The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

Reason is what informs liberals.

Emotion is what informs conservatives. Specifically fear.

The only truth you have revealed is that simple-minded people reduce the complexity of the world to binary while reducing politics to nothing more than a game of coyboys and indians. .

Yes...isn't that exactly the truth. Reducing the problems of immigration and assimilation and culture into a simple black and white binary who's only purpose is to lend support to bigotry.

Ah, yes, "Bigotry". I'm waiting for "Racism" and "Islamophobia" so you can hit the trifecta.

Don't you have some peace prize awards to give out, though? I mean, since you say that there should be nothing to prevent those who mass murder Jews from receiving one and all.

Of course, since it is only Jews, that wouldn't be considered "bigotry", now, would it?

Don't you have some dogs to go electrocute, you want to emulate your hero after all don't you?

Ignorance and fear feed bigotry and there is certainly a lot of ignorance on display. How funny that you, who are calling people simple-minded, regressives, hive minded, lock step, and other similar adjectives have trouble recognizing that in yourself

For some reason, immigrants assimilate well here and in Canada but rather than stir from your intellectual sloth (it's easier to regurgitate your talking points from hate sites) and wonder what factors are at play, you just blame it all on religion and label those who look further "regressive".

Sure, we can't ignore the security issues, but how much of American freedoms and rights are you willing to give up for security? Or, is it only the freedoms and rights of others you and your followers are willing to give up?

Polls, research and information can be presented showing the American Muslim community is not substantively different than the American Christian community (this is where independent thinking and maturity come into play) and - it doesn't make any difference because everyone knows that all Muslims must follow Sharia (independent of whether the author has a clue what Sharia is) and there for the vast majority want Sharia to be the law of the land. How is that for regressive reasoning free from evidence? And you talk about "lock step" and "independent thinking" and "hive minds" and "regressive leftists".

I don't electrocute dogs, never had, and never admired anybody for their doing so.

You, on the other hand, are quite clearly on record in regards to your stating that there should be nothing to prevent an Islamist who mass murders Jews from being nominated for a peace prize.
Yo Dog.....

Do you agree with Trump that we should ban Muslims from entering the United States?

Yo, Lone -- I think as long as they are carefully vetted and are actual refugees instead of young, single male migrants, then they should not be banned.

Germany received an onslaught of young, single men and immediately experienced widespread rape Jihad.

Do you have any sympathy for the victims, or should they just be considered collateral damage and a necessary sacrifice to your politics?

You a politician? The answer to that question requires a "yes" or a "no". I will try to decipher your bullshit and say that you do not agree with Trump and that you are OK with Muslims ( refugees, students, business people, tourists ) entering the US.


Why are you supporting Islam?

See how stupid you seem?

You are incapable of comprehending what I just wrote, and you accuse ME of looking stupid?

Of course I understand what you wrote.

You answered a "yes or no" question, which was not about refugees, with some claptrap about vetting refugees. You have some kind of standard for Muslims that you don't have for others....because a small percentage of Muslims want to blow shit up.

You then brought up Germany....which also is unrelated to the question. In your view, Germany is being overrun by hordes of Muslim extremists who are posing as poor refugees. And, if we don't watch out, we will invite the same. Of course, that theory disregards the fact that we vet refugees from struggling Mulsim nations more vigorously than we vet any other class of immigrants. In other words...we won't have that problem. thought you'd ask the obligatory stupid question regarding whether or not I have sympathy for the victims ( of rape? ). That's you being a disingenuous blowhard asshole....and you just couldn't help yourself.

In the DO NOT wish to ban all Muslims from entering the US. You are OK with innocent Muslims coming to and living in the United States. So..if I hold you to your own ridiculous are supporting Islam.


The situation in Germany and the U.K. is ENTIRELY relevant.

We will just have to disagree, here, as I'm not willing to sacrifice the lives of children in order to be politically correct.

