The reason why Hillary was never indicted and Trump will be Impeached

It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

You may be on to something here. Although Hellary, like all politicians, has proven she has no issues with lies and deceit, she did tread lightly with the FBI. Trump is not so political savvy, and the most recent report does seem to suggest he is concerned with the ongoing investigation. Each day this Russia probe does seem to smell more like Watergate. It isn't there yet to be sure, but Watergate wasn't Watergate until it was. One has to wonder why Trump is so anxious to have the investigation end. Investigators have an instinct which tells them "if somebody tells you there is nothing over there to see, there is probably something over there they should look at".
Trump asked intelligence chiefs to deny evidence of Russia collusion
When a president makes every apparent effort to shut down or derail an investigation into his own campaign's actions, only a fool or a sycophant would interpret those actions as completely innocent in nature.
Remember most republicans here are fools
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

You may be on to something here. Although Hellary, like all politicians, has proven she has no issues with lies and deceit, she did tread lightly with the FBI. Trump is not so political savvy, and the most recent report does seem to suggest he is concerned with the ongoing investigation. Each day this Russia probe does seem to smell more like Watergate. It isn't there yet to be sure, but Watergate wasn't Watergate until it was. One has to wonder why Trump is so anxious to have the investigation end. Investigators have an instinct which tells them "if somebody tells you there is nothing over there to see, there is probably something over there they should look at".
Trump asked intelligence chiefs to deny evidence of Russia collusion
When a president makes every apparent effort to shut down or derail an investigation into his own campaign's actions, only a fool or a sycophant would interpret those actions as completely innocent in nature.
Remember most republicans here are fools

And all liberals are fools, regardless of where they are.
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.
Dude, try smoking less crack. Hillary never once told the truth about anything, ever, even when there was no reason to lie......................

This is well documented and you can not find one instance of the truth crossing her sniper lips
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.
Dude, try smoking less crack. Hillary never once told the truth about anything, ever, even when there was no reason to lie......................

This is well documented and you can not find one instance of the truth crossing her sniper lips
007 you've been listening to the lying repub scum
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.
Dude, try smoking less crack. Hillary never once told the truth about anything, ever, even when there was no reason to lie......................

This is well documented and you can not find one instance of the truth crossing her sniper lips

The facts don't support your contention. It's a crime to lie to federal authorities who are pursuing the truth during an official investigation. Doing so is not only a crime, it's a prosecutorial offense. The Feds have decades of experience in getting to the truth. Sometimes it's just as simple as knowing the answer before the question is even asked.
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

You may be on to something here. Although Hellary, like all politicians, has proven she has no issues with lies and deceit, she did tread lightly with the FBI. Trump is not so political savvy, and the most recent report does seem to suggest he is concerned with the ongoing investigation. Each day this Russia probe does seem to smell more like Watergate. It isn't there yet to be sure, but Watergate wasn't Watergate until it was. One has to wonder why Trump is so anxious to have the investigation end. Investigators have an instinct which tells them "if somebody tells you there is nothing over there to see, there is probably something over there they should look at".
Trump asked intelligence chiefs to deny evidence of Russia collusion

OH, holy shit----------Watergate. one political party breaks into the office of the other political party and the president tries to cover it up. Big fuckin deal.

All Nixon had to do was say: "yeah they broke in, they should not have done it, I will make sure they are prosecuted" The cover up is always worse than the crime. Duh, Hillary and her illegal email server.

Ok, so what's your point?

1. that Watergate was nothing
2. that the coverup was worse than the crime
3. Nixon was stupid
4. Clinton getting BJs from a 19 year old in the oval office and then lying under oath about it was a much more serious crime that what ran Nixon out of office.
5. that Hillary should have been indicted. If you did what she did you would be in jail today.

Still really not sure what has you so rattled here. Are you saying what this is, is worse that what Nixon did? That's hard to say since we have no idea if anything happen d here. My only point is Trump is acting like a guilty man, the same way Nixon did.

Trump is not acting guilty. He just wants these things to be looked at fairly and unbiased.

