The Regressives are going after masculinity bigly

"Toxic masculinity" is a strawman used by bigots.
No. It is used to call out bad conduct by people who play identity politics and use their sex to justify their unacceptable conduct. Not every man or every woman does this. If a person uses his or her gender identity to mistreat others and behave badly, s/he should be dealt with.
why don't you ask the OP to define "masculinity" first.

Because I choose to ask Hutch.

Nah. He raised the issue of "hyper-masculinity".
you cannot define hyper-"anything" without first defining "anything".

Can't call up a dictionary, eh?

Definition of masculine
1 a :male
  • masculine members of the choir
b :having qualities appropriate to or usually associated with a man
  • a masculine voice
2 :of, relating to, or constituting the gender that ordinarily includes most words or grammatical forms referring to males
  • masculine nouns
3 a :having or occurring in a stressed final syllable
  • masculine rhyme
b :having the final chord occurring on a strong beat
  • masculine cadence
triggered, eh?
why don't you ask the OP to define "masculinity" first.

Because I choose to ask Hutch.

Nah. He raised the issue of "hyper-masculinity".
you cannot define hyper-"anything" without first defining "anything".

Can't call up a dictionary, eh?

Definition of masculine
1 a :male
  • masculine members of the choir
b :having qualities appropriate to or usually associated with a man
  • a masculine voice
2 :of, relating to, or constituting the gender that ordinarily includes most words or grammatical forms referring to males
  • masculine nouns
3 a :having or occurring in a stressed final syllable
  • masculine rhyme
b :having the final chord occurring on a strong beat
  • masculine cadence
You could do the same, fool.
I think this experiment will ultimately fail

I don't see many girls flocking to become Boy Scouts. Only those whose brothers are all scouts or Bull Dyke Girl Scouts
Masculinity only frightens the weak.

Boy Scout membership is slipping because there are now alternatives whose memberships are growing.

Hyper masculinity is is a coping mechanism for the insecure.

Define hyper-masculinity.

It's classic over compensation. It's exhibited throughout this thread. Our president is a great example.

Hypermasculinity is a psychological term for the exaggeration of male stereotypical behavior, such as an emphasis on physical strength, aggression, and sexuality

Indeed. The greatest examples of hypermasculinity are found on the streets of the inner cities, and seemingly in the upper echelons of the film industry. :laugh:

Now, explain how it is a coping mechanism for the insecure, using single-sex social groups as an example. Say ... the Boy Scouts?

I'm curious why it was injected into this discussion.

Nah. He raised the issue of "hyper-masculinity".
you cannot define hyper-"anything" without first defining "anything".

Can't call up a dictionary, eh?

Definition of masculine
1 a :male
  • masculine members of the choir
b :having qualities appropriate to or usually associated with a man
  • a masculine voice
2 :of, relating to, or constituting the gender that ordinarily includes most words or grammatical forms referring to males
  • masculine nouns
3 a :having or occurring in a stressed final syllable
  • masculine rhyme
b :having the final chord occurring on a strong beat
  • masculine cadence
You could do the same, fool.

I prefer to give you people the opportunity to practice your spelling.

Nah. He raised the issue of "hyper-masculinity".
you cannot define hyper-"anything" without first defining "anything".

Can't call up a dictionary, eh?

Definition of masculine
1 a :male
  • masculine members of the choir
b :having qualities appropriate to or usually associated with a man
  • a masculine voice
2 :of, relating to, or constituting the gender that ordinarily includes most words or grammatical forms referring to males
  • masculine nouns
3 a :having or occurring in a stressed final syllable
  • masculine rhyme
b :having the final chord occurring on a strong beat
  • masculine cadence
triggered, eh?

Never happen.
yo mac, you are reeling in the white nationalist trumptards. be proud.

The moral depravity and the unwillingness of subhuman gutter trash like yourself to reach compromise with nice guys like Mac is what necessitated the rise of the reactionary right. You and Mac both know I am right about that much at least.
Masculinity only frightens the weak.

Boy Scout membership is slipping because there are now alternatives whose memberships are growing.

Hyper masculinity is is a coping mechanism for the insecure.

Define hyper-masculinity.