If it floats your boat, though, dude -- go for it.
Reason is what informs liberals.

Emotion is what informs conservatives. Specifically fear.

The only truth you have revealed is that simple-minded people reduce the complexity of the world to binary while reducing politics to nothing more than a game of coyboys and indians. .

Yes...isn't that exactly the truth. Reducing the problems of immigration and assimilation and culture into a simple black and white binary who's only purpose is to lend support to bigotry.

Ah, yes, "Bigotry". I'm waiting for "Racism" and "Islamophobia" so you can hit the trifecta.

Don't you have some peace prize awards to give out, though? I mean, since you say that there should be nothing to prevent those who mass murder Jews from receiving one and all.

Of course, since it is only Jews, that wouldn't be considered "bigotry", now, would it?

Don't you have some dogs to go electrocute, you want to emulate your hero after all don't you?

Ignorance and fear feed bigotry and there is certainly a lot of ignorance on display. How funny that you, who are calling people simple-minded, regressives, hive minded, lock step, and other similar adjectives have trouble recognizing that in yourself

For some reason, immigrants assimilate well here and in Canada but rather than stir from your intellectual sloth (it's easier to regurgitate your talking points from hate sites) and wonder what factors are at play, you just blame it all on religion and label those who look further "regressive".

Sure, we can't ignore the security issues, but how much of American freedoms and rights are you willing to give up for security? Or, is it only the freedoms and rights of others you and your followers are willing to give up?

Polls, research and information can be presented showing the American Muslim community is not substantively different than the American Christian community (this is where independent thinking and maturity come into play) and - it doesn't make any difference because everyone knows that all Muslims must follow Sharia (independent of whether the author has a clue what Sharia is) and there for the vast majority want Sharia to be the law of the land. How is that for regressive reasoning free from evidence? And you talk about "lock step" and "independent thinking" and "hive minds" and "regressive leftists".

I don't electrocute dogs, never had, and never admired anybody for their doing so.

You, on the other hand, are quite clearly on record in regards to your stating that there should be nothing to prevent an Islamist who mass murders Jews from being nominated for a peace prize.

You're stated hero does, and you've claimed him as a hero.

You also take that entire claim out of context - kind of like the hero thing hmm? If you can't take it, don't dish it.

So why is searching for the facts a "regressive" value in your mind? Why is seperating out the myth from the reality a lack of "independent thinking"? Why is insisting on looking at facts and not emotions "hive minded"?
The only truth you have revealed is that simple-minded people reduce the complexity of the world to binary while reducing politics to nothing more than a game of coyboys and indians. .

Yes...isn't that exactly the truth. Reducing the problems of immigration and assimilation and culture into a simple black and white binary who's only purpose is to lend support to bigotry.

Ah, yes, "Bigotry". I'm waiting for "Racism" and "Islamophobia" so you can hit the trifecta.

Don't you have some peace prize awards to give out, though? I mean, since you say that there should be nothing to prevent those who mass murder Jews from receiving one and all.

Of course, since it is only Jews, that wouldn't be considered "bigotry", now, would it?

Don't you have some dogs to go electrocute, you want to emulate your hero after all don't you?

Ignorance and fear feed bigotry and there is certainly a lot of ignorance on display. How funny that you, who are calling people simple-minded, regressives, hive minded, lock step, and other similar adjectives have trouble recognizing that in yourself

For some reason, immigrants assimilate well here and in Canada but rather than stir from your intellectual sloth (it's easier to regurgitate your talking points from hate sites) and wonder what factors are at play, you just blame it all on religion and label those who look further "regressive".

Sure, we can't ignore the security issues, but how much of American freedoms and rights are you willing to give up for security? Or, is it only the freedoms and rights of others you and your followers are willing to give up?