What I was trying to say in the previous post is that what Clinton did: sex with a 19 year old kid in the oval office and then lying under oath, was worse that what Nixon did in trying to cover up a minor breakin.
you need to look at Comey's testimony when Gowdy was questioning him. Comey said that she committed crimes regarding the protection of classified data. There was no confusion about that. Then he said that she would not be charged because she did not "intend" to violate laws and was too stupid to realize that she did.

So tell me, will those arguments work when a cop stops you for speeding?

"but officer, I didn't intend to go 90 in a 40 zone, and I'm didn't know that speed limits applied to me" Try it, let us know how you make out.
You're not have a very good day with your dimwitted arguments. Intent matters for some offenses and not for others. That's why we have manslaughter and different degrees for murder charges. That's why somebody who gets lost and wanders into private property probably isn't going to get a ticket vs a stalker who climbs a fence to take pictures of somebody in there home is probably getting charged.

I held top secret and SAP security clearances. Intent does not matter if you let classified data out. The act of releasing it is a crime, whether you meant to do it or not. Gross negligence or carelessness is not an excuse.
My analogy with the speeding ticket is perfectly accurate.

Just as Pres. Trump had the legal authority to over-ride the classified designation of information that he told to the Russian Ambassador, the Secretary if State has the legal authority to over ride the classified designation of any information pertaining to the Department of State. So, Clinton's seniority made it legal for her to send previously classified material.

Besides, some if not all the material did not get designated as classified until long after Clinton sent it.

wrong again, little fool. SecState does not have the authority to declassify top secret material. The markings were removed from the classified material when she sent it, that is an illegal act. She should have been indicted. Comey saved her with bullshit about "carelessness, and not sophisticated enough". In reality he said that Hillary was ignorant and stupid and therefore should not be prosecuted. It was a circus filled with donkey shit.
I'd be willing to bet that if you gathered and read everybody's emails in our government you'd find similar "carelessness". She didn't give classified information to anybody, just had a few that slipped through the cracks on a private email account, which I'd bet is true for many many other government officials. Perhaps its good that this thing got a spotlight as i'm sure people are going to be way more careful about this stuff from now on, but it makes sense that criminal charges weren't pressed.

No, you would not find that kind of carelessness in the general government employee e-mail system. Protection of classified data is a very serious thing. When you get a security clearance, especially TS or SAP you are told very clearly what the punishments are for leaking it, either on purpose or accidently. Any other person would have been indicted for doing what hilly did. She got special treatment as a political elite. Do you think politicians should be above the law?
Many Republicans do not like Trump either. Too bad, so sad!
They've also been briefed on the investigations.

What investigations? The ones that have found NOTHING?

You mean the five in Congress and the FBI?

Yes, those. They have found nothing!

Shouldn't the FBI be looking for ISIS cells here in the US instead of going on a witch hunt?

How do you know what the investigators have or haven't found?

CNN claims to know. But they are lying and people like you believe them.
Their relationship...

Comey was a minor assistant US attorney in the late 90’s. He only gained power and money by being the DOJ official who “investigated” and cleared Bill Clinton of any wrong-doing in Clinton’s totally corrupt pardon (for huge payoffs) of criminal financier Marc Rich as Clinton was leaving the Presidency. This is how Comey began his career as a creature of the “swamp” years ago, as a servant of the Clintons.

Comey provided “cover” for the Clintons in their gaining incredible power and wealth after leaving office through pardoning a billionaire money-launderer, arms dealer and criminal. Comey was a key piece in how the Clintons upped their corruption game and gained incredible wealth through their foundation after leaving the White House. A huge part of the scheme was giving Marc Rich a free pass when he should have spent life in prison, and that is what Comey covered-up for the Clintons. This set up Comey to be part of the corruption machine, making him powerful and wealthy.

Immediately after doing the Clinton’s dirty work as a DOJ official, Comey resigned from the DOJ and took a position as the head attorney (Counsel) of the Lockheed Martin company, a huge military contractor. While he was in that position Lockheed became a major contributor (millions) to the Clinton Foundation and its fake charity spin-offs. In return for these payment to Clinton Inc., Lockheed received huge contracts with Hillary’s state department. Comey was the chief legal officer of Lockheed throughout this period of contributions to Clinton Inc. in return for State Dept. contracts.

