The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

again, i'm no supporter of terrorists. i kind of have a zero tolerance when it comes to blowing up stuff in the name of allah.

in this country? more people have been killed by christian terrorists than muslim terrorists. i think radical religionists are dangerous.

That's a ridiculous claim backed up by incomplete factoids. If you count the American deaths ABROAD at the hands of Jihadis, airplanes, ships, contractors, diplomatic folk, etc (or even our soldiers battling ISIS right now) -- It's a MOUNTAIN of dead Americans at the hands of Islamic radicals. No comparison.

Sounds like you're going out of your way to IGNORE terrorism here..

we weren't talking about "abroad". we were talking about risk in this country. there is nothing ridiculous in presenting reality. i'm sorry if it doesn't concur with your biases.

reality: in this country.... more deaths have been caused by rightwing christian terrorists.

i say this because when the rightwingnut theocrat shot up planned parenthood, the right shrugged. there was no insane and out of proportion response. but when the pieces of garbage in san bernadine went on their little spree, the wingers and their dear leader, the drfump, thought excluding muslims from this country was the proper response.

see a problem there? with both responses?

i'll also point out that if any democrat had appointed as their liaison to the muslim community, someone who said "death to america", you would have rightfully, been appalled. yet when ted cruz appointed as his liaison to the anti-choice radical theocrats someone who said that doctors performing a legal activity should be murdered, you all didn't even flinch.

Nobody in their right mind would only count American terrorism death and carnage that ONLY occurs within our borders. There were times not too long ago where a SINGLE American death abroad brought swift and SEVERE action..

The carnage is San Bernadino came about because a Muslim RADICAL got a marriage visa without the APPROPRIATE vetting and interviews and GUIDED that attack.. You tend to ignore EXACTLY the pertinent that would allow you to understand why Americans are JUSTLY concerned about accommodating refugees from these war zones.

Ft Hood Allahu Akbar nut? ACCOMODATED by the US Army. Was known to be a bit "polarizing". Incident is STILL officially workplace violence., Your turn --- more Christian terrorists...

my point was the flaccid response from rightwingers to terrorism emanating from their own and the over-reaction to terrorism emanating from muslims.

What we're ALL trying to do is keep America free from this INTERNATIONAL problem that FAR overwhelms any of the domestic terrorism that we've seen.. The US doesn't currently have a Muslim problem. Because that "problem" is not the religion itself. It's the CULTURE that protects and empowers that religion to the point where it is unseparable from the socio-political realities of the Arab world.

When these orgs threaten to come here and do violence -- you need to take it deadly seriously. After all, the Al Queda warnings to do that were largely ignored. So we CAN'T risk an open gate policy to masses of refugees from these areas. And we have to focus on Americans that travel to these war zones and if necessary, detain them for debriefing if there is solid evidence.

Because we don't need to assume risks to demonstrate how non judgmental we are about the Muslim religion. And having large isolated cores of recent Arab immigrants who turn on you and start to hate their new country is accepting the infection that makes the news every day..

riiiiiiight..... you should carpet bomb muslim families in michigan :cuckoo:

like i said... rational threat assessment and response is important. you don't hear israelis losing their minds and freaking out.... well, except maybe netanyahu and the nuts on the radical right in that country
Was Hitler wrong to simply condemn Jewry as a whole?

Jews were blowing up people all over the world in order to satisfy a concept in the Talmud that ordered them to spread Judaism until there was nothing else?

Goodness, I never knew!!

So you don't dispute your Islamophobia being analogous to anti-Semitism?

I often have times accepting that people are really as stupid as they appear, but there is nothing remotely similar between antisemitism and rejection of Islam.

A person would have to be nearly retarded to think there was any similarity. I mentioned the most glaring difference, but there are many more.

You seem somewhat confused. Your behavior is not a "rejection of Islam" - it's a rejection of "Muslims" using the same rhetoric and canards that the anti-semites use.


