The Regressives are going after masculinity bigly

Why attach Mac on a personal level, its his point of view your not required to agree with it. been years that the last boy in our family was in scouts, you get to pick the things your young people join. don't like it don't join.
Let's face it, what you just said is a steaming pile of bullshit.
How so? You're telling me girls prefer selling cookies and learning stupid little songs over the fun shit the BSA does?

I disagree, but I only have anecdotal prove, so...:dunno:
so why not beef up the girl scouts? you know that boy scouts sell many things besides cookies? or are you just parroting? I thought people like you wanted equality? make the girl scouts like the boy scouts and then challenge them. are you afraid of success or failure?
Wow, THIS one REALLY triggered the Regressives.
The last thing they want is an old fuddy duddy like you throwing a monkey wrench into their plans to emasculate boys.
They get so PISSY, which is delightful. It's not hard to prove my point, I provided 8 examples in the OP and could have kept going.
Everyone is looking at this all wrong.

The Boy Scouts were about 60% Mormon for the past 20 years, minimum. All Mormon boys had to be Boy Scouts. They held on to the anti-gay agenda for YEARS longer than they wanted to because the Mormon Church was their master. If the hardcore Christian Religions Right are the Jesus Nazis, the Mormon Church is Heinrich fucking Himmler and the Schutzstaffel.

They ditched the Boy Scouts for finally allowing gays to serve as scout leaders. Allowing girls to participate is an effort to save the organization.

I am an Eagle Scout and I appreciate the experiences and values I learned from the organization. If this is what needs to happen to save it, it is a worthy effort and it may work.

Let's face it. Girls like camping, hiking, fishing, learning wilderness survival, and other outdoor activities as much as boys. It sure beats the hell out of selling a bunch of overpriced cookies every spring. Maybe the two organizations can merge, but we should all want to save the Boy Scouts.

List of Notable Eagle Scouts:
Bootney Lee Farnsworth (Me)
Neil Armstrong
Michael Bloomberg
Philo Farnsworth (no relation)
J.W. Marriot (he's Mormon, so of course)
Michael Moore
Ross Perot
Steven Spielberg
Gerald Ford
Donald Rumsfeld


Boy Scouts are looked at as a bunch of geeky Dudley Dorights who are trying to hide their gayness
At 11 or 12, Boy Scouts is a lot of fun. By High School, it is no longer cool as you tell your new girlfriend you can't go out this weekend because you are going camping

Allowing female participation may help to rebrand the scouts as a youth group and set it up for the 21st century
The last thing they want is an old fuddy duddy like you throwing a monkey wrench into their plans to emasculate boys.
BSA is trying to save its ass. This is corporate restructuring on crack. I'm not buying the emasculation angle.

But, I do buy it on just about every other topic you can imagine. You're not wrong in suspecting the left of that type of bullshit. The left is obsessed with cutting off the fake, bullshit, made-up-to-get-votes "Patriarchy" that they believe they must overthrow. We see it all the time.

In this situation, the BSA is in survival mode.
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Boy Scouts are looked at as a bunch of geeky Dudley Dorights who are trying to hide their gayness
At 11 or 12, Boy Scouts is a lot of fun. By High School, it is no longer cool as you tell your new girlfriend you can't go out this weekend because you are going camping

Allowing female participation may help to rebrand the scouts as a youth group and set it up for the 21st century

Real classy, attacking little kids for being "nerdy". Just goes to show what kind of person you are. To hell with your debased and corrupt morality.
Boy Scouts are looked at as a bunch of geeky Dudley Dorights who are trying to hide their gayness
That is mainly because the left have been shitting on the organization for decades. In part, the leftist shitting becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and a greater than average number of geeks join. But, have you ever even seen any boy scouts?
Allowing female participation may help to rebrand the scouts as a youth group and set it up for the 21st century
The left, including the MSM and Hollywood, could also help by not constantly portraying all Boy Scouts as Dudley Doright geeks. :dunno:
The last thing they want is an old fuddy duddy like you throwing a monkey wrench into their plans to emasculate boys.
BSA is trying to save it's ass. This is corporate restructuring on crack. I'm not buying the emasculation angle.

