The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

They never outgrew that acting-out stage of their life. That is one of the reasons they support Islam the way they do, as they are forever stuck in that adolescent, oppositional stage.
Y'know, that may be the best short answer to the thread yet.

Hello. I do not support Islam. Never have.

By holding islam to a lower standard and sanitising it's worse excesses by likening same to Christianity, you ARE supporting Islam.

Is anyone holding it to a lower standard?

Besides you and 50 other posters?


I'd have to start counting.
Yo Dog.....

Do you agree with Trump that we should ban Muslims from entering the United States?

Yo, Lone -- I think as long as they are carefully vetted and are actual refugees instead of young, single male migrants, then they should not be banned.

Germany received an onslaught of young, single men and immediately experienced widespread rape Jihad.

Do you have any sympathy for the victims, or should they just be considered collateral damage and a necessary sacrifice to your politics?

You a politician? The answer to that question requires a "yes" or a "no". I will try to decipher your bullshit and say that you do not agree with Trump and that you are OK with Muslims ( refugees, students, business people, tourists ) entering the US.


Why are you supporting Islam?

See how stupid you seem?

You are incapable of comprehending what I just wrote, and you accuse ME of looking stupid?

Of course I understand what you wrote.

You answered a "yes or no" question, which was not about refugees, with some claptrap about vetting refugees. You have some kind of standard for Muslims that you don't have for others....because a small percentage of Muslims want to blow shit up.

You then brought up Germany....which also is unrelated to the question. In your view, Germany is being overrun by hordes of Muslim extremists who are posing as poor refugees. And, if we don't watch out, we will invite the same. Of course, that theory disregards the fact that we vet refugees from struggling Mulsim nations more vigorously than we vet any other class of immigrants. In other words...we won't have that problem. thought you'd ask the obligatory stupid question regarding whether or not I have sympathy for the victims ( of rape? ). That's you being a disingenuous blowhard asshole....and you just couldn't help yourself.

In the DO NOT wish to ban all Muslims from entering the US. You are OK with innocent Muslims coming to and living in the United States. So..if I hold you to your own ridiculous are supporting Islam.


The situation in Germany and the U.K. is ENTIRELY relevant.

We will just have to disagree, here, as I'm not willing to sacrifice the lives of children in order to be politically correct.

If it floats your boat, though, dude -- go for it.

Was Hitler wrong to simply condemn Jewry as a whole?
I oppose US foreign policy based on liberal principles. Do you think that puts me in an alliance with terrorists or repressive Islamic regimes?
Depends on how you react when Islam and Jihadism are brought up.

I've provided many examples, and if you behave in that way, then yes.

Now Mr. Nawaz refers to an "alliance", and I have no doubt what he fully meant was a de facto alliance. I'm fully expecting a Regressive Lefty here to try to demand to see the alliance paperwork as some sort of proof of the point. Because that's how they roll.

Behave in what way?

when Islam is brought up...I scoff at it. I'm disheartened that so many people buy into a line of bullshit like that and that many nations rely on said bullshit to form the basis of their government.

When jihadism is brought up ( the kind you are discussing ) I feel great anger and wish for immediate revenge. Only...I direct that anger at those who are the jihadists. Call me crazy.

Is that how a regressive lefty behaves?

You've still not supported your claim.
They never outgrew that acting-out stage of their life. That is one of the reasons they support Islam the way they do, as they are forever stuck in that adolescent, oppositional stage.
Y'know, that may be the best short answer to the thread yet.

Hello. I do not support Islam. Never have.

By holding islam to a lower standard and sanitising it's worse excesses by likening same to Christianity, you ARE supporting Islam.

Is anyone holding it to a lower standard?

Besides you and 50 other posters?


I'd have to start counting.

Nobody is. You are failing to make that case. Still.
They never outgrew that acting-out stage of their life. That is one of the reasons they support Islam the way they do, as they are forever stuck in that adolescent, oppositional stage.
Y'know, that may be the best short answer to the thread yet.

Hello. I do not support Islam. Never have.

By holding islam to a lower standard and sanitising it's worse excesses by likening same to Christianity, you ARE supporting Islam.

