The Religious Right Takes on UN Children’s Agency Over Sex Education

Another gay thread by PP? Who knew there was so much to keep him in a state of excitement!

Not so much a gay thread, as a thread about his other favorite topic, the sexual indoctrination, manipulation, and abuse of children.

Any doubt as to why he is so interested in sexualizing children?

"Not so much a gay thread, as a thread about his other favorite topic, the sexual indoctrination, manipulation, and abuse of children."

Yes how much longer will The Progressive Faggot be allowed to promote his disgusting and vile favourite topic though? He is nearer to the crossing of lines with each OP now.
Saying that my "side," whatever that is, is not necessarily an "embrace of sexual immorality," whatever this is, in any form. No one "normalizes pedophilia."

Yours is the side that openly promote and defends the teaching of the perverted LGBpbiWTF agenda to children in elementary school. This very obviously has no purpose other than to groom these children for further sexual exploitation and abuse.

Why do you think that I wrote what I did about the sexual threats to young girls? But "your side" seems to want to normalize sexual trafficking, as well as the sickness that underlies the ridiculous evil known as the double standard of "morality."

That is a flat-out lie, and you know damn well that it is. Nobody on my side supports, defends, or tolerates sexual trafficking, nor the sexual abuse of young girls or boys.

You use sexual ignorance as a weapon, even sacrificing your own children. Nobody is teaching anyone's "agenda" in public schools, even yours, or they are not supposed to be. However, given the federal funding of "abstinence education," it is your "agenda" that is being pushed in public schools, in spite of the fact that a good deal of Americans do not wait for marriage. Many more studies and polls have focused on girls and women, so information on males is harder to come by, but culture, anecdotal stories, and word-of-mouth suggest that males pretty much do not wait until marriage, regardless of their stated religious affiliation. Consider whether you personally have observed the rules of sexual morality put forth by your religion. Consider whether you or your religious fellows view anyperson's virginity as a commodity.

Preventing unwanted pregnancies, teen pregnancies, the spread of STDs, too-early marriages, with the goal of producing healthy and educated adults prepared to take their places in society and make positive contributions are legitimate concerns of the public. Whether a person is abstinent until marriage is not of public concern. It has to do only with personal religious issues and preferences. And as I said above, a person given practical information about sexual topics has a choice of using this information or not. This is a choice.

I have never heard of sexual activity of any sort being mentioned to elementary school children. I have, however, witnessed at a county school board meeting in the early 1990's that was held to decide whether to cover LGBT students under the anti-harassment rules, a bunch of very small children bused in from some supposedly "Christian" church, walking around holding signs that read "sodomy is not child's play." It was this "church" and their parents who apparently were responsible for this.

Moreover, your "side" has never responded clearly to allegations of hatred of women and gays, and perhaps more veiled hatred of people of color and other religions, nor allegations of attempts to establish patriarchy and sexual subjugation of women, and of attempts to replace our government with a theocracy run by exponents of your crap.

Nice Post - and I can't disagree with much of what you stated abstinence, STDs and so forth. HOWEVER so far as Agendas being taught in schools you are way off track - wake and smell the coffee ....

Gay Agenda in Public Schools

Anti Bullying Charade as a means of pushing gay topics .....
False Gay Heroesm [ Harvey Milk for instance] ....
Explicit Gay Sex Education ... Students in an 8th grade class were molested by a group known as Proud Rainbow Youth of Southern Maine. This pathetic performance involved assaulting students with descriptions and unsolicited advice regarding safe homosexual sex acts and suggested using saran wrap when giving a blow job if a dental dam was not available..........

Teaching The art of Fist F__king >> IN PUBLIC SCHOOL

.......Recruiting children? You bet we are ! I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start f**ing men. - Daniel Villarreal -

You're clueless as to what's going on in schools

Are you responding to Green Bean?
Another gay thread by PP? Who knew there was so much to keep him in a state of excitement!