Polls, research and information can be presented showing the American Muslim community is not substantively different than the American Christian community (this is where independent thinking and maturity come into play) and - it doesn't make any difference because everyone knows that all Muslims must follow Sharia (independent of whether the author has a clue what Sharia is) and there for the vast majority want Sharia to be the law of the land. How is that for regressive reasoning free from evidence? And you talk about "lock step" and "independent thinking" and "hive minds" and "regressive leftists".

I don't electrocute dogs, never had, and never admired anybody for their doing so.

You, on the other hand, are quite clearly on record in regards to your stating that there should be nothing to prevent an Islamist who mass murders Jews from being nominated for a peace prize.

You're stated hero does, and you've claimed him as a hero.

You also take that entire claim out of context - kind of like the hero thing hmm? If you can't take it, don't dish it.

So why is searching for the facts a "regressive" value in your mind? Why is seperating out the myth from the reality a lack of "independent thinking"? Why is insisting on looking at facts and not emotions "hive minded"?

I realize you will do anything for this crazy little internet Jihad of yours, but in one post I mentioned a few scientists to admire for their scientific achievement.

For reasons known only to yourself, you dug up some crap about one of them having electrocuted dogs of which I was unaware and keep trying to use it on me as if I had admired him FOR doing so.

Do you have NO decency, or is this Jihad of yours all that matters?
Reason is what informs liberals.

Emotion is what informs conservatives. Specifically fear.

The only truth you have revealed is that simple-minded people reduce the complexity of the world to binary while reducing politics to nothing more than a game of coyboys and indians. .

Yes...isn't that exactly the truth. Reducing the problems of immigration and assimilation and culture into a simple black and white binary who's only purpose is to lend support to bigotry.

Ah, yes, "Bigotry". I'm waiting for "Racism" and "Islamophobia" so you can hit the trifecta.

Don't you have some peace prize awards to give out, though? I mean, since you say that there should be nothing to prevent those who mass murder Jews from receiving one and all.

Of course, since it is only Jews, that wouldn't be considered "bigotry", now, would it?

Don't you have some dogs to go electrocute, you want to emulate your hero after all don't you?

Ignorance and fear feed bigotry and there is certainly a lot of ignorance on display. How funny that you, who are calling people simple-minded, regressives, hive minded, lock step, and other similar adjectives have trouble recognizing that in yourself

For some reason, immigrants assimilate well here and in Canada but rather than stir from your intellectual sloth (it's easier to regurgitate your talking points from hate sites) and wonder what factors are at play, you just blame it all on religion and label those who look further "regressive".

Sure, we can't ignore the security issues, but how much of American freedoms and rights are you willing to give up for security? Or, is it only the freedoms and rights of others you and your followers are willing to give up?

Polls, research and information can be presented showing the American Muslim community is not substantively different than the American Christian community (this is where independent thinking and maturity come into play) and - it doesn't make any difference because everyone knows that all Muslims must follow Sharia (independent of whether the author has a clue what Sharia is) and there for the vast majority want Sharia to be the law of the land. How is that for regressive reasoning free from evidence? And you talk about "lock step" and "independent thinking" and "hive minds" and "regressive leftists".

I don't electrocute dogs, never had, and never admired anybody for their doing so.

You, on the other hand, are quite clearly on record in regards to your stating that there should be nothing to prevent an Islamist who mass murders Jews from being nominated for a peace prize.
Yo Dog.....

Do you agree with Trump that we should ban Muslims from entering the United States?

Yo, Lone -- I think as long as they are carefully vetted and are actual refugees instead of young, single male migrants, then they should not be banned.

Germany received an onslaught of young, single men and immediately experienced widespread rape Jihad.

Do you have any sympathy for the victims, or should they just be considered collateral damage and a necessary sacrifice to your politics?

You a politician? The answer to that question requires a "yes" or a "no". I will try to decipher your bullshit and say that you do not agree with Trump and that you are OK with Muslims ( refugees, students, business people, tourists ) entering the US.


Why are you supporting Islam?

See how stupid you seem?

You are incapable of comprehending what I just wrote, and you accuse ME of looking stupid?