Anti-Semitic propaganda maintained that:

—all Jews were responsible for the act of any Jew
— Judaism was not a religion
— there was an International Jewish conspiracy to influence and then control governments, media, the economy, etc. **
— the Jews hated all non-Jews and they wanted to destroy the Gentiles and dominate the world
— due to inbreeding, Jews had more negative characteristics and passed on these negative characteristics to the next generation. **
— a war against Judaism was a war against the devil **
— by distortions of the Torah and Talmud they claimed that Judaism teaches hatred **
— “The goal of the Jew is to make himself the ruler of humanity. Wherever he comes, he destroys works of culture. He is not a creative spirit, rather a destructive spirit
— “Nearly all major inventions were made by Aryans.” The Jews had no real creativity
— a good Jew could not be a good German
— “Jewish law enjoins or permits Jews to murder non-Jews whenever feasible” **
— “Jews are permitted to lie without moral or religious compunction” **
— “Judaism condones the sexual molestation of young girls
— there was no way to tell the true nature of Jews as they presented a false face. **
— Jews were uniquely violent and untrustworthy compared to all the other peoples of the world. **
— Jews could not serve loyally in the military of Germany, and they were removed. **
— anti-Semitism was a reasonable response to a clear and present danger. ** If Jews raised the issue of anti-Semitism they were doing it for devious reasons.
— there was a “Jewish problem” and that any measures taken against the Jews were reasonable and defensive. **
— Jews are a “disease” infecting any nation they inhabit.

Sound familiar? They should. They've been recycled.

false equivalence
Agreed, but I do think there is still a very healthy amount of traditional liberals, at least I hope so.

These people are illiberal, a distortion.

I hang out with liberals.

But, of course, those I hang out with are well educated. Any mention of J.S. Mill or John Rawls, and there is understanding instead of a bunch of belligerent and childish sticking of the fingers in the ear with a "Nyah, Nyah, Nyah"

I hang out with liberals...but...they DO things.
Electrocuted any dogs lately?


You are utterly beneath contempt.

Like I said...if you can't take it, then don't dish it out. You are certainly very thin skinned despite all the vitriole you spew.

You are no liberal. To repeat: Your version of "liberal" includes a whole lot of hate for innocent people based only on their religion.

That is regressive.

If their religion is that of intolerance there is nothing "regressive" about it.

You make it seem as if there is no connection. That is not the case...

Because the tolerance and practices of the religion vary around the world.

So then you at least admit that Islam is a problem somewhere?

What about your view of Christianity? Does that not include a whole lot of hate?

Never trust what Coyote says she supports.

Pay attention to what she actually supports.
I think this will serve as another excellent answer to the question posed in the OP.

How ironic that an honest liberal provides it.


Even tho I dropped an "agree" on you --- it IS POSSIBLE (and extremely easy) to challenge Amer/Brit foreign policy mistakes AND despise those "regressive cultures" that we arrogantly sought (seek) to change "over there". If we don't understand by now that Arab political institutions REQUIRE regressive, theocratic, fascist brutal regimes -- we ought to have our collective heads examined.
What he is saying is that the Regressive Left does see that, but has prioritized one over the other.

It's more of a tactical strategy. As in the enemy of my enemy. Except that I fear the Left has no sense of self-preservation. I see it over and over again. True Liberals for instance, have an innate distrust of government powers and authorities (see Thoreau).. But all that instinct to survive has been bred right out of the modern day leftist.

I'm sure the mentally challenged that believed Jade Helm was a military take over of the US and they were using Walmarts to do it thought they had rational thoughts as well. Most modern conservatives are so brainwashed by con-radio and Faux News they have no original thoughts anymore, it is all a muddy swirl of memes and lies in their head that they've heard enough times so they think them truths.

It's like watching one of these prepper shows where the preppers think themselves the special informed group and they say "when the worst comes you won't be prepared". Which is true, but there have been preppers for over a hundred years and the worst hasn't arrived and will not. Research how much money was spent on backyard bunkers during the cold war.

If that period of time didn't produce 'the great calamity that will turn society into the zombie apocalypse' then nothing will. But cons need to feel safe because the big bad world is sooo scarwy.
That's a ridiculous claim backed up by incomplete factoids. If you count the American deaths ABROAD at the hands of Jihadis, airplanes, ships, contractors, diplomatic folk, etc (or even our soldiers battling ISIS right now) -- It's a MOUNTAIN of dead Americans at the hands of Islamic radicals. No comparison.

