The reason why Hillary was never indicted and Trump will be Impeached

What evidence? Give me something that's not an unproven allegation by unnamed or anonymous sources, Mamooth!

His obstruction of justice is right out in the open. He fired Comey to shut down the investigation.

Since there's SO MUCH "damning evidence" you should have no problem providing some...right?

I haven't even touched on his old behavior. Ripping off everyone he ever did business with, scamming people with Trump U, sexually assaulting multiple women, money laundering for his Russian pals, it goes on and on.

And you love him for all that, as you consider criminality to be a resume-builder.
That sounds more like Bill Clinton.
'The reason why Hillary was never indicted...'

Hillary was protected by Obama, Eric holder, Lynch, Comey....

Comey testified that Hillary violated numerous laws. There is more than enough evidence to support this, while snowflakes can't present the 1st shred of evidence to support their false claims against Trump.

Comey was a Clinton appointment.
Comey was a Clinton appointment.

Sure, who do you think Cleared Clinton in the 90's?
Yet you assume that there is indeed evidence. As the famous saying goes "A prosecutor can get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich". You've had Yates, Comey, Clapper and McMaster tell you that there is no "there" there.

Simple question.
Why and how would multiple investigations continue without evidence?

You should have said "simple deflection".
You displayed that play very well.

It's obvious that you cannot answer that very simple question without blowing your entire premise.

No, it's obvious you have nothing, no evidence, no "secret" knowledge, just a full blown hatred. Comey, Clapper and Yates already told you that thy had "no evidence".

Post each of them saying that, dope.

Yates, Clapper Reaffirm: No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

Yates, Clapper Reaffirm: No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

Stuff it kid, you're out of your league. Comey said it in front of the Hearings, you can look that one up yourself.
Simple question.
Why and how would multiple investigations continue without evidence?

You should have said "simple deflection".
You displayed that play very well.

It's obvious that you cannot answer that very simple question without blowing your entire premise.

No, it's obvious you have nothing, no evidence, no "secret" knowledge, just a full blown hatred. Comey, Clapper and Yates already told you that thy had "no evidence".

Post each of them saying that, dope.

Yates, Clapper Reaffirm: No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

Yates, Clapper Reaffirm: No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

Stuff it kid, you're out of your league. Comey said it in front of the Hearings, you can look that one up yourself.

That's not what either of them said, dope.
They said they were not personally aware of any.

Clapper: I was unaware of FBI collusion probe - CNN Video
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

Libs and never trumpers don't get it. Ted Cruze and 16 other candidates for president diddnt get it either and that's why they lost. I said a week or so ago that this investigation bull shit would fade away. That will happen because the democrat party knows a guy like Muller can go in any direction with a criminal investigation. That investigation would surely mention Half Black Jesus and Hillary would not likely get away clean either. Aslde from Miken Flynn, so far no one in Trumpsncam is under any investigation new investigation. Teumps in. Deal with it.

Wonder how you know so much about an investigation in the FBI... This is an on going investigation, truth is we all know quite little about it...

Why do you feel the need to speculate before the facts come out...
Simple question.
Why and how would multiple investigations continue without evidence?

You should have said "simple deflection".
You displayed that play very well.

It's obvious that you cannot answer that very simple question without blowing your entire premise.

No, it's obvious you have nothing, no evidence, no "secret" knowledge, just a full blown hatred. Comey, Clapper and Yates already told you that thy had "no evidence".

Post each of them saying that, dope.

Yates, Clapper Reaffirm: No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

Yates, Clapper Reaffirm: No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

Stuff it kid, you're out of your league. Comey said it in front of the Hearings, you can look that one up yourself.

Great , what's there job on the FBI Investigation at the moment?
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

Libs and never trumpers don't get it. Ted Cruze and 16 other candidates for president diddnt get it either and that's why they lost. I said a week or so ago that this investigation bull shit would fade away. That will happen because the democrat party knows a guy like Muller can go in any direction with a criminal investigation. That investigation would surely mention Half Black Jesus and Hillary would not likely get away clean either. Aslde from Miken Flynn, so far no one in Trumpsncam is under any investigation new investigation. Teumps in. Deal with it.

Wonder how you know so much about an investigation in the FBI... This is an on going investigation, truth is we all know quite little about it...

Why do you feel the need to speculate before the facts come out...

You are the only one speculating shit. So what you meant to ask is how can I offer an opinion on this topic with the information I have. It's easy, I simply listen to the facts and ignore all the vaginal discharge from the two political parties. I also refrain from trying to come off as uber reasonable. That looks just as stupid as the others blowing their lid over every bowel movement of team Trump. So you know it's is a commonly known fact that no criminal investigation has taken place as of yet. That is a fact you can not disprove ever. You need to accept that. Another fact, aside from Flynn, "criminal investigation " has not been associated with anyone on team trump. That is a fact. From the FBI (Comey himself) to the presidant to Jamesn Clapper and everyone else not one person has said Trump worked with the Russians. None. Zero, zip Nada Zilch. Your Rachael Maddow will even say as much. You can't dispute anything I just posted with one fact, yet I'll give you Obama, Clapper and any intel guy you want who commented on the issue saying as much. This has been going on almost a year and the only ones who broke laws were in team Half Black Jesus and Hillary. So what you mean to say is YOU don't have any facts cause you only accept the ones that make you feel good.
You should have said "simple deflection".
You displayed that play very well.

It's obvious that you cannot answer that very simple question without blowing your entire premise.

No, it's obvious you have nothing, no evidence, no "secret" knowledge, just a full blown hatred. Comey, Clapper and Yates already told you that thy had "no evidence".

Post each of them saying that, dope.