Is anyone holding it to a lower standard?

Besides you and 50 other posters?


I'd have to start counting.

Exactly how am I holding it to a "lower standard"?

I expect the same obedience to our laws and cultural norms as any other religion and give it the same rights and freedoms in our country as any other religion.

Do you have a different standard in mind?
I oppose US foreign policy based on liberal principles. Do you think that puts me in an alliance with terrorists or repressive Islamic regimes?
Depends on how you react when Islam and Jihadism are brought up.

I've provided many examples, and if you behave in that way, then yes.

Now Mr. Nawaz refers to an "alliance", and I have no doubt what he fully meant was a de facto alliance. I'm fully expecting a Regressive Lefty here to try to demand to see the alliance paperwork as some sort of proof of the point. Because that's how they roll.

By Mr. Nawaz's standards the US in it's entirety is regressive seeing how we as a nation are in an alliance with the most repressive Islamic regime on the planet.
Do you support that alliance? Are you willing to give up cheap oil in order to stand up for your liberal beliefs?
Exactly how am I holding it to a "lower standard"?

Well, when you say there should be nothing to prevent an Islamic terrorist from receiving a Nobel peace prize nomination, adding in a catty comment that "it isn't the Mother Teresa award, you know", you are not just lowering the standard or even obliterating any standard at all, but actually elevating the worst symptoms of Islamism to heroic status.

How Anti-Immigration Activists Misuse Rape Statistics

This article will show that according to crime victim surveys, the actual rate of sex crimes has been more or less unchanged in Sweden between 2005 and 2014, despite the fact that immigration has increased during the same time period. Instead, the increasing rates of reported rapes are influenced by expansion of the legal rape definition, an increase in the tendency to report rapes, police efforts to classify each individual rape as a separate crime and their tendency to classify any sex crime that could potentially be rape as rape. It will also demonstrate that reported rates between countries such as Sweden and Denmark cannot be naively compared to do the large difference in legal rape definition and police registration methods.
If any Regressive Lefty here is still going to pretend that they don't know what Regressive Leftism is, here's a fabulous description by yet another honest liberal:

What is 'regressive left' and who are its examples? - Quora

You're welcome!
You’re too funny.

You can’t ‘define’ what the ‘regressive left’ is with the same lie used to contrive the straw man fallacy that is the ‘regressive left.’

The ‘left’ doesn’t act as ‘apologists’ for ‘Islamic conservativism and extremism.’

That’s a lie.

A straw man fallacy occurs when one contrives a lie in an effort to misrepresent his opponent’s position, and attacks the lie contrived (straw man) claiming ‘victory’ – in this case the lie contrived is the ‘regressive left,’ and the lie that those on ‘the left’ act as ‘apologists’ for acts of criminal terror; when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

How Anti-Immigration Activists Misuse Rape Statistics

This article will show that according to crime victim surveys, the actual rate of sex crimes has been more or less unchanged in Sweden between 2005 and 2014, despite the fact that immigration has increased during the same time period. Instead, the increasing rates of reported rapes are influenced by expansion of the legal rape definition, an increase in the tendency to report rapes, police efforts to classify each individual rape as a separate crime and their tendency to classify any sex crime that could potentially be rape as rape. It will also demonstrate that reported rates between countries such as Sweden and Denmark cannot be naively compared to do the large difference in legal rape definition and police registration methods.

Complete bullshit. At no point was the over-representation of the foreign born explained.
Exactly how am I holding it to a "lower standard"?

Well, when you say there should be nothing to prevent an Islamic terrorist from receiving a Nobel peace prize nomination, adding in a catty comment that "it isn't the Mother Teresa award, you know", you are not just lowering the standard or even obliterating any standard at all, but actually elevating the worst symptoms of Islamism to heroic status.

