The Religion of Peace?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Bush43 often referred to Islam as "...the religion of peace...," apparently because his advisors told him that "we" should not make it appear to the Muslim World (approx. 1.3 Billion souls) that we are declaring war on all of them, or on their religion.

Anyone knowing the history of the Mohammedans (as some people call them), and seeing how they conquered vast tracts of land and cultures, and oppressed the Christians, Jews, and others who occupied those countries can easily refute Bush's silly descriptor. It is not and has never been a "religion of peace."

And today, we continue to see multiple examples of Muslims committing atrocities around the world, targeting innocents as well as Muslims whose beliefs are different from those of the attackers. In essentially all cases, the perpetrators overtly state that they acting based on the teachings of the Koran, serving Allah. We are reminded that the people perpetrating these crimes (up to and including genocide) are a "small minority" of the Billion Plus Muslims in the world, so we shouldn't paint them all with the same brush. Of course, a small percentage of a Billion people is still tens of millions of evil-doers. But who's counting?

Just for fun, let's compare Islam with the American KKK. The KKK preaches hate, ethnic and religious intolerance, blatant prejudices, and has a history of vile, criminal acts that could easily be described as terrorism.

But on the other hand, it is probably only a very small percentage of KKK members who have ever actively participated in a murder, fire bombing, or even a harmless cross burning. Would it be reasonable to say, "Don't blame the KKK for the acts of a few of them. It is actually a fairly harmless, innocuous group of guys."

Nobody would say that. The KKK is, by its very nature, abhorrent.

The Koran promotes contemptible gender discrimination, murder of homosexuals, ostracism of rape victims, and serious oppression of non-believers in places where Muslims are in power. Mohammed himself taught that it is virtuous to sign - and then break - contracts and treaties, when to do so promotes the interests of Islam. (Of what value is a contract with the Mullahs of Iran?). When the civil laws conflict with the Koran, Islam teaches that the Koran should be followed, hence we have, in civilized Western countries, honor killings, genital mutilations, massive statutory rape cultures, and literal slavery.

Political leaders in all western countries and parties are in general agreement that Islam must be treated with blind tolerance, just like any other religion, as though the religion itself were completely harmless.

As long as those professing it don't take it seriously. It's a hell of a stupid thing, if you ask me.

Trump is right about this. We don't need to be importing any more religious zealots from countries that "hate America" and its culture. Fuck 'em. Let them go to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, or Iran. And tell them to take the Palestinian "refugees" with them.
calm yourself -----muslims are taught from infancy that the ONLY way to peace
is via ISLAMIC RULE. It seems---most
they got the Koran from the OT, OT had the same exact laws. Muslims and Jews, the real Jews , hard to tell apart.
they got the Koran from the OT, OT had the same exact laws. Muslims and Jews, the real Jews , hard to tell apart.

The legal code of Judaism---is about as different from Shariah as human legal codes get in DIFFERENCE. In fact, the legal code of islam is far more similar to both the CODE OF HUMMARABI and the Canon law of
the 'holy' Roman empire than it is similar to
"torah law". Penelope has admitted several times that she never read the koran, or the old testament or the new testament.
they got the Koran from the OT, OT had the same exact laws. Muslims and Jews, the real Jews , hard to tell apart.

The legal code of Judaism---is about as different from Shariah as human legal codes get in DIFFERENCE. In fact, the legal code of islam is far more similar to both the CODE OF HUMMARABI and the Canon law of
the 'holy' Roman empire than it is similar to
"torah law". Penelope has admitted several times that she never read the koran, or the old testament or the new testament.

Better than you apparently. Jews and Muslims both think Abraham was unique to them.
Koran says Abraham was there. Two peas in a pod. The Christian God is a trinity.
they got the Koran from the OT, OT had the same exact laws. Muslims and Jews, the real Jews , hard to tell apart.

The legal code of Judaism---is about as different from Shariah as human legal codes get in DIFFERENCE. In fact, the legal code of islam is far more similar to both the CODE OF HUMMARABI and the Canon law of
the 'holy' Roman empire than it is similar to
"torah law". Penelope has admitted several times that she never read the koran, or the old testament or the new testament.

Better than you apparently. Jews and Muslims both think Abraham was unique to them.
Koran says Abraham was there. Two peas in a pod. The Christian God is a trinity.

the discussion was about the LAWS of the respective religions------and the SOCIETY they describe-------not "WHO WAS ABRAHAM"
As to being "UNIQUE" to------your statement indicates that you understand neither islam nor Judaism and the relationship of Abraham to the adherents of either
they got the Koran from the OT, OT had the same exact laws. Muslims and Jews, the real Jews , hard to tell apart.

The legal code of Judaism---is about as different from Shariah as human legal codes get in DIFFERENCE. In fact, the legal code of islam is far more similar to both the CODE OF HUMMARABI and the Canon law of
the 'holy' Roman empire than it is similar to
"torah law". Penelope has admitted several times that she never read the koran, or the old testament or the new testament.

