The reason why Hillary was never indicted and Trump will be Impeached

It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.
President Donald Trump asked the director of national intelligence and the director of the National Security Agency to push back against the FBI's Russia probe by publicly denying any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials during the 2016 election, The Washington Post reported on Monday.

According to two current and former intelligence officials, Trump asked DNI Dan Coats and NSA director Adm. Michael Rogers separately to publicly deny collusion after former FBI director James Comey revealed the existence of the FBI's Russia inquiry during a March 20 testimony before the House Intelligence Committee. Both Coats and Rogers denied the request, because they believed it was inappropriate, the officials said.

Senior White House officials also spoke to top intelligence officials about the possibility of the White House directly intervening in the FBI's investigation, officials told the Post.
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.
President Donald Trump asked the director of national intelligence and the director of the National Security Agency to push back against the FBI's Russia probe by publicly denying any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials during the 2016 election, The Washington Post reported on Monday.

According to two current and former intelligence officials, Trump asked DNI Dan Coats and NSA director Adm. Michael Rogers separately to publicly deny collusion after former FBI director James Comey revealed the existence of the FBI's Russia inquiry during a March 20 testimony before the House Intelligence Committee. Both Coats and Rogers denied the request, because they believed it was inappropriate, the officials said.

Senior White House officials also spoke to top intelligence officials about the possibility of the White House directly intervening in the FBI's investigation, officials told the Post.

Oh, something from Wapo. Wonderful, and worthless. next.
The Russians gave millions to the Clinton foundation and paid Bubba hundreds of thousands for speeches, was that collusion? did they expect/demand something in return?

The Clinton guilt is well established, Trump did nothing.

Clinton's guilt is only established in wingnut's delusional fantasies.

Trump may well not have colluded with the Russians, but he sure seems to be busy committing all sorts of crimes covering up his non-existing crimes.

Show how stupid he truly is.
Post each of them saying that, dope.

Yates, Clapper Reaffirm: No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

Yates, Clapper Reaffirm: No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

Stuff it kid, you're out of your league. Comey said it in front of the Hearings, you can look that one up yourself.

Great , what's there job on the FBI Investigation at the moment?

LOL, get over it, this entire thing is just a fishing expedition. I am not a Trump supporter but I detest the political grandstanding that Dems are trying to use to convince someone that there is some "there" there, there isn't.

Likely th y get Flynn, Teump pardons him, the news calls him a corrupt SOB and then move on to something else.

That is the absolute MOST the fascists can hope for.

I suspect that what they frame Flynn for will be procedural, hence no need for a pardon. He'll be fined and barred from government contracts, but not jail time. Of course since the Nazicrat fucks have zero evidence of wrong doing by anyone, this is just speculation.

For me ho most part yup. It's just disgusting that they keep pushing the lie. Libs need to accept Half Black Jesus is gone and that his only legacy will be that he was half black. I hope they keep on like me they are.
And the reason that Hillary wasn't indicted was that the Director of the FBI thought she was too stupid to understand she had broken Federal law!

Then you on the left wonder why she lost the election?
The "what evidence?" narrative y'all are playing right now is gonna be remembered as one of the dumbest yet. Even if no charges are brought forth. They aren't investigating nothing

Yes, they are investigating nothing because Obama's own people have stated that they had no evidence of any collusion.

How many times do you have to lower the bucket in the well and it comes up empty before you realize the well is dry?
Well now you have a respected nonpartisan leading the investigation. If the bucket is truly empty then we can expect the investigation to end in a week or two. If it carries on for longer then we know there is water and you're wrong
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You displayed that play very well.

It's obvious that you cannot answer that very simple question without blowing your entire premise.

No, it's obvious you have nothing, no evidence, no "secret" knowledge, just a full blown hatred. Comey, Clapper and Yates already told you that thy had "no evidence".

Post each of them saying that, dope.

Yates, Clapper Reaffirm: No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

Yates, Clapper Reaffirm: No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

Stuff it kid, you're out of your league. Comey said it in front of the Hearings, you can look that one up yourself.