In late 2012, after overseeing Lockheed’s successful relationship with the Hillary State Department and the resulting profits, Comey stepped down from Lockheed and received a $6 million dollar payout for his services.

In 2013, the largest bank of England, HSBC Holdings, was deep into a scandal. Investigations by federal authorities and law-enforcement had revealed that for years HSBC had been laundering billions of dollars for Mexican Drug Cartels, channeling money for Saudi banks who were financing terror, moving money for Iran in violation of the sanctions, and other major criminal activity. HSBC’s criminality was pervasive and deliberate by the Bank and its officials. HSBC was a huge Clinton Foundation contributor (many millions) throughout the “investigation” and Bill Clinton was being paid large personal fees for speaking at HSBC events (while Hillary was Sec of State). Eric Holder and the Obama Justice Department did what they were paid to do, and let HSBC off of the hook for a paltry 1.2 Billion dollar fine (paid by its stockholders), and not one Director, officer or management member at HSBC was fired or charged with any criminal. Exactly when everyone involved with HSBC Bank (including the Clintons and all of their “donors”) were being let off without penalty, and cover had to be provided to HSBC, Comey was appointed as a Director and Member of the Board of HSBC (in the middle of the fallout from the scandal). He was part of the effort to cover up the scandal and make HSBC “respectable” again.

After about a year as HSBC director, despite his lack of any law enforcement experience, no DOJ leadership experience, and no qualifications for the job, Comey was appointed FBI director by Obama. The only qualification Comey had was that the Clinton’s and their cronies knew Comey was in bed with them, was compromised and was willing to do their dirty work. Comey was appointed to the FBI right when Hillary was leaving the State Department, and was vulnerable to the FBI because she had been using a private-server, mis-handling classified information, selling access to favors/contracts from the State Department to Clinton Foundation Donors (including Comey’s Lockheed Martin), and much more. Remember that this was about the time the Inspector General of the State Department found over 2 billion “missing” from the State Department finances during Hillary’s tenure.

The obvious conclusion is that Comey was appointed to the FBI (along with other reliable Clinton-Obama cronies) to run interference for the Clinton’s and Obama’s at the nation’s federal law enforcement agency(in conjunction with a corrupt Department of Justice). Comey was and is owned by the Clintons. He owed all of his power and wealth to being part of their machine and providing them with cover.

In late 2015 and early 2016, information began to come out about the Clinton Foundation and its use by the Clinton’s as a multi-billion dollar slush fund for corruption and political favors. (even Chelsea’s wedding had been paid for by the “charity) This was right as Hillary was beginning her campaign for President. It was revealed that the Foundation had never completed required reports or had an audit. Supposedly the FBI, under Comey, began an “investigation” of the Clinton Funds. A “professional” accounting firm was brought in by the Clintons to do a review, file some reports, make recommendations to the Clinton Foundation Board, and provide a veneer of legitimacy to the Clinton Fund operations. Predictably, one of the partners in the firm that was chosen (and paid lots of money) is the brother of James Comey (FBI Director). This brother owes James Comey $700,000 for a loan James gave him to buy a house, and presumably some of the money from the Clinton Fund was used to make payments to James on the loan. Over 2 years later and nothing has happened as a result of the FBI “investigating” the Clinton Funds under Comey.

No one in congress or federal law enforcement was intending to actually pursue the Clintons, but Judicial Watch and other independent sources obtained information proving that Hillary had been running her own server, sending out classified information, etc. This information began to come out right in the middle of her campaign to be coronated as President. A “show” investigation had to be performed to appear to look into it and clear her. Who to use?…the reliable shill James Comey.

