The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

One basic question: Why is the Regressive Left more tolerant of Islam than of Christianity? - and they go completely nuts.

Do they really think this stuff is not obvious? Do they really think this is the first time the question has come up?

This has been amazing.
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Completely ignorant? No sir. I'm ignorant regarding Rawls. You think Rawls is liberalism. I think that notion is funny.

You know only what you read at the hate sites you visit.

Liberals recognize the giants in the field of liberal political theory despite you ignorant fools who think your support for the least liberal ideology on the face of the planet is somehow liberal.

Hate sites? That's interesting. Which ones would those be?

Support for the least liberal ideology on the face of the planet? That's interesting. Which ideology would that be?
we weren't talking about "abroad". we were talking about risk in this country. there is nothing ridiculous in presenting reality. i'm sorry if it doesn't concur with your biases.

reality: in this country.... more deaths have been caused by rightwing christian terrorists.

i say this because when the rightwingnut theocrat shot up planned parenthood, the right shrugged. there was no insane and out of proportion response. but when the pieces of garbage in san bernadine went on their little spree, the wingers and their dear leader, the drfump, thought excluding muslims from this country was the proper response.

see a problem there? with both responses?

i'll also point out that if any democrat had appointed as their liaison to the muslim community, someone who said "death to america", you would have rightfully, been appalled. yet when ted cruz appointed as his liaison to the anti-choice radical theocrats someone who said that doctors performing a legal activity should be murdered, you all didn't even flinch.

Nobody in their right mind would only count American terrorism death and carnage that ONLY occurs within our borders. There were times not too long ago where a SINGLE American death abroad brought swift and SEVERE action..

The carnage is San Bernadino came about because a Muslim RADICAL got a marriage visa without the APPROPRIATE vetting and interviews and GUIDED that attack.. You tend to ignore EXACTLY the pertinent that would allow you to understand why Americans are JUSTLY concerned about accommodating refugees from these war zones.

Ft Hood Allahu Akbar nut? ACCOMODATED by the US Army. Was known to be a bit "polarizing". Incident is STILL officially workplace violence., Your turn --- more Christian terrorists...

my point was the flaccid response from rightwingers to terrorism emanating from their own and the over-reaction to terrorism emanating from muslims.

What we're ALL trying to do is keep America free from this INTERNATIONAL problem that FAR overwhelms any of the domestic terrorism that we've seen.. The US doesn't currently have a Muslim problem. Because that "problem" is not the religion itself. It's the CULTURE that protects and empowers that religion to the point where it is unseparable from the socio-political realities of the Arab world.

When these orgs threaten to come here and do violence -- you need to take it deadly seriously. After all, the Al Queda warnings to do that were largely ignored. So we CAN'T risk an open gate policy to masses of refugees from these areas. And we have to focus on Americans that travel to these war zones and if necessary, detain them for debriefing if there is solid evidence.

Because we don't need to assume risks to demonstrate how non judgmental we are about the Muslim religion. And having large isolated cores of recent Arab immigrants who turn on you and start to hate their new country is accepting the infection that makes the news every day..

riiiiiiight..... you should carpet bomb muslim families in michigan :cuckoo:

like i said... rational threat assessment and response is important. you don't hear israelis losing their minds and freaking out.... well, except maybe netanyahu and the nuts on the radical right in that country

See now -- that's exactly the leap to ad absurdium that would be expected. I stipulated that we don't HAVE an American Muslim problem and we want to keep it that way -- and you dismiss my stance and replace it with some humiliating nonsense that your stereotyping engine kicks out. .

What I ACTUALLY said was -- there are plenty of OBVIOUS security gaps that are known and the ultimatums have been received from the terrorists abroad. SHOULD we suffer a severe attack, there are gonna be a lot of folks doing this..


Hey! Where'd ya get that pic of Mac?
One basic question: Why is the Regressive Left more tolerant of Islam than of Christianity? - and they go completely nuts.


I'm not. Don't lie about what I believe.

Of course you are! Mac said you are. And he has examples of you doing it. Just ask him.

He's been reduced to infantile flailings. Some people just don't know when it's over.
Gawd, irony of ironies.

Whatta thread.
riiiiiiight..... you should carpet bomb muslim families in michigan :cuckoo:

Yeah -- it IS incredibly insane of you to accuse him of holding those opinions when he never even hinted at such.

What makes you so completely nuts, anyway?.
There has been some kind of trigger that sent them over the edge on this thread. I don't know if it's the use of the term "Regressive", or if they think this is the first time this obvious question has been asked, or because they're dealing with people who aren't conservative but who still point out what they're doing, or the fact that we've provided so many examples. I dunno. Maybe some combination therein.

Obviously they don't like being exposed for their behaviors, but it's not like this is the first time the question has been asked, by any means.

But they're on this thing like catnip, and they can't let go.
riiiiiiight..... you should carpet bomb muslim families in michigan :cuckoo:

Yeah -- it IS incredibly insane of you to accuse him of holding those opinions when he never even hinted at such.

What makes you so completely nuts, anyway?.
There has been some kind of trigger that sent them over the edge on this thread. I don't know if it's the use of the term "Regressive", or if they think this is the first time this obvious question has been asked, or because they're dealing with people who aren't conservative but who still point out what they're doing, or the fact that we've provided so many examples. I dunno. Maybe some combination therein.

Obviously they don't like being exposed for their behaviors, but it's not like this is the first time the question has been asked, by any means.

But they're on this thing like catnip, and they can't let go.

I promise you...I will let go as soon as you support the claim that I support or tolerate Islam any more than I support or tolerate Christianity. You haven't done that yet.

I explained in two posts earlier......what you are confused about....but you didn't seem to want to respond to them. Maybe you didn't read them?

And...the fact that you aren't a conservative is meaningless. Matthew and Odium aren't conservatives either.

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