Not so much a gay thread, as a thread about his other favorite topic, the sexual indoctrination, manipulation, and abuse of children.

Any doubt as to why he is so interested in sexualizing children?

"Not so much a gay thread, as a thread about his other favorite topic, the sexual indoctrination, manipulation, and abuse of children."

Yes how much longer will The Progressive Faggot be allowed to promote his disgusting and vile favourite topic though? He is nearer to the crossing of lines with each OP now.

Leftists have a very unusual and disturbing interest of children
Another gay thread by PP? Who knew there was so much to keep him in a state of excitement!

Not so much a gay thread, as a thread about his other favorite topic, the sexual indoctrination, manipulation, and abuse of children.

Any doubt as to why he is so interested in sexualizing children?

"Not so much a gay thread, as a thread about his other favorite topic, the sexual indoctrination, manipulation, and abuse of children."

Yes how much longer will The Progressive Faggot be allowed to promote his disgusting and vile favourite topic though? He is nearer to the crossing of lines with each OP now.

Leftists have a very unusual and disturbing interest of children


The Progressive Faggot thinks it's bigotry to be against allowing perverts at the UN to groom and fuck children. Being Anti-Paedophilia = Bigotry :uhoh3:
Another gay thread by PP? Who knew there was so much to keep him in a state of excitement!

Not so much a gay thread, as a thread about his other favorite topic, the sexual indoctrination, manipulation, and abuse of children.

Any doubt as to why he is so interested in sexualizing children?

"Not so much a gay thread, as a thread about his other favorite topic, the sexual indoctrination, manipulation, and abuse of children."

Yes how much longer will The Progressive Faggot be allowed to promote his disgusting and vile favourite topic though? He is nearer to the crossing of lines with each OP now.

Leftists have a very unusual and disturbing interest of children


The Progressive Faggot thinks it's bigotry to be against allowing perverts at the UN to groom and fuck children. Being Anti-Paedophilia = Bigotry.

That clown is always bawling about queers and me a headache
Another gay thread by PP? Who knew there was so much to keep him in a state of excitement!

Not so much a gay thread, as a thread about his other favorite topic, the sexual indoctrination, manipulation, and abuse of children.

Any doubt as to why he is so interested in sexualizing children?

"Not so much a gay thread, as a thread about his other favorite topic, the sexual indoctrination, manipulation, and abuse of children."

Yes how much longer will The Progressive Faggot be allowed to promote his disgusting and vile favourite topic though? He is nearer to the crossing of lines with each OP now.

Leftists have a very unusual and disturbing interest of children


The Progressive Faggot thinks it's bigotry to be against allowing perverts at the UN to groom and fuck children. Being Anti-Paedophilia = Bigotry.

That clown is always bawling about queers and me a headache

"That clown is always bawling about queers and shit"

Queers and shit go together.

Queers frequently deal with shit having to wipe it off their....lower male organ - I am attempting to be diplomatic in my response :smoke:
You see the reaction to tearing up the Constitution because it's a janus-faced document, for gun control or mind control. Theology, especially xianity's fixation on the flesh is traditional and typical: Schossau in Michigan, who sets up young girls for inculcation and molestation for profit.

This thread is on track, like the cake-dress thread.
Doesn't matter - you lost the debate
Only in the dark recesses of you diseased and twisted mind sparky. Good to see the Ms. Lysistrata took you down a notch or 3. Called you out big time on the dishonest horseshit that you post
Says the monster that defends every sickness the left promotes.

His main obsession though is defending perverts who violate young boys' buttocks - I am attempting to be diplomatic again :omg:
Doesn't matter - you lost the debate
Only in the dark recesses of you diseased and twisted mind sparky. Good to see the Ms. Lysistrata took you down a notch or 3. Called you out big time on the dishonest horseshit that you post
Says the monster that defends every sickness the left promotes.