As head of the FBI, Comey (and his lackeys in key positions) deliberately screwed up the investigation into Hillary’s use of a private server and her plain violation of national security law on classified information. The investigation was deliberately mis-handled in every aspect. Comey gave immunity to all of Hillary’s lackeys, did not use subpoenas or warrants, lost evidence, allowed the destruction of evidence, failed to do any searches or seizures of evidence, did not use a grand-jury, did not swear witnesses, did not record testimony, allowed attorneys to represent multiple suspects (corrupting the testimony). Everything that could be done to ruin the FBI investigation and to cover for Hillary was done. A “slam-dunk” case became a mess. Immunity was given every witness even though they provided no help. Maybe more importantly, by focusing the FBI on the email scandal, attention was drawn away from the much bigger scandal of the Clinton Foundation that could bring down a huge number of corrupt politicians, lobbyists, and even governments.

Originally, Comey’s job was simply to totally botch the Hillary investigation and ruin the case against her and her minions within the FBI regarding he emails. At the same time Comey also started work on a parallel assignment to illegally “wiretap” and surveil Donald Trump and every other person involved in the Republican campaign. He was tasked with digging up any dirt or fact that could be used to hurt the Trump campaign later. This included using a fake “dossier” paid for by the Clinton campaign to obtain authorization for the surveillance and to try to associate Trump’s campaign with the Russians. Under Comey’s direction the Trump/republican campaign was monitored and surveilled and all information was provided to the Obama Whitehouse and the Clinton camp all during the campaign.

Lorretta Lynch was supposed to complete the coverup for Hillary as Attorney General by issuing a finding that the deliberately botched FBI “investigation” did not justify prosecution of Hillary. But someone screwed up and Bill Clinton was video’d meeting with Loretta Lynch in Arizona shortly before she was supposed to make her decision on Hillary (interference with a federal investigation), and Lynch could no longer credibly squash the Hillary scandal. The solution, give the job to James. The Clinton’s owned him and he would have to do whatever is necessary to provide cover.

The Inside Story on James B. Comey

State of the Nation - yet another lying alt-right conspiracy theory website.

Try learning facts instead of idiotic conspiracy theories.
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.
Let me ask you a question, or two. Say you were involved in a company that during an investigation resulted in 15 convictions on 40 crimes by those with ties to the company. Suppose you that a book of billing records were requested by the those doing the investigation and you said that you could not find it. Then time passes until the statue of limitation times out and then all of a sudden the billing records are found in your home. Would the logical assumption be that the billing records were hidden on purpose?
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.
no one's more corrupt than career politicians
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.
Dude, try smoking less crack. Hillary never once told the truth about anything, ever, even when there was no reason to lie......................

This is well documented and you can not find one instance of the truth crossing her sniper lips

The facts don't support your contention. It's a crime to lie to federal authorities who are pursuing the truth during an official investigation. Doing so is not only a crime, it's a prosecutorial offense. The Feds have decades of experience in getting to the truth. Sometimes it's just as simple as knowing the answer before the question is even asked.

sorry, but lying is not a crime unless it occurs when under oath. Both Clintons lied under oath, that is called perjury and is a prosecutable crime. All politicians lie during campaigns, anyone who doesn't know that is very naïve.
Their relationship...

Comey was a minor assistant US attorney in the late 90’s. He only gained power and money by being the DOJ official who “investigated” and cleared Bill Clinton of any wrong-doing in Clinton’s totally corrupt pardon (for huge payoffs) of criminal financier Marc Rich as Clinton was leaving the Presidency. This is how Comey began his career as a creature of the “swamp” years ago, as a servant of the Clintons.

Comey provided “cover” for the Clintons in their gaining incredible power and wealth after leaving office through pardoning a billionaire money-launderer, arms dealer and criminal. Comey was a key piece in how the Clintons upped their corruption game and gained incredible wealth through their foundation after leaving the White House. A huge part of the scheme was giving Marc Rich a free pass when he should have spent life in prison, and that is what Comey covered-up for the Clintons. This set up Comey to be part of the corruption machine, making him powerful and wealthy.

Immediately after doing the Clinton’s dirty work as a DOJ official, Comey resigned from the DOJ and took a position as the head attorney (Counsel) of the Lockheed Martin company, a huge military contractor. While he was in that position Lockheed became a major contributor (millions) to the Clinton Foundation and its fake charity spin-offs. In return for these payment to Clinton Inc., Lockheed received huge contracts with Hillary’s state department. Comey was the chief legal officer of Lockheed throughout this period of contributions to Clinton Inc. in return for State Dept. contracts.