It's classic over compensation. It's exhibited throughout this thread. Our president is a great example.

Hypermasculinity is a psychological term for the exaggeration of male stereotypical behavior, such as an emphasis on physical strength, aggression, and sexuality

Indeed. The greatest examples of hypermasculinity are found on the streets of the inner cities, and seemingly in the upper echelons of the film industry. :laugh:

Now, explain how it is a coping mechanism for the insecure, using single-sex social groups as an example. Say ... the Boy Scouts?

I'm curious why it was injected into this discussion.

It has nothing to do with scouts any more than masculinity does.

It's apparent why an insecure male would choose this behavior. They don't want to appear weak.
Everyone is looking at this all wrong.

The Boy Scouts were about 60% Mormon for the past 20 years, minimum. All Mormon boys had to be Boy Scouts. They held on to the anti-gay agenda for YEARS longer than they wanted to because the Mormon Church was their master. If the hardcore Christian Religions Right are the Jesus Nazis, the Mormon Church is Heinrich fucking Himmler and the Schutzstaffel.

They ditched the Boy Scouts for finally allowing gays to serve as scout leaders. Allowing girls to participate is an effort to save the organization.

I am an Eagle Scout and I appreciate the experiences and values I learned from the organization. If this is what needs to happen to save it, it is a worthy effort and it may work.

Let's face it. Girls like camping, hiking, fishing, learning wilderness survival, and other outdoor activities as much as boys. It sure beats the hell out of selling a bunch of overpriced cookies every spring. Maybe the two organizations can merge, but we should all want to save the Boy Scouts.

List of Notable Eagle Scouts:
Bootney Lee Farnsworth (Me)
Neil Armstrong
Michael Bloomberg
Philo Farnsworth (no relation)
J.W. Marriot (he's Mormon, so of course)
Michael Moore
Ross Perot
Steven Spielberg
Gerald Ford
Donald Rumsfeld

So somehow you don't see a difference between what you're trying to accomplish, and whether it's being accomplished.

Well, there's nothing I can do about that. The distinction there should be pretty clear, for anyone whose eyes are open.
So somehow you don't see a difference between what you're trying to accomplish, and whether it's being accomplished.

The only thing I'm trying to accomplish is to gain some clarity on your position in this thread.

I don't see how using the decision of the BSA
as an example of the "emasculization of America" is valid when you just admitted that you have no idea if this "is emasculating to the boys in this case".

Well, there's nothing I can do about that. The distinction there should be pretty clear, for anyone whose eyes are open.

Nothing is clear here. Not even to you apparently.
Well, then we just don't communicate well. I'll be happy to take the blame.

The point is that the Regressives are trying to dilute and minimize masculinity.

Is it working? I don't know. We'll see.

If that still isn't clear enough, I just can't help you. Blame me.

You're not very good at this.

The point is that the Regressives are trying to dilute and minimize masculinity.

Is it working? I don't know. We'll see.

If that still isn't clear enough, I just can't help you. Blame me.

The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.
Yes, I am. It's you who can't seem to keep up.

Look at what I actually wrote: The Left is succeeding at fundamentally changing the country.

Did I say that the Left is succeeding in emasculating men? Nope.

This is why I no longer burn much effort trying to communicate with ideologues. Your thought processes are damaged by your ideology.

You have no idea of what you're trying to say.
You're contriving some imagined conspiracy
and point to the BSA decision as proof even though you freely admit that you don't know if that is indeed the case.

Seeking clarity does not make me an ideologue. However, your adherence to conspiracies concerning the left certainly suggests that you are.
You're certainly free to pretend anything you want.

I'm used to it here.
They just REFUSE to take these issues head on.

Understandable. It gets tougher when I provide proof.

Issues you make up and then find obscure wackos to support what you've made up in your head?

The BSA is finally allowing girls for one reason...they need money. I'm sorry it came 40 years too late for me, but your idea for why girls want into the BSA is pure, unadulterated bovine feces. Girls want to be Eagle Scouts, period.
There is no equivalent in Girl Scouts?
beef up the girl scouts then? ever hear of doing that? fk, I can't believe how fking stupid libturds are. really.

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