His main obsession though is defending perverts who violate young boys' buttocks - I am attempting to be diplomatic again :omg:
Never was there a more disgusting sickness. The sickness of the left knows no bounds.Look how they fawn all over the little Cuban dyke as she marches for a "safer America" and doesn't have the respect for this country to show an American flag. She shows a Cuban one.
'The xian pathology takes polygamy much further than judaism into mind control, and as we mentioned on the Parkland threads, it's not a good idea to introduce Rollers into schools, for they are the symbol for the superego, and a good way to reduplicate this reactionary UN rabidity, which mental virus trumps spirochetes.

'So, far from being 'the religion of guilt,' the Jewish religion precisely enables us to avoid guilt -- it is Christianity that manipulates guilt much more effectively....The superego feeling of guilt is therefore right: the more we obey the Law, the more we are guilty, because this obedience, in effect, is a defense against our sinful desire; and in Christianity, the (desire [italics]) (intention) to sin equals the (act [it.]) itself -- if you simply covet your neighbor's wife, you are already committing adultery. This Christian superego attitude is perhaps best expressed by T.S. Elliot's line from Murder in the Cathedral: 'the highest form of treason: to do the right thing for the wrong reason' -- even when you do the right thing, you do it in order to counteract, and thus conceal, the basic vileness of your true nature.'
However, this superego dialectic of the transgressive desire engendering guilt is (not[it.]) the ultimate horizon of Christianity: Saint Paul makes clear, the Christian stance, at its most radical, involves precisely the suspension of the vicious cycle of Law and its transgressive desire. How are we to resolve this deadlock? Our answer is that the passage from Judaism to Christianity ultimately obeys the matrix of the passage from the 'masculine' to the 'feminine' formulae of sexuation.'
(Zizek, The Fragile Absolute)

This is why the xians move against the UN. They know they risk being exposed unless there's some sort of commotion.that projects their pathology onto the scapegoat as a cleansing operation, a strive for pure form not unknown to nazism.
Saying that my "side," whatever that is, is not necessarily an "embrace of sexual immorality," whatever this is, in any form. No one "normalizes pedophilia."

Yours is the side that openly promote and defends the teaching of the perverted LGBpbiWTF agenda to children in elementary school. This very obviously has no purpose other than to groom these children for further sexual exploitation and abuse.

Why do you think that I wrote what I did about the sexual threats to young girls? But "your side" seems to want to normalize sexual trafficking, as well as the sickness that underlies the ridiculous evil known as the double standard of "morality."

That is a flat-out lie, and you know damn well that it is. Nobody on my side supports, defends, or tolerates sexual trafficking, nor the sexual abuse of young girls or boys.

You use sexual ignorance as a weapon, even sacrificing your own children. Nobody is teaching anyone's "agenda" in public schools, even yours, or they are not supposed to be. However, given the federal funding of "abstinence education," it is your "agenda" that is being pushed in public schools, in spite of the fact that a good deal of Americans do not wait for marriage. Many more studies and polls have focused on girls and women, so information on males is harder to come by, but culture, anecdotal stories, and word-of-mouth suggest that males pretty much do not wait until marriage, regardless of their stated religious affiliation. Consider whether you personally have observed the rules of sexual morality put forth by your religion. Consider whether you or your religious fellows view anyperson's virginity as a commodity.

Preventing unwanted pregnancies, teen pregnancies, the spread of STDs, too-early marriages, with the goal of producing healthy and educated adults prepared to take their places in society and make positive contributions are legitimate concerns of the public. Whether a person is abstinent until marriage is not of public concern. It has to do only with personal religious issues and preferences. And as I said above, a person given practical information about sexual topics has a choice of using this information or not. This is a choice.

I have never heard of sexual activity of any sort being mentioned to elementary school children. I have, however, witnessed at a county school board meeting in the early 1990's that was held to decide whether to cover LGBT students under the anti-harassment rules, a bunch of very small children bused in from some supposedly "Christian" church, walking around holding signs that read "sodomy is not child's play." It was this "church" and their parents who apparently were responsible for this.