Of course I understand what you wrote.

You answered a "yes or no" question, which was not about refugees, with some claptrap about vetting refugees. You have some kind of standard for Muslims that you don't have for others....because a small percentage of Muslims want to blow shit up.

You then brought up Germany....which also is unrelated to the question. In your view, Germany is being overrun by hordes of Muslim extremists who are posing as poor refugees. And, if we don't watch out, we will invite the same. Of course, that theory disregards the fact that we vet refugees from struggling Mulsim nations more vigorously than we vet any other class of immigrants. In other words...we won't have that problem. thought you'd ask the obligatory stupid question regarding whether or not I have sympathy for the victims ( of rape? ). That's you being a disingenuous blowhard asshole....and you just couldn't help yourself.

In the DO NOT wish to ban all Muslims from entering the US. You are OK with innocent Muslims coming to and living in the United States. So..if I hold you to your own ridiculous are supporting Islam.


The situation in Germany and the U.K. is ENTIRELY relevant.

We will just have to disagree, here, as I'm not willing to sacrifice the lives of children in order to be politically correct.

If it floats your boat, though, dude -- go for it.

Doesn't matter about your willingness to be anything. You don't support Trump's proposed ban. A Muslim could enter the nation on a tourist visa and blow up an elementary school. Unless you deny entry to all Muslims, you are supporting Islamic jihad. Right?
The only truth you have revealed is that simple-minded people reduce the complexity of the world to binary while reducing politics to nothing more than a game of coyboys and indians. .

Yes...isn't that exactly the truth. Reducing the problems of immigration and assimilation and culture into a simple black and white binary who's only purpose is to lend support to bigotry.

Ah, yes, "Bigotry". I'm waiting for "Racism" and "Islamophobia" so you can hit the trifecta.

Don't you have some peace prize awards to give out, though? I mean, since you say that there should be nothing to prevent those who mass murder Jews from receiving one and all.

Of course, since it is only Jews, that wouldn't be considered "bigotry", now, would it?

Don't you have some dogs to go electrocute, you want to emulate your hero after all don't you?

Ignorance and fear feed bigotry and there is certainly a lot of ignorance on display. How funny that you, who are calling people simple-minded, regressives, hive minded, lock step, and other similar adjectives have trouble recognizing that in yourself

For some reason, immigrants assimilate well here and in Canada but rather than stir from your intellectual sloth (it's easier to regurgitate your talking points from hate sites) and wonder what factors are at play, you just blame it all on religion and label those who look further "regressive".

Sure, we can't ignore the security issues, but how much of American freedoms and rights are you willing to give up for security? Or, is it only the freedoms and rights of others you and your followers are willing to give up?

Polls, research and information can be presented showing the American Muslim community is not substantively different than the American Christian community (this is where independent thinking and maturity come into play) and - it doesn't make any difference because everyone knows that all Muslims must follow Sharia (independent of whether the author has a clue what Sharia is) and there for the vast majority want Sharia to be the law of the land. How is that for regressive reasoning free from evidence? And you talk about "lock step" and "independent thinking" and "hive minds" and "regressive leftists".

I don't electrocute dogs, never had, and never admired anybody for their doing so.

You, on the other hand, are quite clearly on record in regards to your stating that there should be nothing to prevent an Islamist who mass murders Jews from being nominated for a peace prize.
Yo, Lone -- I think as long as they are carefully vetted and are actual refugees instead of young, single male migrants, then they should not be banned.

Germany received an onslaught of young, single men and immediately experienced widespread rape Jihad.

Do you have any sympathy for the victims, or should they just be considered collateral damage and a necessary sacrifice to your politics?

You a politician? The answer to that question requires a "yes" or a "no". I will try to decipher your bullshit and say that you do not agree with Trump and that you are OK with Muslims ( refugees, students, business people, tourists ) entering the US.


Why are you supporting Islam?

See how stupid you seem?