Sounds like you're going out of your way to IGNORE terrorism here..

we weren't talking about "abroad". we were talking about risk in this country. there is nothing ridiculous in presenting reality. i'm sorry if it doesn't concur with your biases.

reality: in this country.... more deaths have been caused by rightwing christian terrorists.

i say this because when the rightwingnut theocrat shot up planned parenthood, the right shrugged. there was no insane and out of proportion response. but when the pieces of garbage in san bernadine went on their little spree, the wingers and their dear leader, the drfump, thought excluding muslims from this country was the proper response.

see a problem there? with both responses?

i'll also point out that if any democrat had appointed as their liaison to the muslim community, someone who said "death to america", you would have rightfully, been appalled. yet when ted cruz appointed as his liaison to the anti-choice radical theocrats someone who said that doctors performing a legal activity should be murdered, you all didn't even flinch.

Nobody in their right mind would only count American terrorism death and carnage that ONLY occurs within our borders. There were times not too long ago where a SINGLE American death abroad brought swift and SEVERE action..

The carnage is San Bernadino came about because a Muslim RADICAL got a marriage visa without the APPROPRIATE vetting and interviews and GUIDED that attack.. You tend to ignore EXACTLY the pertinent that would allow you to understand why Americans are JUSTLY concerned about accommodating refugees from these war zones.

Ft Hood Allahu Akbar nut? ACCOMODATED by the US Army. Was known to be a bit "polarizing". Incident is STILL officially workplace violence., Your turn --- more Christian terrorists...

my point was the flaccid response from rightwingers to terrorism emanating from their own and the over-reaction to terrorism emanating from muslims.

What we're ALL trying to do is keep America free from this INTERNATIONAL problem that FAR overwhelms any of the domestic terrorism that we've seen.. The US doesn't currently have a Muslim problem. Because that "problem" is not the religion itself. It's the CULTURE that protects and empowers that religion to the point where it is unseparable from the socio-political realities of the Arab world.

When these orgs threaten to come here and do violence -- you need to take it deadly seriously. After all, the Al Queda warnings to do that were largely ignored. So we CAN'T risk an open gate policy to masses of refugees from these areas. And we have to focus on Americans that travel to these war zones and if necessary, detain them for debriefing if there is solid evidence.

Because we don't need to assume risks to demonstrate how non judgmental we are about the Muslim religion. And having large isolated cores of recent Arab immigrants who turn on you and start to hate their new country is accepting the infection that makes the news every day..

riiiiiiight..... you should carpet bomb muslim families in michigan :cuckoo:

like i said... rational threat assessment and response is important. you don't hear israelis losing their minds and freaking out.... well, except maybe netanyahu and the nuts on the radical right in that country

See now -- that's exactly the leap to ad absurdium that would be expected. I stipulated that we don't HAVE an American Muslim problem and we want to keep it that way -- and you dismiss my stance and replace it with some humiliating nonsense that your stereotyping engine kicks out. .

What I ACTUALLY said was -- there are plenty of OBVIOUS security gaps that are known and the ultimatums have been received from the terrorists abroad. SHOULD we suffer a severe attack, there are gonna be a lot of folks doing this..

I think this will serve as another excellent answer to the question posed in the OP.

How ironic that an honest liberal provides it.


Even tho I dropped an "agree" on you --- it IS POSSIBLE (and extremely easy) to challenge Amer/Brit foreign policy mistakes AND despise those "regressive cultures" that we arrogantly sought (seek) to change "over there". If we don't understand by now that Arab political institutions REQUIRE regressive, theocratic, fascist brutal regimes -- we ought to have our collective heads examined.
What he is saying is that the Regressive Left does see that, but has prioritized one over the other.

It's more of a tactical strategy. As in the enemy of my enemy. Except that I fear the Left has no sense of self-preservation. I see it over and over again. True Liberals for instance, have an innate distrust of government powers and authorities (see Thoreau).. But all that instinct to survive has been bred right out of the modern day leftist.

I'm sure the mentally challenged that believed Jade Helm was a military take over of the US and they were using Walmarts to do it thought they had rational thoughts as well. Most modern conservatives are so brainwashed by con-radio and Faux News they have no original thoughts anymore, it is all a muddy swirl of memes and lies in their head that they've heard enough times so they think them truths.