Moreover, your "side" has never responded clearly to allegations of hatred of women and gays, and perhaps more veiled hatred of people of color and other religions, nor allegations of attempts to establish patriarchy and sexual subjugation of women, and of attempts to replace our government with a theocracy run by exponents of your crap.

Nice Post - and I can't disagree with much of what you stated abstinence, STDs and so forth. HOWEVER so far as Agendas being taught in schools you are way off track - wake and smell the coffee ....

Gay Agenda in Public Schools

Anti Bullying Charade as a means of pushing gay topics .....
False Gay Heroesm [ Harvey Milk for instance] ....
Explicit Gay Sex Education ... Students in an 8th grade class were molested by a group known as Proud Rainbow Youth of Southern Maine. This pathetic performance involved assaulting students with descriptions and unsolicited advice regarding safe homosexual sex acts and suggested using saran wrap when giving a blow job if a dental dam was not available..........

Teaching The art of Fist F__king >> IN PUBLIC SCHOOL

.......Recruiting children? You bet we are ! I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start f**ing men. - Daniel Villarreal -

Re: "I followed your link. Neither this piece's authors nor the sources for it's assertions are identified"

Obviously you didn't follow it closely enough ..... here are a few of the sources listed on the page, now instead of posting long winded assinine ignorance try thinking for a change..

Selling Homosexuality: Gay Rights Activists use of rhetoric & media | DIJG

Liberal Demigod Harvey Milk Preyed on Troubled Underage Boys - Moonbattery

Breaking: Obama's Safe Schools Czar's Question to 14 Year Olds: 'Spit vs. Swallow?… Is it Rude?' (audio-video)

Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids?

PS: You do realize that your moniker "Lysistrata" was a comedy - right ? ... not quite as funny as you are but a commedy none the less
unknown author

Uhhh sweetheart .... 'unkown author' - seriously - i had to double chack that myself - it's right there on to header of the page --- Rick Gordon is the authors name. Did you actually miss that or are you trying to hide behind long winded horseshit ?
Saying that my "side," whatever that is, is not necessarily an "embrace of sexual immorality," whatever this is, in any form. No one "normalizes pedophilia."

Yours is the side that openly promote and defends the teaching of the perverted LGBpbiWTF agenda to children in elementary school. This very obviously has no purpose other than to groom these children for further sexual exploitation and abuse.

Why do you think that I wrote what I did about the sexual threats to young girls? But "your side" seems to want to normalize sexual trafficking, as well as the sickness that underlies the ridiculous evil known as the double standard of "morality."

That is a flat-out lie, and you know damn well that it is. Nobody on my side supports, defends, or tolerates sexual trafficking, nor the sexual abuse of young girls or boys.

You use sexual ignorance as a weapon, even sacrificing your own children. Nobody is teaching anyone's "agenda" in public schools, even yours, or they are not supposed to be. However, given the federal funding of "abstinence education," it is your "agenda" that is being pushed in public schools, in spite of the fact that a good deal of Americans do not wait for marriage. Many more studies and polls have focused on girls and women, so information on males is harder to come by, but culture, anecdotal stories, and word-of-mouth suggest that males pretty much do not wait until marriage, regardless of their stated religious affiliation. Consider whether you personally have observed the rules of sexual morality put forth by your religion. Consider whether you or your religious fellows view anyperson's virginity as a commodity.

Preventing unwanted pregnancies, teen pregnancies, the spread of STDs, too-early marriages, with the goal of producing healthy and educated adults prepared to take their places in society and make positive contributions are legitimate concerns of the public. Whether a person is abstinent until marriage is not of public concern. It has to do only with personal religious issues and preferences. And as I said above, a person given practical information about sexual topics has a choice of using this information or not. This is a choice.