You are incapable of comprehending what I just wrote, and you accuse ME of looking stupid?

Of course I understand what you wrote.

You answered a "yes or no" question, which was not about refugees, with some claptrap about vetting refugees. You have some kind of standard for Muslims that you don't have for others....because a small percentage of Muslims want to blow shit up.

You then brought up Germany....which also is unrelated to the question. In your view, Germany is being overrun by hordes of Muslim extremists who are posing as poor refugees. And, if we don't watch out, we will invite the same. Of course, that theory disregards the fact that we vet refugees from struggling Mulsim nations more vigorously than we vet any other class of immigrants. In other words...we won't have that problem. thought you'd ask the obligatory stupid question regarding whether or not I have sympathy for the victims ( of rape? ). That's you being a disingenuous blowhard asshole....and you just couldn't help yourself.

In the DO NOT wish to ban all Muslims from entering the US. You are OK with innocent Muslims coming to and living in the United States. So..if I hold you to your own ridiculous are supporting Islam.


The situation in Germany and the U.K. is ENTIRELY relevant.

We will just have to disagree, here, as I'm not willing to sacrifice the lives of children in order to be politically correct.

If it floats your boat, though, dude -- go for it.

Doesn't matter about your willingness to be anything. You don't support Trump's proposed ban. A Mulsim could enter the nation on a tourist visa and blow up an elementary school. Unless you deny entry to all Muslims, you are supporting Islamic jihad. Right?

That is not logical.

I realize you are an extremist, but there is certainly quite a lot of possible outlooks between not allowing any to come in and allowing any and all to come in.

I quite clearly stated that I believe in a vetting process.
Yes...isn't that exactly the truth. Reducing the problems of immigration and assimilation and culture into a simple black and white binary who's only purpose is to lend support to bigotry.

Ah, yes, "Bigotry". I'm waiting for "Racism" and "Islamophobia" so you can hit the trifecta.

Don't you have some peace prize awards to give out, though? I mean, since you say that there should be nothing to prevent those who mass murder Jews from receiving one and all.

Of course, since it is only Jews, that wouldn't be considered "bigotry", now, would it?

Don't you have some dogs to go electrocute, you want to emulate your hero after all don't you?

Ignorance and fear feed bigotry and there is certainly a lot of ignorance on display. How funny that you, who are calling people simple-minded, regressives, hive minded, lock step, and other similar adjectives have trouble recognizing that in yourself

For some reason, immigrants assimilate well here and in Canada but rather than stir from your intellectual sloth (it's easier to regurgitate your talking points from hate sites) and wonder what factors are at play, you just blame it all on religion and label those who look further "regressive".

Sure, we can't ignore the security issues, but how much of American freedoms and rights are you willing to give up for security? Or, is it only the freedoms and rights of others you and your followers are willing to give up?

Polls, research and information can be presented showing the American Muslim community is not substantively different than the American Christian community (this is where independent thinking and maturity come into play) and - it doesn't make any difference because everyone knows that all Muslims must follow Sharia (independent of whether the author has a clue what Sharia is) and there for the vast majority want Sharia to be the law of the land. How is that for regressive reasoning free from evidence? And you talk about "lock step" and "independent thinking" and "hive minds" and "regressive leftists".

I don't electrocute dogs, never had, and never admired anybody for their doing so.

You, on the other hand, are quite clearly on record in regards to your stating that there should be nothing to prevent an Islamist who mass murders Jews from being nominated for a peace prize.
You a politician? The answer to that question requires a "yes" or a "no". I will try to decipher your bullshit and say that you do not agree with Trump and that you are OK with Muslims ( refugees, students, business people, tourists ) entering the US.


Why are you supporting Islam?

See how stupid you seem?

You are incapable of comprehending what I just wrote, and you accuse ME of looking stupid?

Of course I understand what you wrote.

