The reason why Hillary was never indicted and Trump will be Impeached

You're a whiny mouthed bitch and you talk like a traitor.

A traitor is someone who wages war on the Constitution, the way you do little fascist snowflake.

The constitution, sets the foundation on which we govern ourselves and gives us the right to pass laws and create agencies to help defend ourselves and benefit our citizens. Of course you dumbass would call the FBI unconstitutional. You're rhetoric is tired and old

So then stupid, pointing out that Comey is a hack and incompetent is in no way degrading the Constitution the way you blatantly lied?

Oh, I never said the FBI is unconstitutional, it is simply a federal bureaucracy with no particular value. It was established to prosecute the democrats fucktarded prohibition. It should have been disbanded when that idiocy was repealed, but you fascist will NEVER relinquish power to the people once you thugs have seized it.

The FBI predates Prohibition by quite a bit and the current FBI was not called that until after Prohibition.
You're a whiny mouthed bitch and you talk like a traitor.

A traitor is someone who wages war on the Constitution, the way you do little fascist snowflake.

The constitution, sets the foundation on which we govern ourselves and gives us the right to pass laws and create agencies to help defend ourselves and benefit our citizens. Of course you dumbass would call the FBI unconstitutional. You're rhetoric is tired and old

So then stupid, pointing out that Comey is a hack and incompetent is in no way degrading the Constitution the way you blatantly lied?

Oh, I never said the FBI is unconstitutional, it is simply a federal bureaucracy with no particular value. It was established to prosecute the democrats fucktarded prohibition. It should have been disbanded when that idiocy was repealed, but you fascist will NEVER relinquish power to the people once you thugs have seized it.

The FBI predates Prohibition by quite a bit and the current FBI was not called that until after Prohibition.
I'll respond for him... "but, but... the constitution... you snowflake libtard leftist... bureaucracy loving neocon... burp fart chug a beer..."
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.
You are dreaming. Your bizarre delusion is caused by a serious case of TDS.
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

You may be on to something here. Although Hellary, like all politicians, has proven she has no issues with lies and deceit, she did tread lightly with the FBI. Trump is not so political savvy, and the most recent report does seem to suggest he is concerned with the ongoing investigation. Each day this Russia probe does seem to smell more like Watergate. It isn't there yet to be sure, but Watergate wasn't Watergate until it was. One has to wonder why Trump is so anxious to have the investigation end. Investigators have an instinct which tells them "if somebody tells you there is nothing over there to see, there is probably something over there they should look at".
Trump asked intelligence chiefs to deny evidence of Russia collusion

OH, holy shit----------Watergate. one political party breaks into the office of the other political party and the president tries to cover it up. Big fuckin deal.

All Nixon had to do was say: "yeah they broke in, they should not have done it, I will make sure they are prosecuted" The cover up is always worse than the crime. Duh, Hillary and her illegal email server.

Ok, so what's your point?
Yes, they are investigating nothing because Obama's own people have stated that they had no evidence of any collusion.

How many times do you have to lower the bucket in the well and it comes up empty before you realize the well is dry?
Well now you have a respected nonpartisan leading the investigation. If the bucket is truly empty then we can expect the investigation to end in a week or two. If it carries on for longer then we know there is water and you're wrong

It should have never lasted this long.
Where theres smoke theres fire Why else would dump try to reach out to 3 different investigative agencies to get them to stop??

how do you know that he did that? Were you there? or did you get that info from SNL?
It's all over TV all over the papers The mens names were named You think its above trumps code of ethics to try and squelch the investigation?

the investigation is ongoing. He didn't try to stop it. He said he wants it to be completed. So its on "TV and the papers"? Do you think those media outlets are telling us the truth?
The Russians gave millions to the Clinton foundation and paid Bubba hundreds of thousands for speeches, was that collusion? did they expect/demand something in return?

The Clinton guilt is well established, Trump did nothing.

Clinton's guilt is only established in wingnut's delusional fantasies.

Trump may well not have colluded with the Russians, but he sure seems to be busy committing all sorts of crimes covering up his non-existing crimes.

Show how stupid he truly is.

you need to look at Comey's testimony when Gowdy was questioning him. Comey said that she committed crimes regarding the protection of classified data. There was no confusion about that. Then he said that she would not be charged because she did not "intend" to violate laws and was too stupid to realize that she did.

So tell me, will those arguments work when a cop stops you for speeding?

"but officer, I didn't intend to go 90 in a 40 zone, and I'm didn't know that speed limits applied to me" Try it, let us know how you make out.
You're not have a very good day with your dimwitted arguments. Intent matters for some offenses and not for others. That's why we have manslaughter and different degrees for murder charges. That's why somebody who gets lost and wanders into private property probably isn't going to get a ticket vs a stalker who climbs a fence to take pictures of somebody in there home is probably getting charged.