Great , what's there job on the FBI Investigation at the moment?

LOL, get over it, this entire thing is just a fishing expedition. I am not a Trump supporter but I detest the political grandstanding that Dems are trying to use to convince someone that there is some "there" there, there isn't.

That's the thing, it's not just the Dems.
media frenzy and democrat corruption.
That's what has Republicans supporting the investigation?

Many Republicans do not like Trump either. Too bad, so sad!
They've also been briefed on the investigations.

What investigations? The ones that have found NOTHING?

You mean the five in Congress and the FBI?

Yes, those. They have found nothing!

Shouldn't the FBI be looking for ISIS cells here in the US instead of going on a witch hunt?
And the reason that Hillary wasn't indicted was that the Director of the FBI thought she was too stupid to understand she had broken Federal law!

Then you on the left wonder why she lost the election?
The "what evidence?" narrative y'all are playing right now is gonna be remembered as one of the dumbest yet. Even if no charges are brought forth. They aren't investigating nothing

Yes, they are investigating nothing because Obama's own people have stated that they had no evidence of any collusion.

How many times do you have to lower the bucket in the well and it comes up empty before you realize the well is dry?
Well now you have a respected nonpartisan leading the investigation. If the bucket is truly empty then we can expect the investigation to end in a week or two. If it carries on for longer then we know there is water and you're wrong

It should have never lasted this long.
And the reason that Hillary wasn't indicted was that the Director of the FBI thought she was too stupid to understand she had broken Federal law!

Then you on the left wonder why she lost the election?
The "what evidence?" narrative y'all are playing right now is gonna be remembered as one of the dumbest yet. Even if no charges are brought forth. They aren't investigating nothing

Yes, they are investigating nothing because Obama's own people have stated that they had no evidence of any collusion.

How many times do you have to lower the bucket in the well and it comes up empty before you realize the well is dry?
Well now you have a respected nonpartisan leading the investigation. If the bucket is truly empty then we can expect the investigation to end in a week or two. If it carries on for longer then we know there is water and you're wrong

It should have never lasted this long.
Where theres smoke theres fire Why else would dump try to reach out to 3 different investigative agencies to get them to stop??
And the reason that Hillary wasn't indicted was that the Director of the FBI thought she was too stupid to understand she had broken Federal law!

Then you on the left wonder why she lost the election?
The "what evidence?" narrative y'all are playing right now is gonna be remembered as one of the dumbest yet. Even if no charges are brought forth. They aren't investigating nothing

Yes, they are investigating nothing because Obama's own people have stated that they had no evidence of any collusion.

How many times do you have to lower the bucket in the well and it comes up empty before you realize the well is dry?
Well now you have a respected nonpartisan leading the investigation. If the bucket is truly empty then we can expect the investigation to end in a week or two. If it carries on for longer then we know there is water and you're wrong

It should have never lasted this long.
I think thats what Hillary said about Benghazi. Perhaps there is more to it than you know. Perhaps our FBI is corrupt and politicized. Seems that those are the only two possibilities right?
The Russians gave millions to the Clinton foundation and paid Bubba hundreds of thousands for speeches, was that collusion? did they expect/demand something in return?

The Clinton guilt is well established, Trump did nothing.

Clinton's guilt is only established in wingnut's delusional fantasies.

Trump may well not have colluded with the Russians, but he sure seems to be busy committing all sorts of crimes covering up his non-existing crimes.

Show how stupid he truly is.

you need to look at Comey's testimony when Gowdy was questioning him. Comey said that she committed crimes regarding the protection of classified data. There was no confusion about that. Then he said that she would not be charged because she did not "intend" to violate laws and was too stupid to realize that she did.

So tell me, will those arguments work when a cop stops you for speeding?

"but officer, I didn't intend to go 90 in a 40 zone, and I'm didn't know that speed limits applied to me" Try it, let us know how you make out.
And the reason that Hillary wasn't indicted was that the Director of the FBI thought she was too stupid to understand she had broken Federal law!

