The Regressives are going after masculinity bigly

My son is an Eagle Scout and I was with him from Tiger Cubs to Eagle Scout

I saw the boys as they progressed through the ranks and it was particularly difficult for boys in High School. Wearing a scout uniform while a teenager is an invitation for abuse

Rebranding the scouts as a coed youth group will help in the long run

I mean, I understand better than the old fuddy duddies round here that looking like a dork will only make a boy already emasculated by society even more embarrassed but I really don't see how turning the boy scouts into a coed group will help. I'd rather work on fixing the culture that turned wholesomeness into a big joke.
They just REFUSE to take these issues head on.

Understandable. It gets tougher when I provide proof.

Issues you make up and then find obscure wackos to support what you've made up in your head?

The BSA is finally allowing girls for one reason...they need money. I'm sorry it came 40 years too late for me, but your idea for why girls want into the BSA is pure, unadulterated bovine feces. Girls want to be Eagle Scouts, period.
Unfortunately, the result will be, Eagle Scouts just won't be the same Eagle Scouts they were. The honor will become just another participation trophy.
We know Mac1958 will never name any “regressives” because he is a “PA” (passive aggressive”. But will he outline the politics of a regressive? Will he describe some characteristics which describe all regressives?
As I've told you many times - you keep playing this game because you're a habitual liar - I never have to name names.

It's MUCH more fun to see you Regressives self-identify FOR me. And there could be no better example than this thread.

I just toss the softballs up in the air, and you guys whack 'em over the fence for me. Every. Single. Time.

Stop being an obtuse paranoid. If you don't like my observations, tough shit. Bitch, bitch, bitch.
^ pathetic
We know Mac1958 will never name any “regressives” because he is a “PA” (passive aggressive”. But will he outline the politics of a regressive? Will he describe some characteristics which describe all regressives?

He's too nice to do any of that, it explains why he voted for Clinton. Fucking baby boomers, goddamn cucks.
grow up.

All you ever do is run around the forum slinging insults and acting like a fuckin' teenager. Look at your avatar. And you tell me to grow up? Give me a break.
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View

I think your "masculinity" is safe.

The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View

I think your "masculinity" is safe.

And another one jumps in to self-identify for me.

Thanks! Join the crowd!
We know Mac1958 will never name any “regressives” because he is a “PA” (passive aggressive”. But will he outline the politics of a regressive? Will he describe some characteristics which describe all regressives?

He's too nice to do any of that, it explains why he voted for Clinton. Fucking baby boomers, goddamn cucks.
grow up.

All you ever do is run around the forum slinging insults and acting like a fuckin' teenager. Look at your avatar. And you tell me to grow up? Give me a break.
you actually have a point there, ha.
The left will not tolerate American men forcibly putting an end to muslim abuse of women. They have already succeeded in Europe where the emasculated men meekly stand back and watch hairy men with bad breath rape european women.
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View

Just the continuing saga of the Leftist-Feminist-Progressive effort to undermine religion, within that, undermine whites, and within that, specifically white males. Part of the masculine image is leadership, aggression, and with it, guns as a means to take and hold power (war). Taking the powerful male out of the role of running the world under the guise of euphemistic words such as: "gender-neutral," and "anti-misogynist," males all over are under attack (sometimes for good reason) because the Left knows that their key to power is to undermine the white male, the largest conservative demographic there is.
The left will not tolerate American men forcibly putting an end to muslim abuse of women. They have already succeeded in Europe where the emasculated men meekly stand back and watch hairy men with bad breath rape european women.
Whoa, good point. They want to dilute and minimize masculinity for everyone but Muslims, the religion, more than any other, in which men are above women. In which women are subservient.

Ouch. Excellent.
The left will not tolerate American men forcibly putting an end to muslim abuse of women. They have already succeeded in Europe where the emasculated men meekly stand back and watch hairy men with bad breath rape european women.
Whoa, good point. They want to dilute and minimize masculinity for everyone but Muslims, the religion, more than any other, in which men are above women. In which women are subservient.

Ouch. Excellent.

Do "regressives" have love for the Muslim religion or reverence for its misogynist tenets?
Do they watch Muslim men rape women and say or do nothing? Wow!
The left will not tolerate American men forcibly putting an end to muslim abuse of women. They have already succeeded in Europe where the emasculated men meekly stand back and watch hairy men with bad breath rape european women.

Nice to see you drunk again. What is it with Republicans always seeing foreign people raping European women? The guys I see raping American women are American white males and they're "getting away with it" with slap on the wrist sentences for excessively brutal rapes on college campuses.

The "white men under attack" brigade complains about false rape allegations, a lot. Don't they sound like a real group of winners?
The following was taken from Mac's first linked article about "toxic masculinity," describing the traits of "toxic masculinity":
  • Loving sex, but not really liking women.
  • Violence is the way “men” solve problems.
  • Dominance over women.
  • Believing that they are entitled to success due to their gender.
  • Labeling men who don’t subscribe to this mindset as “Beta.”
I would have to ask whether Mac supports this sort of behavior. Is his article a complaint that men aren't being allowed to act this way? Just what exactly is he complaining that he is being told to do or to not do? Or that someone is doing to him? We live in a society with upwards of 320 million people in it, and we all have the right to expect decent and respectful conduct from everyone.

As I pointed out in my post, that list is utter nonsense.

The very act of claiming that that is men is a lie and an attack on men.
And right away, they jump in to change the subject and make it about me.

Looks like ol' Mac has nailed it yet again.

Wow, you're so vain, you probably think this song is about you! It strikes me that you have some serious issues with your masculinity.

You haven't "nailed it". You haven't even hit the tree much less the target.

The left doesn't have "masculinity problems". They aren't the ones who are marching with tiki torches chanting "The Jews will not replace us", or claiming that white men are under attack. They don't call women "feminazis". It's the right wing men who have these masculinity issues.

Men who don't have masculinity issues, see women as equals, and aren't intimidated by smart, strong women. They don't have a problem with sharing power either because they know that everyone needs to work together to build a strong nation.

It's only the insecure, weak men who have a problem sharing power. Men like the asshole you elected President who can't stand criticism and wants media outlets who tell the truth about his craptacular administration, shut down.

Who married women who don't dare stand up to him and then bullies them around. A guy so insecure he lives in a gold apartment to show off how rich he is. Biff Trump is so insecure he threatened to take the license if the network that broke the story of Tillerson calling him a "moron".

You elected a man who admits to sexually assaulting women as President. I guess Trump knows that he's so odious that no woman would be open to a consensual relationship with him.
Well, I voted for Hillary.

But thanks for the zillionth example of my point - you folks just gotta make it about me.

youre the guy who said the regressives caused america to vote for trump

but....voted for hillary

cuz your logic is as solid as a baby whining for a lolly pop whose got an ice cream cone in its hand

There is no conflict in his logic you presented.

It is "solid".

What part of it do you imagine is flawed?
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View

regressive meamomg rogjtwomgmiut wrote trash,. right?
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View

regressive meamomg rogjtwomgmiut wrote trash,. right?

Please don't pretend to not understand what regressive means.

It looks like an incredibly obvious dodge.

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