organizations, who have bought all the few remaining radio conglomerates and are paying to push out their corporate and rightwing agenda.

FOXNEWS is just the TV version of rightwing talk radio.

All Republicans, all the time.

They pepper in a few token "libruls" to beat on and make fun of, so they can PRETEND to be "Fair & Balanced". Speaking of which, the new leadership has shunned that motto, in an attempt to take the network in a slightly different direction, but it's too late, the damage has been done.

FOXNEWS is the propoganda arm of the Republican Party.

That's also why any two-bit rightwinger with a fledgling show can move to that network and raise to the top, but never, ever, ever the other way around. See Glenn Beck, Tucker Carlson, and now Gret Van Susteran for examples.

That's not talent, that's loyalty. FOXNEWS has trained their audience that every other entity is basically "fake news." Hence even the fledgling rightwing media network can only go so far and no further, because the powers that be set it up that way.

SUCK IT UP, Snowflake. Lessee, what is your basic gripe here: that 99% of the news is Left Wing Propaganda, then there is Fox News and a handful of conservative talk radio programs for the normal people that you imagine is sucking all of the oxygen out of the airwaves? I guess your psychotherapist is on vacation and the meds are getting low, eh? Well, you can always go give your mom a call, maybe she can make you feel better for having a little dinky. Perhaps she is right upstairs on the floor above?
We know well the Old Dog Murdoch here in Paradise and his news outlet is known as POX NEWS

Keep up the Great Work Marc...steve
Who has left FOXNEWS and maintain or improve upon their level of success.

What changed? Was it them, their audience, their message, or the fact that they no longer had access to millions that tune into a designated propaganda network to get their talking points from their chosen political party?

"We report. You decide!"


Atlanta is home of some of the world's most racist morons.
Listen spud.....FoxNews is shedding it's conservative cast because it's ownership is globalist / elitist...just like all the other news networks.
They have benefitted from decades of playing the other side....but they are still GE. End of story.

That simple fact to complex for your little mind?
Atlanta is home of some of the world's most racist morons.
Listen spud.....FoxNews is shedding it's conservative cast because it's ownership is globalist / elitist...just like all the other news networks.
They have benefitted from decades of playing the other side....but they are still GE. End of story.

That simple fact to complex for your little mind?

You. Are. Dumb.


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