It's like watching one of these prepper shows where the preppers think themselves the special informed group and they say "when the worst comes you won't be prepared". Which is true, but there have been preppers for over a hundred years and the worst hasn't arrived and will not. Research how much money was spent on backyard bunkers during the cold war.

If that period of time didn't produce 'the great calamity that will turn society into the zombie apocalypse' then nothing will. But cons need to feel safe because the big bad world is sooo scarwy.

The Cold War was not an event anyone expected to survive long term. Threats have changed. And this has NOTHING to do with the particular causes the Left chooses to align with.

You are so certain that "the worst will never come". . But just a glance at the state of politics in this country when so many SERIOUS issues are being ignored ---- I don't blame the preppers.

Another validation of my theory that self-preservation has been bred completely out of our current leftists. They mock the preppers to deflect from their own "peculiarities".. They mock people of faith, folks who value liberty, and people who plan for the worst case scenarios. The latter is just good engineering practice Dude. The faith is an insurance policy on the design, and liberty is guarantee that you CAN protect yourself..
Was Hitler wrong to simply condemn Jewry as a whole?

Jews were blowing up people all over the world in order to satisfy a concept in the Talmud that ordered them to spread Judaism until there was nothing else?

Goodness, I never knew!!

So you don't dispute your Islamophobia being analogous to anti-Semitism?

I often have times accepting that people are really as stupid as they appear, but there is nothing remotely similar between antisemitism and rejection of Islam.

A person would have to be nearly retarded to think there was any similarity. I mentioned the most glaring difference, but there are many more.

You seem somewhat confused. Your behavior is not a "rejection of Islam" - it's a rejection of "Muslims" using the same rhetoric and canards that the anti-semites use.


Anti-Semitic propaganda maintained that:

—all Jews were responsible for the act of any Jew
— Judaism was not a religion
— there was an International Jewish conspiracy to influence and then control governments, media, the economy, etc. **
— the Jews hated all non-Jews and they wanted to destroy the Gentiles and dominate the world
— due to inbreeding, Jews had more negative characteristics and passed on these negative characteristics to the next generation. **
— a war against Judaism was a war against the devil **
— by distortions of the Torah and Talmud they claimed that Judaism teaches hatred **
— “The goal of the Jew is to make himself the ruler of humanity. Wherever he comes, he destroys works of culture. He is not a creative spirit, rather a destructive spirit
— “Nearly all major inventions were made by Aryans.” The Jews had no real creativity
— a good Jew could not be a good German
— “Jewish law enjoins or permits Jews to murder non-Jews whenever feasible” **
— “Jews are permitted to lie without moral or religious compunction” **
— “Judaism condones the sexual molestation of young girls
— there was no way to tell the true nature of Jews as they presented a false face. **
— Jews were uniquely violent and untrustworthy compared to all the other peoples of the world. **
— Jews could not serve loyally in the military of Germany, and they were removed. **
— anti-Semitism was a reasonable response to a clear and present danger. ** If Jews raised the issue of anti-Semitism they were doing it for devious reasons.
— there was a “Jewish problem” and that any measures taken against the Jews were reasonable and defensive. **
— Jews are a “disease” infecting any nation they inhabit.

Sound familiar? They should. They've been recycled.

Difference is -- the skinheads and Jew haters I've engaged have to struggle with shady 3rd removed kind of situations to FIND a Jew to blame. Like because there is ONE Jew on the Board of Directors it explains EVERYTHING about the behavior of that corporation.

In the case of radical Islamists -- there are DIRECT and fresh examples daily of their handiwork.

But Yeah. I weigh EXACTLY those similarities in everything I consider about my attitude towards Muslims and Islam. Any Jew would be lying if they said they didn't. Although 1/2 that list is so outrageous and random that people using those tactics are just stupid.
Completely ignorant? No sir. I'm ignorant regarding Rawls. You think Rawls is liberalism. I think that notion is funny.

You know only what you read at the hate sites you visit.

