The Regressives are going after masculinity bigly

They just REFUSE to take these issues head on.

Understandable. It gets tougher when I provide proof.

Guy, it's hard to take you seriously when you go on and on about issues nobody but you sees.

Do you have kids involved in scouting?

I would invite any posters who do to tell us if they are seeing the same thing that Pompous Mac is talking about, because I'm guessing they aren't.

Now, there is a whole mentality of wanting to protect our kids from harm, I guess. So they won't let the kids carry around pocket knives or make fires in the woods...

But only Pompous Mac will look at that and see a vast conspiracy.

Just like he sees a vast conspiracy when college kids don't want Ann Coulter on their campus.
I remember being a scout. We learned how to tie knots, start fires, and not tattle.
And by the way, notice how they're deploying their "isolation" tactic, trying to isolate the Boy Scouts story only instead of addressing the big picture, which I did.

They do this to minimize the point. The Boy Scout story is just one of many, MANY examples of the point. I even brought up others in the OP.

These people just have to lie to cover for what they're doing.
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The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View
This decision will effectively kill the girlscouts as an organization eventually. Rather than changing the organization to meet the needs of the girls they're trying to change the boys to meet the needs of the girls.
It really is sad that we're homodginizing our children and not teaching them individuality.

That sounds like a problem for the girl scouts.

I just know that decades ago when I was a kid, I wanted to be in the Boy Scouts and had zero interest in what the GS's offered. I wanted to learn the stuff the BSA taught. Girls that want in and the families that support them don't care about Mac's masculinity or your "individualism" (in an all male environment where you are all conforming and doing the same things, following a set program), they just want to do the stuff the BSA does.
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View
This decision will effectively kill the girlscouts as an organization eventually. Rather than changing the organization to meet the needs of the girls they're trying to change the boys to meet the needs of the girls.
It really is sad that we're homodginizing our children and not teaching them individuality.

That sounds like a problem for the girl scouts.

I just know that decades ago when I was a kid, I wanted to be in the Boy Scouts and had zero interest in what the GS's offered. I wanted to learn the stuff the BSA taught. Girls that want in and the families that support them don't care about Mac's masculinity or your "individualism" (in an all male environment where you are all conforming and doing the same things, following a set program), they just want to do the stuff the BSA does.
And I addressed that. Change your organization rather than demanding entry into someone else's. I raised two daughters, one of which was a tomboy through & through, but she wasn't allowed to dictate to boys how or what they do to suit her desires.
I don't expect you will understand that but whatever.
In other news, MMA's legality and Popularity has increased exponentially since the early 2000s, and so has the number of people in the united states training in hand to hand combat.
I remember being a scout. We learned how to tie knots, start fires, and not tattle.
They taught a lot more than that but I think most of it was likely lost on you. How far did you advance? Weeblo?
Webelo is not a Boy Scout rank it is a position of age...
You CLEARLY didn't get the joke. Perhaps I laid it out poorly.
So now you're gay?
Yeah that's me....

Derp much?
I remember being a scout. We learned how to tie knots, start fires, and not tattle.
They taught a lot more than that but I think most of it was likely lost on you. How far did you advance? Weeblo?
Webelo is not a Boy Scout rank it is a position of age...
You CLEARLY didn't get the joke. Perhaps I laid it out poorly.
So now you're gay?
Yeah that's me....

Derp much?
Only when the derps ask for it..
I remember being a scout. We learned how to tie knots, start fires, and not tattle.
They taught a lot more than that but I think most of it was likely lost on you. How far did you advance? Weeblo?
Webelo is not a Boy Scout rank it is a position of age...
Excuse me......;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1507925898/RO=10/RU=
and the rank is derived by age classification...
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View

The shark has been jumped.

Wow. I have to say, your little sig cartoon is about the dumbest thing I have ever seen. And the competition is stiff.
In other news, MMA's legality and Popularity has increased exponentially since the early 2000s, and so has the number of people in the united states training in hand to hand combat.

Not sure how that relates to this thread
He was extolling the virtues of gay companionship in all male clubs and organizations, I much prefer to hang around females myself...
I remember being a scout. We learned how to tie knots, start fires, and not tattle.
They taught a lot more than that but I think most of it was likely lost on you. How far did you advance? Weeblo?
Webelo is not a Boy Scout rank it is a position of age...
Excuse me......;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1507925898/RO=10/RU=
and the rank is derived by age classification...
That would make your original assertion wrong. (STILL)

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