The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

Hippies were non-conformist? LMAO

How old are you?

18? 20.maybe?
I grew up in the 60s, when the left was liberal and non conformist. Today's left is neither, as the demands for absolute lock-step conformity have resulted in this strange new world where a leftist has to defend Islam or else. What a simple-minded binary world these uber-conformists live in.
Precisely, and that's why (for example) the honest liberal in my sig calls them "illiberal". They've become the same nasty, closed-minded, intolerant, hateful people liberals used to fight.

I'll bet you they know it, at least at some level.

Just watching the puerile antics they engage in by using the "funny" option the way they do, I would say we are dealing with cases of arrested development, too.

They never outgrew that acting-out stage of their life. That is one of the reasons they support Islam the way they do, as they are forever stuck in that adolescent, oppositional stage.
Old enough to know that not only was your generation master conformers but they also turned into shits once the LSD haze wore off.
No Matter HOW many times it is pointed out to these lunkheads that Islam represents the very antithesis of liberalism...
The same as all religion.

And here, the Christians are the problem, not the Muslims. That's over there and honestly none of our business.

Intelligent people can see the differences between two things that are different.

Unintelligent people cannot.
Religion / liberalism. Not the same, and one does not like the other while one allows for the other.

The only protection for liberalism, is liberals.

Reason is what informs liberals.

Emotion is what informs conservatives. Specifically fear.
I dislike religion in general but see that Islam is the most dangerous of all of them.
For now, certainly. That will not always be the case. These things go in cycles.

American Muslims are not the Taliban, ISIS, or AQ. For the most part they are normal Americans who happen to believe in the same God as Christians and Jews. And they do not use their religion to legislate American laws like Christians do.
They never outgrew that acting-out stage of their life. That is one of the reasons they support Islam the way they do, as they are forever stuck in that adolescent, oppositional stage.
Y'know, that may be the best short answer to the thread yet.

Hello. I do not support Islam. Never have.

By holding islam to a lower standard and sanitising it's worse excesses by likening same to Christianity, you ARE supporting Islam.
Somehow the Regressive Left doesn't see that.

Or won't.

my point was the flaccid response from rightwingers to terrorism emanating from their own and the over-reaction to terrorism emanating from muslims.

The problem, here, Jillian, is that you haven't figured out that opposing Islamism doesn't make a person a "right winger".

It is just that your world is very simplistic, so you think being a right, proper "left winger" comes with a set of talking points you have to support.

The only reason you support Islam is because you see conservatives opposing it, so dig in your little heels and oppose THEM, all the while with no understanding whatsoever that Islam is so archly conservative that it seeks to conserve all the social mores of tribal societies 1400 years in the past.
Reason is what informs liberals.

Emotion is what informs conservatives. Specifically fear.

The only truth you have revealed is that simple-minded people reduce the complexity of the world to binary while reducing politics to nothing more than a game of coyboys and indians. .
Reason is what informs liberals.

Emotion is what informs conservatives. Specifically fear.

The only truth you have revealed is that simple-minded people reduce the complexity of the world to binary while reducing politics to nothing more than a game of coyboys and indians. .

So you expand every single thought and statement and contort it to fit your worldview. Whatever dingo. Hate to break it to you but you don't have the chops to judge the rest of the world. You see everything as a binary and then you project your miniscule worldview onto it. It's like looking through a microscope and declaring yourself "king of all the huge world you see on the slide".

It's called self delusion.
They never outgrew that acting-out stage of their life. That is one of the reasons they support Islam the way they do, as they are forever stuck in that adolescent, oppositional stage.
Y'know, that may be the best short answer to the thread yet.

Hello. I do not support Islam. Never have.


You sure do defend it a lot for one who doesn't support it.

If a poster arrived here who spent hundreds of postings defending the KKK protested that he didn't actually support them, I would call bull shit just the same.

"Well, hey, I met me a nice skinhead when I was in Europe, so they must all be great, right?"

You went to Stanford? You don't seem to have a very high regard for intellectual honesty.

I have never defended Islam. I have defended the innocent people who follow it. Just as I defend innocent Christians.

I have no time for any religion and want all of them entirely removed from anything having to do with government.
Reason is what informs liberals.

Emotion is what informs conservatives. Specifically fear.

The only truth you have revealed is that simple-minded people reduce the complexity of the world to binary while reducing politics to nothing more than a game of coyboys and indians. .

So you expand every single thought and statement and contort it to fit your worldview. Whatever dingo. Hate to break it to you but you don't have the chops to judge the rest of the world. You see everything as a binary and then you project your miniscule worldview onto it. It's like looking through a microscope and declaring yourself "king of all the huge world you see on the slide".