Liberals recognize the giants in the field of liberal political theory despite you ignorant fools who think your support for the least liberal ideology on the face of the planet is somehow liberal.
Difference is -- the skinheads and Jew haters I've engaged have to struggle with shady 3rd removed kind of situations to FIND a Jew to blame. Like because there is ONE Jew on the Board of Directors it explains EVERYTHING about the behavior of that corporation.


....not to mention that they are at least honest and forthright in their hatred of Jews.

Coyote is always right there to support those who want to kill Jews but she follows it by denials she is doing so.
I think this will serve as another excellent answer to the question posed in the OP.

How ironic that an honest liberal provides it.


Even tho I dropped an "agree" on you --- it IS POSSIBLE (and extremely easy) to challenge Amer/Brit foreign policy mistakes AND despise those "regressive cultures" that we arrogantly sought (seek) to change "over there". If we don't understand by now that Arab political institutions REQUIRE regressive, theocratic, fascist brutal regimes -- we ought to have our collective heads examined.
What he is saying is that the Regressive Left does see that, but has prioritized one over the other.

It's more of a tactical strategy. As in the enemy of my enemy. Except that I fear the Left has no sense of self-preservation. I see it over and over again. True Liberals for instance, have an innate distrust of government powers and authorities (see Thoreau).. But all that instinct to survive has been bred right out of the modern day leftist.

I'm sure the mentally challenged that believed Jade Helm was a military take over of the US and they were using Walmarts to do it thought they had rational thoughts as well. Most modern conservatives are so brainwashed by con-radio and Faux News they have no original thoughts anymore, it is all a muddy swirl of memes and lies in their head that they've heard enough times so they think them truths.

It's like watching one of these prepper shows where the preppers think themselves the special informed group and they say "when the worst comes you won't be prepared". Which is true, but there have been preppers for over a hundred years and the worst hasn't arrived and will not. Research how much money was spent on backyard bunkers during the cold war.

If that period of time didn't produce 'the great calamity that will turn society into the zombie apocalypse' then nothing will. But cons need to feel safe because the big bad world is sooo scarwy.

The Cold War was not an event anyone expected to survive long term. Threats have changed. And this has NOTHING to do with the particular causes the Left chooses to align with.

You are so certain that "the worst will never come". . But just a glance at the state of politics in this country when so many SERIOUS issues are being ignored ---- I don't blame the preppers.

Another validation of my theory that self-preservation has been bred completely out of our current leftists. They mock the preppers to deflect from their own "peculiarities".. They mock people of faith, folks who value liberty, and people who plan for the worst case scenarios. The latter is just good engineering practice Dude. The faith is an insurance policy on the design, and liberty is guarantee that you CAN protect yourself..

Make America Jade Helm again.

Jesus delusion has it's political party and it's name is Republican.
Difference is -- the skinheads and Jew haters I've engaged have to struggle with shady 3rd removed kind of situations to FIND a Jew to blame. Like because there is ONE Jew on the Board of Directors it explains EVERYTHING about the behavior of that corporation.


....not to mention that they are at least honest and forthright in their hatred of Jews.

Coyote is always right there to support those who want to kill Jews but she follows it by denials she is doing so.

Hard to support the Palestinian cause for example -- without "supporting" someone somewhere that advocates "killing jews". We just had the spectacle of 7 or 8 contenders for Prez stand on the podium and UP THE ANTE for bombing the crap out of Arabs. So it's not hard to find examples... Just sayin'..

We shouldn't be ELEVATING the hate to those levels by INSTITUTIONALIZING it in our mainstream politics. Besides the only effect that bombing the shit out of Arabs has is to create habitat for the exact vermin we really want to hobble..
Even tho I dropped an "agree" on you --- it IS POSSIBLE (and extremely easy) to challenge Amer/Brit foreign policy mistakes AND despise those "regressive cultures" that we arrogantly sought (seek) to change "over there". If we don't understand by now that Arab political institutions REQUIRE regressive, theocratic, fascist brutal regimes -- we ought to have our collective heads examined.
What he is saying is that the Regressive Left does see that, but has prioritized one over the other.

It's more of a tactical strategy. As in the enemy of my enemy. Except that I fear the Left has no sense of self-preservation. I see it over and over again. True Liberals for instance, have an innate distrust of government powers and authorities (see Thoreau).. But all that instinct to survive has been bred right out of the modern day leftist.