In late 2012, after overseeing Lockheed’s successful relationship with the Hillary State Department and the resulting profits, Comey stepped down from Lockheed and received a $6 million dollar payout for his services.

In 2013, the largest bank of England, HSBC Holdings, was deep into a scandal. Investigations by federal authorities and law-enforcement had revealed that for years HSBC had been laundering billions of dollars for Mexican Drug Cartels, channeling money for Saudi banks who were financing terror, moving money for Iran in violation of the sanctions, and other major criminal activity. HSBC’s criminality was pervasive and deliberate by the Bank and its officials. HSBC was a huge Clinton Foundation contributor (many millions) throughout the “investigation” and Bill Clinton was being paid large personal fees for speaking at HSBC events (while Hillary was Sec of State). Eric Holder and the Obama Justice Department did what they were paid to do, and let HSBC off of the hook for a paltry 1.2 Billion dollar fine (paid by its stockholders), and not one Director, officer or management member at HSBC was fired or charged with any criminal. Exactly when everyone involved with HSBC Bank (including the Clintons and all of their “donors”) were being let off without penalty, and cover had to be provided to HSBC, Comey was appointed as a Director and Member of the Board of HSBC (in the middle of the fallout from the scandal). He was part of the effort to cover up the scandal and make HSBC “respectable” again.

After about a year as HSBC director, despite his lack of any law enforcement experience, no DOJ leadership experience, and no qualifications for the job, Comey was appointed FBI director by Obama. The only qualification Comey had was that the Clinton’s and their cronies knew Comey was in bed with them, was compromised and was willing to do their dirty work. Comey was appointed to the FBI right when Hillary was leaving the State Department, and was vulnerable to the FBI because she had been using a private-server, mis-handling classified information, selling access to favors/contracts from the State Department to Clinton Foundation Donors (including Comey’s Lockheed Martin), and much more. Remember that this was about the time the Inspector General of the State Department found over 2 billion “missing” from the State Department finances during Hillary’s tenure.

The obvious conclusion is that Comey was appointed to the FBI (along with other reliable Clinton-Obama cronies) to run interference for the Clinton’s and Obama’s at the nation’s federal law enforcement agency(in conjunction with a corrupt Department of Justice). Comey was and is owned by the Clintons. He owed all of his power and wealth to being part of their machine and providing them with cover.

In late 2015 and early 2016, information began to come out about the Clinton Foundation and its use by the Clinton’s as a multi-billion dollar slush fund for corruption and political favors. (even Chelsea’s wedding had been paid for by the “charity) This was right as Hillary was beginning her campaign for President. It was revealed that the Foundation had never completed required reports or had an audit. Supposedly the FBI, under Comey, began an “investigation” of the Clinton Funds. A “professional” accounting firm was brought in by the Clintons to do a review, file some reports, make recommendations to the Clinton Foundation Board, and provide a veneer of legitimacy to the Clinton Fund operations. Predictably, one of the partners in the firm that was chosen (and paid lots of money) is the brother of James Comey (FBI Director). This brother owes James Comey $700,000 for a loan James gave him to buy a house, and presumably some of the money from the Clinton Fund was used to make payments to James on the loan. Over 2 years later and nothing has happened as a result of the FBI “investigating” the Clinton Funds under Comey.

No one in congress or federal law enforcement was intending to actually pursue the Clintons, but Judicial Watch and other independent sources obtained information proving that Hillary had been running her own server, sending out classified information, etc. This information began to come out right in the middle of her campaign to be coronated as President. A “show” investigation had to be performed to appear to look into it and clear her. Who to use?…the reliable shill James Comey.