Then you on the left wonder why she lost the election?
The "what evidence?" narrative y'all are playing right now is gonna be remembered as one of the dumbest yet. Even if no charges are brought forth. They aren't investigating nothing

Yes, they are investigating nothing because Obama's own people have stated that they had no evidence of any collusion.

How many times do you have to lower the bucket in the well and it comes up empty before you realize the well is dry?
Well now you have a respected nonpartisan leading the investigation. If the bucket is truly empty then we can expect the investigation to end in a week or two. If it carries on for longer then we know there is water and you're wrong

It should have never lasted this long.
I think thats what Hillary said about Benghazi. Perhaps there is more to it than you know. Perhaps our FBI is corrupt and politicized. Seems that those are the only two possibilities right?

Maybe Comey, but not the entire FBI.
And the reason that Hillary wasn't indicted was that the Director of the FBI thought she was too stupid to understand she had broken Federal law!

Then you on the left wonder why she lost the election?
The "what evidence?" narrative y'all are playing right now is gonna be remembered as one of the dumbest yet. Even if no charges are brought forth. They aren't investigating nothing

Yes, they are investigating nothing because Obama's own people have stated that they had no evidence of any collusion.

How many times do you have to lower the bucket in the well and it comes up empty before you realize the well is dry?
Well now you have a respected nonpartisan leading the investigation. If the bucket is truly empty then we can expect the investigation to end in a week or two. If it carries on for longer then we know there is water and you're wrong

It should have never lasted this long.
Where theres smoke theres fire Why else would dump try to reach out to 3 different investigative agencies to get them to stop??

how do you know that he did that? Were you there? or did you get that info from SNL?
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

That he lies even when he doesn't need to is really the telling thing about him. It is in his DNA, as you say he can't help himself.


Preach it Brown Shirt.

Cry for us.
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

Libs and never trumpers don't get it. Ted Cruze and 16 other candidates for president diddnt get it either and that's why they lost. I said a week or so ago that this investigation bull shit would fade away. That will happen because the democrat party knows a guy like Muller can go in any direction with a criminal investigation. That investigation would surely mention Half Black Jesus and Hillary would not likely get away clean either. Aslde from Miken Flynn, so far no one in Trumpsncam is under any investigation new investigation. Teumps in. Deal with it.

Wonder how you know so much about an investigation in the FBI... This is an on going investigation, truth is we all know quite little about it...

Why do you feel the need to speculate before the facts come out...

You are the only one speculating shit. So what you meant to ask is how can I offer an opinion on this topic with the information I have. It's easy, I simply listen to the facts and ignore all the vaginal discharge from the two political parties. I also refrain from trying to come off as uber reasonable. That looks just as stupid as the others blowing their lid over every bowel movement of team Trump. So you know it's is a commonly known fact that no criminal investigation has taken place as of yet. That is a fact you can not disprove ever. You need to accept that. Another fact, aside from Flynn, "criminal investigation " has not been associated with anyone on team trump. That is a fact. From the FBI (Comey himself) to the presidant to Jamesn Clapper and everyone else not one person has said Trump worked with the Russians. None. Zero, zip Nada Zilch. Your Rachael Maddow will even say as much. You can't dispute anything I just posted with one fact, yet I'll give you Obama, Clapper and any intel guy you want who commented on the issue saying as much. This has been going on almost a year and the only ones who broke laws were in team Half Black Jesus and Hillary. So what you mean to say is YOU don't have any facts cause you only accept the ones that make you feel good.

The FBI is investigating...

What has been confirmed, 17 agencies have concluded that espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin in relation to the US Elections.
Flynn was apart of the Trump Campaign and administration. Trump was repeatedly warned about Flynn being compromised and he ignored it.
Comey said Trump inquired about the investigation and was it into him (that is illegal).
Comey was asked by Trump to stop investigating Flynn (that is highly illegal)
Trump tried to badger Comey into giving him Loyalty over Honesty and then fired him afterwards... (skirting very close to the wind on legality there)
FBI have a new Person of Interest.