That actually has nothing to do with religion since he's not an "Islamic terrorist" but a Palestinian terrorist, convicted of 5 counts of murder (compare that with Begin and Mandella) and the rationale for "why not nominate him" had to do with other matters and whether subsequent actions can overcome past actions (redemption). I realize that is a complex philosophical topic for you to handle. Barghouti is not an Islamist (not sure if you realized that) nor is he a "genocidal mass murderer" (not sure if you realized that either) but it makes for a nice deflection that has nothing to do with holding religions to standards. Now shall we go on and talk about how you idolize a rabid anti-semite who went around the country electrocuting live animals on stage?

Getting back to holding religions to different standards - again, where have I held Islam to a different standard than any other religion?

They all should obey the same laws, and they all should enjoy the same rights in this country. Is that a difficult concept for you?
Exactly how am I holding it to a "lower standard"?

Well, when you say there should be nothing to prevent an Islamic terrorist from receiving a Nobel peace prize nomination, adding in a catty comment that "it isn't the Mother Teresa award, you know", you are not just lowering the standard or even obliterating any standard at all, but actually elevating the worst symptoms of Islamism to heroic status.

That actually has nothing to do with religion since he's not an "Islamic terrorist" but a Palestinian terrorist, convicted of 5 counts of murder (compare that with Begin and Mandella) and the rationale for "why not nominate him" had to do with other matters and whether subsequent actions can overcome past actions (redemption). I realize that is a complex philosophical topic for you to handle. Barghouti is not an Islamist (not sure if you realized that) nor is he a "genocidal mass murderer" (not sure if you realized that either) but it makes for a nice deflection that has nothing to do with holding religions to standards. Now shall we go on and talk about how you idolize a rabid anti-semite who went around the country electrocuting live animals on stage?

Getting back to holding religions to different standards - again, where have I held Islam to a different standard than any other religion?

They all should obey the same laws, and they all should enjoy the same rights in this country. Is that a difficult concept for you?

Even those born outside the country?

It sounds to me like you are holding them to a different standard. Islam is much worse than any other religion when it comes to pretty much any statistics. Yet, all you seem to be doing is apologizing.
Exactly how am I holding it to a "lower standard"?

Well, when you say there should be nothing to prevent an Islamic terrorist from receiving a Nobel peace prize nomination, adding in a catty comment that "it isn't the Mother Teresa award, you know", you are not just lowering the standard or even obliterating any standard at all, but actually elevating the worst symptoms of Islamism to heroic status.

That actually has nothing to do with religion since he's not an "Islamic terrorist" but a Palestinian terrorist, convicted of 5 counts of murder (compare that with Begin and Mandella) and the rationale for "why not nominate him" had to do with other matters and whether subsequent actions can overcome past actions (redemption). I realize that is a complex philosophical topic for you to handle. Barghouti is not an Islamist (not sure if you realized that) nor is he a "genocidal mass murderer" (not sure if you realized that either) but it makes for a nice deflection that has nothing to do with holding religions to standards. Now shall we go on and talk about how you idolize a rabid anti-semite who went around the country electrocuting live animals on stage?

Getting back to holding religions to different standards - again, where have I held Islam to a different standard than any other religion?

They all should obey the same laws, and they all should enjoy the same rights in this country. Is that a difficult concept for you?

Even those born outside the country?

That come in to this country? Yes.
Exactly how am I holding it to a "lower standard"?

Well, when you say there should be nothing to prevent an Islamic terrorist from receiving a Nobel peace prize nomination, adding in a catty comment that "it isn't the Mother Teresa award, you know", you are not just lowering the standard or even obliterating any standard at all, but actually elevating the worst symptoms of Islamism to heroic status.

That actually has nothing to do with religion since he's not an "Islamic terrorist" but a Palestinian terrorist, convicted of 5 counts of murder (compare that with Begin and Mandella) and the rationale for "why not nominate him" had to do with other matters and whether subsequent actions can overcome past actions (redemption). I realize that is a complex philosophical topic for you to handle. Barghouti is not an Islamist (not sure if you realized that) nor is he a "genocidal mass murderer" (not sure if you realized that either) but it makes for a nice deflection that has nothing to do with holding religions to standards. Now shall we go on and talk about how you idolize a rabid anti-semite who went around the country electrocuting live animals on stage?

Getting back to holding religions to different standards - again, where have I held Islam to a different standard than any other religion?