I'm sure the mentally challenged that believed Jade Helm was a military take over of the US and they were using Walmarts to do it thought they had rational thoughts as well. Most modern conservatives are so brainwashed by con-radio and Faux News they have no original thoughts anymore, it is all a muddy swirl of memes and lies in their head that they've heard enough times so they think them truths.

It's like watching one of these prepper shows where the preppers think themselves the special informed group and they say "when the worst comes you won't be prepared". Which is true, but there have been preppers for over a hundred years and the worst hasn't arrived and will not. Research how much money was spent on backyard bunkers during the cold war.

If that period of time didn't produce 'the great calamity that will turn society into the zombie apocalypse' then nothing will. But cons need to feel safe because the big bad world is sooo scarwy.

The Cold War was not an event anyone expected to survive long term. Threats have changed. And this has NOTHING to do with the particular causes the Left chooses to align with.

You are so certain that "the worst will never come". . But just a glance at the state of politics in this country when so many SERIOUS issues are being ignored ---- I don't blame the preppers.

Another validation of my theory that self-preservation has been bred completely out of our current leftists. They mock the preppers to deflect from their own "peculiarities".. They mock people of faith, folks who value liberty, and people who plan for the worst case scenarios. The latter is just good engineering practice Dude. The faith is an insurance policy on the design, and liberty is guarantee that you CAN protect yourself..

Make America Jade Helm again.

Jesus delusion has it's political party and it's name is Republican.

Have no idea what you're after. BUT -- I do have a question.

Are you finished PURGING the church-going, God worshipping, Jesus praising folks from the Dem party yet? It would help your brand.

Y'all make it sound like those rocking soulful AME churches are full of idiots. Maybe time to shut them down eh?
What he is saying is that the Regressive Left does see that, but has prioritized one over the other.

It's more of a tactical strategy. As in the enemy of my enemy. Except that I fear the Left has no sense of self-preservation. I see it over and over again. True Liberals for instance, have an innate distrust of government powers and authorities (see Thoreau).. But all that instinct to survive has been bred right out of the modern day leftist.

I'm sure the mentally challenged that believed Jade Helm was a military take over of the US and they were using Walmarts to do it thought they had rational thoughts as well. Most modern conservatives are so brainwashed by con-radio and Faux News they have no original thoughts anymore, it is all a muddy swirl of memes and lies in their head that they've heard enough times so they think them truths.

It's like watching one of these prepper shows where the preppers think themselves the special informed group and they say "when the worst comes you won't be prepared". Which is true, but there have been preppers for over a hundred years and the worst hasn't arrived and will not. Research how much money was spent on backyard bunkers during the cold war.

If that period of time didn't produce 'the great calamity that will turn society into the zombie apocalypse' then nothing will. But cons need to feel safe because the big bad world is sooo scarwy.

The Cold War was not an event anyone expected to survive long term. Threats have changed. And this has NOTHING to do with the particular causes the Left chooses to align with.

You are so certain that "the worst will never come". . But just a glance at the state of politics in this country when so many SERIOUS issues are being ignored ---- I don't blame the preppers.

Another validation of my theory that self-preservation has been bred completely out of our current leftists. They mock the preppers to deflect from their own "peculiarities".. They mock people of faith, folks who value liberty, and people who plan for the worst case scenarios. The latter is just good engineering practice Dude. The faith is an insurance policy on the design, and liberty is guarantee that you CAN protect yourself..

Make America Jade Helm again.

Jesus delusion has it's political party and it's name is Republican.

Have no idea what you're after. BUT -- I do have a question.

Are you finished PURGING the church-going, God worshipping, Jesus praising folks from the Dem party yet? It would help your brand.

Y'all make it sound like those rocking soulful AME churches are full of idiots. Maybe time to shut them down eh?

That you use terms like 'your brand' and you have this unending need to put other people into a singular box so your head can wrap itself around disliking everyone in the box, you know rather than living in reality where people are all different and their views on almost everything run across a huge spectrum, lends itself to the conclusion that you live in your own self-made box and you want there to be only two boxes. Again so the whole 'thinking' thing can be dispensed with.