There is plenty more but do you seriously tell us that you wouldn't be shitin the bed if this was Obama?
The Russians gave millions to the Clinton foundation and paid Bubba hundreds of thousands for speeches, was that collusion? did they expect/demand something in return?

The Clinton guilt is well established, Trump did nothing.

Clinton's guilt is only established in wingnut's delusional fantasies.

Trump may well not have colluded with the Russians, but he sure seems to be busy committing all sorts of crimes covering up his non-existing crimes.

Show how stupid he truly is.

you need to look at Comey's testimony when Gowdy was questioning him. Comey said that she committed crimes regarding the protection of classified data. There was no confusion about that. Then he said that she would not be charged because she did not "intend" to violate laws and was too stupid to realize that she did.

So tell me, will those arguments work when a cop stops you for speeding?

"but officer, I didn't intend to go 90 in a 40 zone, and I'm didn't know that speed limits applied to me" Try it, let us know how you make out.
Put a 20 or a 50 with your license It works
The "what evidence?" narrative y'all are playing right now is gonna be remembered as one of the dumbest yet. Even if no charges are brought forth. They aren't investigating nothing

Yes, they are investigating nothing because Obama's own people have stated that they had no evidence of any collusion.

How many times do you have to lower the bucket in the well and it comes up empty before you realize the well is dry?
Well now you have a respected nonpartisan leading the investigation. If the bucket is truly empty then we can expect the investigation to end in a week or two. If it carries on for longer then we know there is water and you're wrong

It should have never lasted this long.
Where theres smoke theres fire Why else would dump try to reach out to 3 different investigative agencies to get them to stop??

how do you know that he did that? Were you there? or did you get that info from SNL?
It's all over TV all over the papers The mens names were named You think its above trumps code of ethics to try and squelch the investigation?
The Russians gave millions to the Clinton foundation and paid Bubba hundreds of thousands for speeches, was that collusion? did they expect/demand something in return?

The Clinton guilt is well established, Trump did nothing.

Clinton's guilt is only established in wingnut's delusional fantasies.

Trump may well not have colluded with the Russians, but he sure seems to be busy committing all sorts of crimes covering up his non-existing crimes.

Show how stupid he truly is.

you need to look at Comey's testimony when Gowdy was questioning him. Comey said that she committed crimes regarding the protection of classified data. There was no confusion about that. Then he said that she would not be charged because she did not "intend" to violate laws and was too stupid to realize that she did.

So tell me, will those arguments work when a cop stops you for speeding?

"but officer, I didn't intend to go 90 in a 40 zone, and I'm didn't know that speed limits applied to me" Try it, let us know how you make out.
You're not have a very good day with your dimwitted arguments. Intent matters for some offenses and not for others. That's why we have manslaughter and different degrees for murder charges. That's why somebody who gets lost and wanders into private property probably isn't going to get a ticket vs a stalker who climbs a fence to take pictures of somebody in there home is probably getting charged.
Cyber attack part? who cares. This isn't new news. Go back to JFK and beyond. Zero evidence exists (except in your head) that any human in the Trump nexus was anywhere near any of that. To say that is what Happened would be a lie.

Flynn, yeah Trump did mess up there as Flynn did lie, but do remember, it was Half Black Jesus who approved Flynn's security clearance so this opens yet another avenue in which Bammer can get drug into all this. If Flynn is compromised, then Obama knew it to and hired him anyway. Makes sense to since vedio exists of Obama promising the Russian president (at the time) that he would leave Poland undefended against Russia after his election. In short, going by optics only, a better case can be made against Obama for collusion then Trump.

You can not point to any statute that says anything said between Comey and Trump was illegal. All that is just how it works in your wet dream. You have ZERO evidence that trump asked Comey to stop any investigation which never was and is not now a criminal investigation.

Your response was 100% emotion nothing more. And so you know, Half Black Jesus will be dealing with them scandals he never had during his and Weezys time in the deluxe apartment in the sky.

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