It's called self delusion.

Oh, pulleeeze, child.

You made a very stupid and very simple-minded statement that amounted to nothing more than "Our guys are great, but those other guys are a big bunch of poopooheads".

Grow the fuck up, son.
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my point was the flaccid response from rightwingers to terrorism emanating from their own and the over-reaction to terrorism emanating from muslims.

The problem, here, Jillian, is that you haven't figured out that opposing Islamism doesn't make a person a "right winger".

It is just that your world is very simplistic, so you think being a right, proper "left winger" comes with a set of talking points you have to support.

The only reason you support Islam is because you see conservatives opposing it, so dig in your little heels and oppose THEM, all the while with no understanding whatsoever that Islam is so archly conservative that it seeks to conserve all the social mores of tribal societies 1400 years in the past.
I strongly suspect that the fact that you and I are NOT right wingers adds to their vitriol significantly.

So they just throw stuff out there because that's what they're accustomed to doing.
They never outgrew that acting-out stage of their life. That is one of the reasons they support Islam the way they do, as they are forever stuck in that adolescent, oppositional stage.
Y'know, that may be the best short answer to the thread yet.

Hello. I do not support Islam. Never have.

By holding islam to a lower standard and sanitising it's worse excesses by likening same to Christianity, you ARE supporting Islam.

I have never done either of those things. Try harder.
You went to Stanford? You don't seem to have a very high regard for intellectual honesty.

I have never defended Islam. I have defended the innocent people who follow it. Just as I defend innocent Christians.

I have no time for any religion and want all of them entirely removed from anything having to do with government.

This schism so many illiberals have when it comes to what they are actually doing and what they claim to be doing can be so great at times as to be the product of intentional farce.
No Matter HOW many times it is pointed out to these lunkheads that Islam represents the very antithesis of liberalism...
The same as all religion.

And here, the Christians are the problem, not the Muslims. That's over there and honestly none of our business.

Intelligent people can see the differences between two things that are different.

Unintelligent people cannot.
Religion / liberalism. Not the same, and one does not like the other while one allows for the other.

The only protection for liberalism, is liberals.

Reason is what informs liberals.

Emotion is what informs conservatives. Specifically fear.
And what about all the honest liberals who agree wholeheartedly with the premise of this thread?

Are they dumb, or liars? Or maybe dumb liars?

How about this guy?

You went to Stanford? You don't seem to have a very high regard for intellectual honesty.

I have never defended Islam. I have defended the innocent people who follow it. Just as I defend innocent Christians.

I have no time for any religion and want all of them entirely removed from anything having to do with government.

This schism so many illiberals have when it comes to what they are actually doing and what they claim to be doing can be so great at times as to be the product of intentional farce.

You keep repeating the claim that I support and defend Islam. Please....just once....using my words as that claim.
I strongly suspect that the fact that you and I are NOT right wingers adds to their vitriol significantly.

So they just throw stuff out there because that's what they're accustomed to doing.

Oh, definitely. We are HERETICS, which is much, much worse!

It's rather like the mainstream Muslim attitude regarding the killing of apostates. If there is anything worse than, say, Jews, it is Muslims who starts thinking for themselves.
Reason is what informs liberals.

Emotion is what informs conservatives. Specifically fear.

The only truth you have revealed is that simple-minded people reduce the complexity of the world to binary while reducing politics to nothing more than a game of coyboys and indians. .

So you expand every single thought and statement and contort it to fit your worldview. Whatever dingo. Hate to break it to you but you don't have the chops to judge the rest of the world. You see everything as a binary and then you project your miniscule worldview onto it. It's like looking through a microscope and declaring yourself "king of all the huge world you see on the slide".

It's called self delusion.

Oh, pulleeeze, child.

You made a very stupid and very simple-minded statement that amounted to nothing more than "Our guys are great, but those oter guys are a big bunch of poopooheads".

Grow the fuck up, son.

And you projected your black and white paradigm onto what I said as representing every thought I have ever had. I tend to assume certain things of 'adults', one being that you never look at a statement and think it applies to all things everywhere at all times.

The evidence I've seen shows that conservatives live on emotion. Fear is the driving force in most of the decisions conservatives make. Do liberals not feel fear? They do like every living thing does. But it isn't the driving force in their lives as it is with conservatives.

Liberals were on Columbus' ships heading out into the unknown. Conservatives were the ones on shore yelling at them that they would fall off the edge of the Earth. When you live in the jungle fear is a very useful trait. You are cautions about going into caves and walking across open spaces. In the modern world that same fear is more of a hindrance. Nothing wrong with being cautions but when it paralyzes your actions it is a detriment.

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