I held top secret and SAP security clearances. Intent does not matter if you let classified data out. The act of releasing it is a crime, whether you meant to do it or not. Gross negligence or carelessness is not an excuse.
My analogy with the speeding ticket is perfectly accurate.
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

You may be on to something here. Although Hellary, like all politicians, has proven she has no issues with lies and deceit, she did tread lightly with the FBI. Trump is not so political savvy, and the most recent report does seem to suggest he is concerned with the ongoing investigation. Each day this Russia probe does seem to smell more like Watergate. It isn't there yet to be sure, but Watergate wasn't Watergate until it was. One has to wonder why Trump is so anxious to have the investigation end. Investigators have an instinct which tells them "if somebody tells you there is nothing over there to see, there is probably something over there they should look at".
Trump asked intelligence chiefs to deny evidence of Russia collusion

OH, holy shit----------Watergate. one political party breaks into the office of the other political party and the president tries to cover it up. Big fuckin deal.

All Nixon had to do was say: "yeah they broke in, they should not have done it, I will make sure they are prosecuted" The cover up is always worse than the crime. Duh, Hillary and her illegal email server.

Ok, so what's your point?

1. that Watergate was nothing
2. that the coverup was worse than the crime
3. Nixon was stupid
4. Clinton getting BJs from a 19 year old in the oval office and then lying under oath about it was a much more serious crime that what ran Nixon out of office.
5. that Hillary should have been indicted. If you did what she did you would be in jail today.
Well now you have a respected nonpartisan leading the investigation. If the bucket is truly empty then we can expect the investigation to end in a week or two. If it carries on for longer then we know there is water and you're wrong

It should have never lasted this long.
Where theres smoke theres fire Why else would dump try to reach out to 3 different investigative agencies to get them to stop??

how do you know that he did that? Were you there? or did you get that info from SNL?
It's all over TV all over the papers The mens names were named You think its above trumps code of ethics to try and squelch the investigation?

the investigation is ongoing. He didn't try to stop it. He said he wants it to be completed. So its on "TV and the papers"? Do you think those media outlets are telling us the truth?
Tell us how you trust Trump more than the media you loser lol
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

You may be on to something here. Although Hellary, like all politicians, has proven she has no issues with lies and deceit, she did tread lightly with the FBI. Trump is not so political savvy, and the most recent report does seem to suggest he is concerned with the ongoing investigation. Each day this Russia probe does seem to smell more like Watergate. It isn't there yet to be sure, but Watergate wasn't Watergate until it was. One has to wonder why Trump is so anxious to have the investigation end. Investigators have an instinct which tells them "if somebody tells you there is nothing over there to see, there is probably something over there they should look at".
Trump asked intelligence chiefs to deny evidence of Russia collusion

OH, holy shit----------Watergate. one political party breaks into the office of the other political party and the president tries to cover it up. Big fuckin deal.

All Nixon had to do was say: "yeah they broke in, they should not have done it, I will make sure they are prosecuted" The cover up is always worse than the crime. Duh, Hillary and her illegal email server.

Ok, so what's your point?

1. that Watergate was nothing
2. that the coverup was worse than the crime
3. Nixon was stupid
4. Clinton getting BJs from a 19 year old in the oval office and then lying under oath about it was a much more serious crime that what ran Nixon out of office.
5. that Hillary should have been indicted. If you did what she did you would be in jail today.
You have something against a BJ in your office ? You need to be brought into court because of it ?
Well now you have a respected nonpartisan leading the investigation. If the bucket is truly empty then we can expect the investigation to end in a week or two. If it carries on for longer then we know there is water and you're wrong

It should have never lasted this long.
Where theres smoke theres fire Why else would dump try to reach out to 3 different investigative agencies to get them to stop??

how do you know that he did that? Were you there? or did you get that info from SNL?
It's all over TV all over the papers The mens names were named You think its above trumps code of ethics to try and squelch the investigation?

the investigation is ongoing. He didn't try to stop it. He said he wants it to be completed. So its on "TV and the papers"? Do you think those media outlets are telling us the truth?
Really ?? He needed to go to 3 investigative officers to tell them he wanted it completed?? Pardon me but that's bullshit
The Russians gave millions to the Clinton foundation and paid Bubba hundreds of thousands for speeches, was that collusion? did they expect/demand something in return?

The Clinton guilt is well established, Trump did nothing.

Clinton's guilt is only established in wingnut's delusional fantasies.

Trump may well not have colluded with the Russians, but he sure seems to be busy committing all sorts of crimes covering up his non-existing crimes.

