The repeal bill

The health care repeal bill should...

  • be written live on C-Span

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Gold Member
Jun 20, 2010
New England
Looks like the repeal-and-replace health care bill has been reduced to a simple (though, curiously, not complete) repeal, which will be voted on next week. I'm curious as to folks' general thoughts on the appropriate Congressional procedure surrounding it, as it seems that's taken very seriously by many people. So how should this be done?
The faster Obamacare dies, the sooner the country recovers.

If the bill doesn't pass or is killed in the Senate or vetoed, strangle Obamacare in appropriations committees.

People like Greenbeard who care nothing about health care, just metrics, should be making health care decisions for Americans.
the way the abortion was passed in the first place was one of the reasons folks were so mad about it.

We were promised openness and transparency. Lets see it happen.
Looks like the repeal-and-replace health care bill has been reduced to a simple (though, curiously, not complete) repeal, which will be voted on next week. I'm curious as to folks' general thoughts on the appropriate Congressional procedure surrounding it, as it seems that's taken very seriously by many people. So how should this be done?

What difference does it make, it will never become a law because it will never pass the Senate. I don't recall you being worried about the process when Obamacare was going through, so your concern now is obviously nothing more than posturing. Are there cameras around there somewhere?
Looks like the repeal-and-replace health care bill has been reduced to a simple (though, curiously, not complete) repeal, which will be voted on next week. I'm curious as to folks' general thoughts on the appropriate Congressional procedure surrounding it, as it seems that's taken very seriously by many people. So how should this be done?

It takes a true political obsession to comment coherently on the procedural issues facing this new Congress.

I'm just not qualified to comment on those procedural machinations.
I don't recall you being worried about the process when Obamacare was going through, ...

Huh? See my join date? June 2010. I wasn't even on this board while the ACA was going through the legislative process so what is there for you to recall?

Anyway, I'm curious what others think, which is why there's a poll. It'll be interesting to see whether this important vote is criticized as being "rushed" or "rammed through" the House if it doesn't get the full public treatment. And the indications thus far are that it will not.
Its a waste of time. They should be spending this time to deal with issues they can make a difference on. That is what is wrong in Congress, all the grandstanding and not doing any real work. It's a forgeone conclusion that this has no chance of passing so why go through the time, effort and costs to do it. The house has the power of appropriations so use it. And then in 2 years if the American people decide they did something wrong, kick them out and the new Congress can appropriate the money.

But do something constructive for the country. All this bitter fighting is destroying us.
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I thought the republicans were interested in reducing the deficit and job creation? The healthcare bill does both as it reduces expenditures and helps small business hire. So why would they want to repeal a solution to the primary problems? Oh jeez, I forgot, they really aren't interested in America and its people, they are only interested in ideological purity which has nothing to do with reality. My bad.

Healthcare for all people - what a wonderful, humanistic, Christian, religious, hopeful thing to do, like social security, just plain marvelous. Oh and I know the republican ideologues are still fighting FDR great work, weird how they do nothing good for all America.

"Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things...every one! So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, 'Liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, Senator, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor." Matt Santos
Looks like the repeal-and-replace health care bill has been reduced to a simple (though, curiously, not complete) repeal, which will be voted on next week. I'm curious as to folks' general thoughts on the appropriate Congressional procedure surrounding it, as it seems that's taken very seriously by many people. So how should this be done?

If they think they have a better plan, it should be presented in the same bill that repeals current HCR.

"Just repeal it completely, THEN start over. We'll get something good through. Trust us..."

Sorry, I don't.
I thought the republicans were interested in reducing the deficit and job creation?

Actually no. Not by a long shot. The current crop of congress critters are interested in the following:

1. Maximizing corporate profit.
2. Gutting Federal government.
3. Gutting regulation.
4. The creation of a small elite cadre of obscenely wealthy corporate policy makers.
5. The utter destruction of the Obama administration (Which is Republican "lite") and democracy in general.
Looks like the repeal-and-replace health care bill has been reduced to a simple (though, curiously, not complete) repeal, which will be voted on next week. I'm curious as to folks' general thoughts on the appropriate Congressional procedure surrounding it, as it seems that's taken very seriously by many people. So how should this be done?

If they think they have a better plan, it should be presented in the same bill that repeals current HCR.

"Just repeal it completely, THEN start over. We'll get something good through. Trust us..."

Sorry, I don't.