As head of the FBI, Comey (and his lackeys in key positions) deliberately screwed up the investigation into Hillary’s use of a private server and her plain violation of national security law on classified information. The investigation was deliberately mis-handled in every aspect. Comey gave immunity to all of Hillary’s lackeys, did not use subpoenas or warrants, lost evidence, allowed the destruction of evidence, failed to do any searches or seizures of evidence, did not use a grand-jury, did not swear witnesses, did not record testimony, allowed attorneys to represent multiple suspects (corrupting the testimony). Everything that could be done to ruin the FBI investigation and to cover for Hillary was done. A “slam-dunk” case became a mess. Immunity was given every witness even though they provided no help. Maybe more importantly, by focusing the FBI on the email scandal, attention was drawn away from the much bigger scandal of the Clinton Foundation that could bring down a huge number of corrupt politicians, lobbyists, and even governments.

Originally, Comey’s job was simply to totally botch the Hillary investigation and ruin the case against her and her minions within the FBI regarding he emails. At the same time Comey also started work on a parallel assignment to illegally “wiretap” and surveil Donald Trump and every other person involved in the Republican campaign. He was tasked with digging up any dirt or fact that could be used to hurt the Trump campaign later. This included using a fake “dossier” paid for by the Clinton campaign to obtain authorization for the surveillance and to try to associate Trump’s campaign with the Russians. Under Comey’s direction the Trump/republican campaign was monitored and surveilled and all information was provided to the Obama Whitehouse and the Clinton camp all during the campaign.

Lorretta Lynch was supposed to complete the coverup for Hillary as Attorney General by issuing a finding that the deliberately botched FBI “investigation” did not justify prosecution of Hillary. But someone screwed up and Bill Clinton was video’d meeting with Loretta Lynch in Arizona shortly before she was supposed to make her decision on Hillary (interference with a federal investigation), and Lynch could no longer credibly squash the Hillary scandal. The solution, give the job to James. The Clinton’s owned him and he would have to do whatever is necessary to provide cover.

The Inside Story on James B. Comey

State of the Nation - yet another lying alt-right conspiracy theory website.

Try learning facts instead of idiotic conspiracy theories.

then you should have no trouble proving that the article is not true. Go right ahead, we'll wait.
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.
Dude, try smoking less crack. Hillary never once told the truth about anything, ever, even when there was no reason to lie......................

This is well documented and you can not find one instance of the truth crossing her sniper lips
007 you've been listening to the lying repub scum

The genius ducking into her vehicle to get to her base babbles

So again lay off the crack kid
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.
Dude, try smoking less crack. Hillary never once told the truth about anything, ever, even when there was no reason to lie......................

This is well documented and you can not find one instance of the truth crossing her sniper lips

The facts don't support your contention. It's a crime to lie to federal authorities who are pursuing the truth during an official investigation. Doing so is not only a crime, it's a prosecutorial offense. The Feds have decades of experience in getting to the truth. Sometimes it's just as simple as knowing the answer before the question is even asked.

The Feds as you call them do not give a flying fuck about the truth, when they are searching other feds.

Which is why Clinton is not in jail.
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.
Dude, try smoking less crack. Hillary never once told the truth about anything, ever, even when there was no reason to lie......................

This is well documented and you can not find one instance of the truth crossing her sniper lips

The facts don't support your contention. It's a crime to lie to federal authorities who are pursuing the truth during an official investigation. Doing so is not only a crime, it's a prosecutorial offense. The Feds have decades of experience in getting to the truth. Sometimes it's just as simple as knowing the answer before the question is even asked.

The Feds as you call them do not give a flying fuck about the truth, when they are searching other feds.

Which is why Clinton is not in jail.

exactly, one set of laws for them and another set for us, and our liberal friends have no problem with that. amazing
Unless trumps confesses to this crime he didnt commit..The man can lie all day long to the fbi and they cant do squat because there is no evidence..All liberals do is attack Trumps character charging him as a lier, bully, mentally disturbed etc. But his job performance contradicts all the liberals accusations.. Trump worked his whole life to turn his fathers buisness into an empire brand..Just compair trumps career success to Hillarys success..trump earned his success by work experience and now the people elected him President of United States..Hillary so called success was privilege because her husban president Bill made her popular. She was appointed secretary of state because of privilege and quit that job because she was a disgrace to the one would elect her for any office because thank god half of us americans actually fact check our news . we are not ignorant liberals brainwashed by msn and cnn
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.
Dude, try smoking less crack. Hillary never once told the truth about anything, ever, even when there was no reason to lie......................