You answered a "yes or no" question, which was not about refugees, with some claptrap about vetting refugees. You have some kind of standard for Muslims that you don't have for others....because a small percentage of Muslims want to blow shit up.

You then brought up Germany....which also is unrelated to the question. In your view, Germany is being overrun by hordes of Muslim extremists who are posing as poor refugees. And, if we don't watch out, we will invite the same. Of course, that theory disregards the fact that we vet refugees from struggling Mulsim nations more vigorously than we vet any other class of immigrants. In other words...we won't have that problem. thought you'd ask the obligatory stupid question regarding whether or not I have sympathy for the victims ( of rape? ). That's you being a disingenuous blowhard asshole....and you just couldn't help yourself.

In the DO NOT wish to ban all Muslims from entering the US. You are OK with innocent Muslims coming to and living in the United States. So..if I hold you to your own ridiculous are supporting Islam.


The situation in Germany and the U.K. is ENTIRELY relevant.

We will just have to disagree, here, as I'm not willing to sacrifice the lives of children in order to be politically correct.

If it floats your boat, though, dude -- go for it.

Doesn't matter about your willingness to be anything. You don't support Trump's proposed ban. A Mulsim could enter the nation on a tourist visa and blow up an elementary school. Unless you deny entry to all Muslims, you are supporting Islamic jihad. Right?

That is not logical.

I realize you are an extremist, but there is certainly quite a lot of possible outlooks between not allowing any to come in and allowing any and all to come in.

I quite clearly stated that I believe in a vetting process.

Cool. We agree on that 100%. I believe in a vetting process.

Are you a regressive liberal?
Still waiting for the Regressive Left to attack and insult this gentleman with the same effort they've shown so far on this thread.

He didn't describe the regressive left quite as you did, no mention of attacking Christianity as being part of it. He seems to think that anyone who opposes neo-colonialism/neo-conservatism is in a de facto alliance with terrorists. The guy seems to genuinely believe he is bringing rationality to the discussion, give me a break. :rolleyes: I think I see what has you so enamored with him. I'm not impressed.
Still waiting for the Regressive Left to attack and insult this gentleman with the same effort they've shown so far on this thread.

He didn't describe the regressive left quite as you did, no mention of attacking Christianity as being part of it. He seems to think that anyone who opposes neo-colonialism/neo-conservatism is in a de facto alliance with terrorists. The guy seems to genuinely believe he is bringing rationality to the discussion, give me a break. :rolleyes: I think I see what has you so enamored with him. I'm not impressed.

Of course you're "not impressed".


Perhaps these other honest liberals will impress you.

Okay, just kidding, you're gonna defend Regressive Leftism forever.

Yes...isn't that exactly the truth. Reducing the problems of immigration and assimilation and culture into a simple black and white binary who's only purpose is to lend support to bigotry.

Ah, yes, "Bigotry". I'm waiting for "Racism" and "Islamophobia" so you can hit the trifecta.

Don't you have some peace prize awards to give out, though? I mean, since you say that there should be nothing to prevent those who mass murder Jews from receiving one and all.

Of course, since it is only Jews, that wouldn't be considered "bigotry", now, would it?

Don't you have some dogs to go electrocute, you want to emulate your hero after all don't you?

Ignorance and fear feed bigotry and there is certainly a lot of ignorance on display. How funny that you, who are calling people simple-minded, regressives, hive minded, lock step, and other similar adjectives have trouble recognizing that in yourself

For some reason, immigrants assimilate well here and in Canada but rather than stir from your intellectual sloth (it's easier to regurgitate your talking points from hate sites) and wonder what factors are at play, you just blame it all on religion and label those who look further "regressive".

Sure, we can't ignore the security issues, but how much of American freedoms and rights are you willing to give up for security? Or, is it only the freedoms and rights of others you and your followers are willing to give up?