I have never heard of sexual activity of any sort being mentioned to elementary school children. I have, however, witnessed at a county school board meeting in the early 1990's that was held to decide whether to cover LGBT students under the anti-harassment rules, a bunch of very small children bused in from some supposedly "Christian" church, walking around holding signs that read "sodomy is not child's play." It was this "church" and their parents who apparently were responsible for this.

Moreover, your "side" has never responded clearly to allegations of hatred of women and gays, and perhaps more veiled hatred of people of color and other religions, nor allegations of attempts to establish patriarchy and sexual subjugation of women, and of attempts to replace our government with a theocracy run by exponents of your crap.

Nice Post - and I can't disagree with much of what you stated abstinence, STDs and so forth. HOWEVER so far as Agendas being taught in schools you are way off track - wake and smell the coffee ....

Gay Agenda in Public Schools

Anti Bullying Charade as a means of pushing gay topics .....
False Gay Heroesm [ Harvey Milk for instance] ....
Explicit Gay Sex Education ... Students in an 8th grade class were molested by a group known as Proud Rainbow Youth of Southern Maine. This pathetic performance involved assaulting students with descriptions and unsolicited advice regarding safe homosexual sex acts and suggested using saran wrap when giving a blow job if a dental dam was not available..........

Teaching The art of Fist F__king >> IN PUBLIC SCHOOL

.......Recruiting children? You bet we are ! I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start f**ing men. - Daniel Villarreal -

Re: "I followed your link. Neither this piece's authors nor the sources for it's assertions are identified"

Obviously you didn't follow it closely enough ..... here are a few of the sources listed on the page, now instead of posting long winded assinine ignorance try thinking for a change..

Selling Homosexuality: Gay Rights Activists use of rhetoric & media | DIJG

Liberal Demigod Harvey Milk Preyed on Troubled Underage Boys - Moonbattery

Breaking: Obama's Safe Schools Czar's Question to 14 Year Olds: 'Spit vs. Swallow?… Is it Rude?' (audio-video)

Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids?

PS: You do realize that your moniker "Lysistrata" was a comedy - right ? ... not quite as funny as you are but a commedy none the less

"Lysistrata" was a comedy"

"Lysistrata" is a comedy you are correct, written by Aristophanes in 411 BC, Lysistrata decides the only way to end The Peloponnesian War is for her to convince all the women to with hold sex from all the men she gets support for this mission from Lampito who is a Spartan.

There are approx only 11 surviving Aristophanes plays that survive almost complete. His play "The Clouds" written in 423 BC is his best surviving play, although Plato would certainly NOT agree with me because of the Socrates um situation, Plato mentions the play in his "The Apology of Socrates" and he considered it as one of the contributors to Socrates trial and of course then his execution.

The Clouds - Aristophanes - Ancient Greece - Classical Literature
The Chinese christ, Jizu, only goes back to around 240 B.C. at the earliest.
Doesn't matter - you lost the debate
Only in the dark recesses of you diseased and twisted mind sparky. Good to see the Ms. Lysistrata took you down a notch or 3. Called you out big time on the dishonest horseshit that you post
Thank you for your support, PP! It always angers me that the same people who don't want to fully equip their children so that the kids might navigate the difficult transition between adolescence and adulthood, when hormones and visions of "love" fill their brains, along with an instinct for "horniness," are the same folks who want their children and other children to suffer for the rest of their lives from the effects of some adolescent experimentation. Many of us have gone through it (I remember "undying love" in my teenage years, when no one thought to speak to us of the difference between love and lust, and didn't lose my "virginity" until I was 18 when the kids in my dorm had a sort of contest going), and if I can do anything to get kids through this difficult period of discovery, including the added tension of realizing that they are LGBT and the brutal social, and many times familial ostracization this realization entails, I sure would do anything I can to assist them. Kids must be taught to handle their natural, sexual selves.
You see the reaction to tearing up the Constitution because it's a janus-faced document, for gun control or mind control. Theology, especially xianity's fixation on the flesh is traditional and typical: Schossau in Michigan, who sets up young girls for inculcation and molestation for profit.