This is well documented and you can not find one instance of the truth crossing her sniper lips
007 you've been listening to the lying repub scum

The genius ducking into her vehicle to get to her base babbles

So again lay off the crack kid

you're within sound of gunshots in a warzone you fn duck and get the hell out if you're not a soldier
You may be on to something here. Although Hellary, like all politicians, has proven she has no issues with lies and deceit, she did tread lightly with the FBI. Trump is not so political savvy, and the most recent report does seem to suggest he is concerned with the ongoing investigation. Each day this Russia probe does seem to smell more like Watergate. It isn't there yet to be sure, but Watergate wasn't Watergate until it was. One has to wonder why Trump is so anxious to have the investigation end. Investigators have an instinct which tells them "if somebody tells you there is nothing over there to see, there is probably something over there they should look at".
Trump asked intelligence chiefs to deny evidence of Russia collusion

OH, holy shit----------Watergate. one political party breaks into the office of the other political party and the president tries to cover it up. Big fuckin deal.

All Nixon had to do was say: "yeah they broke in, they should not have done it, I will make sure they are prosecuted" The cover up is always worse than the crime. Duh, Hillary and her illegal email server.

Ok, so what's your point?

1. that Watergate was nothing
2. that the coverup was worse than the crime
3. Nixon was stupid
4. Clinton getting BJs from a 19 year old in the oval office and then lying under oath about it was a much more serious crime that what ran Nixon out of office.
5. that Hillary should have been indicted. If you did what she did you would be in jail today.

Still really not sure what has you so rattled here. Are you saying what this is, is worse that what Nixon did? That's hard to say since we have no idea if anything happen d here. My only point is Trump is acting like a guilty man, the same way Nixon did.

Trump is not acting guilty. He just wants these things to be looked at fairly and unbiased.

What I was trying to say in the previous post is that what Clinton did: sex with a 19 year old kid in the oval office and then lying under oath, was worse that what Nixon did in trying to cover up a minor breakin.

I'm not sure which was worse. Had Nixon not resigned he no doubt would have been impeached, found guilty and removed from office. Clinton was not removed.

And Trump is acting exactly like Nixon did at the beginning of Watergate. Firing the FBI director was a politically stupid move. Look, I hope the guy is exonerated by Mueller, and we can put this whole thing behind us, but if I had to bet my money, I'd say this will be an albatross for Trump for quite sometime. It is killing his agenda for sure.
OH, holy shit----------Watergate. one political party breaks into the office of the other political party and the president tries to cover it up. Big fuckin deal.

All Nixon had to do was say: "yeah they broke in, they should not have done it, I will make sure they are prosecuted" The cover up is always worse than the crime. Duh, Hillary and her illegal email server.

Ok, so what's your point?

1. that Watergate was nothing
2. that the coverup was worse than the crime
3. Nixon was stupid
4. Clinton getting BJs from a 19 year old in the oval office and then lying under oath about it was a much more serious crime that what ran Nixon out of office.
5. that Hillary should have been indicted. If you did what she did you would be in jail today.

Still really not sure what has you so rattled here. Are you saying what this is, is worse that what Nixon did? That's hard to say since we have no idea if anything happen d here. My only point is Trump is acting like a guilty man, the same way Nixon did.

Trump is not acting guilty. He just wants these things to be looked at fairly and unbiased.

What I was trying to say in the previous post is that what Clinton did: sex with a 19 year old kid in the oval office and then lying under oath, was worse that what Nixon did in trying to cover up a minor breakin.

I'm not sure which was worse. Had Nixon not resigned he no doubt would have been impeached, found guilty and removed from office. Clinton was not removed.

And Trump is acting exactly like Nixon did at the beginning of Watergate. Firing the FBI director was a politically stupid move. Look, I hope the guy is exonerated by Mueller, and we can put this whole thing behind us, but if I had to bet my money, I'd say this will be an albatross for Trump for quite sometime. It is killing his agenda for sure.
TRUMP needs help

11 hrs


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