Polls, research and information can be presented showing the American Muslim community is not substantively different than the American Christian community (this is where independent thinking and maturity come into play) and - it doesn't make any difference because everyone knows that all Muslims must follow Sharia (independent of whether the author has a clue what Sharia is) and there for the vast majority want Sharia to be the law of the land. How is that for regressive reasoning free from evidence? And you talk about "lock step" and "independent thinking" and "hive minds" and "regressive leftists".

I don't electrocute dogs, never had, and never admired anybody for their doing so.

You, on the other hand, are quite clearly on record in regards to your stating that there should be nothing to prevent an Islamist who mass murders Jews from being nominated for a peace prize.

You're stated hero does, and you've claimed him as a hero.

You also take that entire claim out of context - kind of like the hero thing hmm? If you can't take it, don't dish it.

So why is searching for the facts a "regressive" value in your mind? Why is seperating out the myth from the reality a lack of "independent thinking"? Why is insisting on looking at facts and not emotions "hive minded"?

I realize you will do anything for this crazy little internet Jihad of yours, but in one post I mentioned a few scientists to admire for their scientific achievement.

For reasons known only to yourself, you dug up some crap about one of them having electrocuted dogs of which I was unaware and keep trying to use it on me as if I had admired him FOR doing so.

Do you have NO decency, or is this Jihad of yours all that matters?

Look into the mirror why don't you? You consistently do this to other posters, misrepresenting their positions - again - if you can't take it, don't dish it out.

We do have something in common though. I also support the vetting process for admitting refugees.
Look into the mirror why don't you? .

Thanks. I look pretty damned fine for a 61 year old man.

Now, that certainly does not change the facts of the matter in regards to my never having admired the electrocution of dogs or you stating there should be nothing to prevent genocidal mass murderers from being nominated for a peace prize.

You are too far down the rabbit hole to see what truly horrid ideas you present. You probably didn't start out that way, but your immersion in this ISM type world has allowed all sorts of nasty things to seep in gradually.

You may be beyond redemption. You may not.

No decent person questions why a genocidal mass murderer should be nominated for a peace prize, however.
Still waiting for the Regressive Left to attack and insult this gentleman with the same effort they've shown so far on this thread.

He didn't describe the regressive left quite as you did, no mention of attacking Christianity as being part of it. He seems to think that anyone who opposes neo-colonialism/neo-conservatism is in a de facto alliance with terrorists. The guy seems to genuinely believe he is bringing rationality to the discussion, give me a break. :rolleyes: I think I see what has you so enamored with him. I'm not impressed.

Of course you're "not impressed".


Perhaps these other honest liberals will impress you.

Okay, just kidding, you're gonna defend Regressive Leftism forever.


I oppose US foreign policy based on liberal principles. Do you think that puts me in an alliance with terrorists or repressive Islamic regimes?
I oppose US foreign policy based on liberal principles. Do you think that puts me in an alliance with terrorists or repressive Islamic regimes?
Depends on how you react when Islam and Jihadism are brought up.

I've provided many examples, and if you behave in that way, then yes.

Now Mr. Nawaz refers to an "alliance", and I have no doubt what he fully meant was a de facto alliance. I'm fully expecting a Regressive Lefty here to try to demand to see the alliance paperwork as some sort of proof of the point. Because that's how they roll.
Look into the mirror why don't you? .

Thanks. I look pretty damned fine for a 61 year old man.

Now, that certainly does not change the facts of the matter in regards to my never having admired the electrocution of dogs or you stating there should be nothing to prevent genocidal mass murderers from being nominated for a peace prize.

You are so far down the rabbit hole to see what truly horrid ideas you present. You probably didn't start out that way, but your immersion in this ISM type world has allowed all sorts of nasty things to seep in gradually.

You may be beyond redemption. You may not.

No decent person questions why a genocidal mass murderer should be nominated for a peace prize, however.