Show how stupid he truly is.

you need to look at Comey's testimony when Gowdy was questioning him. Comey said that she committed crimes regarding the protection of classified data. There was no confusion about that. Then he said that she would not be charged because she did not "intend" to violate laws and was too stupid to realize that she did.

So tell me, will those arguments work when a cop stops you for speeding?

"but officer, I didn't intend to go 90 in a 40 zone, and I'm didn't know that speed limits applied to me" Try it, let us know how you make out.
You're not have a very good day with your dimwitted arguments. Intent matters for some offenses and not for others. That's why we have manslaughter and different degrees for murder charges. That's why somebody who gets lost and wanders into private property probably isn't going to get a ticket vs a stalker who climbs a fence to take pictures of somebody in there home is probably getting charged.

I held top secret and SAP security clearances. Intent does not matter if you let classified data out. The act of releasing it is a crime, whether you meant to do it or not. Gross negligence or carelessness is not an excuse.
My analogy with the speeding ticket is perfectly accurate.

Just as Pres. Trump had the legal authority to over-ride the classified designation of information that he told to the Russian Ambassador, the Secretary if State has the legal authority to over ride the classified designation of any information pertaining to the Department of State. So, Clinton's seniority made it legal for her to send previously classified material.

Besides, some if not all the material did not get designated as classified until long after Clinton sent it.
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

/---- yet no proof Pres Trump lied.
About the first thing Trump did in office was declare war on all the intelligence agencies. Given how much criminality he's engaged in, that means he's a moron.

The intelligence agencies are going to continue leaking out the evidence, a bit at a time. It won't stop, ever, because there's more than enough damning evidence to last for however long Trump's term is.

What evidence? Give me something that's not an unproven allegation by unnamed or anonymous sources, Mamooth! Since there's SO MUCH "damning evidence" you should have no problem providing some...right?

If there is no evidence as you claim, then what is driving the investigation forward?

/---- Politics
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

You may be on to something here. Although Hellary, like all politicians, has proven she has no issues with lies and deceit, she did tread lightly with the FBI. Trump is not so political savvy, and the most recent report does seem to suggest he is concerned with the ongoing investigation. Each day this Russia probe does seem to smell more like Watergate. It isn't there yet to be sure, but Watergate wasn't Watergate until it was. One has to wonder why Trump is so anxious to have the investigation end. Investigators have an instinct which tells them "if somebody tells you there is nothing over there to see, there is probably something over there they should look at".
Trump asked intelligence chiefs to deny evidence of Russia collusion

OH, holy shit----------Watergate. one political party breaks into the office of the other political party and the president tries to cover it up. Big fuckin deal.

All Nixon had to do was say: "yeah they broke in, they should not have done it, I will make sure they are prosecuted" The cover up is always worse than the crime. Duh, Hillary and her illegal email server.

Ok, so what's your point?

1. that Watergate was nothing
2. that the coverup was worse than the crime
3. Nixon was stupid
4. Clinton getting BJs from a 19 year old in the oval office and then lying under oath about it was a much more serious crime that what ran Nixon out of office.
5. that Hillary should have been indicted. If you did what she did you would be in jail today.

1. Ordering the Watergate break in was a serious crime. It was a serious violation of his Presidential oath.
2. Both the cover up and the Break in were serious crimes
3. Yes, Nixon was stupid for ordering the break in. He was going to win the election by a landslide anyway.
4. Bill Clinton's lying about his affair with Lewinsky was not related to the main point of the inquiry. If he was not a victim of a political witch hunt, no perjury charges would have ever been filed.
5. Hillary had the seniority to over ride the classification. If you did it you could be prosecuted - because you're not the Secretary of State.
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

Of course, you're not just a bitter Brown Shirt masturbating to a fantasy, the faithless electors will absolutely impeach Trump during the recounts.

You fascists have it all figured out! :thup:

You must be so proud, six members of the echo chamber voted your post a winner. I'd advise you to keep in mind the fable of the worm.

It seems a worm wiggled across the RR Tracks and in his slow progress a train came along and cut off his tail.

The worm turned around and went back to retrieve his tail, and another train came by and cut off his head.

The moral of the story is this: Don't lose your head over a piece of tail.
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

Then why did the FBI leak information to cost Hillary the election?

The underlings of the FBI wanted to convict her so bad..



You sure pretend to know a whole bunch of stuff you have no way of knowing. Maybe the R's would elect you as their Standard Bearer after Trump is dismissed - you have that in common with him.
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

Then why did the FBI leak information to cost Hillary the election?

The underlings of the FBI wanted to convict her so bad..



You sure pretend to know a whole bunch of stuff you have no way of knowing. Maybe the R's would elect you as their Standard Bearer after Trump is dismissed - you have that in common with him.

