The reason why Hillary was never indicted and Trump will be Impeached

Was that an attempt at a response? Wanna try again?

The FBI is either corrupt and lying or there is more evidence than you think. Which is it?

The answer is C- the FBI is incompetent and partisan.
Some patriot you are... shows how little you know

Comey was a Clinton lapdog, the sin is his, not the entire FBI's.
Really he was her lapdog? Thats fucking hilarious, given the fact that his announcement of investigating a new batch of emails days before the election took a lot of wind out of her sails. A lapdog wouldn't have done that. you're full of shit

Their relationship goes back to the 90's when he "cleared" them of any "wrongdoing" for pardoning an Arkansas pal who made them wealthy.
Trump and Clintons relationship goes back to the 90's as well... Trump even invited the Clintons to his 3rd wedding. So is Trump one of hillaries lap dogs as well?
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

Trump will not be impeached. There is no evidence and no reason for it. That only exists in your left wing nutter world.
The answer is C- the FBI is incompetent and partisan.
Some patriot you are... shows how little you know

Comey was a Clinton lapdog, the sin is his, not the entire FBI's.
Really he was her lapdog? Thats fucking hilarious, given the fact that his announcement of investigating a new batch of emails days before the election took a lot of wind out of her sails. A lapdog wouldn't have done that. you're full of shit

Their relationship goes back to the 90's when he "cleared" them of any "wrongdoing" for pardoning an Arkansas pal who made them wealthy.
Trump and Clintons relationship goes back to the 90's as well... Trump even invited the Clintons to his 3rd wedding. So is Trump one of hillaries lap dogs as well?

In the spirit of honesty I first must confess that I have researched and studied for the last year and now know that the system is a lie. Nobody gets to the top without being a part of the lie. The last person that did was JFK< he didn't play by their rules and they killed him for it. Trump is part of the lie, he is doing just enough to keep the ill-informed Right mollified but two weeks ago when he posed with Kissinger we were told everything we need to know. Trump, like Obama and Hillary, hell like all of them is a Neo-Con.

A good book to read would be Tragedy and Hope.
You talk shit about the FBI showing that you know nothing about what you are talking about.


I call you fucking Nazis on your lies and slander.

Tell me stupid, in which article of the Constitution are the powers of the FBI defined?

Again, I support and defend the United States Constitution, which makes you and I enemies.
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

That he lies even when he doesn't need to is really the telling thing about him. It is in his DNA, as you say he can't help himself.


Preach it Brown Shirt.

Cry for us.

Once I finish laughing at you. :thup:

Always glad to help someone through their despair, have a good laugh and then get your cry on.
Trump will never be impeached under a GOP congress.

Don't be so sure.
We are simply watching a game. I can't say which way it will go, but I'd watch for Riots, I'd watch for Civil Unrest over the summer. These people play 4 dimensional chess.

If the Soros Brown Shirts engage in Kristalnacht over the summer, there will be bloodshed.

BREAKING NEWS: More than 70 Black Lives Matter protesters are dead in Texas after a BLM activist set a car on fire with a white women and two children in it. The women and the children escaped the blazing car while the crowd moved menacingly toward them. Two middle aged white men with AR15 assault rifles came to the defense of the women and her children while the crowd hurled rocks, bottles, and trash cans at them. Reports are that one or more of the BLM protesters fired a hand gun at the men, who then returned fire. In the ensuing shootout, over 70 BLM protesters were shot and killed. The women and her children were unharmed as were the two white men who came to her defense. Riots have broken out across the nation.

The preceding is an just an example of what could easily happen IF Soros sets his thugs to violence again.,
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

That he lies even when he doesn't need to is really the telling thing about him. It is in his DNA, as you say he can't help himself.


Preach it Brown Shirt.

Cry for us.

Once I finish laughing at you. :thup:

Always glad to help someone through their despair, have a good laugh and then get your cry on.

Sure, since Trump lost the election like you fascist predicted,, then was ousted through the recounts, then was denied office by the Electoral College who faithlessly cast votes for Hillary, I'm just despondent, Herr Gobbels.
You talk shit about the FBI showing that you know nothing about what you are talking about.


I call you fucking Nazis on your lies and slander.

Tell me stupid, in which article of the Constitution are the powers of the FBI defined?