This thread is on track, like the cake-dress thread.

'The xian pathology takes polygamy much further than judaism into mind control, and as we mentioned on the Parkland threads, it's not a good idea to introduce Rollers into schools, for they are the symbol for the superego, and a good way to reduplicate this reactionary UN rabidity, which mental virus trumps spirochetes.

'So, far from being 'the religion of guilt,' the Jewish religion precisely enables us to avoid guilt -- it is Christianity that manipulates guilt much more effectively....The superego feeling of guilt is therefore right: the more we obey the Law, the more we are guilty, because this obedience, in effect, is a defense against our sinful desire; and in Christianity, the (desire [italics]) (intention) to sin equals the (act [it.]) itself -- if you simply covet your neighbor's wife, you are already committing adultery. This Christian superego attitude is perhaps best expressed by T.S. Elliot's line from Murder in the Cathedral: 'the highest form of treason: to do the right thing for the wrong reason' -- even when you do the right thing, you do it in order to counteract, and thus conceal, the basic vileness of your true nature.'
However, this superego dialectic of the transgressive desire engendering guilt is (not[it.]) the ultimate horizon of Christianity: Saint Paul makes clear, the Christian stance, at its most radical, involves precisely the suspension of the vicious cycle of Law and its transgressive desire. How are we to resolve this deadlock? Our answer is that the passage from Judaism to Christianity ultimately obeys the matrix of the passage from the 'masculine' to the 'feminine' formulae of sexuation.'
(Zizek, The Fragile Absolute)

This is why the xians move against the UN. They know they risk being exposed unless there's some sort of commotion.that projects their pathology onto the scapegoat as a cleansing operation, a strive for pure form not unknown to nazism.

Doesn't matter - you lost the debate
Only in the dark recesses of you diseased and twisted mind sparky. Good to see the Ms. Lysistrata took you down a notch or 3. Called you out big time on the dishonest horseshit that you post
Thank you for your support, PP! It always angers me that the same people who don't want to fully equip their children so that the kids might navigate the difficult transition between adolescence and adulthood, when hormones and visions of "love" fill their brains, along with an instinct for "horniness," are the same folks who want their children and other children to suffer for the rest of their lives from the effects of some adolescent experimentation. Many of us have gone through it (I remember "undying love" in my teenage years, when no one thought to speak to us of the difference between love and lust, and didn't lose my "virginity" until I was 18 when the kids in my dorm had a sort of contest going), and if I can do anything to get kids through this difficult period of discovery, including the added tension of realizing that they are LGBT and the brutal social, and many times familial ostracization this realization entails, I sure would do anything I can to assist them. Kids must be taught to handle their natural, sexual selves.
Thank YOU again for representing the voice of sanity and reason, and very eloquently at that. I must say that the vitriol that has been leveled at me here has taken me a bit by surprise, even though I have been on the USMB for a while now. There are some very sick and twisted people here who believe, or pretend to believe that supporting sex education is tantamount to child abuse. It's actually hard to believe that people with such warped view actually exist, and frightening to think that some of them might actually have responsibility for the care and education of young people. Even more disconcerting is the apparent fact that they will seize on conspiracy theories that are questionable at best and run with them as facts. My work is done here.
I must say that the vitriol that has been leveled at me here has taken me a bit by surprise…

When you make it as clear as you do that you are on the side of those who sexually abuse children, what kind of reaction did you expect that would produce? Of course you are going to draw a great deal of vitriol from anyone who has any vestige of a conscience.

There are some very sick and twisted people here who believe, or pretend to believe that supporting sex education is tantamount to child abuse.

What you call “sex education” is exactly the same thing that sane, decent people recognize as indoctrination and grooming, to set children up to be exploited and abused sexually.

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