Who is pretending? Not me news and especially politics has been my hobby since I could read a newspaper at around 6 years old...always been fascinated by the OP eds ...other kids would turn to the comics.. Not me I would turn right to the OP eds.

Yes the FBI underlings hated Hillary with a passion

Yes they leaked the information about Hillary investigations.

That's why Comey had to go public.

It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

Then why did the FBI leak information to cost Hillary the election?

The underlings of the FBI wanted to convict her so bad..



You sure pretend to know a whole bunch of stuff you have no way of knowing. Maybe the R's would elect you as their Standard Bearer after Trump is dismissed - you have that in common with him.

Who is pretending? Not me news and especially politics has been my hobby since I could read a newspaper at around 6 years old...always been fascinated by the OP eds ...other kids would turn to the comics.. Not me I would turn right to the OP eds.

Yes the FBI underlings hated Hillary with a passion

Yes they leaked the information about Hillary investigations.

That's why Comey had to go public.


This reminds since your so interested about myself, in high school other kids would go eat lunch in the cafeteria, not me ....I would bring my sack lunch and sneak it into the library to read the newspapers or into the computer lab.

It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

Then why did the FBI leak information to cost Hillary the election?

The underlings of the FBI wanted to convict her so bad..



You sure pretend to know a whole bunch of stuff you have no way of knowing. Maybe the R's would elect you as their Standard Bearer after Trump is dismissed - you have that in common with him.

Who is pretending? Not me news and especially politics has been my hobby since I could read a newspaper at around 6 years old...always been fascinated by the OP eds ...other kids would turn to the comics.. Not me I would turn right to the OP eds.

Yes the FBI underlings hated Hillary with a passion

Yes they leaked the information about Hillary investigations.

That's why Comey had to go public.


Did you read that in the OP-ED? Six is a little young to be reading OP-ED's and comprehending the source and its significance. I was 12 (I know, I had my paper route at 12) and would read Arthur Hoppe's Column every morning before folding the papers.


My family got the Chronicle for free, but they continued to receive the evening paper - at the time - the SF Examiner. There I turned to the sports and read Prescott Sullivan's often funny prose.

"Former San Francisco Examiner sports columnist Prescott Sullivan died Sunday in a convalescent hospital. He was 79.

"Sullivan, who retired in 1976 after a 54-year career, had been ill for several years.

"According to the Examiner, playwright Neil Simon patterned his Oscar Madison character in The Odd Couple after Sullivan, who wore his hat in the office, chewed or smoked a cigar and always had a cluttered desk.

"Examiner Sports Editor Charles Cooper called Sullivan the model for the next generation of sportswriters because he approached his work with a light touch instead of a sledgehammer."

Today's columnists take themselves too seriously, they ought to read back columns from these two masters who had me hooked to the Newspaper until the Internet and partisan politics made them boring as well as obsolete.
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

Then why did the FBI leak information to cost Hillary the election?

The underlings of the FBI wanted to convict her so bad..



You sure pretend to know a whole bunch of stuff you have no way of knowing. Maybe the R's would elect you as their Standard Bearer after Trump is dismissed - you have that in common with him.

Who is pretending? Not me news and especially politics has been my hobby since I could read a newspaper at around 6 years old...always been fascinated by the OP eds ...other kids would turn to the comics.. Not me I would turn right to the OP eds.

Yes the FBI underlings hated Hillary with a passion

Yes they leaked the information about Hillary investigations.

That's why Comey had to go public.


Did you read that in the OP-ED? Six is a little young to be reading OP-ED's and comprehending the source and its significance. I was 12 (I know, I had my paper route at 12) and would read Arthur Hoppe's Column every morning before folding the papers.


My family got the Chronicle for free, but they continued to receive the evening paper - at the time - the SF Examiner. There I turned to the sports and read Prescott Sullivan's often funny prose.

"Former San Francisco Examiner sports columnist Prescott Sullivan died Sunday in a convalescent hospital. He was 79.

"Sullivan, who retired in 1976 after a 54-year career, had been ill for several years.

"According to the Examiner, playwright Neil Simon patterned his Oscar Madison character in The Odd Couple after Sullivan, who wore his hat in the office, chewed or smoked a cigar and always had a cluttered desk.

"Examiner Sports Editor Charles Cooper called Sullivan the model for the next generation of sportswriters because he approached his work with a light touch instead of a sledgehammer."

Today's columnists take themselves too seriously, they ought to read back columns from these two masters who had me hooked to the Newspaper until the Internet and partisan politics made them boring as well as obsolete.

Again I was reading OP eds at 6 years old, also had subscriptions to the national Enquirer, popular science, popular mechanic , and mechanix illustrated ...

Got all 3 for my birthday and had them till around 1989 when my grandmother passed away..

I was a reader..

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