The "Trust us..let us start over" element of this means "We want to scuttle this, and kill the notion of public health care completely". The meme to "move health care across state lines" will do one thing..and one thing only. Assure less choice. Because what these guys mean to do is form "conglomerates".
I don't recall you being worried about the process when Obamacare was going through, ...

Huh? See my join date? June 2010. I wasn't even on this board while the ACA was going through the legislative process so what is there for you to recall?

Anyway, I'm curious what others think, which is why there's a poll. It'll be interesting to see whether this important vote is criticized as being "rushed" or "rammed through" the House if it doesn't get the full public treatment. And the indications thus far are that it will not.

I would, but at the same time it feels pointless. When I think of a workable solution to health care THEN think about who would be responsible for getting to those solutions and see that it would fall to our wonderful congress, I just have to give a cynical snicker and say 'fuck it, like this group of dolts is gona that done."

In my pie in the sky fantasy, repeal the existing bill first and start over. The problem is starting over. I just don't have any faith, really in either party, to come up with logical solutions. This stuff always gets so watered down to favors for this and that and government inefficiency it again becomes pointless. And what sucks is the populace I think all really want the same thing; affordable access to health care. The disagreement is on how. Some think government needs to be more involved (which I can't for the life of me understand, but that's for another time), some people think less. But I think if the politics were put aside one can objectively show how some basic economic principles can be applied to health care to make things better for everyone. I just don't see that band of dolts in DC ever being able to do that.
Looks like the repeal-and-replace health care bill has been reduced to a simple (though, curiously, not complete) repeal, which will be voted on next week. I'm curious as to folks' general thoughts on the appropriate Congressional procedure surrounding it, as it seems that's taken very seriously by many people. So how should this be done?

An albatross around the Republicans' necks. Sure, why not.
Its a waste of time. They should be spending this time to deal with issues they can make a difference on. That is what is wrong in Congress, all the grandstanding and not doing any real work. It's a forgeone conclusion that this has no chance of passing so why go through the time, effort and costs to do it. The house has the power of appropriations so use it. And then in 2 years if the American people decide they did something wrong, kick them out and the new Congress can appropriate the money.

But do something constructive for the country. All this bitter fighting is destroying us.

I believe that the vote in Congress is making a statement to the American people. Everyone on the Hill knows it won't pass through the Senate. Vote on it quickly then move on to the important stuff and see what happens in 2012.
For those who say we should just focus on the important stuff like jobs and the economy, well that should have been the focus with the 111th Congress, also. We all know that was not the priority of the last Congress. just sayin'.....
Its a waste of time. They should be spending this time to deal with issues they can make a difference on. That is what is wrong in Congress, all the grandstanding and not doing any real work. It's a forgeone conclusion that this has no chance of passing so why go through the time, effort and costs to do it. The house has the power of appropriations so use it. And then in 2 years if the American people decide they did something wrong, kick them out and the new Congress can appropriate the money.

But do something constructive for the country. All this bitter fighting is destroying us.

I believe that the vote in Congress is making a statement to the American people. Everyone on the Hill knows it won't pass through the Senate. Vote on it quickly then move on to the important stuff and see what happens in 2012.
For those who say we should just focus on the important stuff like jobs and the economy, well that should have been the focus with the 111th Congress, also. We all know that was not the priority of the last Congress. just sayin'.....

Totally agree.

The only way it would pass is if a shitload of Dems jumped ship and voted for it. Those would be the Dems up for re-election in 2012 or the ones who had their arms twisted to vote for it in the first place.

It of course would never make it by OL'BO's veto pen. Statement made.

Was watching the Factor the other day and a Dem Congressman actually had the balls to say that his Congress was focused on the economy and jobs.

Funny thing that. I seem to remember them wasting 18 months on a clusterfuck of a HC bill while the economy was sinking like the Titanic.

Reps need to make their push and then get on to the economy and jobs.
I don't recall you being worried about the process when Obamacare was going through, ...

Huh? See my join date? June 2010. I wasn't even on this board while the ACA was going through the legislative process so what is there for you to recall?

Anyway, I'm curious what others think, which is why there's a poll. It'll be interesting to see whether this important vote is criticized as being "rushed" or "rammed through" the House if it doesn't get the full public treatment. And the indications thus far are that it will not.

Did you, or did you not, have a problem with the way the law was enacted?
"Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things...every one! So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, 'Liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, Senator, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor." Matt Santos

No wonder you are so ignorant, you get your history from idiots.
The sooner this thing gets to an up or down vote, the better.

Considering all the time they've all head to read the bill after they voted on it, holding additional hearings now should not be necessary.

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