Better than you apparently. Jews and Muslims both think Abraham was unique to them.
Koran says Abraham was there. Two peas in a pod. The Christian God is a trinity.

the discussion was about the LAWS of the respective religions------and the SOCIETY they describe-------not "WHO WAS ABRAHAM"
As to being "UNIQUE" to------your statement indicates that you understand neither islam nor Judaism and the relationship of Abraham to the adherents of either

Abraham was the father of Ishmael and Isaac. You believe in stoning adulteresses and homosexuals. Both male of both religions could have concubines, so men did not get stoned or accused of adultery.
they got the Koran from the OT, OT had the same exact laws. Muslims and Jews, the real Jews , hard to tell apart.

The legal code of Judaism---is about as different from Shariah as human legal codes get in DIFFERENCE. In fact, the legal code of islam is far more similar to both the CODE OF HUMMARABI and the Canon law of
the 'holy' Roman empire than it is similar to
"torah law". Penelope has admitted several times that she never read the koran, or the old testament or the new testament.

Better than you apparently. Jews and Muslims both think Abraham was unique to them.
Koran says Abraham was there. Two peas in a pod. The Christian God is a trinity.

the discussion was about the LAWS of the respective religions------and the SOCIETY they describe-------not "WHO WAS ABRAHAM"
As to being "UNIQUE" to------your statement indicates that you understand neither islam nor Judaism and the relationship of Abraham to the adherents of either

Abraham was the father of Ishmael and Isaac. You believe in stoning adulteresses and homosexuals. Both male of both religions could have concubines, so men did not get stoned or accused of adultery.

you believe in feeding feces to human infants. You have no idea what "I BELIEVE"----nor do you have any concept at all of Jewish jurisprudence---in fact, you do not even know the definition of the word "ADULTERY". It is true that muslims ---according to their laws----execute women who commit adultery. They execute men who commit adultery too-----but to understand that situation you would have to know the definition of adultery. Adultery was a FELONY in most of the USA before jews got here. Try to stop making a fool of yourself
they got the Koran from the OT, OT had the same exact laws. Muslims and Jews, the real Jews , hard to tell apart.

The legal code of Judaism---is about as different from Shariah as human legal codes get in DIFFERENCE. In fact, the legal code of islam is far more similar to both the CODE OF HUMMARABI and the Canon law of
the 'holy' Roman empire than it is similar to
"torah law". Penelope has admitted several times that she never read the koran, or the old testament or the new testament.

Better than you apparently. Jews and Muslims both think Abraham was unique to them.
Koran says Abraham was there. Two peas in a pod. The Christian God is a trinity.

the discussion was about the LAWS of the respective religions------and the SOCIETY they describe-------not "WHO WAS ABRAHAM"
As to being "UNIQUE" to------your statement indicates that you understand neither islam nor Judaism and the relationship of Abraham to the adherents of either

Abraham was the father of Ishmael and Isaac. You believe in stoning adulteresses and homosexuals. Both male of both religions could have concubines, so men did not get stoned or accused of adultery.

you believe in feeding feces to human infants. You have no idea what "I BELIEVE"----nor do you have any concept at all of Jewish jurisprudence---in fact, you do not even know the definition of the word "ADULTERY". It is true that muslims ---according to their laws----execute women who commit adultery. They execute men who commit adultery too-----but to understand that situation you would have to know the definition of adultery. Adultery was a FELONY in most of the USA before jews got here. Try to stop making a fool of yourself

We are talking the OT and the Koran and their similarities, almost like wrote by the same group of people.
The legal code of Judaism---is about as different from Shariah as human legal codes get in DIFFERENCE. In fact, the legal code of islam is far more similar to both the CODE OF HUMMARABI and the Canon law of
the 'holy' Roman empire than it is similar to
"torah law". Penelope has admitted several times that she never read the koran, or the old testament or the new testament.

Better than you apparently. Jews and Muslims both think Abraham was unique to them.
Koran says Abraham was there. Two peas in a pod. The Christian God is a trinity.

the discussion was about the LAWS of the respective religions------and the SOCIETY they describe-------not "WHO WAS ABRAHAM"
As to being "UNIQUE" to------your statement indicates that you understand neither islam nor Judaism and the relationship of Abraham to the adherents of either

Abraham was the father of Ishmael and Isaac. You believe in stoning adulteresses and homosexuals. Both male of both religions could have concubines, so men did not get stoned or accused of adultery.

you believe in feeding feces to human infants. You have no idea what "I BELIEVE"----nor do you have any concept at all of Jewish jurisprudence---in fact, you do not even know the definition of the word "ADULTERY". It is true that muslims ---according to their laws----execute women who commit adultery. They execute men who commit adultery too-----but to understand that situation you would have to know the definition of adultery. Adultery was a FELONY in most of the USA before jews got here. Try to stop making a fool of yourself

We are talking the OT and the Koran and their similarities, almost like wrote by the same group of people.

wrong again-----again demonstrating that you never read either. ----or---for that matter, the new testament and probably not even the ODYSSEY in Junior high school-------I do not blame you---lots of people get thru school depending on CLASSIC COMICS. Do you still have your collection of classic comics? Another obvious problem is your functional illiteracy-----how can you interpret
Depends on which right winger you ask


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