He wasn't a "genocidal mass murderer" - go back to the thread for context because context matters, and the rationale for nominating (not winning) had to do with what was done afterwards, much like Begin and Mandella. Context matters - just like you chose a hero that was not only an anti-semite, but went around the country electrocuting live animals on the stage because of a petty vendetta with Tesla. If you continually misrepresent or lie about other people's views - then you shouldn't be upset when the same thing happens to you.

I'll repeat what I said before, which you ignored:

Polls, research and information can be presented showing the American Muslim community is not substantively different than the American Christian community (this is where independent thinking and maturity come into play) and - it doesn't make any difference because everyone knows that all Muslims must follow Sharia (independent of whether the author has a clue what Sharia is) and there for the vast majority want Sharia to be the law of the land. How is that for regressive reasoning free from evidence? And you talk about "lock step" and "independent thinking" and "hive minds" and "regressive leftists".

They never outgrew that acting-out stage of their life. That is one of the reasons they support Islam the way they do, as they are forever stuck in that adolescent, oppositional stage.
Y'know, that may be the best short answer to the thread yet.

Hello. I do not support Islam. Never have.

By holding islam to a lower standard and sanitising it's worse excesses by likening same to Christianity, you ARE supporting Islam.

No one is holding Islam to a lower standard. You aren't holding Christian terrorists to any standard.
They never outgrew that acting-out stage of their life. That is one of the reasons they support Islam the way they do, as they are forever stuck in that adolescent, oppositional stage.
Y'know, that may be the best short answer to the thread yet.

Hello. I do not support Islam. Never have.

By holding islam to a lower standard and sanitising it's worse excesses by likening same to Christianity, you ARE supporting Islam.

Is anyone holding it to a lower standard?
Look into the mirror why don't you? .

Thanks. I look pretty damned fine for a 61 year old man.

Now, that certainly does not change the facts of the matter in regards to my never having admired the electrocution of dogs or you stating there should be nothing to prevent genocidal mass murderers from being nominated for a peace prize.

You are so far down the rabbit hole to see what truly horrid ideas you present. You probably didn't start out that way, but your immersion in this ISM type world has allowed all sorts of nasty things to seep in gradually.

You may be beyond redemption. You may not.

No decent person questions why a genocidal mass murderer should be nominated for a peace prize, however.

He wasn't a "genocidal mass murderer" - go back to the thread for context because context matters, and the rationale for nominating (not winning) had to do with what was done afterwards, much like Begin and Mandella. Context matters - just like you chose a hero that was not only an anti-semite, but went around the country electrocuting live animals on the stage because of a petty vendetta with Tesla. If you continually misrepresent or lie about other people's views - then you shouldn't be upset when the same thing happens to you.

I'll repeat what I said before, which you ignored:

Polls, research and information can be presented showing the American Muslim community is not substantively different than the American Christian community (this is where independent thinking and maturity come into play) and - it doesn't make any difference because everyone knows that all Muslims must follow Sharia (independent of whether the author has a clue what Sharia is) and there for the vast majority want Sharia to be the law of the land. How is that for regressive reasoning free from evidence? And you talk about "lock step" and "independent thinking" and "hive minds" and "regressive leftists".


As you lionized a terrorist, (and not for the first time) I mentioned that it might be better to admire people who had a lasting impression on us, instead, due to the continuing effect of their scientific and technological advances.

Since you have one purpose and one purpose only, you tried to make that into my somehow supporting the electrocution of dogs.
I oppose US foreign policy based on liberal principles. Do you think that puts me in an alliance with terrorists or repressive Islamic regimes?
Depends on how you react when Islam and Jihadism are brought up.

I've provided many examples, and if you behave in that way, then yes.

Now Mr. Nawaz refers to an "alliance", and I have no doubt what he fully meant was a de facto alliance. I'm fully expecting a Regressive Lefty here to try to demand to see the alliance paperwork as some sort of proof of the point. Because that's how they roll.

By Mr. Nawaz's standards the US in it's entirety is regressive seeing how we as a nation are in an alliance with the most repressive Islamic regime on the planet.

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