Honestly, you need to detoxify yourself of all the lies, innuendos, and memes that keep YOU in shackles.
Thread topic, in a nutshell: Why is the Regressive Left more tolerant of Islam than Christianity?

If the term "Regressive" bothers you, we can use this: Why is the American Left more tolerant of Islam than Christianity?

There are liberals who agree with me that this is the case. If you don't agree, then the question should be moot to you.

Are they?

In what way?

I've provided example after example after example after example.

If you were gonna go obtuse, you could have at least gone obtuse by denying the myriad examples I've provided demonstrated bias.

Instead you try to go obtuse by pretending you have no idea what I'm talking about. 1,000+ posts into the thread.

Gee, gosh, whaddaya mean, Mac?

This is the kind of transparent intellectual dishonesty that confirms my opinions of hardcore partisan ideologues.
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First of all, I'm a left-leaning independent. I have absolutely no interest in being associated with either whacked-out end.

You're doing precisely, perfectly, the type of deflection that is the point of the thread, and I do appreciate that. Of course, there have been so many examples already that I didn't really need any more.

If you want to discuss this topic, start a thread and invite me. I'm never at a loss for an opinion. This thread is about the behaviors of the Regressive Left, which were discussed in the OP.
I am on topic. It is perfectly acceptable to see where lines are drawn as it relates to regressivism. Besides you are the one who chided for someone to discuss Mr. Nawaz. Do you or do you not now want to discuss his thoughts on regressive leftism?
Thread topic, in a nutshell: Why is the Regressive Left more tolerant of Islam than Christianity?

If the term "Regressive" bothers you, we can use this: Why is the American Left more tolerant of Islam than Christianity?

There are liberals who agree with me that this is the case. If you don't agree, then the question should be moot to you.
It is not moot to me because you are attempting to do the same thing that you accuse regressive leftists of doing.... silencing debate.

You brought up Mr. Nawaz and promoted his definition of regressive leftist. I am pointing out that his definition condemns all of America as being regressive. How is this out of bounds.

Do you still believe in his definition of regressive leftist?
"Silencing debate"?

Am I threatening your career? Am I stopping you from posting somehow? Have I started a petition to shut you down? Am I shouting you down? Do you any roadblocks in the highway or protest marches? Have you heard from my lawyer? Am I intimidating you from posting? I even invited you to start a freaking thread and I'd contribute. Maybe you missed that.

"Silencing debate". Good gawd.

I brought up Nawaz for one (1) reason and (1) reason only: Because, as one of their standard tactics, the Regressive Lefties here focused more on the term "Regressive" than on the actual thread topic in a transparent and dishonest attempt to deflect from thread. I was accused of not knowing what the term meant, and I was accused of avoiding providing a definition, all because these people are just this side of genetically incapable of just being honest. In other words, I was rubbing their nose in their own dishonesty. I love doing that to liars.

The thread topic is as I described. Deflections notwithstanding. The term "Regressive" is not the point, and I strongly suspect you know that.
"Silencing debate"?

Yes, silencing debate. Your hero Sam Harris discusses how using the term islamaphobia acts in a way to silence people. The term regressive leftist is its equal.

I brought up Nawaz for one (1) reason and (1) reason only: Because, as one of their standard tactics, the Regressive Lefties here focused more on the term "Regressive" than on the actual thread topic in a transparent and dishonest attempt to deflect from thread. I was accused of not knowing what the term meant, and I was accused of avoiding providing a definition, all because these people are just this side of genetically incapable of just being honest.

Regressive is used disparagingly, no? Your intent was not to have a debate, it was to flame and pat yourself on the back when you got a reaction that you were looking for.

You asked multiple times for a discussion on Nawaz's comments and now that you have been obliged you want to pretend it is off topic. Honest liberal huh.:rolleyes: Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back.

Nice try.

You said that I tried to silence debate. I bolded it in red, above.

Here is what YOU SAID: you are attempting to do the same thing that you accuse regressive leftists of doing.... silencing debate. And now you try to say you meant Sam Harris?

Just another attempt to deflect by lying and trying to put me on the defensive that failed.

What is wrong with you people?
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