Yates, Clapper Reaffirm: No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

Yates, Clapper Reaffirm: No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

Stuff it kid, you're out of your league. Comey said it in front of the Hearings, you can look that one up yourself.

Great , what's there job on the FBI Investigation at the moment?

LOL, get over it, this entire thing is just a fishing expedition. I am not a Trump supporter but I detest the political grandstanding that Dems are trying to use to convince someone that there is some "there" there, there isn't.
About the first thing Trump did in office was declare war on all the intelligence agencies. Given how much criminality he's engaged in, that means he's a moron.

The intelligence agencies are going to continue leaking out the evidence, a bit at a time. It won't stop, ever, because there's more than enough damning evidence to last for however long Trump's term is.

So you have evidence of criminality, Herr Goebbels? We would love to see it.
You displayed that play very well.

It's obvious that you cannot answer that very simple question without blowing your entire premise.

No, it's obvious you have nothing, no evidence, no "secret" knowledge, just a full blown hatred. Comey, Clapper and Yates already told you that thy had "no evidence".

Post each of them saying that, dope.

Yates, Clapper Reaffirm: No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

Yates, Clapper Reaffirm: No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

Stuff it kid, you're out of your league. Comey said it in front of the Hearings, you can look that one up yourself.

Great , what's there job on the FBI Investigation at the moment?

LOL, get over it, this entire thing is just a fishing expedition. I am not a Trump supporter but I detest the political grandstanding that Dems are trying to use to convince someone that there is some "there" there, there isn't.

Likely th y get Flynn, Teump pardons him, the news calls him a corrupt SOB and then move on to something else.
Trump, like Nixon, just can't help him himself. He will continue to step in it until he's impeached. Which won't be long.

Yep, but it doesn't matter. Hillary will win with 500 plus electoral votes. You fascists made that perfectly clear. And the recounts will prove that Hillary really won, you fascists shrieked that in a shrill voice no one could ignore. Besides, the faithless electors will ignore their oaths and vote for Hillary. Just as you fascists demanded.

I mean, at this point who could possibly doubt you fascists and think that you just bitter little scumbags engaging in more hate filled fantasy? :dunno:
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

That he lies even when he doesn't need to is really the telling thing about him. It is in his DNA, as you say he can't help himself.


Preach it Brown Shirt.
Wonder how you know so much about an investigation in the FBI... This is an on going investigation, truth is we all know quite little about it...

Why do you feel the need to speculate before the facts come out...

Well SheepshaggerTed, we know that not a hint of evidence has been shown. Not a speck or molecule. The very most you fascists can hope for is to frame up Flynn.

This is nothing more or less than a witch hunt, and never has been. This is Nazi Germany level shit, with you Nazicrat motherfuckers spewing unbridled demagoguery.
It's simple, really.fbi

You see, regardless of how bad you may think HC's transgressions were vis-à-vis having a private e-mail server, she fundamentally understood something when it came to dealing with the FBI. It's this: You don't lie to the FBI if you want to avoid federal charge.

Enter Trump...

To put it mildly, Trump lies more easily, more effortlessly, more frequently, and quite frankly, more needlessly than anyone before him. In fact, Trump's lying is so incessantly frequent that it probably rises to the level of compulsive lying. (If you don't know what compulsive lying truly is, please look it up).

What that means is this: If and when Trump is ever interviewed by the FBI, even though I'm not a betting man, I WOULD bet that Trump would lie simply because he can't help himself. Trump would essentially pave the way to his own Impeachment.

Trump is a typical New York businessman. He will say anything that he feels is expedient for him at the moment. He doesn't have any conscience differentiation between truth and falsehoods. They simply don't matter to him. He'll lie when there's no good reason to lie, he'll lie just because he's too lazy to tell the truth.

I grew up 5 miles from where Trump grew a culture of full of 'Donald Trumps'. This is the way they are. That's all there is to it.
No, it's obvious you have nothing, no evidence, no "secret" knowledge, just a full blown hatred. Comey, Clapper and Yates already told you that thy had "no evidence".

Post each of them saying that, dope.

Yates, Clapper Reaffirm: No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

Yates, Clapper Reaffirm: No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

Stuff it kid, you're out of your league. Comey said it in front of the Hearings, you can look that one up yourself.

Great , what's there job on the FBI Investigation at the moment?

LOL, get over it, this entire thing is just a fishing expedition. I am not a Trump supporter but I detest the political grandstanding that Dems are trying to use to convince someone that there is some "there" there, there isn't.

Likely th y get Flynn, Teump pardons him, the news calls him a corrupt SOB and then move on to something else.

That is the absolute MOST the fascists can hope for.

I suspect that what they frame Flynn for will be procedural, hence no need for a pardon. He'll be fined and barred from government contracts, but not jail time. Of course since the Nazicrat fucks have zero evidence of wrong doing by anyone, this is just speculation.

Trump is a typical New York businessman. He will say anything that he feels is expedient for him at the moment. He doesn't have any conscience differentiation between truth and falsehoods. They simply don't matter to him. He'll lie when there's no good reason to lie, he'll lie just because he's too lazy to tell the truth.

I grew up 5 miles from where Trump grew a culture of full of 'Donald Trumps'. This is the way they are. That's all there is to it.

How is this different than any politician?

The only thing unique about Trump is the vile campaign you Nazicrats have engaged in to try and destroy him. Yes Trump lies, just like Obama lied. But if Trump draws Breath, the Nazicrat fucks at the Washington Post write a hate screed about how he is depriving children in Africa of oxygen by breathing.,
The Russians gave millions to the Clinton foundation and paid Bubba hundreds of thousands for speeches, was that collusion? did they expect/demand something in return?

The Clinton guilt is well established, Trump did nothing.

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