Again, I support and defend the United States Constitution, which makes you and I enemies.
You're a whiny mouthed bitch and you talk like a traitor. The constitution, sets the foundation on which we govern ourselves and gives us the right to pass laws and create agencies to help defend ourselves and benefit our citizens. Of course you dumbass would call the FBI unconstitutional. You're rhetoric is tired and old
That he lies even when he doesn't need to is really the telling thing about him. It is in his DNA, as you say he can't help himself.


Preach it Brown Shirt.

Cry for us.

Once I finish laughing at you. :thup:

Always glad to help someone through their despair, have a good laugh and then get your cry on.

Sure, since Trump lost the election like you fascist predicted,, then was ousted through the recounts, then was denied office by the Electoral College who faithlessly cast votes for Hillary, I'm just despondent, Herr Gobbels.

Take some Ambien and find your safe space, you'll get through it.
You're a whiny mouthed bitch and you talk like a traitor.

A traitor is someone who wages war on the Constitution, the way you do little fascist snowflake.

The constitution, sets the foundation on which we govern ourselves and gives us the right to pass laws and create agencies to help defend ourselves and benefit our citizens. Of course you dumbass would call the FBI unconstitutional. You're rhetoric is tired and old

So then stupid, pointing out that Comey is a hack and incompetent is in no way degrading the Constitution the way you blatantly lied?

Oh, I never said the FBI is unconstitutional, it is simply a federal bureaucracy with no particular value. It was established to prosecute the democrats fucktarded prohibition. It should have been disbanded when that idiocy was repealed, but you fascist will NEVER relinquish power to the people once you thugs have seized it.

Preach it Brown Shirt.

Cry for us.

Once I finish laughing at you. :thup:

Always glad to help someone through their despair, have a good laugh and then get your cry on.

Sure, since Trump lost the election like you fascist predicted,, then was ousted through the recounts, then was denied office by the Electoral College who faithlessly cast votes for Hillary, I'm just despondent, Herr Gobbels.

Take some Ambien and find your safe space, you'll get through it.

Sure snowflake, that makes sense. :cuckoo:
You're a whiny mouthed bitch and you talk like a traitor.

A traitor is someone who wages war on the Constitution, the way you do little fascist snowflake.

The constitution, sets the foundation on which we govern ourselves and gives us the right to pass laws and create agencies to help defend ourselves and benefit our citizens. Of course you dumbass would call the FBI unconstitutional. You're rhetoric is tired and old

So then stupid, pointing out that Comey is a hack and incompetent is in no way degrading the Constitution the way you blatantly lied?

Oh, I never said the FBI is unconstitutional, it is simply a federal bureaucracy with no particular value. It was established to prosecute the democrats fucktarded prohibition. It should have been disbanded when that idiocy was repealed, but you fascist will NEVER relinquish power to the people once you thugs have seized it.
Now you are just lying about the conversation. You insulted the FBI not Comey, and you make sit up about waging war on the constitution. Take a hike you dishonest twirp. Learn how to have an honest debate.
Now you are just lying about the conversation. You insulted the FBI not Comey, and you make sit up about waging war on the constitution. Take a hike you dishonest twirp. Learn how to have an honest debate.

Even IF I "insulted the FBI," what does that have to do with the Constitution, Herr Goebbels?

You're incredibly dumb, even for a Nazicrat.
BREAKING NEWS: More than 70 Black Lives Matter protesters are dead in Texas after a BLM activist set a car on fire with a white women and two children in it. The women and the children escaped the blazing car while the crowd moved menacingly toward them. Two middle aged white men with AR15 assault rifles came to the defense of the women and her children while the crowd hurled rocks, bottles, and trash cans at them. Reports are that one or more of the BLM protesters fired a hand gun at the men, who then returned fire. In the ensuing shootout, over 70 BLM protesters were shot and killed. The women and her children were unharmed as were the two white men who came to her defense. Riots have broken out across the nation.

The preceding is an just an example of what could easily happen IF Soros sets his thugs to violence again.,

Actually it's an example of the FAKE NEWS you're used to.
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

Lol. 7 and a half more years.
Now you are just lying about the conversation. You insulted the FBI not Comey, and you make sit up about waging war on the constitution. Take a hike you dishonest twirp. Learn how to have an honest debate.

Even IF I "insulted the FBI," what does that have to do with the Constitution, Herr Goebbels?

You're incredibly dumb, even for a Nazicrat.
You are the one who brought up the constitution. There you go again trying to change the conversation. You said the FBI was incompetent and partisan. I rightfully called you a whiney bitch. Show a little god damn respect for an institution that does an incredible job keeping us safe or keep looking like a douchebag... I'm sure you will take the second option.

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