But, I do buy it on just about every other topic you can imagine. You're not wrong in suspecting the left of that type of bullshit. The left is obsessed with cutting off the fake, bullshit, made-up-to-get-votes "Patriarchy" that they believe they must overthrow. We see it all the time.

In this situation, the BSA is in survival mode.

The only girls who are going to join are the ones forced to by their bulldyke mothers in order to smash the patriarchy. The boy scouts arent the only corporate organization who's let themselves be browbeaten into submitting to the progressive anti-traditional values agenda.
The only girls who are going to join are the ones forced to by their bulldyke mothers in order to smash the patriarchy. The boy scouts arent the only corporate organization who's let themselves be browbeaten into submitting to the progressive anti-traditional values agenda.

I'm an Eagle Scout. Are you?
The only girls who are going to join are the ones forced to by their bulldyke mothers in order to smash the patriarchy. The boy scouts arent the only corporate organization who's let themselves be browbeaten into submitting to the progressive anti-traditional values agenda.

I'm an Eagle Scout. Are you?

My mom forced my antisocial ass to join the scouts at around 13 years of age but I dropped out. The boys were really mean to me... LOL
Boy Scouts are looked at as a bunch of geeky Dudley Dorights who are trying to hide their gayness
That is mainly because the left have been shitting on the organization for decades. In part, the leftist shitting becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and a greater than average number of geeks join. But, have you ever even seen any boy scouts?
Allowing female participation may help to rebrand the scouts as a youth group and set it up for the 21st century
The left, including the MSM and Hollywood, could also help by not constantly portraying all Boy Scouts as Dudley Doright geeks. :dunno:

Or Girl Scouts as pushy know it alls.

Dudley Doright never did wrong by Nell. Women have no issues with Dudley. It's Whiplash, women have the problem with. The guy who ties her to the railroad tracks and threatens her if she won't "marry him".

The problem is that Booty thinks Snidely is a manly man because he's rich. He thinks that's what women want. We actually like Dudley. He's smart, resourceful and he treats Nell very respectfully.

And Dudley never gives up no matter what the odds. Snidely is stupid. Be like Dudley.
I stopped doing that, bro.
Did the time you stopped, coincide with the time you lost your bigotry for gay folks, or what...

this is special :popcorn:
I'm not the bigot, bro. You are. :smile:
It was predicatble youd dodge the direct question, and will continue to do so :thup:

No. You asked a false question, bro.
Oh, then maybe youll care to explain the connotation of you using the word faggot in the first place.

Prolly not though, huh?
Why? Are you trying to justify your use of it?

It's all in the context and I have seen plenty of yours to know that you are two faced, bro.
Did the time you stopped, coincide with the time you lost your bigotry for gay folks, or what...

this is special :popcorn:
I'm not the bigot, bro. You are. :smile:
It was predicatble youd dodge the direct question, and will continue to do so :thup:

No. You asked a false question, bro.
Oh, then maybe youll care to explain the connotation of you using the word faggot in the first place.

Prolly not though, huh?
Why? Are you trying to justify your use of it?

It's all in the context and I have seen plenty of yours to know that you are two faced, bro.
Thanks for dodging, as I predicted you predictably would. :thup:
I'm not the bigot, bro. You are. :smile:
It was predicatble youd dodge the direct question, and will continue to do so :thup:

No. You asked a false question, bro.
Oh, then maybe youll care to explain the connotation of you using the word faggot in the first place.

Prolly not though, huh?
Why? Are you trying to justify your use of it?

It's all in the context and I have seen plenty of yours to know that you are two faced, bro.
Thanks for dodging, as I predicted you predictably would. :thup:
Don't worry. I plan to offer ample evidence tonight. :smile:

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