They all should obey the same laws, and they all should enjoy the same rights in this country. Is that a difficult concept for you?

Even those born outside the country?

That come in to this country? Yes.

So you think that muslim immigrants "coming into this country" should have the same rights as full blown citizens?

Got it. I am sure that by your standard anyone should be allowed to come, too.
Exactly how am I holding it to a "lower standard"?

Well, when you say there should be nothing to prevent an Islamic terrorist from receiving a Nobel peace prize nomination, adding in a catty comment that "it isn't the Mother Teresa award, you know", you are not just lowering the standard or even obliterating any standard at all, but actually elevating the worst symptoms of Islamism to heroic status.

That actually has nothing to do with religion since he's not an "Islamic terrorist" but a Palestinian terrorist, convicted of 5 counts of murder (compare that with Begin and Mandella) and the rationale for "why not nominate him" had to do with other matters and whether subsequent actions can overcome past actions (redemption). I realize that is a complex philosophical topic for you to handle. Barghouti is not an Islamist (not sure if you realized that) nor is he a "genocidal mass murderer" (not sure if you realized that either) but it makes for a nice deflection that has nothing to do with holding religions to standards. Now shall we go on and talk about how you idolize a rabid anti-semite who went around the country electrocuting live animals on stage?

Getting back to holding religions to different standards - again, where have I held Islam to a different standard than any other religion?

They all should obey the same laws, and they all should enjoy the same rights in this country. Is that a difficult concept for you?

Even those born outside the country?

That come in to this country? Yes.

So you think that muslim immigrants "coming into this country" should have the same rights as full blown citizens?

Got it. I am sure that by your standard anyone should be allowed to come, too.

If they are citizens - then yes.

If they are non-citizens then they should have the same rights and protections as any other non-citizen.

I don't have a problem with vetting immigrants from countries where terrorism is a problem.
Well, when you say there should be nothing to prevent an Islamic terrorist from receiving a Nobel peace prize nomination, adding in a catty comment that "it isn't the Mother Teresa award, you know", you are not just lowering the standard or even obliterating any standard at all, but actually elevating the worst symptoms of Islamism to heroic status.

That actually has nothing to do with religion since he's not an "Islamic terrorist" but a Palestinian terrorist, convicted of 5 counts of murder (compare that with Begin and Mandella) and the rationale for "why not nominate him" had to do with other matters and whether subsequent actions can overcome past actions (redemption). I realize that is a complex philosophical topic for you to handle. Barghouti is not an Islamist (not sure if you realized that) nor is he a "genocidal mass murderer" (not sure if you realized that either) but it makes for a nice deflection that has nothing to do with holding religions to standards. Now shall we go on and talk about how you idolize a rabid anti-semite who went around the country electrocuting live animals on stage?

Getting back to holding religions to different standards - again, where have I held Islam to a different standard than any other religion?

They all should obey the same laws, and they all should enjoy the same rights in this country. Is that a difficult concept for you?

Even those born outside the country?

That come in to this country? Yes.

So you think that muslim immigrants "coming into this country" should have the same rights as full blown citizens?

Got it. I am sure that by your standard anyone should be allowed to come, too.

If they are citizens - then yes.

If they are non-citizens then they should have the same rights and protections as any other non-citizen.

I don't have a problem with vetting immigrants from countries where terrorism is a problem.

Alright!! That's enough lying out of you! We all know that you are a regressive leftist and you defend Islam while attacking Christianity. Your idea of "vetting" is to lay down a welcome mat! Just look at Detroit for proof!

In Rotherham, England and throughout Britain, thousands of children have been raped for being white and as a product of Jihad.

Thanks to all those in Britain who are just like those in this thread, this was well known but allowed to continue unfettered because people valued the sense of smugness they derived from their "tolerance" than they did the children.

When these morons call people "Bigots", "Islamophobes" and "Racists" it sets up such a generalized sense of intimidation that people will allow almost anything -- even the systematic rape of children -- rather than speak the truth about the motivations involved and thus invoke all this typical name calling that is a regular aspect of the rhetoric of the illiberal left. .

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